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09-20 投稿


thrums 发音


英:  美:

thrums 中文意思翻译





thrums 短语词组

1、thrums up ─── 画眉

thrums 词性/词形变化,thrums变形

动词过去式: thrummed |动词过去分词: thrummed |动词现在分词: thrumming |动词第三人称单数: thrums |

thrums 相似词语短语

1、thrump ─── n.隆隆声;砰砰声

2、thrum ─── n.织边;乱弹;轻敲;[植]花丝;vi.轻敲;乱弹;vt.指弹;敲打;把绳毛夹杂于

3、-brums ─── 伯明翰

4、drums ─── n.鼓;鼓声(drum的复数);v.打鼓(drum的第三人称单数)

5、-crums ─── crums公司

6、thrummy ─── adj.多纱头的,多粗毛的,质地粗糙的

7、thrusts ─── v.插;插入;推挤;插入;用向某人刺去;猛然或用力推;伸展;强使接受;竖起,挺出;n.推力;刺;要旨,重点;强攻;冲断层,逆断层;苛评

8、-trums ─── 特鲁姆斯

9、thrymsa ─── 特里姆萨

thrums 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When so embellish thrum is sent, divide water appreciably blot first, should wipe in hair end only on rinse essence, make a bit after staying, rush again clean; ─── 所以润丝头发时,先将水分略微吸干,只要在发尾抹上润丝精,稍作停留后再冲净;

2、Thrum flowers: corolla tube ca. 1.1 cm; ─── 线式型的花:约的花冠筒1.1厘米;

3、Thrum flowers with positions reciprocal. ─── 线式型的花具位置相互。

4、If discover the pine takes off thrum, not usable hand is pulled, applied scissors is orderly will cut smooth. ─── 如发现松脱线头,不可用手扯断,应用剪刀整洁将之剪平。

5、Thrum flowers: tube 1.5--1.7 cm; ─── 线式型的花:筒部1.5-1.7厘米;

6、pin and thrum ─── 针式型与线式型(樱草花型)

7、Thrum flowers: stamens at middle of corolla tube; ─── 线式型的花:花冠筒的雄蕊在中部;

8、Mophead owns a character of liquid keeping ability, and will not come out thrum. ─── 拖把头具有很好的液体保持力,不易产生线头。

9、After you get with adhesive lining, the cross-stitch thrum sight, also need not worry when cleaning out cross-stitch thread. ─── 用粘合衬弄过之后,背面的十字绣线头就看不到了,也不用担心清洗的时候十字绣线头出来了。

10、XXV Your tongue thrums and moves Into me, and I become Hollow and blaze with Whirling light, like the inside Of a vast expanding pearl. ─── 你的舌头在我的里面拨弄游走,于是我被掏空,通体燃烧霍霍的光,犹如一颗硕大的珍珠膨胀的内部。

11、Elasticity production for medicine:stretch bandage(patent No.:97200213.8),elasticity cap,thrum bandage,strong bandage,plas ter interleaver. ─── 医用弹性系列产品:弹力绷带(专利号:97200213.8),弹力帽,织边绷带,强力绷带,石膏衬垫。

12、First, the unit will be two separate lines, using peel Xianqian will come thrum of the skin stripped off line, his length of about 0.5 cm line core, extracted into a. ─── 首先,将电线两股分开,用剥线钳将电线线头部分的线皮剥去,露出长度约0.5厘米的线芯,拧成一股。

13、2 knot are sutural law Be like will bunchy sutural many a departure general, discount the bear above thrum dead method, multi-purpose at inwrought small flower or leaf. ─── 2打结针脚法就似乎将成串的针脚一个一个分开了一般,并将线头上面的结扣死的方法,多用于刺绣小花朵或者叶子等。

14、But someday soon the sun will rise, a computer miles away will obey my wishes, and with a noise no louder than the thrum of a hummingbird, a warm pink glow will wake me the way that nature intended. ─── 但不久之后的某一天,当太阳一升起,远方的一台电脑就会照我希望的那样,发出比蜂鸟更微小的声音,让温暖的粉红色光芒,以大自然为我预备的方式,将我唤醒。

15、An example is the S/s gene, which determines pin(s) and thrum(S) style length in certain species of Primula. ─── 例如报春属植物中决定花柱长短为针式型(s)还是线式型(S)的S/s基因。

16、thread and thrum ─── adv. 全部

17、To cover or trim with thrums; fringe. ─── 加穗于用了机回纱覆盖或点缀;装上穗饰

18、5 If discovery shakes thrum, not usable hand is pulled, applied scissors cuts his trimly smooth. ─── 5如发现松动线头,不可用手扯断,应用剪刀整洁地将其剪平。

19、For example, common thrum of wool and acrylic fibers, hemp rope, cotton yarn, silk thread. ─── 例如常见的各种毛线和腈纶线头、麻绳、棉纱、丝线。

20、I'm all thrum ! ─── ---笨手笨脚的!

21、XXV Your tongue thrums and moves Into me, and I become Hollow and blaze with Whirling light, like the inside Of a vast expanding pearl. ─── 你的舌头在我的里面拨弄游走,于是我被掏空,通体燃烧霍霍的光,犹如一颗硕大的珍珠膨胀的内部。

22、With fine belt overleaf fixed leather joins the thrum of the belt was finished finally. ─── 最后用较细的带子在背面固定皮革连接带的线头就完成了。

23、Thrum of the lining after appendicitis operation art causes repellent reaction, affect fester, how to do? ─── 阑尾炎手术术后内层线头引起排斥反应,感染化脓,怎么办?

24、He could hear the thrum of a banjo. ─── 他能听到吉他的漫弹声。

25、He was within a foot of the cardboard box when suddenly there was a slight movement from the box and the crying ceased, all was quiet except the thrum of the fans in the butchers shop wall. ─── 当他走到离箱子只有几步远的时候,箱子忽然动了一下,哭声也停止了,唯一能听见的声音便是肉店墙上风扇发出的响声。

26、Mom begins the work, rift sole, winkle thrum, the movement is in that way skilled. ─── 妈妈开始工作,割开鞋底,挑出线头,动作是那样的熟练。

27、1 shadow is sutural law The trend of needlework wants the way that comes out down design picture, prevent thrum crisscross, and embroider is made like naturally picture circle. ─── 1阴影针脚法针线的走向要顺着图案画出来的方向,防止线头交错,并自然地画圆似的绣制。

28、* not timely replacement of damaged plugs, plug replaced by the use of organic thrum, causing short circuit or sparks caused pyrotechnics and fire. ─── * 插头损坏不及时更换,用裸线头代替插头使用,造成短路或火花,引起可燃物起火。

29、Thrum flowers: corolla tube 1.4--1.7 cm; ─── 线式型的花:花冠筒1.4-1.7厘米;

30、to thrum on a harp ─── 随意弹弄竖琴

31、Expression is cannot carry out fast, if alternant movement is like ground clap with musical instrument of thrum of a hand. ─── 表现为不能实施快速,交替的动作如用一个手指弹琴似地轻敲。

32、The mother wears an ablaze cupreous band on her coarse ring finger, with mouth general thrum gently one close lightly, wear stythe eye of a needle wears fine line, begin accept sole. ─── 母亲把一个闪亮的铜箍戴在她粗糙的无名指上,用嘴将线头轻轻一抿,就着针眼穿好线,便开始纳鞋底。

33、not care a thrum ─── 一点也不介意

34、Open a box to cover an inspection, discover almost all thrum all not impaction, one loosens actually, classics the trouble removal after reinstalling. ─── 打开盒盖检查,发现几乎所有的线头均未压紧,有一根竟然松脱出来,经重新安装后故障排除。

35、Thrum flowers: stamens toward apex of corolla tube; ─── 线式型的花:花冠筒的雄蕊向先端;

36、Flowers usually heterostylous with pin (with longer styles) and thrum (with shorter styles) flowers; ─── 通常的花花柱异长的具针式型的(具长花柱)和线式型的(具短花柱)花;

37、The confused and reveled mass of thread and thrum,yclepted. ─── 把一堆错综杂乱、有好有坏的材料凑在起,叫做回忆录。

38、Also, because thrum blister easily, so must use palm meticulous ground flat. ─── 再就是,因为线头容易起泡,所以必须用手掌细致地压平。

39、5, if discover thrum loosens, do not pull with the hand, with scissors orderly will cut smooth. ─── 5、如发现线头松脱,不要用手扯断,用剪刀整洁将之剪平。

40、Against a rising thrum from the narrow streets of the red-light district below, Mr Holbrooke asked: “What is the crisis of Pakistan? ─── 在下面红灯区狭街道传来的敲击声中,霍尔布鲁克问道:“巴基斯坦的危机是什么?”

41、not to care a thrum ─── adv. 毫不介意

42、disconnects a power source before the clean screen and make sure the power cut, use clean soft and without thrum's cloth cleans lightly,don't use an aerosol to spray directly on the screen. ─── 在清洁本机屏幕前,请先断开电源,确保广告机处于断电状态下,用干净柔软不带线头的布轻轻的擦拭,切勿在屏幕上直接使用喷雾剂。

43、Much of these come from the air-conditioning units, which thrum in Japanese offices during the hot months. ─── 这些气体大多数都来自空调。在天气炎热的月份,空调都在隆隆的运转。

44、to thrum on a table ─── 用指头随意轻敲桌子

45、Thrum flowers: corolla tube 1--1.3 cm; ─── 线式型的花:花冠筒1-1.3厘米;

46、The utility model relates to a thrum absorber for gloves and caps, in particular to machine equipment used for absorbing and removing thrums on gloves and caps. ─── 本实用新型涉及一种手套与帽子吸线头器,特别是用于吸除手套与帽子上线头的机器设备。

47、Thrum flowers: corolla tube cylindric, ca. 1.4 cm, expanded near insertion of stamens; ─── 线式型的花:约,圆筒状的花冠筒厘米,膨大插入的雄蕊;

48、thread and thrum ad. ─── 良莠掺杂地

49、To sew thrums in(canvas). ─── 把绳屑嵌入(帆布等)把绳屑织到(帆布)里

50、If the clothes have a small stain, depigment after wash, a few thrum, artificial blemish, fastener not firm enough, chromatic aberration and etc. it is NOT exchangeable/refundable! ─── 如服装有轻微钩针或脱线、洗后褪色、小污点、有少许线头、人为造成的瑕疵、纽扣不够牢、扣嘴未剪开、电脑显示造成的色差等无法控制的理由本店拒绝退换的哦!

51、Features To adjust the speed by frequency conversion, negative pressure wind function, large volume, lower noise.To remove the thrum, dusts and furs which bind together with garments and bed items. ─── 功能特点: 采用离心风机配置吸风功能,风量大,噪音小,能有效清除衣物和床被用品表面上的线头,尘粒和浮毛,纸屑等杂物.

52、thrum eyed ─── 雌蕊短的

53、Thrum flowers: corolla tube ca. 1.7 cm; ─── 线式型的花:约的花冠筒1.7厘米;

54、An example is the S/ s gene, which determines pin( s) and thrum( S) style length in certain species of Primula. ─── 例如报春属植物中决定花柱长短为针式型()还是线式型()的S/基因。

55、The machine is mainly used to eliminate the sundries such as sewing thrum and dust adhered on various clothing such as shirt, Western-style trousers, pyjama trousers, etc. ─── 缝纫的线头、灰尘等什物,能保证服装产品的外表质量,提高服装产品的档次。

56、Cleanse mop Mophead owns a character of liquid keeping ability, and will not come out thrum. ─── 净化拖把 拖把头具有很好的液体保持力,不易产生线头。

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