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09-21 投稿


knightliness 中文意思翻译



knightliness 相似词语短语

1、sprightliness ─── n.快活,愉快

2、unknightliness ─── 不善

3、knightless ─── 无骑士

4、unsightliness ─── 难看

5、flightiness ─── n.疯狂;轻浮

6、sightliness ─── 视力

7、nightlifes ─── 夜生活

8、mightiness ─── n.强烈;强大

9、nightless ─── 夜不能寐

knightliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whom to avenge, she had this Knight from for compeld. ─── 为了给他们报仇,她请来这远方的骑士。

2、 双语使用场景

3、He rigged himself out as a knight. ─── 他装扮成骑士。

4、The champion knight regained his courage. ─── 冠军骑士恢复勇气。

5、He's knight of the realm and an irrepressible self-publicist. ─── 他是英国的爵士也是一个擅于推销自己的人。

6、He became a legend. The legendary dark knight, Sparda. ─── 他成为传奇人物。传说的黑暗骑士,斯巴达。

7、A young knight in the service of another knight in feudal times. ─── 侍从封建社会中给其它爵士做侍从的年轻骑士

8、Fixed Knight Bash so it no longer works on Heroes. ─── 修正了骑士的重击技能,使其正确的不对英雄产生影响。

9、The Southern Knight stayed there, watching the sunflower as she waved goodbye. ─── 南王站在那儿,望着向日葵向他挥手告别。

10、He moved his knight to check my king again. ─── 他再次动了他的马将我的军。

11、He picked up the white knight and moved it across the board. ─── 他拣起白色的相朝前走了一步。

12、When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire. ─── 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。

13、"Yes, I want to look for the Grail too." Said another knight. ─── “是的,我也想去寻找圣杯。”另一位骑士说。

14、It’s like Toby Knight tole me that we made history. ─── 布莱恩特过来补防,一个轻松的上篮!

15、Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? ─── 可曾见白色的骑士横跨与火红的骏马之上?

16、Lady, I'm your knight in shining armor and I love you. ─── 女士,我就是身穿闪亮盔甲保护你的武士,我爱你。

17、You are my best friend and my knight in shining armor. ─── 你是我最好的朋友,是穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士。

18、A knight is waiting for her in the garden. ─── 一个骑士在院子里等她。

19、KBE means (secondary) high-ranking knight of the United Kingdom. ─── KBE系指(第二等)高级英帝国勋爵士。

20、Becoming a shiere knight involves more than attaining a title. ─── 作为一名夏尔骑士将牵扯到更多的事件当中。

21、Joachimoglu /ed. by G.E.W.Wolstenholme and Julie Knight. ─── 书名 :Hashish :its chemistry and pharmacology in honour of G.

22、The king dubbed him a knight. ─── 国王封他为爵士。

23、To retain his pride as Sorceress'Knight, he is determined to win. ─── 作为魔女的骑士要保持自已的尊严,他决心要取得胜利。

24、To fly or display(colors). Used of a ship,jockey,or knight. ─── 升旗或打出(彩旗)。用于船只、骑师或骑士。

25、You, sir, will fight to the death against a knight who is not your enemy. ─── 先生,你将会在一场对抗不是你的敌人的战斗中死亡。

26、A scholar is mightier than the knight. ─── 学士胜过骑士。

27、"Are you a Jedi Knight?" I tried to be friendly. ─── “你是一名绝地武士吗?”我尽力表现得友好些。

28、Black Knight A company that makes a hostile takeover offer on a target company. ─── 对目标公司提出恶意收购的公司。

29、He always caught my general with his cannon behind his knight. ─── 他总是用他的马后炮打我的老将。

30、What she wanted was for Dr Allsop himself to descend on her, very like a knight on a white horse. ─── 她实际上需要艾尔索普大夫如同一位骑着白马的骑士一般降到她的身旁。

31、The sword glanced off the knight's shield. ─── 剑掠过武士的盾。

32、Knight P HQ Version Knight!!! Big sword and heavy armor!! ─── 出征,士兵,战争,战士,武士,盔甲,...

33、The symbolic move, says Mr Parker, was Mr Knight's decision. ─── 帕克表示,这一象征性的搬迁是奈特的决定。

34、A bearer of armor for a knight; a squire. ─── 为骑士持武器的人; 骑士的扈从

35、The queen created the man a knight . ─── 女王封这个人为爵士。

36、The queen is going to knight him with the very sword. ─── 女王将用同一把剑为他封爵位。

37、No, it's a 600-year-old sarcophagus with a French knight and his lady. ─── 不,是具六百年历史的石棺里头是法国骑士和他的伴侣

38、The king dubbed his son, Henry, a knight. ─── 国王封其子亨利为骑士

39、His position was not yet dangerous, the knight was only in the forth rank. ─── 他的局面还不致就到危险的地步,那只马还位于第四个横行上。

40、Knight service conforms to professional quality controlling mode. ─── 具有专业质量控制模式的优质服务。

41、A knight may be degraded for treason. ─── 一个爵士可以因叛逆罪被贬黜.

42、The Nonexistent Knight is an earthy parody of chivalry and knighthood. ─── 《不存在的骑士》故意对骑士小说进行了笨拙的模仿。

43、He was a well-known errant knight. ─── 他曾是一个著名的游侠。

44、On the New Year’s Day, Gawain was brought to the Green Knight. ─── 元旦当天,他如约来到绿衣骑士的住所,伸出脖子。

45、Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse. ─── 删除遗忘骑士铁娘子诅咒。

46、Trish:Are you really the son of the legendary dark knight , Sparda? ─── 你真的是传说中的黑骑士斯帕达的儿子吗?

47、Her current knight had become a lazybones and a coward. ─── 原来她的白马骑士变成了一位懒汉懦夫。

48、The wounded knight refused to yield to his foe. ─── 受伤的骑士拒绝向敌人投降。

49、Princess: What kind of knight are you? ─── 公主:你算是什么样的武士?

50、A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor? ─── 主题:在骑士和侍从之间?

51、He was made an honorary knight. ─── 他被授予荣誉爵士称号。

52、To fly or display(colors). Used of a ship, jockey, or knight. ─── 升旗,打着旗升旗或打出(彩旗)。用于船只、骑师或骑士

53、You will never win the heart of a rook or the mind of a knight. ─── 你永远无法取悦"车"或是赢得"马"的尊重

54、Squire is a knight in training. ─── 侍从骑兵为尚在接受训练的骑士。

55、Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. ─── 奈特先生不能来,因此由他的夫人代他领奖。

56、The young knight girded on his father's sword and set forth to avenge him. ─── 年轻的武士佩上他父亲的剑去为他报仇。

57、You are what one might call a Draconic Knight. ─── 你就是被称作龙族骑士的那一族。

58、He had become a brave knight. ─── 他变成了一个勇敢的武士。

59、The king dubbed Tom a knight. ─── 国王封汤姆为爵士。

60、Minnesota State Board for Community Colleges v. Knight, 465 U.S. 271 (1984). ─── "[参见"明尼苏达州社区学院委员会诉耐特"案,载于《美国最高法院判例汇编》第465卷,第271页(1984)。

61、An old knight entrusted to protect the Holy Grail by King Gran. ─── 受格兰王之托以生命守护圣杯的老骑士。

62、Thomas Andrew knight created new apples by deliberate hybridization. ─── T.A.·奈特用人工杂交方法育成苹果新品种。

63、A stalwart knight,a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army. ─── 勇敢的骑士,一个在军队中有着活跃的事业的、刚毅的人。

64、A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed. ─── 一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。

65、The princess waited in the tower for her knight shining armor. ─── 公主在塔里等待着她的骑士。

66、Knight ;illustrated by David Wenzel. ─── 作者声明: by James E.

67、The Southern Knight looked at the tree and the leaves. ─── 南王看了看大树和满树的叶子。

69、Lancelot agreed to make him a knight. ─── 兰斯洛特同意将他培养为骑士。

70、Chess includes rook, knight, bishop, queen, king and pawn. ─── 国际象棋有车、马、象、后、王和卒。

71、The knight swore he would revenge his fathers death. ─── 中文:骑士发誓要为他父亲向敌人报仇。

72、Scarry.Pictures by Hilary Knight. ─── 作者声明: by Patricia M.


74、"I will answer you fairly, Master Richard," said the knight. ─── “我愿意切切实实地回答你,理查德少爷,”骑士说。

75、What role will the death knight play in groups and raids? ─── 在小队和团队中死亡骑士将会扮演怎样的角色?

76、He was awarded by Knight of Mannerheim Cross. ─── 他获得过曼纳海姆十字骑士勋章。

77、What for?If he'd been a real knight he would still be alive! ─── 为什么?如果他是个货真价实的绝地武士,那么他就应该还活着!

78、A bearer of armor for a knight;a squire. ─── 为骑士持武器的人;骑士的扈从

79、The ugly woman asked knight to make her as his wife. ─── 丑女人要求骑士做的第一件事就是让他娶她.

80、Sorry,my name is DK,Death Knight. ─── 不好意思,我的名字是骑士,死亡骑士。

81、And that he knew it was a Fiend,This miserable Knight! ─── 可是他知道这是个魔王,我们这不幸的骑士!

82、The king dubbed him knight. ─── 国王授与他骑士爵位。

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