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09-20 投稿


underling 发音

英:['ʌndəlɪŋ]  美:['ʌndɚlɪŋ]

英:  美:

underling 中文意思翻译



underling 网络释义

n. 下属,部下;走卒

underling 短语词组

1、underling all this growth ─── 强调所有这些增长

underling 词性/词形变化,underling变形

动词过去分词: underlined |动词第三人称单数: underlines |动词现在分词: underlining |动词过去式: underlined |

underling 相似词语短语

1、tenderling ─── n.幼儿;体弱者;初生的鹿角

2、underline ─── vt.强调;在…下面划线;预告;n.下划线;下期节目预告

3、underwing ─── n.后翅;鸟翼下部;夜蛾;adj.置于翅下的;在翅下生长的

4、underking ─── n.幽域之主

5、underlining ─── v.在…下划线

6、underlying ─── adj.潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的;v.放在…的下面;为…的基础;优先于(underlie的ing形式)

7、underlings ─── n.党羽

8、sanderling ─── n.三趾鹬

9、underlaying ─── v.垫起;从下面支撑;倾斜;向下延伸(underlay的现在分词)

underling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Attach high importance to the safety of working area and personally ensure the underling's and yourself safety in working. ─── 高度重视相关工作场所及个人的安全,保证下属及本人的工作安全。

2、The subaerial volcanic rocks underwent weak alteration and unconformity with underling strata. ─── 与下伏地层多呈角度不整合接触,古风化壳常见,常含有陆相植物;

3、Ningbo Sega Chemical Company is a foreign trade company underling the Sega group with responsibility for international trade. ─── 宁波保税区世佳化工有限公司,为我公司下属对外贸易公司,主要负责国际贸易。

4、Two patients with capgras syndrome were reported. This syndrome was a specitic delusion accompanied by underling disease. Is clinical trait is the delusinal negation of identity of a familiar person. ─── 本文报告2例替身综合征,是伴发于其他基础疾病的一种特殊妄想,其临床特征是对一个熟人(尤其是亲人)身份的妄想性否定,坚信这个熟人已被一个与熟人相同的“替身”所顶替。

5、an underling, or a boss. ─── 为人夫、为人父、为人同事、为人哥儿们、为人“喽喽”、为人“头头”。

6、His jailer was so charmed that before he knew it he was barking at an underling to “go and get Mandela a hotplate!” ─── 这人简直给曼德拉说得入迷,后来竟然鬼使神差地朝他下属嚷嚷,“赶紧去给曼德拉拿个电炉来!”

7、Deqing Sega Pesticide Company is a domestic trade company underling the Sega group with responsibility for in interior trade. ─── 德清世佳农药有限公司,为我公司下属内贸公司,主要负责国内贸易。

8、He had been cavalierly affronted by a man who, but a short years before, he would have considered a mere underling. ─── 几年前,他原认为这个人不过是个无名小卒,现在居然傲慢地侮辱了他。

9、Regulate the Underling people job grade according to HR policy. ─── 根据人事部门政策,对通道人员职位等级的调整。

10、Is there a bodiless promise between people,between friends,relatives,couples,sweetie ,boss and underling? Do we need a bodiless promise ? ─── 之间、上司与下属之间,是否都应该有一种不需要言明的约定?

11、Faith was no longer a passive pup watching the world through the eyes of an underling. ─── 匪思不再是一只用卑微的目光看世界、唯唯诺诺的小狗。

12、At 30 age, I wore suit with name brand, sat in the front of the desk, and faced to underling with flintily:" The question which you asked is very stupied, why don't you write a draft at first? ─── 三十岁的我穿着名牌套装,坐在办公桌前,满脸冷酷地对下属说:“这么愚蠢的问题你也敢问?也不先打个草稿!”

13、According to the worldly criteria, the dutiful children should not cater for parents by lie and the faithful underling should not flatter his supervisor. ─── 依照世俗的标准,孝顺的孩子不应该以不实的言词去奉承父母亲;忠贞的部下不应该谄媚直属长官。

14、The worse is that a cruel supervisor is jealous of underling's talent and is afraid that he might replace him some day. ─── 狠心的长官,他们更是难以容忍有才华的部属,生怕他们有一天会“篡位”。

15、Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted. ─── 我们的健康参与者有一个对于自身身体基本精确的视觉图像,但是大脑对于手的下属方位感模型却高度失真。

16、In charge operation and management of main materials store, underling's management; ─── 负责物料仓整体运作安排及人员管理;

17、The underling importance of the Ge quantum dot resonant cavity enhanced photodetector is discussed and its prospects are offered. ─── 最后对上述内容进行小结,并对Ge量子点共振腔增强型光电探测器的应用前景进行了探讨与展望。

18、1. Whole operation arrangement of document group, underling's management; ─── 负责文件组整体运作安排及人员管理;

19、The back has three layers--an underling, interfacing, and a stay which support and provide a smooth foundation over the shoulders and at the hem. The side section has only two layers--the underlining and interfacing around the armscye. ─── 后片有三层,衬里、衬布和撑条,撑条起支撑作用,并在肩部和底边处形成平顺造型。侧片只有两层,衬里和衬布。

20、He seemed to be master, not underling, now. ─── 他现在显得象是个主人,不是个下属了。

21、The Ju Yuan fruit exchange market is the underling of company which to the biggest and the equipments of it is the most complete of all fruit exchange market is the district. ─── 公司下设菊园果品交易市场的是全区规模最大,设施最完备的果品交易市场。

22、It is done equally to the good, the evil, the noble, the mean, the learned, the ignorant, peddler, underling, official and robber. ─── 好人、坏人、道德高尚的、道德低下的、有学问的、没学问的、贩夫走卒、官兵强盗,祂都一律平等的布施供应。

23、1. You can highlight main points by underling them. ─── 你可以通过下划线来强调要点。

24、"He's so easy-going, most of us think he doesn't do anything," says an underling. ─── “他真是随和,我们多数人都认为他啥事也不干,”一位下属这么说。

25、Responsible for the management of the underling staffs. Check the function of the main equipment everyday and director the maintaining of the project. ─── 主管对下属员工和所属系统设备负有全面的管理责任,每天要对主要设备的运行状况进行检查,对重复维修工程及保养进行现场督导。

26、Responsible for the assistance of draft out and prepare the all kinds of internal executive documents, then hand round to different department and underling enterprise after the leading signed the confirmation. ─── 协助起草公司各类内部行政文件,报经上级领导审阅签发后分送有关部门及下属企业落实与执行。

27、A fawning underling; a toady. ─── 谄媚者;马屁精

28、They overused Nazis as villains, so they asked the Soviet Union and its underling guerillas to get on stage again. ─── 纳粹=反派,这一公式在过去被过度使用,所以现在,苏联和地下游击队再次成为反派人物的首选。

29、The delicate issue here is that the head of compliance is the deputy governor, Mr Fukui's underling. ─── 这里,问题的复杂之处在于该委员会的领导是央行副行长,福井的下属。

30、The underling sprawled and lay quaking. ─── 那个下人趴在地上,全身颤抖。

31、In some cases the woman watching was designated the boss; in other cases she was the underling or a co-worker of the person on the videotape. ─── 有时候,看录像的女生会被指定为“老板”;有时候女生会被指派为“下属”,或者她看到的是与她合作完成任务的人在录像上讲这个笑话。

32、Although the underling visual message is often not clear and present, my artistic hand was guided by one force. ─── 虽然下属的视觉信息往往是不明确的和现在,我的艺术,是一种力量引导。

33、He had been cavalierly affronted by a man who, but a short years before, he would have considered a mere underling. ─── 几年前,他原认为这个人不过是个无名小卒,现在居然傲慢地侮辱了他。

34、He had been cavalierly affronted by a man who, but a short years before, he would have considered a mere underling ─── 几年前,他原认为这个人不过是个无名小卒,现在居然傲慢地侮辱了他。


36、Do record and report, supervise and check the content of sheets filled by underling, improve continuously data veracity, make the record accord with request of quality system. ─── 认真做好有关记录报表和汇报工作,并监督检查下属记录的填写情况,不断提高数据准确性,使记录符合质量体系的要求。

37、This paper reviews the local and systemic factors underling the for mation of these scars and outlines the current and potential treatment modalites for these lesions. ─── 本文阐述了局部和全身因素对其形成的影响机制,并对其临床治疗方法的现状和将来的可能性治疗作一概述。

38、Therefore, we never look down on anyone, including the peddler and the underling. ─── 所以我们不敢轻视任何人,贩夫走卒、市井小民都不例外。

39、Own the ability of management and guide of underling. ─── 拥有管理、培养、指导下属的能力;

40、the lower classes of society; pedlars and menial servants; underling; lackey ─── 贩夫走卒

41、It must not deduct any fund or fee on this sum,and may not mortgage or deduct any kind of tax of which underling administration or related organizations imposed at present or future. ─── 该笔金额支付不得扣除任何款项、费用,且不得用以抵扣(国家名称)或任何下属行政部门或有关机构目前和将来所征收的任何性质的税款。

42、Faith was no longer a passive pup watching the world through the eyes of an underling. ─── 匪思不再是一只用卑微的目光看世界、唯唯诺诺的小狗。

43、Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow Underling the Brain Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging ─── 功能磁共振成像的脑血流量调节机制

44、Introduction to SI electrical units, including the relationship between mechanical and electrical units, underling foundations and concepts, and quantum representations of the SI units. ─── 介绍电学的国际单位,包括力学和电学单位的关系,基本定义和概念,以及国际单位的量化表达式。

45、He is an underling of the gang leader. ─── 他是匪首的爪牙。

46、The underling formations are mainly constituted by alluvial-proluvial plain, so the level of groundwater is shallow and the stratums are high hydraulic permeability. ─── 摘要青岛地区上伏地层第四系冲洪积平原,地下水埋深也比较浅,下伏地层常为透水较强的砂砾石层。

47、Indeed, Mr Plattner may be as much to blame for the firm's troubles as his former underling. ─── 事实上,普拉特纳先生或许和他的前部下一样要为公司的麻烦(原译:困难)受到指责。

48、it must make his boss feel uneasy or insecure.An underling with outstanding performance often is excluded and suppressed by his supervisor. ─── 那些表现太突出的部属往往会受到直属长官的打压、排挤。

49、The professor smiles sagely at the underling. ─── 教授狡诘地笑着接了一句。

50、Wujin huaheng wiring plastic factory is one underling factory of joint venture company of HONGKONG industry things conpany . We speciality produce all kinds of wiring accessories and electrician tools,etc. ─── 常州市华恒电器塑料有限公司是专业生产经营行线槽、尼龙扎带、缠绕管、梅花管、扁管、异形管、配线器材等各种电器附件,产品在国内同行中处于领先地位。

51、He will not swollen-headed for his high position, not to mentioning exploits his underling and people in his prefecture as he likes. ─── 更不会将自己的部属以及辖区内的百姓当成囊中之物,动辄随意榨取。

52、a fawning underling ─── 谄媚者

53、How delightful to find an arriviste underling of 53 and a slacking boss of 70 in a thrusting, ageist industry such as investment banking. ─── 在投资银行这样一个冲劲十足、歧视老龄的行业中,能找到一个野心勃勃的53岁下属和一个泄了劲儿的70岁的老板,是多么令人欣喜啊。

54、A running dog is shameless; an underling is immodest ─── 走狗无耻

55、Check on work attendance and manage the file. Supervise the underling staffs to maintain and repair the equipment, make a record of the changing the machine parts and pigeonhole them each month. ─── 审核员工考勤,做好技术档案管理工作,督导下属做好设备维修、故障处理,零部件更换记录,每月进行整理归档。

56、in other cases she was the underling or a co-worker of the person on the videotape. ─── 有时候女生会被指派为“下属”,或者她看到的是与她合作完成任务的人在录像上讲这个笑话。

57、Make the rules of operating for underling staffs and supervise them to obey the rules. ─── 制定下属各岗位规范及操作规程,督促检查下属严格执行岗位责任制、操作规程及设备检修保养制度的情况。

58、My Factory underling projrct have leisureliness yield Tang Dresscatena. Soeciality level、design polish、work fine.Far off annulsou theast area Welcome China or Our lnguire and order. ─── 本公司下属企业具有悠久生产唐装系列的经验,专业水准、设计精良、做工精细、远销东南亚等地区,欢迎国内外客户垂询定制,厂家直销。

59、In my 26 years at JWT, I would never have thought of bringing coffee to an underling. ─── 我在智威汤逊广告公司干了26年,从来没有想到给下属端咖啡。

60、It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling. ─── 可以肯定的是奥斯瓦德可能下意识的想要伤害他的下属。

61、Oneluckless underling who had been given a frosty bollocking said tothe camera: “I am going to kill myself. ─── 一名被痛斥了一顿的倒霉下属对着摄影机说:“我去自杀好了。”

62、We could educate underling at any moment and everywhere,we could train the successful mood,we could help anybody active,etc. ─── 随时随地教育下属,从小培养成功的心态,主动帮助他人,等等。

63、Underling: yep, yep, every cradle. ─── 手下:是的,是的,所有的摇篮。

64、Objective: Atrial Fibrillation (Af) , the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia in clinical, is often associated with underling heart disease. ─── 目的:心房颤动(atrial fibrillation,Af)是临床上最常见的持续性心律失常,大多数发生于器质性心脏病患者。

65、Be sure to complete the instruction from the Chief Engineer and supervise the underling staffs to obey the rules. ─── 切实执行总工指令,认真贯彻落实岗位责任制,督导下属员工严格执行操作规程及员工守则。

66、South Friendship Translation Center is an underling of the Shenzhen South Friendship Information Consultation Co., Ltd. and a company providing professional translation services. ─── 南方友缘翻译中心是深圳市南方友缘信息咨询有限公司下属单位,是一家提供专业翻译服务的公司。

67、Different underling surfaces ─── 不同下垫面

68、4、 The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underling trend. ─── 问题在于,近期生产力快速增长的部分原因是经济周期出现的正常反弹,并不足以成为潜在的经济复苏的确凿证据。

69、Adjust the underling people PA and salary status according to HR policy. ─── 根据人事部门政策,对通道人员绩效考核/薪水调整。

70、But when she was the underling or a co-worker, she laughed much more, even though the joke-teller wasn't in the room to see her. ─── 但当她作为“下属”,或是同僚时,即使讲笑话的人不在现场看着她,她也笑的更多些。

71、when you criticize a colleague or underling, you're spreading negative energy. ─── 当您指责同事或下属的时候,您也正在传播负面影响,玷污自己的声誉。

72、Enhancements to the underling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 technology extend identification functions to clients so Web servers now can tell that visitors are who they claim to be. ─── 对基本的安全套接字层(SSL)3.0技术的增强,将识别功能延伸到客户机上,从而Web服务器能够区分上网者就是他们所声称的那个人。

73、an underling :my lord,u let him go? ─── 一个部下:大人,你放他走?

74、God rules the universe and Satan is an underling in the scheme of things. ─── 神长官整个宇宙,撒但只是一个下僚。

75、the department management makes the interrelated manager can manage the underling office and the person in underling office based the right which is assigned by system administrator of it’s role sort. ─── 部门管理使得各相关主管可以根据系统管理员为其分配的角色类别和权限对其下属部门和人员进行协同管理。

76、The underling staff will obey their good leader who knows how to display his character,abilities on competent work and solving the problems. ─── 5.一位好的领导懂得他需要向下属展示自己的品格、胜任工作的能力和解决问题的能力,这样下属才可能服从他们的领导。

77、This charmless message prompted an angry underling to set up a fake Twitter account in Soden's name with tweets that say “I love my life” and “Analyst slacking again. ─── ”这条生硬的消息刺激一名愤怒的下属以佐登的名义创建了一个冒名Twitter账户,并发信息称“我热爱我的生活”,“分析师又开始吊儿郎当了。

78、The person doing the appraising may spend the rest of the year working with their underling in an apparently democratic team. ─── 负责评估的那个人,可能要在这一年剩下的时间里,与下属在一个明显具有民主气氛的团队中工作。

79、He got so frustrated with the same underling's progress on a whitewashing report that he took a stab at it himself. ─── 对于这个手下杜撰的枪击报告的进度他很不满意,所以还自己亲自动手粉饰掩盖。

80、Some of the women were told the interviewer would be awarding a substantial cash prize to a few of the participants, like a boss deciding which underling deserved a bonus. ─── 其中一些女生被告知,访问她们的人将会给予某几位参与者充足的现金奖励,类似一位老板来决定下属所该得到奖励。

81、This can be avoided by explaining to the messenger that you are saving the feelings of the malodorous underling. ─── 但这种情况是可以避免的,方法是向那位代言人解释,你是在照顾那个有体味下属的感受。

82、When an underling listens to his manager, all he can absorb from the manager's instruction is about seventy percent. ─── 另一方面,当下属在听取上级经理交待任务的时候,又往往只能吸收上级所传达意见之中的70%。

83、But it seems that the only line of communication that has not changed is between boss and underling. ─── 但看上去唯一没有改变的,就是老板与下属的沟通方式。

84、Because of this , my underling and me are busying than ever , especially two colleagues being off the Office in the month of January and March this year. ─── 这张毕业照,我不见它已二十年了。听着女儿的话,再看着照片上的我,很诧异当年居然会留那么长的头发!

85、It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling. ─── 很明显奥斯瓦特是蓄意伤害部下的.

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