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09-21 投稿


liberalized 发音

英:[ˈlɪbrəlaɪzd]  美:[ˈlɪbrəlaɪzd]

英:  美:

liberalized 中文意思翻译




liberalized 同义词

liberalness |breadth | tolerance | open-mindedness | free thought | openness | kindness | charity

liberalized 词性/词形变化,liberalized变形

动词过去式: liberalized |动词现在分词: liberalizing |动词第三人称单数: liberalizes |名词: liberalization |动词过去分词: liberalized |

liberalized 短语词组

1、liberalized trade ─── 自由化贸易

liberalized 反义词


liberalized 相似词语短语

1、illiberalized ─── 不自由化

2、literalized ─── v.照字面,按照字面意义解释

3、liberalised ─── 使自由化

4、liberaliser ─── 自由化

5、liberalise ─── 使自由化

6、liberalizer ─── 自由化者

7、liberalize ─── vt.使自由化;宽大;vi.自由化

8、lateralized ─── adj.单侧性的;边音的;v.使朝向一边;使…向侧面(lateralize的过去分词)

9、liberalizes ─── vt.使自由化;宽大;vi.自由化

liberalized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Would prices become more volatile if agricultural pricies and trade were liberalized? ─── 如果实行了农业政策和农产品贸易的自由化,国际价格是否会变得更加不稳定?

2、As to investment normalization, direct and portfolio investment would be the two different parts should be liberalized by the both sides. ─── 在两岸投资正常化的部分,应包括双边投资正常化原则、双边投资保障协议与避免双重课税的租税协议安排。

3、secondary liber ─── 次生韧皮部

4、Phagus liber ─── 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

5、De oppresso liber !!!!! ─── 愿上帝保佑美国!

6、Caloneis liber ─── n. 离生美壁藻

7、Yet when Sweden liberalized zoning rules in retail, the result was a big boost to productivity. ─── 然而,当瑞典取消了零售业区域划分规定以后,生产力大大提高。

8、For a long while it looked as if China would never be liberalized, that it would remain locked in the super-Stalinism of Maoism. ─── 长久以来中国被视作一个与自由化无缘的国家。它将永远的被斯大林主义的加强版-毛主义所禁锢。

9、Open-market , real estate is to be applied to stock circulation, format, subject, and all prices liberalized. ─── 放开三级市场,就是对存量房地产要实行流通领域、形式、对象和价格全部放开。

10、Liber, -i, m Italian god of fertility. ─── 注意这个Liber中的i是长音。

11、Caloneis liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生美壁藻中华变型

12、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building. ─── 光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

13、For example, while coal prices have been liberalized, state-set electricity prices have been kept relatively low. That's discouraged power producers from keeping costly inventories of coal. ─── 比如说,虽然煤炭价格已经放开,但国家却一直将电价保持在相对低的水平。这促使发电企业不愿花大钱保持煤炭的高库存。

14、In particular, CEPA, as the most liberalized FTA signed and implemented by the mainland, is to be enriched and deepened in accordance with the needs of the three parties. ─── 特别是CEPA作为内地对外签署并实施的开放程度最高的自由贸易协议,还将根据三地经济发展的需要,不断充实,不断深化。

15、Over the years New Zealand has evolved from a regulated economy to a liberalized free-trade economy. ─── 经过多年的发展,新西兰从一个有管制的经济进化为一个宽松的自由贸易经济。

16、Keywords leech extract;retinal pigment epithelium;RPE;intracellular liber calcium ion; ─── 水蛭;视网膜色素上皮细胞;细胞内游离钙离子;

17、a liberalized bureaucratic Iraqi class ─── 一个自由化的伊拉克官僚阶层

18、Has certain liberalized image russia the today television channel is designs by his creativity and implements. ─── 带有一定自由化形象的russiatoday电视频道就是由他创意设计并实施的。

19、In the entire world domain, the trade was liberalized and the trade English knowledge will be able to be more and more important in theinternational trade. ─── 帮你翻译了,毕业论文么?呵呵,我就是做贸易的,其实最简单的一点做国际贸易就要寻找国外客户,发邮件不可能发中文吧???

20、In the course of the 20th century, many legislatures liberalized their anti-abortion laws. ─── 在20世纪的进程里,许多立法机构放宽了对反流产法律的限制。

21、It's easy to have a partially liberalized market economy when times are good. But as Beijing is now discovering, it's a lot harder when things stop going your way. ─── 在时机成熟时,局部实施自由市场经济体制甚为容易。然而,北京在目前却发现:在不能称心如意时,一切都会困难重重。


23、Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the son of the consul Petronius.He became pope on October 27, 625, two days after the death of his predecessor, Boniface V. ─── 关于霍诺留斯就职的日期有两种说法,一种是11月3日,另一种是10月27日。

24、In 2004, at a time when textile trade had not yet been liberalized, China's market share stood at around 21 percent. ─── 2004年,纺织品贸易还未自由化之前,中国纺织品的市场份额仅为约21%。

25、Basic Law on the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society: Liberalized restrictions on the export of encryption technology. ─── 建设一个高度发达的信息与电信网络社会基本法:取消了针对加密技术出口的限制。

26、Loan interest rate ceilings have been liberalized in the circumstances, the market is huge space for development. ─── 中国金融发展的现状与中国经济发展的强大势头不相匹配。

27、Critique on Cultural Values and Liberalized Utopia--On the Cultural Philosophy of Western Marxism ─── 文化价值批判与解放的乌托邦--略评西方马克思主义的文化哲学

28、Following Shanghai, Tianjin, Shanghai Construction costs are fully liberalized by the government to develop a market on the grounds of change. ─── 继上海、天津之后,本市建筑工程造价也全面放开了,由政府制订转变为由市场形成。

29、To the secondary market because of the national policy has not been completely liberalized, these houses are not for sale. ─── 因国家对二级市场政策还未完全放开,这些房源是不能出售的。

30、pnagus liber ─── [医] 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

31、but our shirts are our liber, or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man. ─── 我们的衬衣可是我们的韧皮,或者说,真正的树皮,剥下来的话,不能不连皮带肉,伤及身体的。

32、Analysis of market power in liberalized electricity markets ─── 电力市场操纵力问题探析

33、Beijing villa projects in the real estate market has not liberalized control, currently appearing on the market for many old disc villa project late or early with some developers in the project. ─── 北京房地产市场对于别墅项目建设的控制并没有放开,目前,市场上出现的别墅项目多为老盘的后期或者一些发展商早期拿地的项目。

34、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president. ─── 另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

35、.As a forum for trade negotiations in which the trade environment is liberalized and made more predictable either through the opening of national markets or through the reinforcement and extension of the rules themselves; ─── ·作为贸易谈判的论坛,无论是通过国内市场的开放还是规则本身的加强和延伸,其贸易环境已更趋自由与可预测。

36、The Sun as two legs of muscle contrast, the left leg muscles still some problems, poor muscle strength, can not be fully liberalized movement, should not have the injury again. ─── 因为通过对孙祥两条腿的肌肉对比来看,左腿的肌肉还是有些问题,肌力相对较差,现在还不能完全放开运动,切忌再次损伤。

37、calyx liber ─── 离生萼

38、The merged scheme would have an expanded coverage of works, liberalized eligibility criteria and simplified procedures to assist owners to maintain and improve the safety of their premises. ─── 合并后的计划所涵盖的工程范围较广,接受申请的准则较宽,而申请程序亦大为简化,有助业主进行维修和改善楼宇安全。

39、Deutsche Bahn, which faces a liberalized European market, may not issue voting shares to outside investors, the party has decided. ─── 社民党已决定,面临欧洲自由市场德国铁路公司可能不会向外国投资者发售有投票权股份。

40、Investment immigrants would include Mainland residents, but it will be liberalized sooner or later, will be broken. ─── 但是由于内地有外汇管制,暂不包括内地居民。

41、margo liber ovarii ─── 卵巢游离缘

42、Nevertheless, the government has not completely liberalized the listing process. ─── 然而,政府并没有完全放开上市程序。

43、Because of the Fund has not been liberalized domestic and foreign institutions that the risk control, taxes, the withdrawal mechanism, and other areas to start. ─── 由于国内对基金一直没有放开,境外机构认为在风险控制、税率、退出机制等方面难以入手。

44、margo liber unguis ─── 甲游离缘

45、Furthermore, since Taiwan's entry into World Trade Organization (WTO), the inland trades have become more open, and the fishery in Taiwan has also been internationalized as well as liberalized. ─── 且自我国加入世界贸易组织后,随著贸易愈趋开放,国内渔业产销竞争已迈入国际化与自由化。

46、In accordance with the market mechanism can be said to stress the criteria, far from being truly liberalized. ─── 可以说按照市场机制的标准讲,远未真正放开。

47、2. Economic policy is liberalized to encourage initiatives in production. ─── 放宽经济政策以鼓励生产的积极性。

48、After opening up of the Interconnecter, the liberalized UK natural gas market and the regulated Continental gas markets became physically integrated and the Continental gas price became dominant. ─── 在有话直说之后那互相连接, 被使宽大的英国天然气市场和那管理大陆的瓦斯市场变成身体上整合而且大陆的瓦斯价格变成占优势。

49、Only those groups which either switched into or were originally in the service sectors actively participated in the newly liberalized markets. ─── 参与特许市场者,主要是转进及原先就属于服务业的集团,与论是要转型或是防卫,主要皆为寻求成长机会。

50、With the development of globalized and liberalized economy, the work allocate becomes more precise and the product life cycle becomes shorter. ─── 中文摘要随著经济全球化与自由化的发展,国际分工愈趋细密,产品生命周期愈趋短促,企业间的竞争也日趋激烈且多元化。

51、These principles and all liberalized development are not contradictory, contrary they or necessary to what liberalize complement. ─── 所有这些原则与自由化的发展并不矛盾,相反它们还是对自由化的必要补充。

52、Despite our reporter has been reported in the individual large bank of the second suite liberalized interest rates, but the mortgage market is still at war pipa do face the state. ─── 尽管本报记者早已报道过个别大银行对二套房放开利率的消息,但是房贷市场的战争仍然处于犹抱琵琶办遮面的状态。

53、Secondly, residential is survival, The government can not completely liberalized controls operate through the market to adjust. ─── 其次,住宅是生存的必需品,政府不能完全放开监控,而去通过市场来调节。

54、So the best method is for the Central Bank to make the exchange rate system even more reasonable, even more open, completely liberalized, with a reasonable price for the NT decided by the market. ─── 所以央行最好的办法就是使汇率制度更合理、更开放,完完全全的自由化,由市场来决定新台币的合理价位。

55、margo liber ─── 游离缘独立缘

56、Shanghai's real estate market will be fully liberalized system, the status of the real estate industry as a pillar industry of the national economy has been initially established. ─── 上海房地产市场体系将全面放开,房地产业作为国民经济支柱产业的地位初步确立。

57、Economic applicable housing supply target, and some cities clearly specific conditions of low-income families identified the scope of a critical review of some practical have been liberalized. ─── 经济适用住房供应对象,有的城市明确了具体条件,确定了中低收入家庭的范围,严格审查,有的实际已经放开。

58、Since the opening of the liberalized policy, a variety of operating. ─── 由于开放后政策的放开,可以多种经营了。

59、Navicula liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生舟形藻中国变型

60、African countries have lowered trade barriers, cut taxes, privatized companies, and liberalized many sectors, including banking. ─── 非洲各国相继降低了贸易壁垒,削减税收,将企业私有化,并且放开了很多行业,比如银行业。

61、liberalizes from investment look, be liberalized the economic dominion that brings about a developing country from finance by minatory; ─── 从投资自由化看,将导致发展中国家的经济主权受到威胁;

62、Price wars are a common phenomenon whenever supply outstrips demand in a free market economy, and China s newly liberalized economy is no exception. ─── 在供大于求的自由市场条件下,价格战是非常普遍的。

63、China adds person WTO is problem of a time only, regard production of a produce and commerce as big country, china is liberalized inevitably by commerce the influence of policy. ─── 中国加人WTO只是一个时间问题,作为一个农产品生产和贸易大国,中国将不可避免地受到贸易自由化政策的影响。

64、Where there were few monopoly organizations, perhaps that was workable; but as broadcasting became more liberalized, and many more players entered the market, that process could become even more difficult. ─── 如果垄断组织很少,这样也许行得通;但随着广播变得更加自由,更多的参与者进入市场,这项过程将变得越来越难。

65、This means that even if land trading were to be liberalized, many peasants (or migrants with rural hukou) still could not cash in fully. ─── 这意味着即使土地交易自由化,农民们(或持农村户口的农民工)仍然入不敷出。

66、Viewed from this angle, it will be hard to avoid a severe competitive war once the petroleum-products market is liberalized next January. ─── 由此看来,明年元月油品市场自由化之后,一场战况惨烈的竞争恐怕难以避免。

67、The earlier joint statement did not detail which sectors would be liberalized. ─── 早些时候发布的共同声明没有详细列出将开放的行业。

68、Economy liberalized; ─── 经济自由化;

69、China has already liberalized its markets, opened up to foreign trade and investment, and become a global economic powerhouse. ─── 中国已经实现了市场的自主运营,并向国外贸易及投资敞开大门,成为全球化的经济强国。

70、The rapidly expanding and more liberalized Chinese market has injected new vitality into the world economic growth. ─── 中国市场需求的迅速增长和进一步开放,为世界经济的发展注入了新的活力。

71、Liber Pontificalis ─── 教宗史书

72、LIBER; League of Friends of Paul; ─── 圣保罗之友联盟;

73、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber. ─── 好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

74、As a manager,you may find that you are showngreater respect and command a higher degree of obedi-ence than you would expect in a more liberalized soci-ety. ─── 作为管理者,你会发现,比起那些较为自由化的社会,这里你更受尊重和更能让人服从。

75、liberalized telecommunication market ─── 开放的电信市场

76、The figures in Table 6. 4 and 6. 5 indicate the resource wastes that could be avoided if trade were liberalized. ─── 从表6.4和表6.5中的数字可以看出若贸易是自由的,资源的浪费是可避免的。

77、It's easy to have a partially liberalized market economy when times are good. ─── 在时机成熟时,局部实施自由市场经济体制甚为容易。

78、Beijing has not been reluctant to dive back into the price controls it abandoned earlier, particularly for food prices that had previously been almost completely liberalized. ─── 北京已不愿重走早年尚已抛弃的对物价限制的路线,尤其是在对以前几乎完全自由的食品价格方面。

79、Mayor Cuddihy, who has given up hope of retrieving another book in the collection that was last seen in 1352, said he felt time was running out for getting back the Liber Secundus. ─── 该书库还有一本书,人们最后一次看见它是在1352年,对于找回此书克德黑市长已经不抱希望。

80、Liber scriptus proferetur, ─── 展开巨册案卷,

81、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

82、(Homo liber, qui inter ignaros vivit, eorum, quantum potest, beneficia declinare studet. ─── 一个生活在无知的人群中的自由人将尽可能努力避免他们的恩惠。

83、Effect of hirudinoid extract on intracellular liber calcium ion of retinal pigment epithelium ─── 水蛭提取液对视网膜色素上皮细胞内游离钙离子的影响

84、Third, the government has liberalized regulations governing outward FDI flows in recent years and has streamlined bureaucratic procedures. ─── 第三,近年来中国政府放松了对于对外直接投资的管制,并提高了审批程序的效率。

85、Liberalized World Trade is Beneficial to the Internationalization of the Tourism in Chengde ─── 世界贸易自由化有利于承德市旅游业走向国际化

86、unified policy, liberalized operation, and equal competition ─── 统一政策、放开经营、平等竞争、

87、Open-market, real estate is to be applied to stock circulation, format, subject, and all prices liberalized. ─── 放开三级市场,就是对存量房地产要实行流通领域、形式、对象和价格全部放开。

88、The Latin saying liber ex libro expresses this idea, explaining that a book holds insights found in other books. ─── 拉丁语有这样一句谚语:“liber ex libro”,表达了这样一种思想:一本书所持有的观点是从其他书中获得的。

89、All sectors of the telecommunications market liberalized from 1 January 2003 to encourage competition and provision of services at affordable prices. ─── 由2003年1月起全面开放电讯市场,藉以鼓励竞争和以大众可负担的价格提供服务。

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