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09-22 投稿


moto 发音

英:['məʊtəʊ]  美:['moʊtoʊ]

英:  美:

moto 中文意思翻译



moto 词性/词形变化,moto变形


moto 短语词组

1、super moto n. ─── 超级摩托

2、moto x pro moto x pro

3、real moto ─── 真正的moto

4、power moto ─── 电动马达

5、e moto ─── 和摩托车

6、con moto a. ─── 活跃地

7、Mr. Moto ─── [网络] 莫托先生

8、Laoshan Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX) Venue ─── 崂山自行车摩托十字(BMX)场地

9、andantino con moto g flatmajor G ─── 大调摩托车行板

10、love moto ─── 爱moto

11、andantino con moto allegro ─── 快板行板

12、new moto x ─── 新款moto x

13、moto grosso ─── 大型自行车

14、hello moto ─── 你好 摩托

15、moto z force ─── 摩托车z力

16、moto group moto ─── 集团

17、moto x style moto x ─── 风格

18、piu moto ─── 更多摩托车

19、Laoshan Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX) Ve ─── 崂山自行车摩托十字(BMX)Ve

moto 相似词语短语

1、mofo ─── 模具

2、moton ─── n.保护手肘和腋窝的盔甲;n.(Moton)莫顿(人名)

3、motto ─── n.座右铭,格言;箴言;n.(Motto)人名;(英)莫托;(意、西)莫托

4、mobo ─── 莫博

5、Soto ─── n.索托(手表品牌)

6、molto ─── adv.(用作音乐演奏指示)非常,甚;n.(Molto)(美、阿尔及利亚,澳)莫尔托(人名)

7、koto ─── n.(日)十三弦古筝;n.(Koto)人名;(马达)库图

8、moot ─── adj.无实际意义的;未决议的;vt.提出…供讨论;n.大会;辩论会;假设案件;n.(Moot)人名;(英)穆特

9、motor ─── n.发动机,马达;汽车;adj.汽车的;机动的;vi.乘汽车;vt.以汽车载运

moto 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moto gp gp ─── 摩托车赛

2、Huang Shizhao, who was injured at the Moto GP Shanghai Stage earlier, is now the first beneficiary of the program. ─── 前不久在摩托GP上海站比赛中受伤的著名车手黄士钊,成为该计划第一个受益者。

3、Jet Moto ─── 喷气摩托车

4、To me, my moto is giving is living, and living is giving. ─── 对我来说,我的格言是:生活就是付出。

5、Theory of Electrical Moto & Electromagnetic Fields ─── 电机电磁场理论

6、survice moto: quality come first,survice the best. ─── 服务宗旨:质量第一,服务至上。

7、I'd say it would be a more evolved experience compared to Moto BLUR and other such efforts. ─── 我敢说这相比较摩托罗拉的BLUR和其他类似的努力进化不少。

8、induction moto ─── 异步电机

9、This paper introduces the operation parameter formula of electric moto r by measurement electricity and voltage, and comparatively illustrates by means of the example that this kind of means is easy and feasible. ─── 本文介绍了测定电流电压以换算电动机运行参数的公式,并通过实例比较说明这种方法简单可行。

10、piu moto ─── 更快的

11、Upholding the moto of "Strictly and carefully,deploitation and enterprising,cordial and keep in faith" to keep the products in excellence. ─── 本着严格细致,开拓进取,热诚守信,追求卓越的质量方针,不断的改进和创新以制造出更符合广大客户要求的产品是我们最大的愿望。

12、Why bother with 24和弦 when most Moto phones, including V635, now offer MP3 ringer? ─── 我就唔睇好呢部野..功能又唔系好...m记整黎整去都系得24和弦

13、Grasp the Opportunity and Fully Develop Electric Moto Cars ─── 抓住商机大力发展电动自行车

14、Terao Moto ─── 寺尾元(1907-),日本人,实业家。

15、Andante con moto - Adagio II. ─── 第二乐章:稍快的行板--柔板 II.

16、They Chattered Like Swallows - Con Moto ─── 他们像燕子一样饶舌

17、The main building of Wind Valley OCT Hotel is composed of the modern design with moto theme 15 luxurious caravans or moto houses imported Germany. ─── 云海谷华侨城酒店由以房车设计为概念的主楼客房和15辆自德国引进的豪华房车灵活组合而成。

18、On May 11, Eric Congdon was working as usual. He is the owner of Olympia Moto Sports in Hendersonville, North Carolina, USA. On this day, he opened a crate from China. ─── 五月十一日,艾瑞克?康登正一如往常地工作,他是美国北卡罗莱纳州韩德森维尔市奥林匹亚机车运动服饰店的负责人。这天,他打开一只来自中国的条板箱。

19、Guest Welcoming Building is looking forward your visiting under their moto”faithful, enthusiastic &warmhearted”. ─── 上海师范大学迎宾楼以“诚信、热心、温馨”的服务,热忱欢迎宾客光临。

20、Ōmoto Shigeo ─── 大元重夫(1918-),日本人,陆军军官。

21、This Moto phone is featured by simple design style, vacuum spray plating webbing and deeply sanded top. ─── 摩托罗拉简约设计风格,真空喷镀边带,深磨沙顶部。

22、Huang Shizhao, who was injured at the Moto GP Shanghai Stage earlier, is now the first beneficiary of the program. ─── 前不久在摩托GP上海站比赛中受伤的著名车手黄士钊,成为该计划第一个受益者。

23、Is a cartoon of the MOTO car racing games, comic characters, it is also very interesting to play. ─── 一款很卡通化的MOTO车越野赛游戏,人物滑稽,玩起来也很有意思。

24、My Moto is High Standard,Low Attitude. ─── 我的信条是:高标准,低姿态。

25、Listen MotoMoto.You better treat this lady like a queen because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect women. ─── 听着摩托摩托,你得把这姑娘像女王一样伺候着,因为你找到了世上最完美的女人。

26、De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle. ─── 德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。

27、However, foreign Moto makers have automakers had 6 of the 10 top selling vehicles in the program. ─── 但是,在活动中国外汽车制造商占最畅销的10种车的6个席位。

28、Hello Moto? MWC 2009 edition You wouldn't know it from coverage of this year's MWC in Barcelona but Motorola actually is hiding in a booth. ─── 很想抽烟,莫名,明明是很反感的。难不成就因为过年在家时抽了那一口,很怀念?瞎扯啊,哪有一口就上瘾的。。。.

29、Excellent quality and top-ranking service are not only the Group's moto, but also the genuine praise given by our customers. ─── 优异的品质、流的服务不仅是金地三福座佑铭,更是广大用户的评价。

30、Dōmoto Hisao ─── 堂本尚郎(1928-),日本人,画家。

31、On May 11, Eric Congdon was working as usual.He is the owner of Olympia Moto Sports in Hendersonville, North Carolina, USA. ─── 五月十一日,艾瑞克?康登正一如往常地工作,他是美国北卡罗莱纳州韩德森维尔市奥林匹亚机车运动服饰店的负责人。

32、Dōmoto Inshō ─── 堂本印象(1891-1975),日本人,画家。


34、moto car sharing platform ─── 动车共享信息平台

35、Keywords Air pollution;indoor;Formaldehyde;Moto vehicles; ─── 空气污染;室内;甲醛;车辆;机动;

36、Car fan or vacuum cleaner moto ─── 车用气泵,吸尘器电机

37、Analysis of domestic moto enterprise order complete cycle ─── 国内汽车企业的订单完成周期分析

38、We are the company's main products are wiper MOTO films, and the general spark plug, spark plug torch can do retail and wholesale distributors are. ─── 我们公司主营产品是MOTO雨刮片,和大众火花塞,火炬火花塞是经销商可做零售批发。

39、Laoshan Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX) Venue ─── n. 老山小轮车赛场

40、Manglietia moto ─── n. 毛桃木莲

41、moto tilter ─── 倾卸汽车

42、Viaggi_in_moto_e_noleggio Il sito presenta alcune proposte di vacanze in moto, iscrizione ai viaggi, noleggio di moto, rimessaggio e trasporto. ─── 淮安市建筑工程学校省重点职业学校。开设工民建、装璜设计、电子、机电一体化、计算机应用、汽车运用技术等十多个专业。

43、Moto promised, and delivered, a speedy update to 2.2. ─── 之后摩托罗拉承诺并实现将其更新至2.2。

44、MBA MOTO, Florencio ─── 弗洛伦西奥·姆巴·莫托

45、Moto regardes employee's thinking, encourages their speaking. ─── 摩托罗拉重视员工的想法,鼓励他们说出自己的观点。

46、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you,comparateur assurance moto, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words. ─── 想你,是一种漂亮的忧伤的甜美的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。

47、MoTo:Lest's shine ─── 摩托罗拉:来至闪耀。

48、De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle. ─── 德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。

49、Moto C350 ->Moto C650 -> Nokia N-gage QD -> Nokia N70 -> Kyocera W41K -> Casio A5406 -> Sharp V601SH -> Casio W31CA -> Dopod 900 -> Nokia N73 ─── 计算机名字的问题,在我的电脑属性里改。必须用英文和数字,不支持中文。

50、Kōmoto Saburō ─── 河本三郎

51、Kōmoto Daisaku ─── 河本大作(1883-1955),日本人,战犯。

52、We have not money,so it's impossible to buy a moto. ─── 我没有钱,买摩托车是不可能的事。

53、We want to buy auto and moto parts.Welcome to contact us! ─── 求购汽车及机车配件!

54、The veteran of 118 Moto GP starts fractured the femur in his left leg and his right collarbone, as well as hurting the fingers in his left, and was taken to a local hospital, where he will be operated on this Monday. ─── 参加过118场比赛的老车手左腿股骨,右锁骨,以及左手手指骨折,被送进当地医院,届时,他将在这个星期一动手术.

55、there is no link, you must buy the official hk version, and take it to moto service center in hk to upgrade. ─── 这不是说了吗??没有地址,你必须购买行货手机,拿到客服去升级。

56、When we were eating, we saw an old woman driving this kind of mini moto bike for shopping, very interesting. ─── 我们在吃饭的时侯,看到一位老妇人骑着迷你电动车购物,挺有意思的。

57、Moto is dead. This is the era of Apple. ─── 摩托罗拉已经死了,这是苹果的时代。

58、Apparently Moto didn’t notice that Motorola technology can’t meet the users’ needs on this dynamic world. ─── 是的, 我很遗憾有许多人在地震中丧生。但真正的震动是我对自己国家的信心。

59、Moto GP ─── 极品摩托,又名摩托GP

60、The Comprehensive Harnessing Dollution of Shanghai Moto Vehicles by Use of the System Engineering Method ─── 运用系统工程方法综合治理上海市机动车的污染

61、moto analyso ─── 运动分析器

62、Achieving good economic benefits, and bringing great convenience to moto-highway construction. ─── 取得了良好的经济效益,给高速公路建设带来很大的便利。

63、But I am more concern how Sun can do better and take lesson from Moto. ─── 我们捐给那些需要的人,我们有我们自己的人花自己的钱来做监督。

64、The annual X Games showcases more than 150 of the world's top athletes competing in BMX Freestyle, Moto X, Skateboard, Surfing and Wakeboard. ─── 每年的极限运动会,都会有超过150名世界顶尖运动好手,在小轮车,极限摩托,滑板,冲浪和滑水等项目展开精彩角逐。

65、And for the teens: Is having the latest and greatest cell phone really that important, or are you fine with your old Moto V60 (or nothing at all)? ─── 年轻人:最新最好的手机真的那么重要吗?或者只用摩托罗拉V60(或直接不用手机)也未尝不可呢?

66、It has been an exceptional,really exceptional time the moto sports in more than 30 years have given to me. ─── 汽车运动在过去的三十多年之中给了我非常好的,真的是很好的一段时光。

67、BMX will make its debut at the 2008 Olympic Games and Laoshan Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX) Venue is lucky to be the first standard venue for this event in Olympic history. ─── 小轮车赛从2008北京奥运会起正式列为比赛项目,北京老山小轮车赛场也成为奥运会历史上第一个标准场地。

68、Motorola after all this how transition takes off present predicament with jumping, whether can the article make review tomorrow transition "Moto" obtains renascence really? ─── Motorola到底该如何转型以跳脱现在的困境,本文将评论未来转型是否真能使"Moto"获得重生呢?

69、Fox Sports Soccer football, a very fun football games, first-person perspective. For Akkadian and MOTO modified version. ─── SportsSoccer福克斯足球,一款很好玩的足球游戏,第一人称视角。为阿卡和MOTO修改的版本。

70、MOTO Z10 owners have a complete mobile film studio in their pocket with everything they need to capture, create, edit and share their content on the move. ─── MOTO Z10的用户在他们的裤兜中拥有一套完整的,集捕捉、创建、编辑以及在移动中分享他们的内容的移动影片工作室。

71、to me, moto's voice quality is just superb, I used V3 and V3x , my fds always say I am like using a fixed line phone , even I am in a ver ... ─── 个人意见,香港系个比较特别既市场,好多时有质素既产品并唔等如销量好,多人用。

72、I'm glad to know that you like motocycle,what kind of moto?off-road or some others?I'll watching the moto GP and moto-x in free time. ─── 我热爱一切与速度有关的的东西,很高兴看到你说你喜欢摩托车,它是属于哪种类型?

73、Tu mandi le tenebre e vien la notte, nella quale tutte le bestie delle foreste si mettono in moto. ─── 你安设黑暗,有了晚上,林中的百兽就都爬出来。

74、variable displacement oil hydraulic moto ─── 可变容量油压电动机

75、con moto ─── 稍快的

76、This document details all of the features and specifications of the MOTO VE66 handset. ─── 摩托罗拉VE66手机产品主要特点和功能列表。

77、Moto Racer ─── 摩托英豪

78、Moto and its southern area was an important region where the Lopa and Menpa minority nationalities of our country lived in compact communities. ─── 墨脱及其以南地区过去是我国珞巴族和门巴族的重要聚居地。

79、SMAC designs and manufactures cable and wireharness in the fields of the Moto,Medical epuipment,Telecommunication, Network and Electrical appliance etc. ─── 苏州思迈克电线电缆有限公司专业从事汽车,医疗,设备,通讯,网路,家电等相关领域所用线束产品之开发,生产组装。

80、Moto GP Ultimate Racing Technology ─── 极品摩托.终极赛车技3

81、I bought a Moto Ming A1200 mobile phone in new year holidays, the phone is really good. In a word, very "playable". ─── 元旦的时候我买了个摩托罗拉A1200手机,感觉还真的不错。用句酸腐一点的话来总结,“有很高的可玩性”。

82、I thought moto was dangerous so I refused him.At last I got on a moto tricycle. ─── 她骂骂咧咧的,我仍旧麻木,拍了拍裤子,提起车子,说了一句“对不起”就走了。

83、The Character and Starting of Synchro Moto ─── 同步电动机的特性及启动

84、Application of PM Asynchronous Moto in Oil Well Energy Saving ─── 永磁同步电动机在油井节能中的应用

85、comment1, moto guzzi scooter, wasr, lagan movie songs, enf, down river suwannee upon way, 472, dovecot pop server, =-DD, ─── 您如需购买药品请点击“付款方式”或拨打电话:0531-86690691咨询。

86、Kōmoto Toshio ─── 河本敏夫(1911-),日本人,众议员。

87、"YURA YURA to... Yuganda sora e... Kimi no moto e tonde yuke..." ─── "摇摇晃晃地...朝着颠倒的天空...飞往你的身边..."

88、He parked his moto between other cars . ─── 他把摩托车停在其他车中间。

89、Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.1 in B-flat Minor, Op. 23 - 1. Allegro non troppo e moto maestaso-Allegro con spirito [0:18:53.66 ─── 揭发无耻卖家--程家星(淘宝帐户:古城1982),以组装硬盘充当原装日立移动硬盘卖,诱骗买家签收后就置之不理。


moto guzzi是摩托古兹(也有翻译成摩托古奇)是意大利著名的摩托车品牌,始于1921年,是由三名参加过第一次世界大战的飞行员所创立的。上世纪90年代,摩托·古兹的经营状况不佳,被并入阿普利亚,2004年12月30日又被欧洲最大的摩托车厂家——比亚乔将其收入门下。



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