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09-20 投稿


lowery 发音

英:[['laʊərɪ]]  美:[['laʊrɪ]]

英:  美:

lowery 中文意思翻译



lowery 词性/词形变化,lowery变形

异体字: loury |

lowery 相似词语短语

1、lower ─── adj.下方的;在底部的;(数字或数量)较小的;下游的;下级的;下等的;adv.处于较低位置地;向低处下降地;v.变昏暗;变恶劣;减低;放下,降下;贬低;n.(Lower)(美、英)洛厄(人名)

2、lowers ─── 工资(海洋法用语)

3、blowers ─── n.鼓风机;排风机;吹制工;电话(非正式)(blower的复数)

4、Bowery ─── n.荷兰殖民地的种植园或农场;adj.有亭子的;有树荫的;n.(Bowery)鲍厄里(纽约一个酒徒充斥的街区);n.(Bowery)(美)鲍厄里(人名)

5、glowers ─── vi.怒目而视;瞪眼;n.怒视;热切的注视;灯丝;n.(Glower)人名;(英)格洛尔

6、flowery ─── adj.花的;华丽的;绚丽的;多花的

7、lowry ─── n.[车辆]活动顶棚车;n.(Lowry)劳里(人名)

8、flowers ─── [植]花(flower的复数);n.(Flowers)人名;(英)弗劳尔斯

9、towery ─── adj.高耸的;有塔的;n.(Towery)人名;(英)托尔里

lowery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shearon A. Lowery, Melvin L. DeFleur. 1988. Milestons in Mass Communication Research. New Yourk: Longman. ─── 王蒿音译,远流:传播研究的里程碑,1993.本书介绍各重要传播研究之缘由、社会背景与后续发展,

2、Last summer Clay Lowery, an American treasury official, proposed that the IMF work on a code of conduct for sovereign-wealth funds. ─── 去年夏天,美国财政部官员楼瑞建议国际货币基金组织制定一份主权财富基金行为指引。

3、The day had now become cloudy, lowery, and it looked as if there might be snow ─── 现在天色幽暗阴霾,象是要落雪的样子。

4、"I beat myself up a lot" about having confessed, Mr. Lowery said in a recent interview. "I thought I was the only dummy who did that. " ─── “我痛恨自己”进行了坦白,罗维利先生在最近的一次接受采访的时候说。“我以为我是唯一一个这样做的的傻瓜。”

5、The day had now become cloudy, lowery, and it looked as if there might be snow. ─── 现在天色幽暗阴霾,象是要落雪的样子。

6、Mr. Lowery took a lie detector test to prove he was innocent, but the officers told him that he had failed it. ─── 罗维利先生接受了一项测谎仪检测来证明他是无辜的,但警官告诉他说他在测试中失败了。

7、6)Reverend Joseph Lowery who worked with Martin Luther King for years says King was a revolutionary, not a salesman. ─── 曾与马丁?路德?金共事多年的约瑟夫?罗尔里教士说,马丁?路德?金是革命家,不是推销员。

8、Lowery Transportation Terminal Command ─── 洛厄里(空军基地)运输终点司令部

9、We are implimenting a faster style with Brooks and Lowery, it will take some time to see the finished product, although we are encouraged with the first week. ─── 和布鲁克斯和洛里一起打球,我们节奏更快了。还需要一些时间才能看到交易的影响,尽管对于第一周我们很受鼓舞。

10、KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Eddie Lowery lost 10 years of his life for a crime he did not commit. ─── 密苏里州堪萨斯城——艾迪·罗维利为一项他没有犯过的罪行付出了生命中的十年。

11、We are trying to get the balance right,” Mr Lowery says. ─── 我们正设法找到平衡点。”

12、Lowery Appraisals Inc.;MD;run by Convicted Criminal! ─── 1 个新帖 (共 1 个) Bob Lowery SUCKS!

13、now become cloudy, lowery, and it looked as if there might be snow. ─── 现在天色幽暗阴霾,象是要落雪的样子。

14、Lowery was one of 36 women and girls who boxed that night at the Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing Center. ─── 晚上在休格雷李奥纳德拳击中心有36名妇女和女孩进行拳击比赛,罗威瑞就是其中的一位。

15、Brown threw Lowery’s shot back like it was a stranger’s birthday cake. ─── 布郎盖掉了郎利的投篮,如同那是一个陌生人的生日蛋糕。

16、Old Man Lowery trudges into a small-town bar in New Mexico one day looking for two audiotapes that have been long forgotten. ─── 老人洛厄成为在新墨西哥州的小镇酒吧激起一天,有两个期待已久被遗忘的录音带。

17、Lowery wasn't there seeking an Olympic bid. For her, boxing is about achieving a personal goal. "I have never been athletic, " she said. ─── 洛厄里并非在此寻求申奥,对她来说,拳击是关乎于个人目标的实现。她说:“我从来不运动的。”

18、"My husband and I wanted to do something to get out of the house, " Lowery said. ─── 罗威瑞说,“我和我丈夫想通过做一些事,好使我们离开这间屋子”。

19、tuberculum Loweri ─── 娄厄(氏)结节:同tuberculum intervenosum

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