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09-22 投稿


logistical 发音

英:[ləˈdʒɪstɪk(ə)l]  美:[ləˈdʒɪstɪk(ə)l]

英:  美:

logistical 中文意思翻译



logistical 短语词组

1、Logistical Replacement Unit ─── 后勤替换股

2、logistical system ─── 后勤系统

3、logistical nightmare ─── 难办之事; ─── 难办之事,很 ─── 难安排的事情

4、Logistical Coordination Center ─── 后勤协调中心

5、Logistical Control Exercise ─── 后勤控制演习

6、logistical regression ─── 逻辑斯谛回归

7、Logistical Supply Center ─── 后勤供应中心

8、logistical problem ─── 后勤问题

9、Logistical Support Activity ─── 后勤支助活动

10、logistical hurdles ─── 后勤障碍

11、logistical challenge ─── 后勤挑战

logistical 词性/词形变化,logistical变形

异体字: logistical |名词: logistician |副词: logistically |

logistical 相似词语短语

1、eulogistical ─── adj.颂词的

2、logistician ─── n.物流师;军需官;后勤人员

3、poristical ─── 多孔的

4、neologistical ─── 新词

5、logistic ─── adj.后勤的,与后勤有关的;安排协调方面的;组织上的;n.数理逻辑;符号逻辑

6、logistics ─── n.[军]后勤;后勤学;物流

7、monistical ─── adj.一元论的

8、logistically ─── adv.逻辑地,运筹地;在后勤方面

9、dialogistical ─── 对话的

logistical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They also assist customers in bottling process quality control and in technical and logistical needs. ─── 他们还帮助客户在装瓶过程质量控制,并在技术和后勤的需要。

2、Emergency Action Reporting for Logistical Analysis and Plans ─── 后勤分析与计划的紧急行动报告

3、Other logistical problems, such as training enough medical personnel to provide the therapies, will hit us far sooner. ─── 其他逻辑问题,例如,训练足够的医学工作人员来提供这种疗法,将会更快冲击我们。

4、LSEC Logistical Support Element Communications ─── 后勤支持单元通信

5、Ken Cheng of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau was a member of the core team which provided logistical support to the Visit. ─── 在情在理我对此特殊任务均责无旁贷:我在年初才由驻粤办调回工商及科技局,与驻粤办同事关系密切,而驻粤办又是工商及科技局的部门。

6、Still, General Pittard says the Iraqi forces will eventually be able to take control, if they are given the time to develop the skills, leadership and logistical infrastructure they need. ─── 另外,Pittard准将说如果伊拉克军队花时间在战术、提高领导才能以及后勤基础建设上取得进步,最终伊拉克军队会控制这一切的。

7、Deployment at the same time of warships for exercises with the Pakistan navy and of a frigate to the waters off the Philippines, points to PLAN's enhanced operational and logistical capability. ─── 中国同时派出军舰与巴基斯坦海军举行演习,派出护卫舰到菲律宾附近海域,表明海军行动能力及后勤能力增强。

8、"And they have seen the main problem is a logistical problem. ─── 她说:“他们看到的主要问题是后勤问题。

9、The PLA strives actively to reform its logistical structure and system, construct a modern logistical support system and constantly enhance its logistical support capabilities. ─── 人民解放军积极改革后勤体制和制度,构建现代后勤保障体系,不断提高后勤保障能力。

10、After their initial expedition to Dujiangyan, members of Mr Sun's fellowship were soon faced with a number of organisational and logistical constraints. ─── 在抵达都江堰后不久,成都天主教青年团体的成员就遇到了许多组织与后勤方面的约束。

11、The traffic snarls and logistical nightmares that had been feared by police and city officials had not materialized. ─── 之前警察和市政府担心的交通堵塞和后勤供给不足问题并没有出现。

12、Corps Area Logistical Supply Office ─── 军地区后勤补给处

13、Logistical problems may be causing the delay. ─── 组织上的一些问题可能正在造成延误。

14、"In the Irrawaddy Delta, we have a logistical nightmare because of those hundreds of rivers, hundreds of small islands and...some places are only reachable by boat, inflatable boats," Byrs said. ─── 她说:“在伊洛瓦底江三角洲,由于那里数百条河流、数百个小岛星罗棋布,纵横交错,一些地方只能乘船和橡皮船才能进去,救援物资运送的困难可想而知。

15、She acknowledged that the panel of authors was specifically charged with looking only at the science and not the logistical and economic issues. ─── 她认为报告起草者只是专门从科学的角度,而不是从经济和后勤角度来看待这个问题。

16、Major Logistical Control Headquarters ─── 主要后勤控制司令部

17、But when they invaded Russia in 1941, the logistical needs they knew before were dwarfed by Russia's huge distances, terribly bad roads, and extreme winter conditions. ─── 但是当1941年他们进攻苏联时,苏联巨大的纵深,糟糕的道路情况和恶劣的天气使他们在后勤上的缺陷显露无遗。

18、A polemic question is whether such work should be categorized as logistical or organizational research. ─── 一个争论问题是否如此的工作应该被分类如物流或组织的研究。

19、Chertoff says some of the problem may result from the Houston metropolitan area's sprawl, which he says makes it a logistical challenge to get supplies to the right places. ─── 切尔托夫部长说,有些问题可能是因为休斯敦面积太大、把物资运往所需要的地方会比较困难。

20、Logistical Support Commission ─── 后勤支援委员会

21、She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare. ─── 她将食物和医疗供给的分发描述为一个组织上的梦魇。

22、She plied me with logistical questions about our southern route -- sleeping out, carrying food, water. "It can be done," I told her. ─── 她问了我一些很逻辑性的问题,问我们在南部的路线,怎么睡觉,怎么带食物和水,“这没问题。”我告诉他。

23、Professor Spinks said carbon nanotubes were so far only 10 centimetres long, often impure, and there were the logistical problems of building a continuous ribbon. ─── Spinks教授说单壁碳纳米管目前为止只有10厘米长,经常含有杂质,并且建造这样一根连续的带子还有后勤上的问题。

24、With our experience, business contacts and expertise, we can overcome logistical problems and arrange everything for you both quickly and efficiently. ─── 与我们的经验,业务联系和专长,我们能够克服的后勤问题和安排一切,你都迅速和有效率。

25、The logistical departments are also holding a conference at present.They too should concentrate on the new conditions and new problems in their work that have arisen in the new historical situation. ─── 后勤现在也在开会,也要着重研究后勤工作方面在新的历史条件下出现的新的情况和新的问题。

26、Logistical Support Operations Center ─── 后勤支援活动中心

27、logistical and humanitarian services ─── 后勤和人道主义工作

28、It's easy to have terrific meeting diminished in some way by an oversight on a small logistical detail. ─── 一些粗心大意的小疏忽,很容易让一个杰出的会议大打折扣。

29、You need to address several logistical issues when planning your district Rotary Foundation seminar. ─── 在规划跪地区扶轮基金研讨会时,有几个后勤问题需要解决。

30、Meanwhile, the contingent of some 1,100 French troops based in Ndjamena offered just enough logistical and intelligence support to ward off the rebels. ─── 与此同时,驻恩贾梅纳的一支约1100人的法军分队提供了后勤和情况支持来帮助赶走叛军。

31、logistical socialization reform ─── 后勤社会化改革

32、logistical academies and schools ─── 后勤院校

33、Enrlichman had his hands full, for a Presidential trip is a major logistical undertaking. ─── 埃利希曼忙得不可开交,因为总统出访,从后勤上说是一个重大的任务。

34、Logistical Coordination Center ─── 后勤协调中心

35、It's easy to have terrific meeting diminished in some way by an oversight on a small logistical detail. ─── 一些粗心大意的小疏忽,很容易让一个杰出的会议大打折扣。

36、But logistical issues have delayed their battlefield debut -- even as soldiers in Iraq encounter tense urban situations in which the nonlethal capabilities of directed energy could be put to the test. ─── “定向能”脉冲能被扼杀或衰退,依赖位置,很象是在“星际旅行”中的移象器,能被设置为杀死或仅仅是打晕。

37、The USCG is highly dependent on its logistical assets to support its operational units and accomplish its missions. ─── 为了支持作业单元、完成任务,USCG高度依赖于它的后勤保障资产。

38、The PAD's logistical efficiency is impressive.Within hours of occupying the airport it had ample supplies of food, water, blankets and medicines for the thousands of supporters who joined the sit-in. ─── 人民民主党的运作效率给人深刻的印象,佔领机场好几个小时,黄衫军由千名静坐支持著给予充裕的食物、水、毛毯和医疗用品。

39、In the original unit recommendation, individual voluntary, companies on the basis of examination, a recommendation to absorb nearly 20 workers logistical organs. ─── 在原单位推荐、个人自愿、公司考核的基础上,吸纳了推荐方机关后勤近20 名职工。

40、Delta Logistical Support Activity ─── 三角洲后勤支援处

41、She plied me with logistical questions about our southern route -- sleeping out, carrying food, water... "It can be done," I told her. ─── 她问了我一些很逻辑性的问题,问我们在南部的路线,怎么睡觉,怎么带食物和水,“这没问题。”我告诉他。

42、Thanks to intensive courses in supply chain management, followed by a 4 to 6-month company internship, participants develop the ability to analyze logistical org... ─── 在供应链管理的强化课程下,由4至6个月的公司实习后,参加者发展的能力,分析从国际角度后勤组织。

43、The biggest obstacle to setting up such spaces is often not financial or logistical, but cultural. ─── 设立这类办公区的最大障碍并非资金或物流,而是文化。

44、Global logistical Management includes the design and administration of systems to control the flow of material, work-in-process, general supplies, finished inventory and specialized services to support business unit global strategy. ─── 企业全球物流管理乃相关于支持企业全球策略所需之[物],含原物料、半成品、成品、废弃物及一般供应用品及专业服务的控制系统的设计与管理。

45、Here in Anbar, American bodies are taken first by helicopter to Camp Anaconda, the big logistical base north of Baghdad, and then on to the United States. ─── 在安巴拉,美国人的尸体首先被直升机运到安那康达营房,它是巴格达北部最大的转运基地。然后被送回美国。

46、Ground Fuel Logistical Summary ─── 地面燃料后勤概要

47、The PLA constantly strengthens the development of its logistical equipment and upgrades its logistical support means. ─── 人民解放军不断加强后勤装备建设,提高后勤保障手段的现代化水平。

48、Logistical work supporting emergency mobile forces has been quickened. Logistical support forces for emergency mobile operations has been organized. And the logistical support capabilities for crisis response have been enhanced. ─── 加快应急机动作战部队后勤建设,组建后勤应急机动保障力量,提高后勤应急和综合保障能力。

49、Logistical Management Center ─── 后勤管理中心

50、Member States, regional organizations and the UN Secretariat are working to improve overall preparedness, standby capacity, logistical support and training. ─── 会员国、区域组织和联合国秘书处正在努力改进总体的准备待命状态、后备能力、后勤支助和培训。

51、automation of logistical command ─── 后勤指挥自动化

52、The primary logistical responsibility in manufacturing is to participate in formulating a master production schedule and to arrange for timely availability of materials, component parts, and work-in-process inventory. ─── 制造阶段中,物流的最基本责任是参与制订主生产计划,并安排材料、零部件和在制品存货的及时可得性。

53、To be assured of adequate logistical support ─── 保障有力

54、Briefing on housing arrangements, living at the University of Maryland and Metro Washington, DC, Region, and other logistical details. ─── 介绍有关生活起居、马里兰大学以及大华盛顿地区周边情况。

55、The event manager is experts at the creative, technical and logistical elements that help an event succeed. ─── 事件管理职业与这些传统职业之间的主要差别在于,这些传统职业是由男性完全把持的;

56、In order to obtain and process information on the resources, requirements and conditions of logistical support real-time and in a precise and transparent way, the PLA is doing research on a video logistics system. ─── 为实时、准确、透明地获取和处理后勤保障资源、保障需求、保障状态等信息,军队正在组织可视后勤系统研究。

57、However, logistical shortages, particularly in regards to tanks and artillery ammunition, and personnel replacements were a problem for American forces throughout the war. ─── 但是战争中后勤短缺,特别是坦克和火炮的弹药,以及兵员补充等问题一直困绕着美国人。

58、there was the same sense of urgency, the same logistical problems and sacrifices-and chief among these would be the GMU itself. ─── 二者具有同样紧急的意义,同样的补给问题和物资牺牲——其中首位的牺牲便是GMU自身。

59、However due to the logistical problems of organising the parade at short notice and the cost issues involved as a result, this was not achievable. ─── 不过在接到关于游行的后勤问题的临时通知,并且考虑了包括费用支出在内的一些问题后,这次游行取消了。

60、Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. ─── 组织饥荒救济工作涉及繁重的安排协调问题。

61、Logistical and Infrastructure Command ─── 后勤和基地设施司令部

62、China continues to provide a number of devel-oping countries with aid in personnel training, equipment, logistical materials and medical care, and will seek to widen the scope of con-tacts in the future. ─── 中国继续向一些发展中国家提供人员培训、装备器材、后勤物资、医疗卫生等方面的援助,并积极拓展新的交往领域。

63、Use your light and heavy infantry, direct and indirect fire units, engineer and sapper vehicles, plus ground attack fighters and logistical airborne re-supply transports with multiple team identities. ─── 使用你的轻型和重型步兵,直接和间接的消防单位,工程师和工兵车,加上地面攻击战机和后勤空降再补给与运输队多重身份。

64、logistical organization and system ─── 后勤组织体制

65、There is on the other hand, the natural inclination to clinch the division as soon as possible. There are obvious competitive reasons for this, but there are also logistical considerations. ─── 在其他方面,分区冠军可能很快就要到手了。季后赛将会是竞争激烈的,这将会是我们考虑的理由。

66、Of course, this will add complexity and logistical challenges to the business, but it's also likely to add revenue to the bottom line. ─── 当然,这会给厂商增加一定的麻烦并且还要面临后勤的种种考验,但从根本上讲,也同样会增加其收益。

67、The traffic snarls and logistical nightmares that had been feared by police and city officials had not materialized. ─── 之前警察和市政府担心的交通堵塞和后勤供给不足问题并没有出现。

68、In Iraq, it will be one of the biggest logistical challenges facing the US military: water. ─── 在伊拉克,美军在后勤上面临的最大的挑战就是供水。

69、The Application of WAP in Logistical Management System ─── WAP协议在物流信息管理系统中的应用

70、The PLA regards logistical construction as an important part of the effort toward comprehensively enhancing combat effectiveness and meeting the needs of modern warfare. ─── 中国军队把后勤建设作为全面提高战斗力、适应现代战争要求的重要组成部分。

71、The logistical program should be established with the self development during the construction of middle-south city group in Liaoning province. ─── 在辽中南城市群建设过程中,应该根据自身发展现状来制定物流发展规划。

72、Comrades who are attending the conference on logistical work are also present today. ─── 今天,后勤会议的同志也在。

73、Professionnal logistical assistance ensures modern marketing management. ─── 专业的后勤支持确保您的营销管理现代化。

74、More broadly, the research yielding the results represent a significant logistical undertaking. ─── 从更广的方面来看,研究结果提出了一个重大的后勤任务。

75、Of which any investor that applies for engaging in several logistical businesses shall respectively meet the highest qualification requirements for all the logistical businesses it has applied for. ─── 其中申请从事多项物流业务的,应符合分别从事所申请的各项物流业务的资格条件要求中的最高条件。

76、logistical service socialization ─── 后勤社会化

77、However, the fallout is likely to undermine US efforts at the WTO to liberalise trade in other areas, particularly logistical services. ─── 但是,这场风波可能会损害美国为推进贸易自由化所作出的努力。

78、In July 2002, the CMC promulgated the Regulations on the Logistical Equipment of the PLA to promote the regularized development of logistical equipment. ─── 2002年7月,中央军委颁布施行《中国人民解放军后勤装备条例》,促进了后勤装备的正规化建设。

79、Reforms in the army's logistical support system continued to deepen. ─── 后勤保障体制改革不断深化。

80、To keep pace with the development of the socialist market economy and meet the needs of the armed forces' quality construction, the Chinese armed forces have carried out a series of reforms in logistical work. ─── 为适应社会主义市场经济的发展和军队质量建设的需要,中国军队对后勤工作进行了一系列改革。

81、Principals and buyers of information branch and logistical branch of large state-owned enterprises, joint-ventures and scientific and research institutes. ─── 大型国有企业、合资企业、科研院所信息技术部门、后勤部门负责人和采购人员。

82、The military academies and schools are moving in the new direction of enlarged scale, modernized instruction, standardized management and socialized logistical support. ─── 军队院校开始走上规模化办校、现代化教学、正规化管理、社会化保障的新路子。

83、hospital logistical management ─── 医院物流管理

84、Logistical strategy go beyond century in China ─── 中国物流业跨世纪战略

85、The logistical and environmental hurdles involved in executing these dams underscore China's commitment to hydropower. ─── 在建设这些大坝上的资金和环境困难显示了中国政府对水力发电的支持。

86、hospital logistical services ─── 医院后勤服务

87、However, in the global market and oil can be easy to transport and trade on the different natural gas created logistical problems. ─── 然而,在全球市场和石油可以很容易运输和贸易上的不同,天然气造成的后勤问题。

88、Your first logistical obstacle is the robes. ─── 你第一个麻烦就是弄到律师袍。

89、Even as you grapple with the logistical and psychological stress of eldercare, there will be moments when you find yourself on the "blessing path. ─── 即便你费力地面临着老年人照顾的后勤的和心理的压力,将会出现你感到自己在那条“祝福之路”上。

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