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09-22 投稿


legibility 发音

英:[ˌledʒəˈbɪləti]  美:[ˌledʒəˈbɪləti]

英:  美:

legibility 中文意思翻译



legibility 网络释义

n. 易读性;易辨认

legibility 同义词

clarity | discernability | readability

legibility 反义词


legibility 相似词语短语

1、illegibility ─── n.模糊;不清不楚

2、flexibility ─── n.灵活性;弹性;适应性

3、edibility ─── n.可食性;适食性

4、feasibility ─── n.可行性;可能性

5、fungibility ─── n.可替代性;可互换

6、inedibility ─── n.不适合食用

7、sensibility ─── n.情感;敏感性;感觉;识别力

8、eligibility ─── n.适任,合格;被选举资格

9、credibility ─── n.可信性;确实性

legibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、PART B shall be responsible for the completeness, correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing Technical Documentation sent to PART A. ─── 乙方对提供给甲方的产品设计图纸、制造技术资料的完整性、正确性、清晰性负责。

2、In fact, the legibility of the spring was dissolved only gradually. ─── 事实上,易读的春天才逐渐解散。

3、Iran's defense minister said the missile has an extraordinary high legibility. ─── 伊朗国防部部长说导弹具有异常高的特点。

4、Readability and legibility are often confused. ─── 可读性和易读性经常被混淆。

5、For a good book, its design is not only a matter of aesthetics or artistic style, but also makes it necessary to scientifically study its legibility. ─── 一本好的书籍,就书籍设计而言,不仅是审美或艺术风格的问题,更要从书籍的易读性上加以科学的研究。

6、A Tentative Analysis of Legibility in Book Design ─── 试析书籍设计中的易读性

7、Legibility is usually measured through speed of reading, with comprehension scores used to check for effectiveness (ie, not a rushed or careless read). ─── 易读性一般通过阅读速度来衡量,用阅读理解的得分来检验阅读效率。

8、R-square value was 20.59% for writing efficiency analysis and 34.89% for writing legibility analysis. ─── 其中书写效率多重迴归模式分析的决定值为20.59%, 书写可读性多重迴归模式分析的决定值则为34.89%。

9、For legibility it's more important that letters be easy to tell apart. ─── 字母能被容易地认出是更重要的事情。

10、Every aspect of colour for logos is covered, including issues of impact and legibility, emotional responses to colour, prepress requirements, and technical considerations. ─── 本书有两个非常独特的卖点:一是它专注于标识的色彩,另外它既有理论又有实用性。

11、Meta Data Management is the process for managing information needed to promote data legibility, use and administration. Contents are described in terms of data about data, activity and knowledge. ─── 元数据管理是提供数据可理解、使用和管理的管理信息的过程。主要用来记录数据、行为和知识。

12、With a focus on legibility and ease of use, good use is made of white space. ─── 利用好空白可以使重点突出,易读,易用。

13、Some colors, such as a background fill, are shown in white to heighten their legibility. ─── 一些颜色(如背景填充)会显示为白色以提高其清晰度。

14、These highly legibility, fixed pitch fonts are based on ProCon's HVFont design. ─── 这些高度的易读性,固定摊位的字体是基于procon的hvfont设计。

15、The HVDOSBox fonts provide greater text legibility and many more point sizes than the fonts supplied with Windows. ─── 该hvdosbox字体提供更大的文本的易读性和多点的大小比字体提供与Windows 。

16、Legibility research was published from the late nineteenth century on, but the overall finding has been that the reading process is remarkably robust, and that significant differences are hard to find. ─── 虽然对易读性的研究在19世纪晚期就已经发布,但普遍的共识是:人的阅读过程惊人的强悍,以至于几乎没什么明显的区别。

17、Furthermore the legibility and ease of understanding of the program are much greater than in assembly language. ─── 此外,程序的清晰度及易理解性也比汇编语言高。

18、Instruments are large, clear and simple, all directly in front of the driver for maximum legibility. ─── 文书大,简单明了,就直接在前面的司机最大的易读性。

19、Business contract, as a legal document, bears intensive legibility in meaning with formal style and distinct formulation in structure. ─── 商务合同是一种严肃的法律公文,具有文体正式、词准确明晰、式化的结构和表达等特点。

20、In any case, it depends on what do you want to convey with this type, because many times legibility is as important as the character of the type. ─── 无论如何,这种选择取决于你希望用这个字体来表达什么,很多时候,易读性和字体的个性是同等的重要。所以请记住下面这些要点,小心从事。

21、The spatial hierarchy provides way finding legibility through the four circulation zones. ─── 四个流通区这一特殊层次结构的设置,为人们找路提供了便利。

22、It is this dismantling that interests us, this unsuccessfulness which confers upon its becoming certain legibility and limits its historical opaqueness. ─── 也就是这种分解、这种不成功性-它成为确定的、合法的,且它限制其历史性的隐晦-使我们感兴趣。)

23、legibility of display ─── 显示易读性

24、This may reduce legibility of the code. ─── 这可能会降低代码的可读性。

25、For example, to ignore legibility and emphasize specialization excessively; ─── 如忽视易读性,过分讲求专业化;

26、legibility distance ─── 视认距离

27、For legibility it's more important that letters be easy to tell apart. ─── 因为让字母清晰比让字母之间差异加大更重要。

28、Typography: Readability &Legibility - ─── 文字的易读性。

29、I mean that the incommensurability of this o . . . that I only image as being the golden number for the legibility of my text. ─── 我的意思是,这个小客体的不可测量性,我只是想像为,我生命文本的可阅读的黄金数。

30、The changing form of the Cotswold Village;a question of legibility ─── 英国科次富兹山乡村的变化形式 “一个识别性问题”(英文)

31、The signage should be scaled for legibility and appearance from critical viewing locations. ─── 标识应从重要观赏角度出发,按照一定的比例制作,既要易读,又要满足外观需求。

32、Brightness and contrast is two important factors to the legibility of signs. ─── 摘要自发光式交通标志的亮度和对比度是影响自发光式交通标志视认性的重要因素。

33、A little extra leading can sometimes dramatically improve the legibility of your text. ─── 一点行距就可以大幅度地提高你文档的易读性。

34、Of the commonly known color combinations that affect legibility, blue on red is one of the poorer performers. ─── 在所有广为人知的影响易读性的颜色组合中,蓝底红字是最差的组合之一。

35、The writing on the document is beyond legibility. ─── 这份文件上的字迹已经辨认不清了。

36、In terms of sunlight legibility, Samsung i900 Omnia is also far from its prime. ─── 关于阳光下的表现,900同其旗舰身份不符,在阳光明媚的天气下,很难看清屏幕上的任何东西。

37、The legibility of a copy is inversely proportional to its importance . ─── 文件的可读性和它的重要性是成反比的。

38、Never consider cultural differences, never consider legibility, rush everything out and have their name printed at one absurd corner of this f__ked up design. ─── 第一段音乐进场时间不对。转场有些不顺(看年报所说似乎是黑导故意不要让影片太漂亮?)

39、This is why you will frequently find that our instruments, especially craniotomes, are packed in QP tubes, in addition o an outer tubular bag which guarantees clear legibility of the label. ─── 这就是我们的产品(尤其是开颅器)为什么除了外包装外,常常还有QP管包装的原因,这样也可以保证标签清晰易辨。

40、Poorly designed fonts and those that are too tightly or loosely fitted can also result in poor legibility. ─── 对两种模型的区分研究更倾向于相似字母间的识别,而后者已经被认知心理学家所广泛认同。

41、This change is one of several improvements to calendar legibility. ─── 这是为提高日历可视性而做的几项改进之一。

42、Readability and legibility are often confused. ─── 可读性和易读性经常被混淆。

43、Party A shall be responsible for the completeness, correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing Technical Documentation sent to Party B. ─── 甲方对提供给乙方的产品设计图纸和制造技术材料的完整性、正确性、清晰性负责。

44、Results The sensitivity and legibility of bacteriophage in enterobacteriaceae distinguish have been improved after adding blue tetrazolium. ─── 结果加入蓝四氮唑后提高了噬菌体在肠杆菌科鉴定中的敏感性和清晰度。

45、Map symbol with fine quality is the precondition that enrich map content, tone up the legibility of map, convenient for editing of map. ─── 高质量的地图符号是丰富地图内容、增强地图的易读性和便于地图编绘的必要前提。

46、In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read. ─── 与之相对,易读性描述的是排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。

47、Dimensional road signs are adopted on the screens to enhance visibility, while the tilt function helps achieve better legibility when the top is down. ─── 显示屏中的道路标识采用三维立体设计,进一步增强了可视性。特别设计的屏幕倾斜角度可调功能,可以使敞篷行驶时的屏幕信息更清晰可辨。

48、Readability The ease with which a passage can be read and understood.See Legibility. ─── 整段文字的容易阅读及理解的程度。参阅清晰性。

49、Body text is displayed in the same color without the glowing effect for better legibility. ─── 文本正文便于阅读显示的颜色不发光。

50、That is, the Kanji-Kana mixed sentence give, in exchange of apparent disarray, a natural legibility. ─── 而且,一幅图画是可以由一个句子组成。这样做是试图将文字带回到过去那个图像的宇宙,文字的起源。

51、This online edition contains all text from the original book in its entirety.Some figures have been modified to enhance legibility at screen resolutions. ─── 该网络版本包含了原书的所有内容,许多图片等内容都经过编辑和加强清晰度,来适应这种在线的网络版本。

52、The main electric components are world famous brands, which ensure the security of the electric working part, legibility of the control pane.And it is also equipped with distance control system. ─── 主要电器元件采用世界名牌元件,保证了电器工作部分的可靠性,控制面板清晰,并配有远程操作装置。

53、The image legibility had no difference. ─── 图像清晰度无差异。

54、With a print resolution of up to 300 dpi, the Imaje 2000 Pallet offers outstanding print quality for 100% barcode legibility complying with GS1 label requirements. ─── 与打印分辨率高达300新闻部,依玛士2000年托盘提供优秀的打印质量为100 % ,条码的易读性,遵守 与的GS1标签的要求。

55、You may have to increase font sizes for legibility. ─── 您可能必须放大字体大小才能看得清。

56、The six dimensions of safety-cognition included: facility unsafe, environmental maintenance, spatial legibility, hatred activity, body-territory defense and body-territory defense. ─── 公园空间安全认知因素包括设施不安全性、环境维护、空间辨识性、厌恶性活动干扰、社交领域干扰和躯体领域干扰六个向度。

57、Introduce technology to enhance printing legibility ─── 引进印刷清晰度技术项目

58、The study on legibility can help us to learn the basic rules that make it easier to read newspapers, and internet pages. ─── 由此,提高信息文本的易读性,使人们在面对大量信息的时候能够加快阅读速度,提高阅读的效率就成为一种必要。

59、The deconvolution software lowered the threshold of legibility to 36-point type at 10 meters for a telescope that could easily be hidden inside a car. ─── 使用一个能轻易藏在10公尺以外汽车里的望远镜,经过反褶积软体处理,读取门槛会降低到36点字。

60、legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose. ─── 字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

61、Legibility of text is one of the most important things to be kept in mind. ─── 网站设计必须要保证内容的易浏览性。

62、Readability The ease with which a passage can be read and understood . See Legibility . ─── 整段文字的容易阅读及理解的程度。参阅清晰性。

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