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09-20 投稿


wanderings 发音

英:[ˈwɑːndərɪŋz]  美:[ˈwɒndərɪŋz]

英:  美:

wanderings 中文意思翻译



wanderings 相似词语短语

1、wanderingly ─── adv.徘徊地;漂泊地

2、pandering ─── vi.迎合;勾引;怂恿;拉皮条;n.怂恿者;拉皮条者;老鸨;vt.为…拉皮条;n.(Pander)人名;(德、俄)潘德尔

3、wondering ─── v.想知道;(用于询问时)不知道;感到疑惑;感到诧异(wonder的现在分词);adj.感到着迷的;觉得惊奇的;好奇的

4、renderings ─── n.翻译;表现;表演;描写;打底;(建筑物等)透视图;vt.致使;表演;打底(render的ing形式);vi.给予补偿(render的ing形式)

5、wandering ─── adj.流浪的;漫游的;徘徊的;蜿蜒的;n.闲逛;离题;神志恍惚;v.漫游;偏移;蜿蜒;漫步于(某地);(对固定性伴侣)不忠(wander的现在分词)

6、hankerings ─── n.渴望;向往;v.渴望(hanker的ing形式)

7、dandering ─── n.头皮屑,羽毛屑;(非正式)发火;闲逛;v.漫步,闲逛;n.(Dander)(意、美、德、奥、波、英)丹德尔(人名)

8、handsprings ─── n.翻筋斗;前手翻腾越

9、sanderlings ─── n.三趾鹬

wanderings 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When I wander ahead step by step. ─── 一步一步地朝前面走着,

2、I wander if you have any English dictionaries. ─── 不知你们有没有英语词典卖。

3、What maiden does wander the heather alone? ─── 哪位少女在此孤独游荡?

4、The theatre, and the public-house, were the chief themes of the wretched man's wanderings. ─── 剧场,酒店,是这可怜人胡言乱语的主要题目。

5、You could wander along the canal till you came to broad green fields. ─── 你可以沿着运河徜徉,直到走上宽广的绿色原野。

6、Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue. ─── 不要让你的思路离开争论的主题。

7、His wanderings took him first to India. ─── 他首先漂泊到了印度。

8、I wander to ancient lands to hold just you. ─── 为了拥抱你,我在远古的大地上徘徊。

9、Do not let your dog wander too far away. ─── 不要让你的狗走得太远。

10、Don't1) wander from graveyard to2) graveyard, reading endless3) tombstones. ─── 你无须徘徊于墓园之间,在无数的墓碑中一个个地寻找。

11、To wander from a set course or point of attention;stray. ─── 偏离离开一定的路线或注意点;游离

12、Don't wander from the subject and stick to the point. ─── 不要离题,要针对这一问题谈。

13、During the wilderness wanderings, the Tabernacle had always been the centre of the camp with all the tribes camped around it. ─── 回想过往,他们在旷野漂流期间,会幕一直放在全营的中心,被十二支派的营帐围着。

14、Just wander through little back alleys and find out things for yourself. ─── 只要漫步于后街小巷就可以找到并且感受到它的城市气息了。

15、Don't wander from your subject. ─── 不游离主题之外。

16、Don't wander about the room like that. Get something to do. ─── 不要那样在房间里乱走,找点事情做。

17、The people of God wander around the desert because of their disobedience. ─── 上帝的人民漂流于沙漠里三十七年,因为他们不顺从。

18、He realized his audience's attention was beginning to wander. ─── 他意识到听众精神已不太集中了。

19、They wander the jungle , searching for food . ─── 他们在丛林里到处走,寻找食物。

20、He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. ─── 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。

21、Your mind will wander off into thoughts such as" Am I doing this right? ─── 你的思想将会游离开来想到诸如“我这样做是对的吗?

22、They have nothing to do except wander about in the streets. ─── 他们无事可做,只是在街上到处逛。

23、Your love lets me wander up and down, let me step back, make me frightened. ─── 你的爱让我徘徊,让我却步,让我恐惧。

24、He pours contempt on princes, And makes them wander in a pathless waste. ─── 40祂使贵胄蒙羞被辱,使他们在荒废无路之地飘流。

25、During their wanderings, the two brothers beard the story of Ji Chang and Jiang Shang. ─── 后来二王子做了孤竹国国王,而这两兄弟就一起在外面流浪。

26、She opened the door of the room and went into the corridor, and then she began her wanderings. ─── 她打开房门,走到走廊里,开始了她的漫游。

27、He's not going to let her wander round London on her own. ─── 他不会让她一个人在伦敦游荡的。

28、Don't let your mind wander from the main point at issue. ─── 别让你心思离开争论之点。

29、On his wanderings he's picked up Spanish, Italian, French and a smattering of Russian. ─── 在流浪途中,他学会了西班牙语、意大利语、法语和一点点俄语。

30、After this, Li Bai began his aimless wanderings all over the country. ─── 以后,他漫游天下,行踪不定。

31、You must pay attention to the teacher.Don't let your attention wander. ─── 你要专心听老师讲课,不要开小差。

32、He has a wander place which offen take a glass,even in the house. ─── 他比较奇怪的一个地方是经常戴墨镜,甚至在屋里的时候也戴。

33、Do you wander back to his room number? ─── 你记得他的房间号码吗?

34、And then I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season. ─── 于是在这无情的季节,可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。

35、After five years, he returned from his wanderings. ─── 他在外游逛五年後又回来了。

36、They wander about for food and howl if not satisfied. ─── 他们必走来走去,寻找25食物;若不得饱,就终夜在外。

37、It's more a kind of beauty to wander with you under an umbrella. ─── 与你共撑一把伞在雨中那更是一种美。

38、An old man's wit may wander (Tennyson). ─── 一个老人也可能胡思乱想(坦尼桑)。

39、God bless thee in thy wanderings! ─── 上帝保护你流浪的日子!

40、He pours contempt upon princes And makes them wander in a pathless waste. ─── 他使君王蒙羞被辱,使他们在荒废无路之地漂流。

41、You may wander the world (through) and not find such another. ─── 你走遍世界也找不到另外这样的一样东西。

42、So here we are, then, leaving entirely to its wanderings the question of whether what is at stake is to be or not to be. ─── 这就是我们的处境,我们让生命的实存与否的这个问题,陷入岌岌可危,任其漂泊不定。

43、ignorance of the true nature of our own mind brings about our delusion and endless wanderings in the samsara. ─── 由于不识自心的究竟本性,我们才会生起惑迷,不停在轮回中徘徊。

44、In his speculative wanderings abroad he had seen many such great palaces. ─── 他在国外考察漫游的时候,看到了许多雄伟的宫殿。

45、Country churches were never locked, so you could wander in at any time. ─── 国家教堂从不上锁,所以你任何时候都可以去逛。

46、Do you think the minds which are suffered, which are indulged in wanderings in a chapel, would be more collected in a closet? ─── 难道你认为一个放任自流的人,在礼拜堂里可以胡思乱想,到了私人祈祷室里就会集中思想吗?

47、Why does that little girl wander about there? ─── 为什么那个女孩在那儿徘徊?

48、You wander too far from the subject. ─── 你谈得离题太远了。

49、Anyone who has watched a child's eye wander into sleep knows what posterity is. ─── 任何一个看过孩子合上眼睛睡觉的人都知道什么是子孙后代。

50、You wander too far from the suject. ─── 你谈得离题太远了。(你扯得太远了。)

51、His mind began to wander back to earlier times. ─── 他开始回想起过去的那些时光。

52、Don't wander about the room like that. ─── 不要那样在房间里乱走,找点事情做。

53、the difference between the random walk fluctuations of correct asset prices and the unpredictable wanderings of a drunk are not discernable. ─── 正确资产价格的随机波动,醉酒者无法预测的踉跄步伐,两者之间的差异难以辨别。

54、You may wander the world (through), and not find such another. ─── 你就是走遍世界也无法找到第二个这样的.

55、You can't just wander the aisles of a virtual store to get a sense of where products are. ─── 你根本不可能在一家虚拟商店众多狭长的过道里耐心地寻找所需的商品。

56、Don't let your thoughts wander. ─── 不要心不在焉。

57、I lean by a tree and rest myself Or wander up and down a stream. ─── 依丛适自憩, 缘涧还复去。

58、Wander through awned streets. Turbaned faces going by. ─── 一张张缠了穆斯林头巾的脸走了过去。

59、"One ghostliness, of communism ghostliness, wander in Europe. ─── “一个幽灵,共产主义的幽灵,在欧洲徘徊。”

60、Do not wander from the subject . ─── 不要离开正题。

61、He tells us that we can wander around at will. ─── 他告诉我们说我们可以任意闲逛。

62、They wander the jungle,searching for food. ─── 他们在丛林里到处走,寻找食物。

63、He began to wander through the street. ─── 他开始在街头踯躅。

64、When people wander inside, the stairs is their commontarget. ─── 人们游荡在其中时,楼梯成为常常要寻找的目标。

65、I wander if you are free tomorrow afternoon. I'd like to have a talk with you. ─── 不知你明天下午有没有空,我想和你聊聊。

66、He allowed his mind to wander. ─── 他听任自己的思绪信马由缰。

67、Soon after, Adam fell asleep, but Eve remained awake and began to wander. ─── 亚当不久就睡着了,但夏娃醒着,并且开始乱逛。

68、God bless thee in thy wanderings! ─── 上帝保护你流浪的日子!

69、We tare at it and run towards it even as we wander about crying. ─── 即使是在彷徨哭泣,也要瞄准目标、奋力前进。

70、He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. ─── 他从他的流浪旅途中挺身而出并下定决心去守护那些无辜的人免于邪恶的侵扰。

71、The pleasure of being conceited, the pleasure of unrestrained wanderings, and the pleasure of indulging in eating and drinking are harmful. ─── 以骄纵为快乐,以游荡无度为快乐,以沉溺饮食为快乐,是有害的。”

72、His greatest work is the epic poem Aeneid,which tells of the wanderings of Aeneas after the sack of Troy. ─── 他最伟大的史诗埃涅阿斯纪讲述了埃涅阿斯在特洛伊陷落后的流浪经历。

73、Don't wander from the subject. or Stick to the point. ─── 别扯远了。

74、i pursued wanderings as wild as those of the march - spirit . i sought the continent , and went devious through all its lands. ─── 我像沼泽地的精灵那样东游西荡,去了欧洲大陆,迂回曲折穿越了那里所有的国家。

75、He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task. ─── 他在克制着不让自己在工作时分心。

76、Two of the group wander off into the market and get lose. ─── 一队人中有两人在商场走丢了。

77、Unless we look straight toward him, we shall wander through endless labyrinths. ─── 其实,除非我们直接专一地注意祂,我们将永远陷于迷宫。

78、Let them wander up and down for meat, and grudge if they be not satisfied. ─── 他们必走来走去,寻梢食物。若不得饱,就终夜在外。

79、You wander upon the remains of an weathered shrine. ─── 你在这个风化的神殿的废墟上徘徊。

80、His wanderings were partly prompted by civil and ecclesiastical disturbances. ─── 他生活漂泊不定,部分是因为国内和教会的混乱。

81、They do not practise any spiritual discipline.They simply wander about merrily. ─── 他们不实践任何的灵性训练,仅是徘徊在愉快中。’”

82、He had literary tastes, too, and carried one of Scott's novels on all his wanderings. ─── 这个人还颇有点文学趣味,走到哪里都带着一本斯哥特的小说。

83、They began to wander aimlessly through the streets. ─── 他们只好在街上随便流浪。

84、Don't wander off the subject-keep to the point. ─── 别离题,要扣住要点。

85、He likes to wander over the countryside. ─── 他喜欢在乡间漫步。

86、Don't let your mind wander, it's too small to be let out on it's own. ─── 不要让你的思想抛锚,它还太小不能像放出去。

87、A Serpent in the course of its wanderings came into an armourer's shop. ─── 一条毒蛇蜿蜒游进军械师的商店。

88、They come and go and wander at their will. ─── 他们任意地来去游逛。

89、Meanwhile, Ben's underwater wanderings have put him in serious debt to a gangster/rap star named Bigg Bunny (Kevin Hart), who wants the treasure, too. ─── 同时Ben的水下打捞使得他身负重债,对方是个土匪头子,名叫BiggBunny(KevinHart),他对这批财宝也是虎视眈眈。

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