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09-20 投稿


corneous 发音

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英:  美:

corneous 中文意思翻译



corneous 短语词组

1、corneous silver ─── 角质银

2、corneous layer ─── 角质层

3、epithelioma corneous ─── [医] 角质状上皮瘤

4、corneous lead ─── 角铅矿

corneous 相似词语短语

1、cereous ─── 严肃的

2、cornels ─── n.山茱萸;n.(Cornel)人名;(罗、法)科尔内尔

3、carneous ─── adj.肉色的;似肉的

4、cornemuse ─── n.风笛

5、corners ─── n.角落;窘境(corner的复数形式);v.使…陷入绝境;垄断(corner的第三人称单数形式)

6、corncobs ─── n.玉米穗轴;玉米棒子

7、corneas ─── n.[解剖]角膜(cornea的复数形式)

8、cornhouse ─── 玉米房

9、cornaceous ─── adj.山茱萸科的

corneous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Additional, after be being basked in, must not go easily corneous, otherwise probable meeting hurts dermal layer. ─── 另外,晒伤后,千万不要轻易去角质,不然很可能会伤到真皮层。

2、Clean facial ministry to had better breed character with chamfer, let corneous layer become soft, blain blain is squeezed more easily piece. ─── 清洗脸部最好用去角质乳,让角质层变得柔软,痘痘更轻易挤出。

3、All epidermal cells of the eight species were covered with thick cuticle and wax;the eight species had different corneous ornamentation and ceraceous ornamentation. ─── 8种柏科植物的叶表皮细胞上一般覆盖着较厚的角质层和蜡质层,不同种柏科植物的叶表皮具有不同的角质和蜡质纹饰;

4、And the composition that chamfer pledges stimulative cutin is contained to flake inside face film, come through dissolving purify is corneous. ─── 而去角质面膜内含有促进角质剥落的成分,通过溶解来去除角质。

5、Corneous layer crosses thin skin, should notice this more, before using beautiful white product, use first protect wet elite element to nurse the skin. ─── 角质层过薄的皮肤,就更应该注意这一点了,在使用美白产品之前,先用保湿精华素护理皮肤。

6、Protect wet it is indispensable, strengthen protect wet, not only but bate is corneous, reduce whelk, also can add skin luster, improve the color of skin before classics dark heavy problem. ─── 保湿是必不可少的,加强保湿,不但可软化角质,减少青春痘,也可以增加皮肤光泽,改善经前肤色暗沉的问题.

7、To the skin character, skin of the metabolism of adjustable skin and corneous layer, protection, mucous membrane, make a bacterium not easy enroach on. ─── 对皮肤而言,可调节表皮及角质层之新陈 代谢、保护表皮、粘膜,使细菌不易侵害。

8、Touch oneself face carefully, if feel thick to do not have flexibility thickly, besides the skin excessive and dry lack water besides, also be corneous layer heavy panel likely. ─── 仔细摸摸自己的脸,若是觉得粗粗的没有弹性,除了皮肤过度干燥缺水之外,也有可能是角质层过厚。

9、If corneous layer heavy panel, battalion nurturance divides very difficult infiltration. ─── 假如角质层过厚,营养成分就很难渗入。

10、Because the shoe is improper, long-distance,skin of arenaceous bead attrition is entered to cause thickening of corneous layer hyperplasia inside the shoe, produce ache to form corn. ─── 因鞋不合适、长途步行或鞋内进入砂粒摩擦皮肤引起角质层增生变厚,发生疼痛形成鸡眼。

11、of ammoniac Jia Dieling are local and usable add corneous layer water content, the material that excessive horn turns purify, be like urea frost, wei Jia is acerbity, the; ─── 部分可用增多角质层含水量,去掉过分角化的物质,如尿素霜,维甲酸,水杨酸等;

12、Their element contains hydroxyl in the structure, these hydroxyl can capture water member like the hand, remain water member in corneous layer thereby; ─── 它们的分子结构中含有羟基,这些羟基能象手一样抓住水分子,从而把水分子留在角质层中;

13、corneous layer ─── 角质层

14、Chan garment is the corneous layer that takes off in rule of toad oneself life cuticular, call Chan carapace, Chan exuviate again, have the officinal value that comparative. ─── 蟾衣是蟾蜍自身生命规律中所脱下的角质层表皮,又叫蟾壳、蟾蜕,具有相当的药用价值。

15、The density of stoma in the down-epidermis was bigger than the up-epidermis, the two sides of the leaf had corneous layer. ─── 叶为异面叶,表皮毛为多细胞型,下表皮气孔密度多于上表皮,上下表皮均有角质层。

16、Give oily skin easily, should notice cutaneous depth is clean, want to bring the metabolism of corneous layer into play especially. ─── 轻易出油的肌肤,应该注重皮肤的深层清洁,非凡是要调动角质层的新陈代谢。

17、Result, crudely the cell piles up to go up in corneous layer gradually, make the cell causes the vicious circle of skin male dry once more. ─── 结果,未成熟的细胞逐渐堆积在角质层上,使细胞再度引起肌肤乾燥的恶性循环。

18、Gentle before besmear face film purify is corneous, can let cell of new student cutin get repairing protecting, immediateness coruscate glorious. ─── 在涂面膜前轻柔去除角质,能让新生角质细胞得到修护,即刻焕发光彩。

19、corneous operating seissors ─── 角形手术剪

20、Maintain well the habit should be to do good beauty to defend in vain, morning and evening is wiped maintain article, do every week 1 to 2 corneous cleanness, wipe beautiful white product to wait. ─── 好的保养习惯应是做好美白防护、早晚擦拭保养品、每周做1至2次角质清洁、擦拭美白产品等。

21、Such not only can the bilge that complete cleanness conceals in pore, still can the corneous layer of purify ageing, restore facial ministry luster then. ─── 这样不但能够彻底清洁隐藏在毛孔中的污垢,还能去除老化的角质层,进而恢复脸部光泽。

22、Face and limb go every week corneous 1-2 second, avoid to exert oneself to do sth. rub loiter, knead a few minutes gently patiently, delicate come back. ─── 脸和四肢每周去角质1-2次,避免用力搓蹭,耐心轻揉几分钟,细嫩就回来。

23、Later best reoccupy the face film of dispel cutin, let corneous layer become soft, blain blain can be squeezed more easily piece, wipe on a bit meters of vinegar again, it is OK also bate is corneous. ─── 之后最好再用一下祛除角质的面膜,让角质层变得柔软,痘痘会更容易挤出,再抹上一点米醋,它也可以软化角质。

24、You also can use those who contain algal part to take off corneous breast, skin of the drying in suiting person will take off the cutin with diseased skin to use. ─── 你也可以使用含海藻成分的脱角质乳,就适合中干性皮肤者来脱掉表皮不健全的角质使用。

25、Corneous layer is formed by the horny protein cell of insensate active. ─── 角质层是由无生命活性的角朊细胞构成的。

26、Additional, after be being basked in, must not go easily corneous , otherwise probable meeting hurts dermal layer. ─── 另外,晒伤后,千万不要轻易去角质,不然很可能会伤到真皮层。

27、Can bate is corneous, send skin depth nutrition at the same time. ─── 能够软化角质,同时将营养送入肌肤深层。

28、the old old corneous take out with outer skin, it is the coat that helped skin take off a massiness undoubtedly, can ease skin pressure, promote maintain tasted absorption. ─── 将肌肤外层的老旧角质去掉,无疑是帮助肌肤脱了一层厚重的外套,可以减轻皮肤压力,并促进保养品的吸收。

29、Clean facial ministry to had better breed character with chamfer, let corneous layer become soft, blain blain is squeezed more easily piece. ─── 清洗脸部最好用去角质乳,让角质层变得柔软,痘痘更轻易挤出。

30、As a result of,corn is local and long-term press press and attrition, make the skin corneous be caused by of layer hyperplasia thickening. ─── 鸡眼是由于局部长期受压和摩擦,使皮肤角质层增生变厚所致。

31、Still can lose furrow area flexibility and corneous layer to add thick cortex to depart additionally, this also can drive circumjacent skin to undertake updating. ─── 另外还可以将皱纹区失去弹性和角质层加厚的皮层分离出去,这也会带动周边的皮肤进行更新。

32、The density of stoma in the down-epidermis was bigger than the up-epidermis, the two sides of the leaf had corneous layer. ─── 叶为异面叶,表皮毛为多细胞型,下表皮气孔密度多于上表皮,上下表皮均有角质层。

33、High concentration alcohol often treats an end to achieve, use for a long time can make corneous albumen metamorphic, want special attention. ─── 高浓度酒精经常是为了达到治疗目的,长期使用会使角质蛋白变性,要非凡注重。

34、The friend says, without giving thought to bleb, erosion, weather-shack model ringworm of the foot, its cause trouble person it is corneous fungus. ─── 朋友说,不管 水泡型、糜烂型、干裂型脚 癣,其作祟者都是角质真菌。

35、Result, crudely the cell piles up to go up in corneous layer gradually, make the cell causes the vicious circle of skin male dry once more. ─── 结果,未成熟的细胞逐渐堆积在角质层上,使细胞再度引起肌肤乾燥的恶性循环。

36、So called weak qualitative skin, it is bursa of corneous layer, wool, sebaceous glands and sweat gland underdeveloped, nutrient composition absorbs very difficult skin to pledge. ─── 所谓的弱质肌肤,是角质层、毛囊、皮脂腺以及汗腺都不发达,营养成分吸收十分困难的肤质。

37、corneous section (lively part) the amount is little at 5, the area is less than 15 square millimeter; ─── 角质节(活节)的数量少于5个,面积小于15平方毫米;

38、corneous plug ─── 角栓

39、If corneous layer heavy panel, battalion nurturance divides very difficult infiltration. ─── 假如角质层过厚,营养成分就很难渗入。

40、maintain wet effect fine: From elite of natural fruit extraction, can effective bate is corneous, make the skin more lubricant. ─── 保湿效果佳: 从天然水果萃取精华,能有效软化角质,使皮肤更润滑。

41、Generation at corneous layer in Nerve acyl amine--Loading retain skin moisture and defended double function. ─── 产生于角质层深处的神经酰胺——担负着保有肌肤水分和防护的双重机能。

42、Visible, how many of the thickness that difference of cutaneous of male and female basically depends on corneous layer and leather fat. ─── 可见,男女皮肤的差别主要在于角质层的厚薄与皮脂的多少。

43、epithelioma corneous ─── [医] 角质状上皮瘤

44、The method with curt attrition simple chamfer has been maintained to be can damage skin, better idea is to use the product that contains oil, make corneous layer natural bate. ─── 生硬的摩擦去角质的方法已经被认定为会损害肌肤,比较理想的办法是使用含有油脂的产品,使角质层自然软化。

45、leaf surface is mostly smooth and no waxy or corneous types; however there are some species with the surface covered with ridges of wax or waxy types. ─── 叶表面通常光滑无蜡质或角质,部分种叶表面具薄片状或层状蜡质。

46、The cellular film of cell of protein of the horn in corneous layer, the combinative water of the matrix between cellular content content and cell is measured, decided cutaneous plasticity. ─── 角质层中角朊细胞的细胞膜,细胞内容物及细胞间基质的结合水量,决定了皮肤的柔软性。

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