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09-22 投稿


lifelike 发音

英:['laɪflaɪk]  美:['laɪf'laɪk]

英:  美:

lifelike 中文意思翻译



lifelike 词性/词形变化,lifelike变形

名词: lifelikeness |

lifelike 短语词组

1、lifelike quality ─── 逼真的品质

2、lifelike out of paper ─── 纸上栩栩如生

3、lifelike cat out of paper ─── 栩 ─── 栩如生的纸上谈兵

4、lifelike cat ─── 栩 ─── 栩如生的猫

5、lifelike clay animals ─── 栩 ─── 栩如生的粘土动物

6、lifelike figure ─── 栩 ─── 栩如生的人物

7、lifelike speech ─── 栩 ─── 栩如生的演讲

lifelike 相似词语短语

1、lifelines ─── n.生命线(lifeline的复数形式);救生索(栏)

2、wifelike ─── adj.适合做妻子的;似妻的;adv.似妻地

3、unlifelike ─── 不幸福的

4、lifeline ─── n.生命线;救生索

5、knifelike ─── 针状

6、linelike ─── 线状

7、hivelike ─── 蜂窝状的

8、clifflike ─── 悬崖峭壁

9、icelike ─── 冰状的

lifelike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By the lifelike descriptions of nature, Hardy records the history during the Victorian age more truly than any historical document does. ─── 哈代对大自然入木三分的描写比任何历史文献都更为真实地记录了维多利亚时代的历史。

2、Can build the atmosphere simulation system of the lifelike result, the mere shadow system. ─── 可营造逼真效果的大气模拟系统,光影系统。

3、Jim was an ordinary slave plantations, Mark Twain use of black English, succeeded in portraying the status of an underground, of flesh and blood, lifelike image of black slaves. ─── 吉姆是一位普普通通的种植园的黑奴,马克吐温运用黑人英语,成功地刻画出了一个地位地下,有血有肉,栩栩如生的黑奴形象。

4、This lesson has not been lost on the wannabe gods trying to create lifelike behavior in computer worlds. ─── 这一课对于那些设法在电脑世界里创造仿真行为的众神仿效者们并非毫无教益。

5、Fitting background music makes the person able to calm down, the ball bumps the shot wall voice to make it also very lifelike. ─── 恰当的背景音乐让人能静下心,球撞击墙壁的声音做的也很逼真。

6、With one hand propping up the head and the other resting at ease on the body, it looks lifelike, with an expression that is calm and composed. ─── 他一手支头,一手搁在身上,神态自若,姿态逼真。

7、Samsung's unique Digital Natural engine, lifelike video screen to display in front of you. srs trusurround xt professional surround sound stereo hidden in the tall and slim, subtle design. ─── 三星独有的数码自然引擎,将视频画面栩栩如生地展现在您的面前。srstrusurroundxt专业环绕立体声音响隐藏于纤巧身材之下,设计之微妙。

8、Dinosaur era reproduction of the world's image of the dinosaur extinction has been, feeding the herbivorous dinosaurs, dinosaur battle of meat, flying pterosaurs, are vivid and lifelike. ─── 恐龙时代再现了世界上已经灭绝的恐龙形象,有觅食的草食恐龙、搏斗的肉食恐龙、飞翔的翼龙,均活灵活现,栩栩如生。

9、It is said that he once carved a wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days. ─── 传说他曾用木头制作了一只五彩斑斓的凤凰,能够在空中飞翔三天不掉下来。

10、With an all-new game engine, lifelike isometric view, breathtaking graphics and richly detailed landscapes, the adventure map comes alive!Heroes? ─── 依靠着全新的技术,栩栩如生的等角视野,慑人心魄的图形和颇为详尽地风景说明,整个探险地图变活了!

11、Hollywood Blockbuster Experience: Lifelike graphics and spectacular audio/ visual effects offer an incredibly immersive gaming experience. ─── 好莱巫级震撼体验:栩栩如生的图象和壮观的声光特效提供了令人不可置信投入的游戏体验。

12、The horse he painted is very lifelike. ─── 他画的马很传神。

13、A: Come over and look at the two columns! The two carved dragons on the columns look very lifelike! ─── 快过来,看看这两根圆柱吧,圆柱上的两根雕龙看起来栩栩如生。

14、His series lifelike, picturesque and grandiose odes were well-known and recited by people at that time.These odes were not only lyrics but also vivid history with exact names and facts. ─── 他生动具体、气势宏伟的一系列颂歌,不仅是当时妇孺皆知、琅琅上口的文学诗篇,而且是有名有姓、有根有据的鲜活历史。

15、Roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University built his own mechanical twin to see how humans react to extraordinarily lifelike machines. ─── 大阪大学机器人学家石黑浩制造了他自己的机器双胞胎,以考察人们在面对格外逼真的机器时作何反应。

16、The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike . ─── 他画的奔马,栩栩如生,极其神似。

17、There's a marvelously lifelike painting of a beauty inthe small study here. ─── "这里素日有个小书房,内曾挂着一轴美人,极画的得神."

18、Moreover, Chinese craftsmen used the traditional designs and auspicious symbols to weave carpets.They sheared the carpets so these kind carpets looked like carved and the patterns were lifelike. ─── 同时中国工匠把本民族的吉祥图案,织在地毯上再经过片剪,如同浮雕,栩栩如生。

19、The lifelike models of animals that you see in museums are the work of taxidermists. ─── 你在博物馆看到的逼真的动物模型是剥制师创作的。

20、Italian police have unearthed the hidden cache of a group of grave robbers, recovering ancient Roman marble reliefs depicting stunningly lifelike gladiators locked in mortal combat, officials said Wednesday. ─── 义大利警方已隐藏窖藏出土一批严重抢劫、追古罗马竞技场大理石优惠描绘震惊栩栩如生锁定致命打击,官员说周三。

21、Build a new tower next to Ocean Club, 500 plastic Lohan, with expression, lifelike. ─── 塔旁新筑一座罗汉阁,塑有500罗汉,各具神态,栩栩如生。

22、He went back in time on the Primeval Whirl, gasping at the twists, turns and startlingly lifelike dinosaurs. ─── 他玩了机动游戏“飞越恐龙世纪”,这个刺激无比的旋转游戏中那栩栩如生的恐龙让霍华德惊奇不已。

23、CX:People found it very strange, because it is so lifelike. ─── 人们觉得它很奇怪,因为它是那么得栩栩如生。

24、This novel is bestowed of freshly distingushing feature.Not only are we amazed by the supernature force, but also we can experience the lifelike -depicted characters. ─── 她赋予了小说以新的特色,使我们在被强大的超自然力震撼的同时,感受到人物的血肉丰满,栩栩如生。

25、KS: In 2005, you created a very lifelike sculpture of yourself, identical in proportion in every detail. What was the thinking behind this? ─── 2005年,您为您自己创作了一座塑像,和您的每个细节都等比例相同。这一创作背后的考虑是什么?

26、Repliee, though, is so lifelike that it has overcome the creepiness factor, partly because of the natural way it moves. ─── 不过复制人一号非常逼真,之所以能克服这种令人毛骨悚然的感受,部份原因就在于它的移动方式很自然。

27、Pictorial, diverse and satisfied out of the insole logo lifelike, people put it down! ─── 图案各种各样,纳出的鞋垫图案栩栩如生,让人爱不释手!

28、The horse he painted is very lifelike. ─── 他画的马很传神。

29、Elephant Trunk Rock at Zhangjiadu Elephant Trunk Rock is located to the northeast of Zhangjiadu town. It overlooks the stream pool below, being absolutely lifelike. ─── 张家渡象鼻岩象鼻岩在张家渡镇的西北面,下临溪潭,惟妙惟肖。

30、Jean: They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance. ─── 他们用杀菌肥皂擦身体然后擦干。他们也给死者化妆打扮,为了能让他们看起来跟生前一样栩栩如生。

31、One was a lifelike dragon and the other an uprising phoenix. ─── 一个是栩栩如生的龙,一个是飘飘欲飞的凤。

32、I am the stationery case, looking from the semblance, I look like a compact car, has the yellow headlight, red automobile body, blue color glass and black wheel, lifelike that!... ─── 我是文具盒,从外表看,我像一辆小汽车,有黄色的车灯,红色的车身,蓝色的车窗和黑色的轮子,多逼真那!...

33、Kokoro will also model the buyer's voice, facial expressions, and upper-body movements to create the most lifelike doppelganger possible. ─── 可可洛公司甚至可以让机器人再现顾客的声音和面部表情,并让机器人的上半身自由活动,以创造最逼真的"克隆"效果。

34、Its quality characteristic is: Contour flat Graceful, the lustergreen green jade, the endosarc clear fragrance is mellow, soaks in thecup, bud Ye Selv, is just like freshly and beautifully, lifelike. ─── 中国十大名茶之说,有从地方本位出发,有不同的茶叶评比会的排名,具体说法不一。

35、Let go of it all winter, spring lost happiness, perhaps all this is that I have added a potentially beautiful past, lifelike, thriving and flowers. ─── 冬天揽住的伤感,春天遗失的幸福,也许这一切都是增添了我那往事潜在的美丽,栩栩如生,枝繁叶茂,花团锦簇。

36、But this awesome person is too lifelike to be a god. ─── 但这个令人惊叹的形象实在太真实、太鲜活。

37、She has very lifelike dreams, and every morning when she wakes she has difficulty in orientating herself to the real world. ─── 她常做栩栩如生的梦;每天早上醒来时,她都很难回到现实中来。

38、Strange shapes and designs is clear, distinct, majestic great momentums, tall, lifelike. ─── 形状奇特,图案清晰,层次分明,雄伟高大,气势磅礴,惟妙惟肖。

39、Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David. ─── 多那太罗意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象

40、The needlework that they do is vivid (wait for) like sweater, inwrought, sole, lifelike. ─── 她们做出来的针线活(如毛衣、刺绣、鞋底等),栩栩如生。

41、My intention was not producing a perfect match, just a lifelike branch. ─── 我的意图不是做出一个与图片完全相符的模型,而是一个栩栩如生的树枝。

42、A robot arm swings from side to side, eerily lifelike, as if it were trying to snatch invisible flies out of the air. ─── 一个机器人臂从这边到那边不停地摆动,活像真的,令人迷惑不解,好像它试图从空中抓取看不见的苍蝇。

43、Using this system, people can set up a lifelike virtual (environment) with good operation and easy data interactivity. ─── 利用该系统,可以为远程目的地构建一个逼真、具有良好操控性以及数据交互性的虚拟环境。

44、The Good: More than120 motorcycles;35 courses offer a wide array of racing challenges; great-looking bikes with lifelike handling; lots of fun and rewarding challenges and race events. ─── 优点:超过120种摩托车;35条赛道提供了广泛和大量的竞速挑战;好看的车辆和逼真的操作感;许多有趣且奖励丰富的挑战和赛事。

45、It is believed to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used. ─── 它被认为是一种新的形象逼真型绘画的最好代表,这种绘画风格一经使用就使人们惊叹不已。

46、The main attraction in the garden is the “One Stop One Lotus” which is a lifelike animatronics figure of Prince Siddharta. ─── 园内栽有近百种花草树木,并有七宝池、琉璃塔、云水厅和莲花池。

47、But what we fear has nothing to do with gruesome masks or plastic spiders or lifelike monsters. ─── 不过我们的恐惧与可怕的面具,玩具蜘蛛,栩栩如生的怪兽无关。

48、A frustrated sculptor strangles his beautiful girlfriend and entombs her body into a lifelike doll. ─── 一个失败的雕塑家掐死了漂亮的女友,把尸体埋藏到栩栩如生的玩偶里面。她的灵魂停留在新的身体里,从一个主人转到另一个主人,勾引男人并把他们带向死亡。

49、Shuanglonghuzhu by Marigold, jasmine, red Thousand Days common component in the brewing water, the two Yinlong Cuanchu competition for a yellow sea Pearl, the momentum out of the ordinary, lifelike. ─── “双龙戏珠”是由金盏花,茉莉花,千日红共同组成,在开水的冲泡下,两条银龙窜出金黄色的海面争抢一颗龙珠,气势不凡,栩栩如生。

50、His paintings are lifelike. ─── 他的画很能传神。

51、In the back hall there are portraits of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei and the two valiant generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Skilfully executed, they are very lifelike. ─── 后殿,有诸葛亮、刘、关、张的画像。

52、To make lifelike. ─── 使逼真

53、The point with Chinese calligraphic fine essence is pen situation, its form substance than the word, line more lifelike. ─── 中国书法的精妙之处是笔势,它比字的结体、线条更加传神。

54、Design new tide, image: Vivid, lifelike, lovable, carries conveniently.Product material: Environmental protection imaginary color silken luster of mercerized cotton cloth shearing cloth. ─── 产品采用环保幻彩丝光剪毛布为面料,款式新潮、形象逼真生动可爱。

55、evoking lifelike images within the mind. ─── 在脑海中唤起逼真的图像。

56、He created figures that were more lifelike than traditional forms. ─── 他创作的人物比传统的造型更具真实感。

57、The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike. ─── 他画的奔马栩栩如生。

58、Song Sheng Mudian Jinci within one maid as lifelike plastic, different attitude, a good reputation at home and abroad. ─── 其中晋祠圣母殿内宋塑侍女像栩栩如生,姿态各异,在海内外享有盛名。

59、"Look, this embroidery millet sprays more sophisticated, like the real thing, even the colors are so lifelike, is absolutely works of art! ─── "快看,这刺绣的谷穗多精致,像真的一样,连色彩也这么逼真,绝对是件艺术品!

60、Mr.Li also collects all kinds of diabolos, most of which were made by himself.His hand-made dolls “100 ways of Playing the Diabolo” hanging on the wall are particularly lifelike. ─── 他收藏了各种样式的空竹,大部分是他亲手制作的,尤其是他亲手制作的空竹技艺100式的玩偶,挂在墙上,惟妙惟肖。

61、The novel creates all kinds of absolutely lifelike nonentities, which is a great artistic achievement. ─── 小说中描绘了形形色色、惟妙惟肖的小人物,他们是作品艺术上的一大亮点;

62、An American art form, animation is the process of drawing and photographing a character- a person, an animal, or an inanimate object- in successive positions to create lifelike movement. ─── 在美国动画是绘画和摄影综合过程一种个性的艺术形式,一个人,一种动物或者一个无生命的物体通过连续的图片运动变得栩栩如生。

63、Song paints in grays, whites and sepia tones, with only hints of lifelike color rising from the surface, like a vision emerging from fog. ─── 宋的画是灰,白和浅褐色调,只有一点点隐约的真实的颜色浮在表面,如同雾里冒出的景致。

64、He took their measurements hundreds of times so that he could make lifelike sculptures. ─── 他为他们量数百次尺寸,目的是做出栩栩如生的雕像。

65、Filters in front of pixels ensure that color-processing algorithms can generate lifelike and bright colors. ─── 安置在像素前方的滤光片,可以确保处理颜色的演算法能产生逼真而明亮的颜色。

66、The Good: More than 120 motorcycles; 35 courses offer a wide array of racing challenges; great-looking bikes with lifelike handling; lots of fun and rewarding challenges and race events. ─── 优点:超过120种摩托车;35条赛道提供了广泛和大量的竞速挑战;好看的车辆和逼真的操作感;许多有趣且奖励丰富的挑战和赛事。

67、the lifelike reality of his paintings ─── 他的绘画作品中表现的真实性.

68、They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance. ─── 他们用杀菌肥皂擦身体然后擦干。他们也给死者化妆打扮,为了能让他们看起来跟生前一样栩栩如生。

69、Entries to the garden lady, carved in the back feathers meticulous, texture clear, lifelike symbolized eternal love, tie the knot. ─── 作品中的鸳鸯惟妙惟肖,背上羽毛的雕刻一丝不苟,纹理清晰,栩栩如生,寓意百年好合,永结同心。

70、Someday the bulk of the technosphere in Bio2 will be replaced by engineered life and lifelike systems. ─── 将来生物圈二号的大部分科技领域会被工程生命和类生命系统所替代。

71、You see, eyes that lifelike camel mountain, not that of a landscape in Guilin intoxicating do. ─── 你看,眼前这惟妙惟肖的骆驼山,不就是桂林醉人的一处风景吗。

72、View within the ice also lifelike, vivid. ─── 冰块内的观赏也同样栩栩如生,活灵活现。

73、Carved from work, days of independence blue jade carvings into a Cliff of humans, the foliage is more lifelike sculpture, river rapids and the boat downstream, the figure depicts the age lifelike, a relaxed mood on the heart. ─── 作品精雕而成,天蓝色的独玉巧雕成一株崖上的青松,枝叶的雕刻更显得逼真,江中急流的小舟顺水而下,岁人物的刻画栩栩如生,一种意境悠然上心头.充满了生机勃勃的景象。"

74、His work is lifelike but not life size, and being face to face with the tiny, gossiping Two Women (2005) or the monumental woman In Bed (2005) is an unforgettable experience. ─── 他的作品栩栩如生,但是不是活物的尺寸。观看小小的传闲话的女人(2005),或纪念碑尺寸的床中的女人(2005)是难忘的经历

75、Astonishing lifelike blue eyes shone between lashes of real hair. ─── 令人惊叹的栩栩如生的碧眼在真正的睫毛中闪烁。

76、Dreiser's novels were so realistic, touching and lifelike that juiced up American realistic novels, and made him creditably "a brilliant novelist in portraying American life". ─── 他的小说真实感人,富有生活气息,为美国现实主义小说注入了一股新的活力,不愧为“描写美国生活的极伟大的作家。”

77、Two black material alone carved jade pick up more lifelike birds, jumping around between the branches, a symbol of auspiciousness more! ─── 两只黑色料独玉摘雕出来的小鸟更显栩栩如生,在枝头间跳来跳去,更显喜庆吉祥!

78、The color film, a colorful world, is lifelike and natural, and unforgettaBle at a glance. ─── 彩色胶卷,色彩世界,逼真自然,过目难忘。

79、My company has all kinds of natural stone landscaping: various shapes, perfect, lifelike form. ─── 我公司具有各种天然园林绿化石:形状各异、完美无缺、形态逼真。

80、Gao Feng's works are both delicate and smooth.He wants to express the unique feature of figure's disposition.The lifelike manner is his object.He rarely uses stage properties to set off the figures. ─── 其作品清秀流畅、追求神态逼真,来表达人物性格之特色,他极少通过道具烘托,努力减少繁杂工艺,使自己的作品自成一格。

81、She cut out the works, lifelike, lifelike, peoplewould find it remarkable. ─── 她剪出的作品,惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生,让人称奇。

82、The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike. ─── 他画的奔马, 栩栩如生, 极其神似。

83、Below unattended black jade carved a lifelike pick the magpie, a white-haired black tail, picked clean color, more a symbol of auspiciousness. ─── 下面黑色独玉摘雕一只栩栩如生的喜鹊,白头黑尾,摘色干净,更显喜庆吉祥。

84、Such carvings are vivid and lifelike. ─── 它的雕刻艺术形象逼真。

85、Human visual sense is the main way to get information.Only the lifelike and unartificial virtual vision can make the users immersed in a virtual environment. ─── 人的信息感知主要来源于视觉,能使用户真正沉浸的虚拟环境,必须要生成足够逼真和自然的虚拟视景.

86、Their omnipotent, lifelike appearance lets one can not recognize. ─── 他们无所不能,逼真的外形让人不能认出来。

87、In a coevolutionary world, the atmosphere and material environment in which beasties dwell become as adaptable and as lifelike as the beasties themselves. ─── 在一个共同进化的世界里,小动物们居住环境中的大气和物质和动物本身一样越来越具适应性,也越来越逼真。

88、Multiwave makes everything sound clearer and more lifelike. ─── 多波技术使得所有声音都听起来更清楚,更栩栩如生。

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