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09-22 投稿


lasher 发音

英:[['læʃə]]  美:[['læʃə]]

英:  美:

lasher 中文意思翻译



lasher 短语词组

1、father lasher ─── 鞭打神父

2、father lasher animal ─── 鞭打动物父亲

3、father-lasher n. ─── 杜父鱼(产于北欧)

4、coastal father lasher ─── 海岸父亲鞭打者

lasher 词性/词形变化,lasher变形

动词过去式: lashed |动词过去分词: lashed |动词现在分词: lashing |动词第三人称单数: lashes |

lasher 同义词

cilium | jerk | beat | bind | stroke | flog | blow | hit | lambaste | eyelash | strap | whiplash | shake | criticize | welt | pound | smash | strike | trounce | thong |whip | slash | lather

lasher 反义词


lasher 相似词语短语

1、hasher ─── n.侍者;厨师;切肉机

2、kasher ─── n.合法的卫生食品;犹太教食品;adj.正确的(等于kosher);n.(Kasher)人名;(塞)卡舍尔

3、dasher ─── n.猛冲者;搅拌装置;精力充沛的人;气宇轩昂的男子;n.(Dasher)人名;(英)达舍

4、flasher ─── n.发出闪光之物;闪光装置;暴露狂

5、plasher ─── n.积水坑;溅水声(plash的变形)

6、basher ─── n.手灯;怒殴者;痛击者,破坏者;n.(Basher)人名;(英)巴舍

7、slasher ─── n.断木机;刀;乱砍者;血淋淋的恐怖片

8、clasher ─── 撞击装置

9、laser ─── n.激光;n.(Laser)人名;(德)拉泽

lasher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In lasher river village, rubbish everywhere, sewage random discharges the river to the side of the village. ─── 在堰河村,垃圾遍地,生活污水任意排放到村边的河流。

2、For the arch dam which reservoir has no suitable breach to build lasher and has mass flood discharge, opening large orifice for flood discharge has great advantage. ─── 对于库区无适宜垭口可兴建泄洪道,而泄洪量又较大的拱坝工程,在坝身中开设大孔口泄洪具有显著的优越性。

3、The driving east wind that publicizes thought job makes ginger lasher earth emerges move a billow spring tide, rouse every bits of bit sail that swinging economic progress. ─── 宣传思想工作的强劲东风使姜堰大地涌动起滚滚春潮,鼓荡着经济发展的点点风帆。

4、Industry promotes a 10 lasher, zoology is beautiful a car city beauty. ─── 工业兴则十堰兴,生态美则车城美。

5、Have 244, the village adding lasher of 1200 much people has fishing pool 400 mus, average per capita has farmland to have 0.8 mus only. ─── 拥有244户、1200多人的加堰村有渔池400亩、人均占有耕地只有0.8亩。

6、Stem from the consideration of combat readiness at that time, the site of factory of make choice of is in 10 lasher city, factory layout all also needs because of the strategy and decide. ─── 当时出于战备的考虑,选定厂址在十堰市,工厂布局也皆因战略需要而定。

7、" the clerical Min Hongyan of village of river of lasher of 5 hill town says county of Hubei cereal city proudly. ─── 湖北谷城县五山镇堰河村的书记闵洪艳自豪地说。

8、"River lasher project " the meaning is, medium and small businesses is the farm that lacks water, the bank is reservoir, what Alibaba should do is erect conduit, ditch is dug canal. ─── “都江堰项目”的含义是,中小企业是缺水的农田,银行是水库,阿里巴巴要做的就是架设管道,开沟挖渠。

9、" on the road, laoshi introduces to us: King lasher countryside is the country with entire the poorest county, person " poor calamity nest " . ─── 路上,老石向我们介绍:王堰乡是全县最贫困的乡,人称“穷灾窝”。

10、All farm depend on new lasher material hill, suitable slope, build along channel, cropland piece area small, Tian Kan is much. ─── 新堰材所有的农田都依山、顺坡、沿沟而造,田块面积小、田坎多。

11、4 should perfect construction of irrigation works infrastructure further, project of existing library, dam, lasher divides danger consolidate, library of dam of build small pool, urine, .. ─── 四要进一步完善水利基础设施建设,现有库、坝、堰工程除险加固,兴建小塘坝、小水库、.

12、It is development traffic, advance area economy progress, solve " 3 farming " problem, build the vast power support of society of 10 lasher well-off in the round. ─── 它是发展交通,推进区域经济发展,解决"三农"问题,全面建设十堰小康社会的巨大动力支持。

13、Just when the thought of encourage of my lasher seedling is exuberant very when, appear day after day air temperature of overcast and rainy drops. ─── 正当我堰苗助长的念头甚是旺盛的时候,出现连日阴雨气温下降。

14、Spokesperson Heather Lasher Todd said it would take time to review the information in the survey. ─── 协会发言人希瑟•莱修•托德表示,审阅调查中的信息需要一些时间。

15、Zhao Qinglong of farmer of countryside of hillock of money of in relief city of Hubei province jujube, signed a contract with the village 1996, contract for a long time a village hind big lasher. ─── 湖北省枣阳市钱岗乡农民赵青龙,于1996年与村签订合同,长期承包本村后大堰。

16、Subsequently, he goes to domestic change by the side of lasher pond, did pig, fish, duck stereo breed aquatics, in those days with respect to gain. ─── 随后,他把家迁到堰塘边,搞起了猪、鱼、鸭立体养殖,当年就赢利。

17、What can the contrail that you think 10 lasher develop give to advance new-style industrialization to realize?What does need pay close attention to in this heat wave? ─── 您认为十堰发展的轨迹能为推进新型工业化悟出些什么?在这个热浪中需要关注什么?

18、Xu of bridge of ginger lasher city builds engineering company, have 12 construction group, business of two accessary industry.. ─── 姜堰市梁徐建筑工程公司,现有十二个施工队,两个附属工业企业...

19、cable lasher ─── 电缆绑挂器

20、Animal sacrifice pig buys protective price to be: Favour use town of autonomous prefecture, 10 lasher a mountainous area every kilograms not under 6 yuan; ─── 牲猪收购保护价格为:恩施自治州、十堰市山区每公斤不低于6元;

21、Situation of city of lasher of put the palms together showing a form talks about bit of view. ─── 现结合十堰市情况谈点看法。

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