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09-20 投稿


stammerer 发音


英:  美:

stammerer 中文意思翻译



stammerer 短语词组

1、Louis the Stammerer ─── [网络] 路易斯Stammerer

stammerer 词性/词形变化,stammerer变形

动词现在分词: stammering |名词: stammerer |动词第三人称单数: stammers |动词过去式: stammered |副词: stammeringly |动词过去分词: stammered |

stammerer 相似词语短语

1、Kammerer ─── n.(Kammerer)人名;(英、德、匈)卡默勒

2、tamperer ─── n.填炮眼工

3、stammer ─── vi.口吃;结结巴巴地说;vt.口吃;结巴着说出;n.口吃;结巴;n.(Stammer)人名;(德)施塔默

4、stampeder ─── n.惊跑;人群的蜂拥;军队溃败(stampede的变形)

5、stammers ─── vi.口吃;结结巴巴地说;vt.口吃;结巴着说出;n.口吃;结巴;n.(Stammer)人名;(德)施塔默

6、stammered ─── vi.口吃;结结巴巴地说;vt.口吃;结巴着说出;n.口吃;结巴;n.(Stammer)人名;(德)施塔默

7、staggerer ─── n.摇晃者;犹豫者;难题

8、hammerer ─── n.锻工

9、scamperer ─── 节拍

stammerer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、correct a stammer ─── 矫正口吃

2、The children teased the boy because of his stammer. ─── 孩子们取笑这个男孩子,因为他口吃。

3、Surprisingly, these two men is a stammerer Fan Wei, one is a sissy man, they made a long list of downtown joke. ─── 没想到是这两人一个是口吃范伟,一个是娘娘腔,在车厢上闹了一大串笑话。

4、Before Tony could stammer out his thanks, she walked away. ─── 没等托尼结结巴巴地说出一声谢谢,她已经走开了。

5、The boy dare not answer the questions becoz of his stammer. ─── 男孩由于口吃而不敢回答问题。

6、e.g. In private the candidate mimicked his opponent's stammer. ─── 私下里那个候选人模仿着对手的口吃。

7、And he also said that he knew their history teacher used to stammer when he was a student in this same school. ─── 我们可以假装明天明天还会见面。”麦坎微笑着说:“明天见。”

8、" On arriving in Paris, it beheld the crater close at hand;it felt those ashes which scorched its feet, and it changed its mind;it returned to the stammer of charter. ─── 他们到了巴黎以后就近观察了火山口,觉得余灰烫脚,便改变主意,回转头来支支吾吾地谈宪章。

9、Might Hooper and Seidler have considered making Logue do the "popinjay" speech by Hotspur from Henry IV Part One - the Shakespeare character traditionally played as a stammerer? ─── 或许导演霍珀和编剧赛德勒曾经考虑让罗格试演一个结巴,表演莎士比亚剧目《亨利四世》第一部中那段如同鹦鹉一般的演讲那样传统的角色?

10、stammer; stutter ─── 口吃

11、They listen to your questions and answer questions, stammer, not words strong, then I advise you immediately predict. ─── 怕听您提问题,并且回答询问时结结巴巴,语所不坚定,那我劝您赶紧另请高明。

12、He has a slight stammer. ─── 他有点儿口吃。

13、She uttered each syllable with controlled clarity, and without a splutter or stammer. ─── 她每一个音节的衔接都尽力做到了清晰流畅,丝毫也没有吞音或结巴。

14、He's always had a slight stammer. ─── 他一向有点儿口吃.

15、The deer is shaking so hard it can barely speak, but manages to stammer: "Oh great tiger, you are by far the strongest animal in the jungle. ─── 倒霉的鹿哆嗦地几乎说不出话,但还是努力结结巴巴地说:“哦,虎爷,您就是森林里有史以来最猛的动物了。”

16、Stammer method ─── 施塔默法(血中葡萄糖定量法)

17、Summer is bitten by mosquito cough up, I discount role broken cough up, stammer more apparent scar can leave after good cough up, ask be breathed out how to may do it!! ─── 夏天被蚊子咬咯,我把角扣破咯,结巴好咯后就会留下比较明显的疤,问哈怎样可能把它弄掉啊!!

18、She was barely able to stammer out a description of her attacker. ─── 她只能勉强结结巴巴地说一说袭击她的人是什么模样。

19、It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer. ─── 嘲笑口吃的人未免不近人情。

20、Long he must stammer in his speech; ─── 很长时间,他不能流畅地表达自己的思想。

21、When someone asks me what business I am in I become embarrassed.I stutter and stammer. ─── 当有人问我从事什么职业时,我感到很尴尬,脸发烫,结结巴巴地难以启齿。

22、He only smiled affably and answered with a languid little stammer ─── 他只是和颜悦色地微笑,带点儿口吃有气无力地回答。

23、If you have a stammer a little bit in the middle where it does not matter to continue to read, and then come back to repeat. ─── 如果中间有结巴的地方也不要紧,继续读下去,然后再回来重读。

24、He commanded himself sufficiently to stammer out his regrets(Frederick Marryat. ─── 他迫使自己充分地断断续续讲出自己的懊悔(弗莱德瑞克 玛瑞亚特)。

25、What is the significance of his stammer? ─── 他的口吃有何意涵?

26、She is always ragging Tom about his stammer. ─── 她总是拿汤姆的口吃开玩笑。

27、Stammer's methods ─── [医] 斯塔默氏法(检血糖)

28、You stammer some feeble responses by way of reply, feeling your strength ebb away until you find an excuse to leave. ─── 你结结巴巴地作出一个无力的回应,同时感觉自己的力量在消退,直到你找到一个借口离开。

29、Zhang Song:Can be a host, the Ling tooth Li Chi, never stammer, and clear and convincing presentation, particularly touch other people pain place. ─── 张松:可当主持人,伶牙俐齿,从不结巴,且头头是道,专触别人痛处。

30、I recovered force and energy enough to free myself from the hands of those who held me, while I managed to stammer forth--'I did not do it! ─── 现在我的声音和体力都恢复了, 我挣扎着想摆脱那抓住我的两个人,嘴里大喊道,‘不是我杀的!

31、He has suffered from stammer ─── 口吃,结巴地说出

32、1.Do stutters always stammer? ─── 结巴是不是一直都结巴?

33、"The sister tried to speak, but she only managed to stammer a few inarticulate sounds. ─── 姆姆想说话,但是语不成声。

34、bladder stammer ─── [医] 断续排尿

35、Stammer's method ─── 斯塔默(氏)法:检血糖

36、I stammer when I'm nervous. ─── 我紧张的话,就结巴。

37、I had a speech impediment, commonly referred to as a stutter or stammer. ─── 我患有语言障碍,就是通常所指的口吃或者是结巴。

38、Richardson was so stunned that he could barely stammer thank you as Mrs.Obama scooped a helping of mushroom risotto onto his plate this month. ─── 第一夫人把一份蘑菇炖菜盛进理查德森先生的盘子里时,流浪汉简直完全惊呆了,连一声谢谢也说不出来。

39、He commanded himself sufficiently to stammer out his regrets ─── 他迫使自己充分地断断续续讲出自己的懊悔

40、My heart was beating so fast, and there was such a singing in my ears, that I could scarcely stammer I had no objection . ─── 我的心跳得很急,耳朵里嗡嗡直响,好不容易才期期艾艾回了一声不反对。

41、And stammer a little bit young to have a haircut, walked into a hair salon, he pointed to his head: 'Miss, engage in, first out how much money? ─── 有个结巴青年去理发,走进了发廊,他指着自己的头问:‘小姐,搞,搞一次多少钱?’

42、Ashen, Mark tried to stammer something inconclusive about Rob's injury. ─── 灰色的,马克试著口吃,关于抢夺受伤的非决定性东西。

43、Whatever you do, don't cower, stammer or apologize. ─── 不论怎样,都不要畏缩、支吾或抱歉。

44、He has got a nervous stammer. ─── 他一紧张就要结巴。

45、and the housekeeper and her husband were hovering, like unsure tenants on the face of the earth, ready to stammer a welcome. ─── 来到那高丘上黑褐色的屋门前时,一个女管家和她的丈夫在那里等着,预备支吾几句欢迎的话。

46、His stammer in the speech manifested he was very nervous at that time. ─── 他演讲时结结巴巴,这表明他当时很紧张。

47、Machado DE Assis, born in 1839, of mixed race, epileptic, a stammerer, who, despite early poverty, mastered French and English, translated Shakespeare and poured out stories, novels and poetry. ─── 马查多生于1839年,混血儿,患有癫痫和口吃,早年生活贫困,精通法语和英语,曾将莎士比亚的作品翻译成本国语言,并著有大量小说和诗歌。

48、"And those who have a stammer or a squint-eye or a limp,I love and protect even more.And all of my films have some sort of defect. ─── "那些结巴或者斜眼,跛脚的,我会更加爱它们和保护它们.而所有我的影片都有这样或那样的缺陷.

49、His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job. ─── 他的口吃毛病使他不宜担任教职。

50、Wright, Norman J.Ashford, Robert J. [i.e.E.] Stammer, Jr. ─── 书名/作者 Transportation engineering : planning and design / Paul H.

51、In the time of globalization a lawyer who is illiterate of English is just like a stammer at the international stage. ─── 其中希望能够使用英语顺畅地和国外客户、同行进行交流的人自非小数。

52、She was cursed with stammer all her life. ─── 她一生受口吃之苦。

53、We should not make fun of his stammer. ─── 我们不应该笑他口吃。

54、This is perhaps the proper place to relate the history of Grandet's stammer and deafness. ─── 在此我们应当追叙一下葛朗台的口吃与耳聋的故事。

55、The doctor stammer out: "sir, you, you, pregnant. ─── 医生结结巴巴地说:“先生,你,你,怀孕了。”

56、We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer. ─── 我们不可以去取笑这个有口吃毛病的男孩。

57、Peter does't think the parrot is clever because it's a stammerer. ─── 彼得不认为那只鹦鹉是聪明的,因为鹦鹉是口吃

58、She is serious. She never denies her stammer and poor hearing. Smelling is her only functioning sense. Her big buttocks and Yin Yang hands are bothering this little “boy”. ─── 她狠严肃,她不否认,她的耳背和结巴。她唯一健全的感官是嗅觉。这个小男孩,最苦恼的事情是她的大屁股和阴阳手。

59、As a youth, Willis had a stammer that only disappeared when he was performing, something he continued to do during high school as the class clown. ─── 步入青年时,威利斯有口吃的毛病,但在演出时,却竟然会消失。高中时,他连续参加了一些演出,主要是演丑角。

60、You stammer sometimes; so do I. ─── 你有时口吃,我也一样。

61、Citibank: (Stammer) "Are you her lawyer? ─── 上司: “你是她的律师吗?”

62、The Satan was foolish to live and stammer out:"Are the this, this what is the row? ─── 撒旦呆住了,结结巴巴地说:“这、这是怎么回事?

63、It took a moment for the boy to wipe his forehead and his lips with a handkerchief, to stammer that the microphone was in the machine, to press the button, to say that the machine was on. ─── 男孩用了片刻的时间用手帕擦了擦他的前额和嘴唇,然后结结巴巴地说麦克风就在录音机里,然后按下按纽,告诉他录音机已经开始了。

64、Many children stammer but grow out of it. ─── 很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。

65、There was one famous scholar, Yan ruoqu, who had been troubled with stammer since he was young in Qing Dynasty. ─── 清朝学者阎若璩自幼口吃,“入小学,读书千遍犹未熟”,遭到同学耻笑。

66、Tom was a quiet person who tended to stay in the background as he had a stammer. ─── 因为汤姆有口吃,所以他是一个安静的人,喜欢待在幕后。

67、His stammer prohibited him from becoming a good speaker. ─── 口吃使他不能成为一个好的演讲者。

68、Her stammer is very troublesome for her. ─── 她的口吃使她很烦恼。

69、"Execuse me, Sir, you stammer?" ─── “对不起,先生,你口吃吗?”

70、The neophyte began to stammer out a reply, but fell silent. ─── 新门徒嗫嚅了两句,然后沉默了.

71、Get rid of negative subconscious messages inside of you.Forget thoughts like “I am fat,” “I stammer,” or “I am short in height. ─── 排除掉内心深处那些潜意识里的消极念头,忘记诸如此类的想法:“我很胖”、“我有些口吃”或者“我长得太矮了”。

72、"For a stutterer or stammerer to be heard, that's a wonderful thing, " he said. ─── “对于一个口吃的人来说,这是件好事情,”他说。

73、He's got a bad stammer. ─── 他口吃非常严重。

74、4, do not clean medium, medium and stammer a little bit of anti-fouling properties to consider, blocked, jammed, how can it sealed? ─── 4、不干净介质、结垢结巴介质的 防堵性能的考虑,堵住了、卡住了,又怎能密封?

75、"What does hair color have to do with my worth as a human being?" Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to stammer out an apology. ─── 他在跟金发碧眼的玩具娃娃说笑话的时候,一位白色头发的年轻美女突然一跃而起。

76、For a stutterer or stammerer to be heard, that's a wonderful thing," he said. ─── 对于一个口吃的人来说,这是件好事情,”他说。

77、"He commanded himself sufficiently to stammer out his regrets" (Frederick Marryat). ─── “他迫使自己充分地断断续续讲出自己的懊悔” (弗莱德瑞克·玛瑞亚特)。

78、You'll have to talk long enough to fill them and you know that you begin to stammer after a while. ─── 你要花很久的时间才讲得完那些故事,而且你知道待会你就会开始口齿不清。

79、Stammer: Craps like a bunny. ─── 结巴:拉兔子屎。

80、he ordered, with only a mild stammer as he flourished the bumbershoot. ─── 他命令道,带着轻微的结巴,挥舞着雨伞。

81、I ain't too 1 would language of expression person of, showed more before I like of human face especially of talk of stammer. ─── 我是一个不太会言辞人的,特别是在我喜欢的人面前更显的说话的结巴。

82、RLS person, stammer ─── 口吃者

83、It is not right to make fun of people who stammer. ─── 取笑口吃的人是不对的。

84、She is troubled with stammer. ─── 她有些口吃。

85、1.No. They stammer only when they talk. ─── 不是,他们只在说话时才结巴。

86、In Britain, there are more than 100,000 children aged between five and 16 who stammer, although almost all recover normal speech fluency before they leave school. ─── 在英国,5到16岁的儿童中有超过10万名口吃者,尽管他们大多能够在离开学校前恢复正常的讲话能力。

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