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09-22 投稿


lear 发音

英:[lɪə]  美:[lɪr]

英:  美:

lear 中文意思翻译



lear 短语词组

1、lear english ─── 学习英语

2、Edward Lear n. ─── 爱德华·李尔

3、king lear is one of ─── 李尔王是

4、King Lear ─── 李尔王

5、Amanda Lear ─── 阿曼妲·李尔;我会想你的;磁性的声音; ─── 阿曼达·里尔

6、lear sighted ─── 视力好的

7、lear pn ─── 李尔pn

lear 词性/词形变化,lear变形

动词过去式: leaped/leapt |动词第三人称单数: leaps |动词过去分词: leaped/leapt |动词现在分词: leaping |名词: leaper |

lear 相似词语短语

1、lea ─── n.草地;n.(Lea)人名;(西、意、罗、匈、挪、德、芬)莱亚;(英)利

2、lair ─── n.(野兽的)[动]巢穴;躲藏处;vi.进入兽穴;在穴中休息;vt.使陷入泥潭;放于穴中;n.(Lair)人名;(英、法)莱尔

3、leer ─── v.(色迷迷地)看;抛媚眼,送秋波;斜睨;奸笑;n.(色迷迷的)目光;奸笑;媚眼,秋波;恶意的瞥视

4、Bear ─── n.(美)贝尔(人名);v.(bear)承受;不适于某事(或做某事);承担责任;心怀(感情,尤指坏心情);支持;有(某个名称);携带;举止;生(孩子);开(花);转向(左或北等);(人)携带;(车,船)运送;设法忍受(考验,困难);n.(bear)熊;熊科;玩具熊;没教养的人;行动迟缓的人;(年龄较大、身材魁梧且多毛的)同性恋男人;(股市中)卖空的人;警察

5、leary ─── adj.空的;n.(Leary)(美、英、加、澳)利里(人名)

6、clear ─── adj.清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的;vt.通过;清除;使干净;跳过;vi.放晴;变清澈;adv.清晰地;完全地;n.清除;空隙;n.(Clear)人名;(英)克利尔

7、blear ─── adj.朦胧的,模糊的;v.使……模糊不清,使……朦胧;使(眼睛)湿润

8、lire ─── n.里拉(意大利货币单位);(法)阅读

9、learn ─── vt.学习;得知;认识到;vi.学习;获悉

lear 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If fortune rules the world, where is justice to be found?The characters have much to say about this as well, most famously in Lear's "mad" speech upon the heath. ─── 假如命运掌管世界,正义何在?同样的,剧里的角色对这点的意见也不少,最有名就是李尔王在荒地上的那段疯言疯语。

2、But Lear's care-crazed brain at that time could not comprehend how that could be ─── 可是这时候李尔忧郁得发了疯,已经不能理解那样的事怎么可能。

3、Land rose from its womb, usurped its throne, and ever since the maddened old creature, with hoary crest of foam, wails and laments continually, like King Lear exposed to the fury of the elements. ─── 大地从它的腹中隆起,篡夺了它的王位。从那以后,暴怒的老家伙就开始顶着灰白色的泡沫不断的哀号恸哭,一如暴风骤雨之中的李尔王。

4、Concrete Strength Control in Construction of Ling'ao Nuc lear Power Station ─── 岭澳核电站建设中混凝土强度控制

5、Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of 'King Lear'. ─── 罗经剧团推出了全新制作的《李尔王》。

6、The tragedies of this period are Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,Macbeth,Antony and Cleopatra,Troilus and Cressida,and Coriolanus.The two comedies are All's Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure. ─── The此期间发生的悲剧是哈姆雷特,奥赛罗,李尔王,麦克白,安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉,特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达和Coriolanus.这两个喜剧都井井结束和对策措施。

7、We make progess if,and only if,we are prepared to lear from our mistakes. ─── 只有当你准备好从错误中学习的时候,你才会有进步.

8、On the database on the subscription price “ did not reflect the value of our production ”, Lear reachan said. ─── 对数据库的订阅价格“并没有反映出我们生产的价值”,李尔庭说。

9、“ Nothing will come of nothing,” as a pre-retirement and still sane King Lear put it when his youngest daughter dared to withhold her affections. ─── “无风不起浪”,就像依然健壮时却提前退休的李尔王,在他最小的女儿敢于拒绝花言巧语表达她对父亲的爱时的处理方式是一样的。

10、The Phantom hears their song. In great anger, he makes a huge shout and lear fall (chandelier) onto the stage. ─── 听了他们的歌,非常生气,他拿起一个巨大的装饰灯砸向舞台。

11、Shanghai Songjiang Lear Automotive Carpet &Acoustics Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Lear Corporation China Limited and Shanghai Car Carpet Plant. ─── 上海松江李尔汽车地毯声学元件有限公司是一家由美国李尔中国有限公司和上海汽车地毯总厂共同出资组建的中外企业。

12、He's very good at playing the role of King Lear. ─── 他擅长演李尔王的角色。

13、Lear from the German People's Ways of Throwing Garbage ─── 学学德国人怎样扔垃圾

14、A new concept of generalized fuzzy inference and the generalized fuzzy RBF network model are presented.The generalized lear ni ng algorithm of this network model is derived. ─── 在提出广义模糊推理概念的基础上,提出并分析了广义模糊径向基(RBF)神经网络模型,给出了该网络的广义学习算法。

15、Nanjing Lear Xindi Automotive Interiors System Co., Ltd ─── 南京新迪李尔汽车内饰系统有限公司

16、I'm shocked to lear that a fire broke out in your office this morning. ─── 听说你们办公室今天上午着火了,我很吃惊。

17、"They danced by the light of the moon" (Edward Lear)Also called ascending rhythm ─── “他们在月光中跳舞”(爱德华·利尔)也作 ascending rhythm

18、65. William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, including the following tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Harmlet, king Lear, Othello, and Cymbeline. ─── 威廉莎士比亚共写了37个剧本。悲剧包括:罗密欧与朱莉叶;朱略斯恺撒;麦克白;哈姆雷特;李尔王;奥赛罗和辛白林。

19、You're missing the point, they told Lear. ─── 你没明白我们的要点,他们告诉李尔。

20、He 's very good at play the role of king lear . ─── 他擅长李尔王的角色。

21、On the journey of self-knowledge what we should learn from Oedipus and Lear is: Be persistent and patient! ─── 在斯芬克斯之谜面前,尽管路漫漫其修远,吾辈将上下而求索。

22、Tell us what you wanna lear most. ─── 告诉我你想学的。

23、He played the lead role of Lear in the play. ─── 他在这部戏里扮演李尔王这一主角。

24、King Lear is a tragedy. ─── 《李尔王》是出悲剧。

25、However, unfavorable war, test Dili Ya was killed, King Lear Shouzhe the beloved daughter of the dead bodies of grief. ─── 但战事不利,考狄利娅被杀死,李尔王守着心爱的小女儿的尸体悲痛地死去。

26、His performance as King Lear was to be his swan-song before retiring. ─── 他扮演李尔王是他退休前的告别演出。

27、My wife will certainly yell boldly murder when she lear how much I have ent for them. ─── 如果我的妻子知道我为他们花了多少钱,她一定会大吵大闹的。

28、Re - interpretation of the Significance of King Lear's Madness ─── 对李尔王发疯意义的重新解读

29、At the beginning of the play, of which daughter is King Lear most fond? ─── 在戏剧的开始,李尔王最喜欢哪个女儿?

30、Lear complex ─── 恋女情结

31、incremental lear ning ─── 增量学习

32、and Yanfeng-Visteon, Faurecia, IAC(Lear), Johnson, Intier, Meca,Skoito Automotive Lamp; ─── 及延锋-伟世通、佛吉亚、埃驰(李尔)、江森、英提尔、美嘉、小糸车灯等内外饰检具供应商;

33、Lear Lost and Found: Positional confusion in a fast airplane can set up a string of traps on the approach. ─── Lear飞机迷失坠毁而后被发现:快速飞机的位置混淆可能给进近制造陷井。

34、The tragedies of this period are Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,Macbeth,Antony and Cleopatra,Troilus and Cressida,and Coriolanus. ─── He写历史发挥:亨利六世,第一,第二和第三,理查德三世和泰特斯安德洛尼克斯;

35、Lear to talk about ersonal trait and how to compare eople. ─── 学会谈论个人品质以及如何比较人们。

36、Friends ship is a smau umdreua in the raing season It props up a sreed of lear sky. ─── 友谊是雨季里的小伞,撑起一片晴朗的天空。

37、He' s a natural for the role of Lear ─── 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选

38、Their fundamental traits are revealed in their conflicts with their surroundings,in their relations with their fellowmen (e.g. the development of the character of Lear,the tragedy of Hamlet,etc). ─── 他们的基本性格是在他们跟环境的冲突中,在他们跟其他人的关系中揭示出来的(例如,李尔王性格的发展,哈姆雷特的悲剧,等等)。

39、Wilbur: Among the things I once read to my children were the nonsense poems of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll. ─── 在我以前读给我的孩子听的作品中有爱德华·尔和刘易斯·罗尔的打油诗。

40、He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure. ─── 他把李尔王刻画成一位真正的悲剧人物。

41、Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth ,and will be very expensive. ─── 希尔顿正在那里建造自己的酒店,你可以肯定的是酒店会配有哈姆雷特汉堡吧、李尔王休息室、班柯宴会厅等等,而且会非常昂贵。

42、Lear Siegler Project Update ─── 利尔西格勒计划更新

43、We become lovers when we see romeo and Juliet, and hamlet makes us students. When lear wanders out upon the heath the terror of madness touches us. ─── 当我们看了罗密欧和朱丽叶,我们就成为情人,哈姆雷特让我们成为学生,李尔王在荒野中流浪,疯狂的恐惧触动着我们。

44、His movie “Ran” was adapted from Shakespear's play “King Lear”. ─── 他的电影"乱"改编自莎士比亚的剧本”李尔王”

45、English actor and theater manager. The foremost tragedian of his day,he was the first to play the title roles in Shakespeare's Hamlet,King Lear,Othello,and Richard III. ─── 伯比奇。理查德,英国演员和剧院经理,是同时代最负盛名的悲剧演员。他是第一个扮演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,《李尔王》,《奥赛罗》和《理查三世》的主角。

46、She just finished Shakespeare's, King Lear. ─── 她刚看完莎士比亚的李尔王。

47、Examine the concern in Lear with the distinction between getting down to essentials and concern with the trappings of life. ─── 先审视李尔王所关心两件事的差异:基本需求和满足虚荣心。

48、No single mind in single contact with the facts of nature could have created out of itself a Pallas, a Madonna, or a lear; ─── 个人的心智与自然情况的个别接触,决不可能从中创造出帕拉斯雕像,圣母玛利亚雕像,或是李尔王;

49、XU Jiang-ping,WANG Bing-gang,CHEN Guo-fu,et al.Relation of strength with age of lear concrete for roadbase[J].Journal of Chang'an University:Natural Science Edition,2004,24(3):21-23. ─── [3]徐江萍,王秉纲,陈国甫,等.贫混凝土基层材料强度与龄期关系[J].长安大学学报:自然科学版,2004,24(3):21-23.

50、A lear stole down her cheek. ─── 一颗泪珠从她的面颊上悄悄地滚下来。

51、Could you give me some background information about Lear / Lear China? ─── 您能为我提供一些关于李尔/李尔中国的背景信息吗?

52、Some analysts suspect that on this, but Lear reachan think they may be charged. ─── 一些分析人士对此怀疑,但李尔庭认为他们可能会付费。

53、Why does Cordelia respond as she does to Lear's request for a protestation of love? ─── 为什么Cordelia会那样回应李尔王的示爱?

54、Hes a natural for the role of Lear. ─── 中文:他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选.

55、Sharon Lear learned to downhill ski, a sport which had previously terrified her, in Colorado at the age of 38. ─── 科罗拉多州的雪伦‧李尔在她三十八岁时学会了先前令她恐惧的下坡滑雪。

56、When King Lear dies in Act 5,do you know what Shakespeare has written? ─── 当李尔王在第五幕戏中死去时,你知道莎士比亚是怎样描写的?

57、a modern staging of 'King Lear' ─── 以现代风格演出的《李尔王》

58、Edward Lear was often ill and unhappy. ─── 但爱德华.李尔却多病、忧郁.

59、Only towards the end of the play does King Lear learn who is his truest daughter. ─── 只是到了剧情的最后李尔王才弄清楚谁是他真正的女儿。

60、The characters have much to say about this as well, most famously in Lear's "mad" speech upon the heath. ─── 对于这点角色们有很多想说,最有名的是李尔王在荒野中的“疯狂”说辞。

61、He portrayed King Lear in the play. ─── 他在这戏里扮演李尔王。

62、Act IV, scene vii of Lear, if had a tempo marking as in music, would be an adagio, but it is still one of the most profoundly moving scenes in world literature. ─── 如果《李尔王》第四幕第七场有音乐速度标记的话,可以算慢板,但它依然是世界文学中最感人肺腑的场景之一。

63、A bird lear to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the proce is slow and hard once the critical stage has pa ed. ─── 一只小鸟能在适当时机较快地学会鸣叫和飞翔,可是一旦关键阶段过去,学会鸣叫和?飞翔的过程就会缓慢而艰难。

64、But although the Fool taunts King Lear for his inability to understand his mistakes, he does not leave him to his madness. ─── 虽然小丑嘲笑李尔王没有能力理解自己的错误,但他没有听任他的痴狂。

65、Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive. ─── 希尔顿正在那里建造自己的饭店,你可以肯定饭店会装修哈姆莱特汉堡吧、李尔王厅、班戈宴会厅等等之类,而且消费水平会非常高。

66、Lear reagan said, the Web site next year will increase by a new method of payment: the introduction of a featured article, micro-payment. ─── 李尔庭说,明年网站将会增加一种新的支付方式——引入精选文章的小额支付。

67、In Tate's version Lear lives out his last years in retirement, while Cordelia gets hitched to Edgar. ─── 在塔特的版本里,李尔王在退休后得以安享天年,而考狄利娅则和埃德加终成眷属。

68、It was too edgy, they told Lear. ─── 它太尖锐,他们告诉李尔。

69、Study on the Management and Utilization of the Collected Books in Ancient Academy of Classical Lear ─── 古代书院藏书管理及利用

70、He's a natural for the role of Lear. ─── 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选。

71、Lear Integrated Flight Equipment ─── 利尔(公司)统一飞行设备

72、Of course what Lear speaks is the truth: Cordelia was disinherited and banished by Lear in a fit of petulance all because she could not bring herself to duplicate the honey-tongued hypocrisy of her sisters. ─── 当然,李尔所说的句句真实:考狄莉亚不会像姐姐们那样玩弄甜言蜜语的虚伪一套,因而激怒了李尔王,暴怒之下,他剥夺了考狄莉亚的继承权,将之驱逐出国。

73、Nor now that Lear was most his own enemy, did this faithful servant of the king forget his old principles. ─── 如今,李尔做起对他自己最不利的事来了,国王的这个忠实臣仆也没有忘记他一贯的原则。

74、Dalian Lear Buffer Developing Centre ─── 大连李尔缓冲器开发中心

75、lear board ─── 天沟托板

76、8. hilton is building its own hotel there,which you may be sure will be decorated with hamlet hamburger bars,the lear lounge,the banquo banqueting room,and so forth,and will be very expensive. ─── 希尔顿正在那里建造自己的饭店,你可以肯定饭店会装修哈姆莱特汉堡吧、李尔王厅、班戈宴会厅等等之类,而且消费水平会非常高。

77、English actor and theater manager. The foremost tragedian of his day, he was the first to play the title roles in Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Richard III. ─── 伯比奇,理查德1567?-1619英国演员和剧院经理,是同时代最负盛名的悲剧演员。他是第一个扮演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,《李尔王》,《奥赛罗》和《理查三世》的主角

78、stage a new production of 'King Lear' ─── 上演新编排的《李尔王》.

79、a modern interpretation of 'King Lear' ─── 《李尔王》的现代演绎

80、how much she loves her father. This makes Lear very angry with her. ─── 她有多爱她父亲.这使得她的父亲对她非常生气。

81、Their fundamental traits are revealed in their conflicts with their surroundings, in their relations with their fellowmen (e.g. the development of the character of Lear, the tragedy of Hamlet, etc). ─── 他们的基本性格是在他们跟环境的冲突中,在他们跟其他人的关系中揭示出来的(例如,李尔王性格的发展,哈姆雷特的悲剧,等等)。

82、including Hamlet and, after James I's accession, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. ─── 包括《哈姆雷特》,以及詹姆士一世登基后完成的《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》。

83、In its place was a heavy-handed adaptation by 17th-century playwright Nahum Tate, who blue-pencilled the tragic double death of Lear and his favourite daughter Cordelia. ─── 17世纪,剧作家内厄姆塔特拙劣的修改了它,使得原作中李尔王和他最爱的女儿考狄利娅两人双双死去的悲剧性结尾化为乌有。

84、What time did you lear the noise? ─── 你是什么时候听到响声的?

85、Lear Jet Airplane ─── 利尔喷气飞机

86、We are planning a tea party to celebrate Dr. Lear's fiftieth anniversary of his medical teaching and of course we want you and Tom to come. ─── 我们打算举行一次茶话会祝贺李尔博士从事医学教学工作五十周年,当然希望您和汤姆参加。

87、On the database on the subscription price " did not reflect the value of our production " , Lear reagan said. ─── 对数据库的订阅价格“并没有反映出我们生产的价值”,李尔庭说。

88、The destruction of cosmic harmony makes Shakespeare restate cosmic reconstruction,which is the century theme in King Lear,and call the return of benevolence,as a result,the consciousness of the universe and life is deepened by human beings. ─── 宇宙和谐的打破促使莎士比亚在《李尔王》中重申了宇宙重建这一“世纪主题”,并呼唤仁爱的回归。 由此加深了人们的宇宙人生意识。

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