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09-21 投稿


lyonnaise 发音


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lyonnaise 中文意思翻译



lyonnaise 短语词组

1、Lyonnaise sauce ─── [网络] 里昂酱

lyonnaise 词性/词形变化,lyonnaise变形

名词复数: lynx |

lyonnaise 相似词语短语

1、Lyonnesse ─── n.莱昂内塞

2、legionnaire ─── n.美国退伍军人协会会员;军团的士兵

3、Madonnawise ─── 麦当娜

4、Lyonnais ─── n.里昂(法国东部旧省)

5、mayonnaises ─── n.蛋黄酱

6、yonnie ─── n.石块,石块

7、Madonnaish ─── 麦当娜语

8、mayonnaise ─── n.蛋黄酱

9、debonnaire ─── n.(Debonnaire)(法、英)德邦奈雷(人名)

lyonnaise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would be an extremely heavy blow to Carlo Ancelotti's side, who pushed past Olympique Lyonnais in the quarter-final thanks to an Inzaghi brace. ─── 这对安切洛蒂的球队是个不小的打击,和里昂的第二回合的比赛正是因扎吉拯救了整个球队。

2、Division Guowei Li Ya the French Emperor Suyishiang Europe the United Kingdom Berlin Germany Thames and almost all the world's leading Lyonnaise des Eaux have entered the Chinese market expansion. ─── 除法国威立雅之外,法国苏伊士昂帝欧、英国泰晤士和德国柏林等几乎所有世界领先的水务集团均已进入中国拓展市场。

3、Crédit Lyonnais ─── 里昂信贷银行(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地法国, 主要经营银行)

4、French people worked the fewest hours last year, with staffers in Paris clocking up 1,604 hours in 2015 followed by Lyonnaise employees with 1,631 hours, according to a survey by UBS. ─── 根据瑞银一项调查,法国人去年的工作时长最短。2015年,巴黎员工的工作时长达到1604个小时,里昂紧随其后,员工的工作时长为1631个小时。

5、But despite Fletcher's starring role, he knows he could find himself back among the substitutes for the Reds' Champions League clash with Olympique Lyonnais on Wednesday. ─── 但先不看弗莱彻的角色,他知道自己在周三挑战里昂的冠军杯中八成还是替补。

6、Ecole Lyonnaise ─── 里昂学派


8、Credit lyonnais is in the banking business. ─── 里昂信贷银行从事金融业务。

9、pork chop lyonnaise ─── 洋葱猪排

10、Both PSV Einhoven and Olympique Lyonnaise are consisted less strong than other teams, but if they have gone though to the quarter-finals, it means they are competitive. ─── 所有人都认为无论是埃因霍温还是里昂都比其他球队弱一些,但是他们进入了八强,这说明他们非常有竞争力。

11、Lyonnaise Potato ─── 里昂那土豆

12、Lyonnaise potatoes;potatoes lyonnaise. ─── (洋葱土豆丝;

13、satin lyonnais ─── 全丝有光里子缎

14、tripe lyonnaise ─── 烩牛肚

15、Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux ─── 苏伊士里昂水务(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地法国, 主要经营供水、废物处理)

16、I’m happy for the praise of the club and I want to thank [Adriano] Galliani and [Ariedo] Braida, who have signed me from Olympique Lyonnaise, for their trust. ─── 对于俱乐部的称赞我是很高兴的,而且我要感谢把我从里昂签到米兰来的加利亚尼和布拉伊达,还要感谢他们对我的信赖。

17、Chelsea Football Club can confirm it has agreed a fee with Olympique Lyonnais for the transfer of Florent Malouda. ─── 切尔西确认已同意里昂提出的转会马卢达的费用。

18、Credit Lyonnais Securities economist Grossman said: "Most of the capital-intensive industries under government control, I am therefore optimistic about the prospects of China. ─── 里昂证券经济师罗斯曼说:“大部分的资本密集型行业由政府控制,我因此对中国的前景感到乐观。”

19、Such an effort will cost $20 billion, according to a recent report by Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia. ─── 根据里昂信贷银行亚洲证券部最近发表的一项报告,所有这些项目将耗资近二百亿美元。

20、lyonnaise potatoes; potatoes lyonnaise. ─── 洋葱土豆丝;土豆洋葱丝

21、Preferential have Alipay, and have bank remittance, we have ICBC CCB HSBC Deutsche Bank Barclays BankCredit Lyonnais and Fuji Bank. The Bank code pleasecontacts shopkeeper. ─── 推荐使用支付宝,不使用支付宝,可以选择银行打款,本店铺支持,工行、建行、交行、农行、光大、招商和汇丰。需要时可以找掌柜取得银行帐号。

22、Credit Lyonnais Securities recently issued rating in the report points out that once the privatization proposal was rejected, PCCW shares may be sold. ─── 里昂证券于近日发布评级报告指出,一旦私有化建议被否决,电讯盈科股价可能会受到抛压。

23、Credit Lyonnais Beijing Representative Office ─── 法国里昂信贷银行北京代表处

24、Trezeguet has been linked with a summer switch to Milan, Barcelona, Inter, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United and Olympique Lyonnais in recent weeks. ─── 在最近几周里,有诸多消息称,特雷泽盖将转会,并与米兰、巴塞罗那、国际米兰、切尔西、阿森纳、曼联和里昂联系到一起。

25、Fourth Course: Filet Mignons Lili, Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise, Vegetable Marrow Farci ─── 第四道菜:咖喱牛肉卷,洋葱炒鸡肉,芝士焗西葫芦

26、including corporate giants such as Credit Lyonnais, Coca-Cola, and the Japanese electronics company NEC. ─── 投资商包括像里昂信贷银行、可口可乐和日本电气公司nec这样的超级大公司。

27、Credit Lyonnais Shenzhen Representative Office ─── 法国里昂信贷银行深圳代表处

28、Olympique Lyonnais ─── 里昂队

29、Then one fine summer's day, just as I was passing the Credit Lyonnais, who comes marching down the steps but Fillmore. ─── 后来在一个晴朗的夏日,我正从里昂信贷公司门前走过,从台阶上下来的不是别人,正是菲尔莫。

30、Credit Lyonnais Guangzhou Representative Office ─── 法国里昂信贷银行广州代表处

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