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09-22 投稿


laical 发音

英:[['leɪɪkəl]]  美:[['leɪkəl]]

英:  美:

laical 中文意思翻译



laical 相似词语短语

1、radical ─── adj.激进的;根本的;彻底的;n.基础;激进分子;[物化]原子团;[数]根数

2、classical ─── adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的;n.古典音乐

3、logical ─── adj.合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的

4、laically ─── 世俗的

5、vatical ─── 梵蒂冈的

6、magical ─── adj.魔术的;有魔力的

7、lexical ─── adj.词汇的;[语]词典的;词典编纂的

8、apical ─── adj.顶上的;顶点的;n.舌尖音

9、lyrical ─── adj.抒情诗调的;感情丰富的;充满愉悦的

laical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Qing Lian of / of laic ace article as people living standard rise, more and more people begin " leather shoes steps rain " . ─── 凡人高手文/青莲随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人们开始“皮鞋踏雨”了。

2、9 see joke: Laic: What? ─── 9看笑话: 凡人:什么?

3、Laic raunchy cry " rascally " . ─── 凡人不修边幅叫“流里流气”。

4、Leading a cadre is laic above all, just be a Party member next, just be a leader then. ─── 领导干部首先是凡人,其次才是党员,进而才是领导。

5、"But since be in ZhongGuanCun personally, my generation nature is ineludible laic destiny, let us review with what the 10 big heat of Chinese software market came one year 1998. ─── 但既然身在中关村,我辈自然逃脱不了俗人的命运,就让我们以1998年中国软件市场的十大热点来作一年的回顾。

6、Wang Ping: In fact, the famous brands are prepared for those who like them. However, for a laical it doesn't have any meaning. ─── 王平:其实,著名的品牌也就是给那些喜欢的人准备的,而对一个外行人看来,也就没有什么意思了。

7、Wang Ping: In fact,the famous brands are prepared for those who like them. However,for a laical it doesn't have any meaning. ─── 王平: 其实,著名的品牌也就是给那些喜欢的人准备的,而对一个外行人看来,也就没有什么意思了。

8、Around 1949, the Catholic periodicals in Hong Kong entered into a new era.Specifically, new publishers included the Diocese, religious communities and laical groups. ─── 1949年前后香港天主教刊物进入一个新的阶段,自此新的刊物纷纷创办,出版者包含了教区、修会团体和教友团体。

9、According to the textual research of such scholars as Qigong, "lijia" means the person who is laic, non-professional and unskillful.Thereby, "lijiahua" can be regarded as this kind of painting. ─── 按照启功等前辈的考证,“戾家”意指外行的、无师承的、非专门的、不精通的人,“戾家画”可指为脱略常法、无师承、有违绘画法则的画作,是一种业余水平的绘画;

10、amateurish, unprofessional, dilettante, unaware, amateurishly, laic, laical ─── 外行的。非专业的。非职业性的。业余的。

11、Neither a Monk nor a Laic Both Versatility and Adversity --On Huihong Who Was a Poet And a Monk in Northern Song ─── 非僧非俗多才多难--解读北宋诗僧惠洪

12、Laic argue strongly cry " chicanery " . ─── 凡人据理力争叫“狡辩”。

13、Laic get angry cry " bad root " . ─── 凡人发脾气叫“劣根”。

14、1. set his collar in laic rather than clerical position; ─── 他的衣领弄得不像是个牧师,倒像是个一般人;

15、Wait to me then laic offerred the capacious and good prospect that becomes not common person. ─── 于是便给我等凡人提供了广阔而美好的成为不平凡人的前景。

16、Laic regard as with what pass " trash " . ─── 凡人用过的视为“废物”。

17、 双语使用场景

18、Laic careful character cries " gibberish " . ─── 凡人的谨慎之言叫“废话”。

19、Celebrity and laic handclasp call " kind " ; ─── 名人与凡人握手谓“亲切”;

20、Laic err thing cries " be stupid " mock by the person. ─── 凡人做错事叫“犯傻”遭人耻笑。

21、Laic truth cries " nag " . ─── 凡人的实话叫“唠叨”。

22、Laic cry with celebrity handclasp " insinuate " . ─── 凡人与名人握手叫“巴结”。

23、Set his collar in laic rather than clerical position. ─── 他的衣领弄得不像是个牧师,倒像是个一般人。

24、Presumably laic it is laic, because like ask for help when anything crops up,the likelihood is. ─── 想来凡人之所以为凡人,可能就是因为遇事喜欢求人。

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