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09-22 投稿


misrepresents 发音

英:[ˌmɪsˌreprɪˈzents]  美:[ˌmɪsˌreprɪˈzents]

英:  美:

misrepresents 中文意思翻译




misrepresents 词性/词形变化,misrepresents变形

名词: misrepresentation |动词过去式: misrepresented |动词第三人称单数: misrepresents |动词现在分词: misrepresenting |形容词: misrepresentative |动词过去分词: misrepresented |

misrepresents 短语词组

1、misrepresents real life ─── 歪曲现实生活

misrepresents 相似词语短语

1、misrepresentations ─── n.歪曲;误传

2、misrepresent ─── vt.歪曲,误传;不合适地代表;vi.虚伪陈述;歪曲报道

3、represents ─── v.代表(represent的三单形式);表现,表示;描绘

4、misrepresentation ─── n.歪曲;误传

5、to misrepresent ─── 歪曲

6、misrepresenter ─── 失实陈述者

7、misrepresenting ─── vt.歪曲,误传;不合适地代表;vi.虚伪陈述;歪曲报道

8、misrepresentative ─── adj.不如实表达的;歪曲的;给人以假象的

9、misrepresented ─── adj.不如实叙述的;v.不如实地叙述(misrepresent的过去式)

misrepresents 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(Three) The applicant, on purpose, conceals or misrepresents submission information;and(Four) Other scenarios incompliant with the relevant principles provided for in Article Five of the Stipulations. ─── 从事国际货运代理业务的人员接受前款规定的培训,经考试合格后,取得国际货物运输代理资格证书。

2、In the case of design, the metaphor intentionally misrepresents the science so as to make a doctrinal point. ─── 就设计来说,这个比喻蓄意误读科学以取得教义效应。

3、This view has some merits, as we shall see, but it grossly misrepresents some central phenomena of religion. ─── 这种观点有一些优点,正如我们后面将会看到的。但是他却粗糙的错误解读了宗教的一些核心现象。

4、Anything that intentionally misleads readers or misrepresents your abilities is probably going to cause you more harm than good. ─── 所有和应聘职位不相干,只会误导读者或让读者误会你能力的东西都应该去芜存菁。

5、When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative, characters or plot.You are a victim of trailer fraud. ─── 当一个预告片不能代表它所宣传的影片,观众在实际观看影片的时候发现预告片跟影片的内容、人物或情节均不符合,那么观众就是被预告片给骗了,成了预告片陷阱的受害者。

6、He went on to say that the article in Time magazine misrepresents the facts. ─── 他继续说时代杂志的那篇文章曲解了这个协定。

7、Senator Lee’s stand on the tax bill misrepresents the wishes of the voters in his state. ─── 李参议员对税法法案的立场违反他本州岛选民的愿望. 李参议员对税法法案的立场违反他本州选民的愿望.

8、We further affirm that a statement is true if it represents matters as they actually are, but is an error if it misrepresents the facts. ─── 我们同时也认同:如果一个描述与所描述的事物相符,这个描述就是正确的;相反,若与事实相矛盾,这个描述则是谬误。

9、This statement misrepresents my intentions. ─── 这个陈述误传了我的意图。

10、an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something. ─── 不能真实反映事物内在本质的外表。

11、The theory, according to Wulf, misrepresents what engineers are about. ─── 的理论,按照Wulf的话来说,扭曲了工程师们的真正面貌。

12、In the case of omissions it is this inability which the Austinian theory misrepresents as an absence of desire for muscular movement. ─── 在不作为的情况下,正是这种无能,被奥斯丁主义理论误传为是欠缺肌肉运动的愿望。

13、misrepresents before a registry or a tax agency under false pretenses; ─── (二)向登记机关、税务机关隐瞒真实情况、弄虚作假的;

14、This fearmongering grossly misrepresents the U.S.-China economic relationship. ─── 此类正在散布的恐慌论在很大程度上曲解了美中经济关系。

15、of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. ─── 点评:这是一篇说明文,用说明的表达方式来解说事物,阐明事理。写好说明文,不仅要抓住特征,注意条理,而且要巧妙运用说明方

16、7. "Misrepresents any fact at the time of signing the employment contract, misleading employer and cause damage to be incurred" ─── 于订立劳动合同时为虚伪意思表示,使雇主误信而有受损害之虞者。

17、This statement misrepresents my intentions. ─── 这个陈述误传了我的意图。

18、Thus, he misrepresents the truth. ─── 这样一来,他就扭曲了事实。

19、The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell.Thus, he misrepresents the truch. ─── 广告夸大的好处商品,他现在要出售。

20、Anything that intentionally misleads readers or misrepresents your abilities is probably going to cause you more harm than good. ─── 所有和应聘职位不相干,只会误导读者或让读者误会你能力的东西都应该去芜存菁。

21、Some argue that the film misrepresents the king. ─── 还是对历史的一个忠实呈现。。。。

22、7.an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something. ─── 意欲歪曲一个行动真实性质的东西。

23、The claim that we're making big profits on the back of newspapers also misrepresents the reality. ─── 关于我们通过报纸获取大笔利润的说法也不是事实。

24、an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something. ─── 不能真实反映事物内在本质的外表。

25、We further affirm that a statement is true if it represents matters as they actually are, but is an error if it misrepresents the facts. ─── 我们同时也认同:如果一个描述与所描述的事物相符,这个描述就是正确的;相反,若与事实相矛盾,这个描述则是谬误。

26、A medium that misrepresents whatever is seen through it. ─── 折光体扭曲通过它看到的东西的中介质。

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