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09-22 投稿


lumbosacral 发音

英:[ˈlʌmboʊseɪkrəl]  美:[ˌlʌmbəʊˈseɪkrəl]

英:  美:

lumbosacral 中文意思翻译



lumbosacral 短语词组

1、lumbosacral junction ─── 腰骶交界处

2、lumbosacral plexus ─── 腰骶丛

3、lumbosacral trunk ─── 腰骶干

4、lumbosacral cord ─── [医] 腰骶干

lumbosacral 相似词语短语

1、craniosacral ─── adj.颅骶的

2、lumbrical ─── adj.蚓状肌的;n.蚓状肌

3、lumisterol ─── n.光甾醇,光固醇

4、ambulacral ─── adj.步带的

5、lumbar ─── adj.腰的;腰部的;n.腰椎;腰神经;腰动脉

6、sacral ─── adj.骶骨的;圣礼的;祭典的

7、simulacral ─── 拟像

8、subsacral ─── 骶下

9、ambosexual ─── 无性的

lumbosacral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results suggest that 5-HT were involved in the regulation of the pelvic visceral nociceptive information in the lumbosacral DCN and IML of the rat. ─── 上述结果提示,大鼠腰骶髓DCN和IML内的5-HT能终末可能对盆腔内脏伤害性信息的传递发挥调控作用。

2、CLINICAL PRESENTATION: We present a patient who deeloped a partial expressie aphasia 9 days after deeloping meningitis, consistent with cerebral asospasm, after lumbosacral spinal surgery. ─── 临床表现:我们接诊了一个腰骶段脊柱术后脑膜炎患者,脑膜炎9天后出现部分表达性失语症,这与脑血管痉挛的症状相一致。

3、After injection of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into the lumbosacral intermediolateral nucleus, many BDA labeled axon terminals were found in the parabrachial nucleus with a light ipsilateral dominance. ─── 将BDA注射于中间带外侧核后,顺行标记的轴突终末出现于双侧的臂旁核,同侧略多。

4、Reduction-Fixation system (RF) for reducing and fixing thoracolumbar fractures and other regional lumbosacral disorders has been developed. ─── 摘要一种命名为复位-固定脊椎内植入系统,用以复位和固定胸腰椎骨折及其它腰荐椎疾病已被发展出来。

5、The distribution of HRP labeled primary afferent fibers of the pelvic nerve was similar to that of BSI B 4 HRP in the lumbosacral spinal cord,however,BSI B 4 HRP labeled fibers in the DCN were far less than that of the HRP group. ─── HRP和BSI B4 HRP标记的盆神经初级传入纤维在腰骶段脊髓内的分布相似 ,且均向后连合核投射 ,但BSI B4 HRP注入例的标记量明显少于HRP实验组。

6、Lumbosacral MR Study in the Neurogenic Bladder ─── 神经源性膀胱患者腰骶部的MR研究

7、Abstract Objective To measure qualitatively the influence of AFC on disc height,neuroforamen height and the spinal canal volume of lumbosacral. ─── 摘要 目的 定量测试前路螺旋融合笼(AFC)对腰骶椎椎间隙高度、椎间孔高度、椎管容积的影响。

8、Objective To investigate the applied value of MR PROSET in depicting normal lumbosacral nerve roots. ─── 目的观察和探讨正常腰骶部脊神经根的解剖和磁共振PROSET序列显示腰骶部神经根的价值。

9、Methods: We diagnosed and treated 27 cases of the osteofasciaI compartment syndrome of the lumbosacral region. ─── 方法:对27例腰骶部骨筋膜室综合征患者临床的诊断及治疗。

10、Objective: To investigate the stress distribution of endplate at cervicothoracic, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral junction. ─── 目的:探讨脊柱交界区终板不同位点抗压强度及其分布规律。

11、Objective: To heighten the diagnosis level, recognition degree of lumbosacral transitional vertebrae. ─── 目的:旨在提高对腰骶部移行椎的认识程度及诊断水平。

12、The types of braces included Boston, Charleston, lumbosacral brace and Milwaukee, etc. ─── 均采取各种支具治疗青少年脊柱侧凸症。 支具类型包括Boston、Charleston、胸腰骶支具和Milwaukee等。

13、objective: To evaluate the effect of the treatment of lumbosacral radiculopathy by selective decompression of lumbar root canal. ─── 目的:探讨选择性神经根管减压术治疗腰骶神经根病的方法及疗效。

14、Lateral recumbent position minimal invasive open diskectomy to treat lumbosacral disk herniation ─── 侧卧位小切口手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症

15、Lumbosacral disc herniation ─── 椎间盘移位

16、Clinical observation on the treatment of 30 cases of lumbosacral bone pain complicated by recessive bifid spine by short-acupuncture ─── 短刺法治疗腰骶痛伴隐性脊柱裂30例临床观察

17、Clinical Observation on Beishu Points of Lumbosacral Portion Fo- mentation to Stimulate the Exsufflation of Postoperative Patients Underwent Gynecologic Abdomen Surgery ─── 热敷腰骶部背腧穴促进妇科腹部术后病人排气的临床观察

18、Objective: to observe the influence of Beishu points of lumbosacral portion fomentation on peristaltic function of postoperative patients underwent gynecologic abdomen surgery. ─── 目的:观察热敷腰骶部背腧穴对妇科腹部手术病人肠蠕动功能的影响。

19、Objective:To study the biomechanics on the partial removal of thoracolumbar lamina and removal of multi-vertebral lumbosacral with three-dimensional exercise analysis system. ─── 目的:采用脊柱三维运动分析系统对胸腰段部分椎板切除术和多节段椎板切除术的生物力学特性。

20、Studies of normal position and high termination of lumbosacral dural sac on MRI ─── 硬脊膜囊止点位置与止点上移征的MRI研究

21、Objective To research the relationship of lumbosacral angle with lumbar spinal stability and degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis. ─── 目的探讨腰骶角与腰椎稳定性、变性脊柱滑脱之间的关系。

22、A preliminary study of somatosensory evoked potential in evaluating the results of interventional treatment of lumbosacral disc herniation ─── 体感诱发电位评价腰椎间盘突出症介入手术疗效的初步研究

23、Keywords Model animal;Anatomy;Cauda equina syndrome;Lumbosacral nerve root; ─── 关键词动物模型;解剖;马尾神经;前角细胞;

24、Patients who had made a suicidal jump or had a sacral transverse fracture also had a significantly higher risk for lumbosacral plexus palsy. ─── 患者跳楼自杀或存在骶骨横行骨折时,腰骶丛麻痹发生的危险性也显著增高。

25、Conclusion it is the main possible cause that the injury result in the lumbosacral fascia avulsion, The obesity and fascia feebleness aggravate the risk of hernia. ─── 结论:损伤(外伤或劳损)造成筋膜薄弱处或固有孔隙撕裂是本病最主要可疑病因,肥胖、筋膜薄弱等加重了患病风险;

26、abstract: Objective To carry out clinical efficacy of combined anterior lumbosacral spinal tuberculosis with clinical practice experience. ─── 目的结合临床实践经验,探讨前后路联合手术治疗腰骶段脊柱结核的临床疗效。

27、Conclusion Teenage LIDP shows slight symptoms but obvious signs, caused mainly by trauma and lumbosacral dysplasia. ─── 结论青少年LIDP临床上常表现为症状较轻而体征较明显的特点,病因主要是外伤和腰骶部发育异常;

28、Conclusions:The results of clinic showed that the operation had th e advantage of less operative trauma ,simple and stable internal fixation,remain ing the activity of lumbosacral area. ─── 结论:临床结果表明,该手术具有创伤小,内固定简便、稳固,对腰骶部运动生理干扰小等优点。

29、Methods:Microdissection and measurement were performed on lumbosacral nerve roots of 12 adults fixed and 4 fresh children cadavers. ─── 方法:对12例成人防腐尸体和4例新鲜小儿尸体的腰骶部脊神经根进行显微解剖和测量。

30、The lumbosacral subdural space is most commonly affected. ─── 腰骶部的硬膜下腔是最常见的累及部位。

31、Abstract Purpose:To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of intravertebral ganglioneuroma in the lumbosacral vertebral canal. ─── 目的:探讨腰骶部椎管内神经节细胞瘤的诊断与治疗。

32、Congenital spondylolysis of lumbosacral region ─── 先天性腰骶区椎骨脱离

33、Lumbosacral fusion is the usual procedure in spinal surgery and is enhanced by internal fixation of lumbosacral spine. ─── 骶融合手术为脊柱外科中常用术式,而腰骶内固定技术有助于腰骶融合。

34、Abstract Objective In order to improve the clinical value of EMG,which helps to diagnose lumbosacral radiculopathy. ─── 摘要 目的:提高肌电图检查对腰骶神经根病辅助诊断的临床使用价值。

35、Objective In order to improve the clinical value of EMG,which helps to diagnose lumbosacral radiculopathy. ─── 目的:提高肌电图检查对腰骶神经根病辅助诊断的临床使用价值。

36、It is suggested that lumbosacral agenesis, a severe congenital defect, might be one of the anomalies of diabetic embryopathy. ─── 此病例显示腰荐椎发育不全可能是母亲糖尿病所导致胚胎病变的一种,且无论有无接受胰岛素治疗,此先天畸形仍可能形成。

37、Clinical Use of Lower Extremity Suspension Support in Treating Patients With Extensive Avulsion in Lumbosacral Portion ─── 下肢悬吊托在治疗腰骶部大面积撕脱伤中的临床应用

38、Objective: To measure the angles of zygapophysial joints and to investigate their internal regularity on lumbosacral vertebrae in order to provide the morphological data for clinical application. ─── 目的:探讨腰骶椎关节突关节角的内在变化规律,为临床应用提供形态学依据。

39、Objective:To analyze the CT manifestations of 157 lesions in 141 cases with lumbosacral vertebral body posterior marginal intraosseous cartilaginous node,and to improve the diagnostic ability. ─── 目的:分析141例共157个腰骶椎体后缘软骨结节病灶的CT表现,以提高对本病的确诊率。

40、Objective To research the relationship of lumbosacral angle with lumbar spinal stability and degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis. ─── 目的探讨腰骶角与腰椎稳定性、变性脊柱滑脱之间的关系。

41、Methods 139 patients with lipocele in fassia of lumbosacral region were treated surgically.The herniation area and pathological changes of lipoceles were carefully observed during the operation. ─── 方法对139例腰骶部筋膜脂肪疝患者进行手术治疗,术中详细观察脂肪疝疝出部位及病变情况。

42、Gu LQ,Zhang JL,Wang G,et al.Diagnosis and treatment of the lumbosacral plexus injury associated with pelvic fractures [J].Chin J Orthop Trauma,2002,4(3):174-7. ─── [1]顾立强,张景僚,王钢,等.骨盆骨折合并腰骶丛损伤的诊治[J].中华创伤骨科杂志,2002,4(3):174-7.

43、Methods:Analyse the lumbar spine X-ray of 240 cases of lumbar disc prolapse proved by MRI with interiliac line and lumbosacral transitional vertrebrae. ─── 方法:用髂嵴上缘连线与腰4椎体下缘的位置关系,腰骶移行椎,分析240例经MRI证实的腰椎间盘突出症患者的X线平片。

44、Objective:To investigate the anatomical features of lumbosacral nerve roots in epidural space to provide the anatomical bsais for selective posterior rhizotomy (SPR). ─── 目的:探究腰骶部脊神经根在硬膜外间隙的解剖情况,为临床SPR手术提供解剖学依据。

45、Study Design. Quantitatie ersus subjectie ealuation of sacral doming in lumbosacral spondylolisthesis. ─── 研究设计:客观和主观评价腰骶段滑脱患者的骶骨隆起。

46、Anatomic study for lumbosacral cannulated screws placement ─── 经骶骨纵向固定腰骶滑脱的解剖学研究

47、acute lumbosacral sprain ─── 急性腰骶扭伤

48、Objective To study the CT finding and dermatomal somatosensory evoked potential (DSEP) in pre-operative diagnosis of lumbosacral disc herniation (LDH). ─── 目的研究CT与诱发电位在诊断腰椎间盘突出症中的作用。

49、The transposition applied anatomy of the iliac flap with deep iliac circumflex artery pedicle for the grafting-fusion of lumbosacral vertebrae ─── 旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣转位腰骶椎植骨的应用解剖

50、lumbosacral cord ─── [医] 腰骶干

51、2004 Lumbosacral clear-cell meningioma treated with subtotal resection and radiotherapy BOET Ronald ; ─── NG Ho Keung (吴浩强);KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar (古明达);CHIU Kwok Wing Samuel (招国荣);

52、Fist-back-hitting manipulation is mainly applied to Dazhui and the lumbosacral portion. ─── 拳背击法主要用于大椎及腰骶部。

53、Lumbosacral plexus nerve block directed by peripheral stimulator in critical patients undergoing lower-extremity surgery ─── 神经刺激器定位腰骶丛阻滞在高危病人下肢手术中的应用

54、Keywords Intervertebral disc displacement;Lumbosacral region;Lumbar disc herniation; ─── 椎间盘移位;腰骶部;腰椎间盘突出症;

55、We present therefore a rare case of lumbosacral extradural spinal gout.The patient had a long history of peripheral polyarticular gout without regular medical control. ─── 我们报告一例已知有长期不规则药物控制之周边多发性痛风之病患所并发之腰荐椎脊柱痛风,以亚急性左下肢神经痛表现,而临床上表现类似感染性发炎。

56、Abstract Neurons in the lumbosacral dorsal horn were doubly activated by antidromic stimulation of both the ipsilateral dorsal and dorsolateral funiculi in the cervical spinal cord. ─── 摘要 猫腰骶髓背角神经元对同侧颈髓背索和背外侧索的逆向刺激发生反应。

57、Keywords lumbosacral nerve root;nerve canal;sectional anatomy; ─── 关键词腰骶神经根;神经根管;断层解剖;

58、Objective: To study the unusual relationship between the herniated lumbar disc and the injured lumbosacral radicular. ─── 目的:观察腰椎间盘突出部位与受压腰骶神经根之间存在的异常关系。

59、Methods.A case of a 29-year-old man sustaining complete traumatic lumbosacral joint dislocation with the sacralization of L5 was treated successfully. ─── 方法一例29岁男性创伤性腰骶关节完全前脱位合并第5腰椎骶化患者获得了成功的治疗。

60、Soft tissue diaphysis protruding into the pelvicand abdoninal cavities can be seen with lumbosacral giant cell tumors. ─── CT能显示骨巨细胞瘤的内部结构,腰骶部骨巨细胞瘤可显示突向盆腔和腹腔内的软组织块影。

61、Methods Explanted lumbosacral discs fro m 13 dogs of different ages were scanned using ultrasound and the images were gr aded according to pathology of the intervertebral disc degeneration. ─── 方法:对13只不同年龄犬腰骶部椎间盘进行离体超声扫查,结合椎间盘退变的大体病理变化分析超声图像并将其分级。

62、Keywords lumbosacral region sciatic nerve anesthesia analgesia subarachnoid space fentanyl; ─── 关键词腰骶部;坐骨神经;麻醉;镇痛;蛛网膜下腔;芬太尼;

63、Objective:To assess the ultrasonic diagnosis of lumbosacral spinal dysraphism(LSD)with tethered spinal cord(TSC)syndrome and to evaluate the ultrasonography value in postoperative follow-up. ─── 目的:观察超声在腰骶椎管闭合不全合并脊髓栓系综合征中诊断和术后随访的价值。

64、Method:Explanted lumbosacral discs from 13 dogs of different age were scanned using ultrasound and the images were graded according to pathology of the intervertebral disc degeneration. ─── 方法:对13只不同年龄犬腰骶部椎间盘进行离体超声扫查,根据椎间盘退变的病理基础对超声图像进行分析并将其分级。

65、RF has been used in more than 200 patients and proven most adequate for thoracolumbar fractures and other localized lumbosacral disorders. ─── 这系统已用于起过二百以上的病人,并且证实非常适用于胸腰椎骨折和其它局部的腰荐椎疾病。

66、Keywords Nitric oxide synthase(NOS);Caude equine nerve;Apoptosis neuron;Lumbosacral marrow; ─── 关键词一氧化氮合酶;马尾神经;凋亡;神经元;腰骶髓;

67、A transitional vertebrae at the lumbosacral junction can cause arthritis, disk changes, or spinal cord compression. ─── 一项研究发现患有腰骶椎移行的雄性德国牧羊犬罹患马尾神经综合征的风险更高。

68、Keywords Anesthesia;local Nerve block Lumbosacral plexus Sciatic nerve Levobupivacaine/ therapeutic use Arthroscopy Knee joint; ─── 关键词麻醉;局部;神经传导阻滞;腰骶丛;坐骨神经;左旋布比卡因/治疗应用;关节镜检查;膝关节;


70、Clinical application of lumbosacral somatosensory evoked potential to patients with lumbosacral disc herniation ─── 椎旁定位腰骶体感诱发电位在腰椎间盘突出症中的诊断作用

71、Massage can't be applied to the abdomen and lumbosacral portions of women who are pregnant or with menses. ─── 妇女在怀孕期和月经期,腹部和腰骶部不宜使用推拿方法。

72、Spondylolisthesis of Lumbar Spine Treated by Roy-Camille Lumbosacral Arthrodesis ─── Roy-Camille腰椎、腰骶椎融合术治疗腰椎滑脱症(附14例报告)

73、Radiologic evaluation including lumbosacral routine, myelography and computed tomography was the modality of choice for confirmatory diagnosis. ─── 放射线学检查则以腰荐椎常规摄影、脊髓摄影和电脑断层检查为确定诊断的最佳工具。

74、The Effect of Increased Ambient Pressure on Lumbosacral Motoneurone Excitability in the Rat. ─── 增强的外界压力对老鼠腰骶运动神经元兴奋性的影响。

75、Conclusion.This study confirms the releance of the SDSG index to assess sacral doming in lumbosacral spondylolisthesis. ─── 结论:本研究确认了脊柱畸形指数评价骶骨隆起在腰椎滑脱患者中的意义。

76、Adjacent relation and clinical significance between anterior branches of lumbar nerves 4,5 and lumbosacral trunk and sacroiliac joint [J].Chin J Clin Anat,2004,22(2):148-9. ─── L4、5神经前支和腰骶干与骶髂关节毗邻关系及其临床意义[J].中国临床解剖学杂志,2004,22(2):148-9.

77、Objective To introduce a new approach of Lumbosacral vertebra anterior operation. ─── 目的介绍一种腰骶椎前路手术的新入路。

78、Age and sex-matched,30 normal subjects and 30 patients who suffered radicular disease in cervical or lumbosacral region were also detected in thoracic paraspinal muscles for finding fib and psw serving as controls. ─── 同时 ,将性别、年龄相匹配的 30例根性损害的患者和 30名健康人作为对照 ,行胸段脊旁肌自发电位检测。

79、The test produces tension in the lumbosacral roots and frequently reproduces sciatica in the presence of inflamed or irritated lumbosacral roots. ─── 此试验可使腰骶部神经根处产生张力,常使有炎症的或受激惹的腰骶神经根再产生坐骨神经痛。

80、All patients were treated with therapeutic exercises, lumbosacral corset with steel bracing, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ─── 两组患者均予以功能锻炼,以金属支具束腰,并口服非甾体类消炎药。

81、Results:Making quantitative analyses on the suffered extent ,segments and severness of lumbosacral radiculopathy . ─── 结果:可以全面对腰骶骨神经根病损伤范围、节段及损伤严重程度等状况作出定量分析。

82、It occurs at the cervicothoracic, thoracolumbar, or lumbosacral junction. ─── 例如,颈椎末端的横向移行可能会看上去像一根肋骨。

83、Results: The length of lumbosacral nerve roots in epidural space is short and extremely difficult to be exposed. ─── 结果:腰骶部脊神经根在硬膜外间隙长度短,且显露困难。

84、Objective To explore the pathogeny, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis and treatment.of fascial fat hernia in lumbosacral region, and to recognize the disease further. ─── 目的:本文旨在探讨腰骶部筋膜脂肪疝的病因、发病机理、鉴别诊断及治疗方法选择,从而指导临床更好地诊治本病。

85、Transverse process plasty for lumbosacral transitional vertebra syndrome ─── 横突成形术治疗腰骶移行椎综合征


87、Results: With the aid of waist pillow, the reflex spasm of lumbosacral spinal muscles was controlled, the curvature of lum... ─── 结论:腰枕和性激素等药物适宜治疗老年椎弓骨折效果良好,可缩短传统治疗时间。

88、Results:The length of lumbosacral nerve roots in epidural space is short and extremely difficult to be exposed. ─── 结果:腰骶部脊神经根在硬膜外间隙长度短,且显露困难。

89、Keywords Lumbosacral disc herniation;Chemonucleolysis;Evoked potential;Treatment outcome;Evaluation study; ─── 椎间盘移位;髓核溶解术;诱发电位;治疗结果;评价研究;

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