loth 发音
英: 美:
loth 中文意思翻译
loth 网络释义
adj. 不愿意的(等于loath);勉强的;憎恶的n. (Loth)人名;(法、德、波)洛特;(英)洛思;(老)洛
loth 短语词组
1、loath loth ─── 憎恶麻布
loth 相似词语短语
1、doth ─── v.动词do的老式第三人称单数形式
2、loath ─── adj.勉强的;不情愿的(等于loth)
3、cloth ─── n.布;织物;桌布;adj.布制的;n.(Cloth)人名;(德)克洛特
4、sloth ─── n.怠惰,懒惰;[脊椎]树懒;n.(Sloth)人名;(丹)斯洛特
5、Goth ─── n.野蛮人;粗野的人;哥特摇滚乐;哥特派中的一员;哥特族(人);哥特摇滚乐爱好者;哥特风格
6、lotah ─── 印度圆水壶
7、Roth ─── n.罗斯(姓氏)
8、both ─── det.双方,两者;pron.双方,两者;adv.双方都,两者都;不仅……而且……;conj.既……且……;并;两者皆;n.(Both)博特(人名)
9、coth ─── abbr.双曲余切(hyperboliccotangent)的符号
loth 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Worried about unemployment, the Chinese are loth to let their currency, the yuan, appreciate much faster than at today's snail's pace. ─── 中国人为失业感到忧虑,因此不愿让他们的货币(人民币)元过快升值,只想像如今这样缓慢升值。
2、In the meantime the Obama administration is loth to raise the gas tax. ─── 与此同时,新一任奥巴马政府不倾向于提升天然气税费。
3、Mr Ahmed's government sorely needs money to shore itself up.But if he fails even to hint that Christians should be tolerated, he may find America's Congress increasingly loth to help bail him out. ─── 艾哈迈德的政府急需资金援助来支撑下去,但如果他甚至都不能暗示应该容忍基督徒的存在,美国国会将越来越难以对他提供救助。
4、What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? ─── 呵,是怎样的人,或神!
5、Yet having built his power on fear, he was loth to admit that he had been de-clawed, and so allowed the interminable and ruinous saga of sanctions to continue. ─── 然而,依靠恐吓手段巩固政权的他并不愿承认自己已经雄风不再,所以也就任由毁灭性的制裁无休无止地进行下去。
6、China appears unwilling to help with even cosmetic concessions, and has been loth to define where it thinks the border runs. ─── 并不是“维持位于印度和中国西部有争议地区的现状。”而是指:争议领土边界的东部划归印度,西部划归中国。
7、America and Britain are loth to do anything that might jeopardise their links with Pakistan's army and its intelligence services. ─── 美国和英国不喜欢做些事情来损害他们与巴基斯坦军队和情报机构的关系。
8、He was loth to burden his two daughters. ─── 他勉强可以负担两个女儿的生活。
9、Mugabe would be loth to accept them. ─── 穆加贝不大可能接受这个提议。
10、But that other with mighty hands, and forcefully, kept haling the maiden, nothing loth; declaring that, by the will of aegis-bearing Jupiter, Europa was destined to be her prize. ─── 而那一个用一双强有力的手使劲地把欧罗巴往她那边拽,而欧罗巴竟也有些不能自持,那女人还说欧罗巴命里注定是她的战利品,这是身穿胸铠的朱庇特的意旨。
11、But, like knights of old, AIDS-vaccine researchers are loth to quit. ─── 但就像那些忠诚而年老的骑士,科学家们不愿放弃。
12、Loth to apply sanctions, China props up Mr Kim's regime. ─── 可中国支持金先生的政权,反对制裁。
13、But equally he is plainly loth to let that failed state slide further into the domain of al-Qaeda. ─── 但他同样也不情愿那片失败的领土落入基地组织的手中。
14、Clip-joint owners risk being sent to prison for demanding money with menaces.They escape that fate because customers are loth to give statements to the police. ─── 这些高消费场所得业主们冒着进监狱的风险向顾客勒索钱财,但由于顾客们通常懒得去找警察,所以他们能逃过牢狱之灾。
15、What men or gods are these? what maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? ─── 呵,是怎样的人,或神!在舞乐前多热烈的追求!少女怎样地逃躲!怎样的风笛和鼓谣!怎样的狂喜!
16、Kenya and Ethiopia are loth to step in.Neither can afford a big military offensive. ─── 两国都没有实力在索马里展开一场大规模军事行动。
17、the lOth International Pragmatics Conference ─── 第十届国际语用学研讨会
18、Just as the north thinks it has good reason to hold the line, the south is loth to let the 2005 agreement go. ─── 正当北方人认为他们有很好的理由保持现在的局面,南方人却很不乐意放弃2005年签署的和平协议。
19、SADC's leaders, especially its younger ones, are increasingly loth to see their region dragged down by an ageing autocrat. ─── 南共体的领导人们,尤其是少壮派,看到自己的地区被一个老朽的独裁者拖得疲惫不堪,对他越来越深恶痛绝。
20、nothing loth ─── 很高兴,很愿意,很乐意
21、Worried about unemployment, the Chinese are loth to let their currency, the yuan, appreciate much faster than at todays snails pace. ─── 中国人为失业忧虑,因此不愿让他们的货币(人民币)元过快升值,只想像如今这样缓慢升值。
22、The bank, jealous of its independence from government, will be loth to go further and buy public debt, as the Fed plans to. ─── 正如美联储的计划那样,独立于政府的银行也将进一步购买公共债务。
23、the lOth Five-Year Plan ─── “十五”规划
24、And the army, always loth to do policework, may withdraw too soon. ─── 而且一向厌于执行警务的军队可能很快也会撤离此地。
25、Mr Obama did not attend the rally on September 20th, perhaps because he was busy running for president, but perhaps also because he was loth to link arms with Mr Sharpton and Mr Jackson on this issue. ─── 奥巴马没有出席9月20日的集会,或是因为他的总统竞选太忙;或是他不愿意与夏普顿和杰克逊掺和到一起。
26、The ECB is also loth to soil its hands with public debt, though banks flush with central-bank cash are keen buyers of such low-risk assets. ─── 欧洲央行同样不愿意染指国债,尽管银行拿央行的钱撑足了腰包,很热衷于购买这种低风险资产。
27、My father still keeps up; he is loth to take to bed ─── 我的父亲还在熬夜,他不愿睡觉。
28、a reverence for our past act or word because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts and we are loth to diappoint them. ─── 我们对过去的行为和言词表示尊敬之意,是由于只有这些行为别人能够真切感受到,并以之为依据来判断我们的发展轨迹。正因如此,我们不想让他们失望。
29、The Trend of the Literature Research of the Loth Century ─── 二十世纪明代文学研究之走向
30、One third of Tokyoites polled some years ago said they did not even know an earthquake-warning system existed, and the government is loth to test it for fear of causing alarm. ─── 几年前,三分之一的东京人投票说他们甚至不知道还有一个地震预警系统,政府则不愿意测试,以防导致恐慌。
31、Banks are loth to lend to each other, except at record punitive rates and for the shortest of periods. ─── 除非是在有惩罚性的税率和最短时间内还款的前提下,银行之间不愿意相互借贷。
32、But Mr Kibaki still seems loth to share power, let alone contemplate rerunning the election under international supervision. ─── 但是齐贝吉先生似乎仍然不愿分享权力,更不用说在国际监督下重新进行选举。
33、If a player scores a strike in the lOth frame,he is entitled t0 2 Bonus Balls. ─── 如果一位选手在第lo轮打了一个全中,他被奖励多打2球。
34、But many Somalis are loth to co-operate. ─── 不过,许多索马里人不愿进行合作。
35、But China is loth to allow the yuan to appreciate rapidly.And it will not be pressured by high consumer-price inflation, as it was in 2008. ─── 但中国却讨厌使人民币迅速升值,这样,它也不会重蹈2008年的覆辙,乘受高消费价格膨胀的压力。
36、Mr Netanyahu is loth to lose any of his coalition partners and reluctant to open a rift within his own Likud. ─── Netanyahu不愿失去联合政府中的任何一方,同时也不愿跟自己的利库德集团产生裂痕。
37、Governments throughout the region have been loth to punish the perpetrators of honour crimes. ─── 中东地区的政府都不愿惩罚因荣誉杀害而犯罪的人。
38、But that other with mighty hands, and forcefully, kept haling the maiden, nothing loth; ─── 这一个紧紧地抱着欧罗巴,一再诉说是她生养并哺育了欧罗巴;
39、lOth National Games ─── 十运会
40、International banks are already required to file reports on suspicious activity, and are loth to criticise anti-terrorism efforts publicly, no matter how onerous. ─── 国际各大银行已被要求对可疑行为进行报告,但无论这多麻烦,它们都不愿公开批评反恐努力。
41、Iraq's generals may well be loth to remove the Americans, perhaps relabelling them as “advisers”. ─── 伊拉克的将军们很可能不愿撤走美国人,而将他们标为”顾问人员”。
42、One was apparently loth to pursue illegal-immigration cases.Another refused to toe the line on the death penalty.And the voting-fraud cases involved credible evidence. ─── 其中,一个显然是不愿意办理非法移民案件,一个则拒绝在死刑问题上听命,而选举舞弊案已经有了确凿的证据。
43、Now peace is breaking out across the Taiwan Strait and Taiwanese soldiers are loth to create a political incident by arresting Chinese fishermen. ─── 现在,和平跨越的台湾海峡,台湾士兵不愿意因为逮捕中国大陆渔民而引发政治事件。
44、But if he fails even to hint that Christians should be tolerated, he may find America's Congress increasingly loth to help bail him out. ─── 但他甚至竟未表示应对基督徒表示宽容,因此,美国国会在资金援助问题上将越发犹豫不决。
45、Venn was loth to depart, for all on earth that interested him lay under this roof. ─── 文恩很不乐意走,因为世界上唯一使他关心的人就在这所房子里。
46、And he is loth to admit that Hamas's missiles have come into Gaza via Egypt. ─── 他不愿意承认哈马斯的飞弹是通过埃及运到加沙的。
47、Some are also loth to risk their considerable business interests in Myanmar. ─── 他们也不愿意冒着国内重要经济利益的风险。
48、It was also opposed by many of ZANU-PF’s old guard, loth to share the spoils of power. ─── 穆加贝的行为也遭到了民盟党内保守派的反对,这些人憎恶不择手段得来的权力。
49、When the markets rebounded soon after, not only were these workers loth to return, but employees at other firms would not join a firm that had shown itself to be a fickle employer. ─── 过了不久,当金融市场开始好转后, 不仅是这些员工不愿意回去, 就连其他公司的雇员也不愿加盟那些视员工为草芥的势利雇主。
50、Loth's bone scissors ─── 洛思(氏)骨剪
51、Another reason is that it is loth to give ammunition to the protectionist lobby. ─── 另一个原因是它讨厌给贸易保护主义议员(击中国)供弹药。
52、But with relations never better, and Indonesia still loth to investigate any of the abuses that took place under the long Suharto dictatorship that ended in 1998, the truth may remain buried. ─── 然而,由于双方关系从未得到改善,加之印尼一直不愿调查苏哈多1998年之前独裁时的种种不良事件,这一真相也许终将不见天日。
53、They are loth to lend because they are worried that they do not have enough capital to meet losses on their existing loans. ─── 各银行不愿意放贷是因为担心自己没有足够的资本来弥补现有贷款的损失。
54、Joshua Loth Liebman "On my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity. ─── 集美貌与智慧于一身的人不计其数、富裕之人随处可见、名望之人也不在少数。
55、Just as the north thinks it has good reason to hold the line, the south is loth to let the 2005 agreement go. ─── 正当北方人认为他们有很好的理由保持现在的局面,南方人却很不乐意放弃2005年签署的和平协议。
56、lOth Five-Year ─── 十五
57、But the Pakistani army is loth to divert too many forces from the Indian border, until the peace process with India makes some progress. ─── 但在与印度的和平进程有所改善之前,巴基斯坦却对从印度边境撤走大量兵力不甚情愿。
58、the lOth five year plan ─── “十五”
59、A country lacking short-term liquidity would be loth to approach the IMF for a loan under the "stand-by arrangement", the mainstay of the IMF's crisis lending. ─── 一个缺乏短期流动性的国家可能不愿向国际货币基金组织寻求“备用信贷协议”——IMF 危机贷款的中流砥柱。
60、Ministers have been loth to debate its details. ─── 大臣们并不情愿争论它的细节。
61、Yet politicians seem loth even to talk about it. ─── 而政治领袖对此谈都不愿意谈。
62、But powerful soldiers in Rwanda's army are apparently loth to hand Mr Nkunda over. ─── 这项任务可挺棘手的,因为在其中扮演着重要角色的卢旺达士兵们,很显然不愿意交出恩昆达。
63、The bank, jealous of its independence from government, will be loth to go further and buy public debt, as the Fed plans to. ─── 正如美联储的计划那样,独立于政府的银行也将进一步购买公共债务。
64、Recent moaning that the American-led surge in Afghanistan may drive militants over the border suggests that at best many are loth to help their neighbour. ─── 最近有人抱怨美国在阿富汗投入大量兵力也许会使武装分子越过边境,这种说法充其量说明许多人都不太愿意帮助它的邻居。
65、The other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency; a reverence for our past act and word because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loth to disappoint them. ─── 另一个我们不自信的恐惧来自于随大流的想法.我们总是对自己过去的言行充满崇敬之情,这是因为别人只能依靠这些言行来评判我们,而我们自己又不愿意让他们失望.
66、But China is loth to allow the yuan to appreciate rapidly. ─── 但是中国不可能同意人民币迅速升值。
67、Rio, which had just taken on its current chief executive, Tom Albanese, was loth to entertain an offer from its archrival. ─── 当时,力拓刚刚雇佣了现任的行政总裁,汤姆•阿尔巴内塞。力拓不情愿接受来自主要竞争对手的并购报价。
68、With loan losses still climbing, banks are loth to throw money around. ─── 随着贷款的损失不断增加,银行不情愿将钱贷出去。
69、The army seems convinced that India is supporting the Taliban.This makes Pakistanis especially loth to crack down on LET, historically at least their trustiest weapon against India. ─── 军方坚信印度方面在支持塔利班,这使得巴基斯坦方面更加不愿取缔虔诚军,因为从历史上看,该组织至少是他们对付印度最值得信赖的武器。
70、Heaven only knows how loth I am to part ─── 只有天知道我多么不想与你分离。
71、Joshua Loth Liebman "On my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity. Give me the gift of the Untroubled Mind." ─── 圣经上有言曰:“请只往我头上倾倒平静的甘甜之水,请给我一个无忧的心灵作为礼物。”
72、Without strong government backing, the private sector was loth to fork out. ─── 缺乏强力的政府背景,私营企业就怠慢和倾向退出。
73、Mr Nilekani is loth to draw a comparison with the previous global downturn, in 2001, when growth in India's computer-services slowed down a bit and then rebounded vigorously. ─── 他还将这次经济危机与2001年的经济危机做了对比。当时,印度的计算机服务业也受到冲击,发展速度减缓,而随后便得到迅猛发展。
74、If it cannot find one, the German government will be loth to provide bridging finance. ─── 如果找不到这样一个合作伙伴的话,德国政府将不愿意提供过渡资金。
75、Banks, fearful for their own survival, are loth to lend to anyone (even each other). ─── 自身难保的银行不愿意借钱给任何人(即使是银行间借贷也是一样)。
76、Unfortunately, the political cost of bailing out bankers and the huge sums involved mean that many politicians in rich countries are loth to spend heavily. ─── 不幸的是,向银行注资的政治成本以及注资涉及的巨大金额将意味着发达国家的政治家们不太愿意花这么多。
77、The girls were nothing loth, for the house was splendid, and the welcome kind enough. ─── 姑娘们很愉快,因为房子很是华丽的,而且接待是相当热情。
78、The next government's main job will be to sort all this out. Yet politicians seem loth even to talk about it. ─── 下一届政府的主要任务就是处理以上提到的所有问题,但政治家们似乎不大愿意谈论这些。
79、"Fortunately, we haven't eaten up all the good things, Harry," exclaimed Mr Sowton, dragging the midshipman, nothing loth, to the well-spread cloth. ─── “幸运的是我们还没有把所有的好东西都吃光,哈里。”
80、But many Somalis are loth to co-operate. ─── 不过,许多索马里人不愿进行合作。
81、Banks are loth to admit to losses but cracks are beginning to show. ─── 银行不愿承认失败,但是裂痕已经出现。
82、The inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are caught in a maelstrom of internecine feuding between gunmen of Hamas and its Fatah rivals, loth to accept the electoral defeat they suffered earlier this year. ─── 由于不愿意接受今年年初遭受的选举失败,哈马斯的世仇对手法塔赫与持枪的哈马斯成员在加沙城不断进行械斗,加沙居民深受这种械斗之苦。
83、He was loth to believe that one so wise could err, that one so lofty could stoop to deceive. ─── 他不愿相信这么聪明的人会误入歧途,这么高傲的人会坠落到骗人的地步。
84、But Beijing is loth to let democracy take root in this “Special Administrative Region” lest it sets a precedent elsewhere in China. ─── 但是北京不愿让民主在这个“特别行政区”生根,以免为中国的其他地方设下一个先例。
85、Most Democrats would be loth to back radical change when a different scheme might soon be led by a Democratic president. ─── 主要民主党候选人都已经就医保的全民覆盖做出承诺。
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