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09-20 投稿


myotomy 发音

英:[[maɪ'ɒtəmɪ]]  美:[[maɪ'ɒtəmɪ]]

英:  美:

myotomy 中文意思翻译



myotomy 相似词语短语

1、zootomy ─── n.动物解剖;动物解剖学;比较解剖学

2、xylotomy ─── n.木材解剖学

3、embryotomy ─── n.难产时的碎胎术

4、myology ─── n.肌肉学;肌肉系统

5、myotomes ─── n.肌刀

6、myomectomy ─── n.肌瘤切除术

7、amniotomy ─── n.[妇产]羊膜穿破术;人工破膜

8、scotomy ─── 暗视晕

9、myotome ─── n.肌刀

myotomy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Myotomy of levator palpebrae ─── 睑提肌切开术

2、Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx with myotomy ─── 以肌切开术行咽下部憩室固定术

3、Heller's myotomy ─── Heller手术

4、Myotomy of oblique or rectus muscle of eye ─── 眼斜肌或眼直肌肌切开术

5、I am a 52 year old male and had a myotomy procedure performed 24 years ago. ─── 我是一名52岁男性和程序进行了切开术24年前。

6、I have had all the various courses of treatment dilatation, balloon dilatation, multiple endoscopies, Heller myotomy 8 years ago. ─── 我有所有的治疗扩张,球囊扩张,多内窥镜各种课程,Heller术8年前。

7、cricopharyngeal myotomy ─── 环咽肌切开术

8、A good response to BOTOX is usually an indication that the patient will have long-term relief following surgical myotomy. ─── 一个很好的回应Botox是通常表示该病人将有长期救济以下外科切开术。

9、orbicularis myotomy ─── 眼轮匝肌切开术

10、Video-assisted thoracoscopic lower esophageal sphincter longitudinal myotomy for 18 cases of achalasia ─── 胸腔镜辅助食管下段肌层纵行切开术治疗贲门失弛缓症18例

11、I had two Botox injections, which helped for a year or two then finally had the Heller myotomy. ─── 我有两个肉毒杆菌注射,然后帮助了一年或两年终于有Heller术。

12、Critical details of the operation include a generous myotomy of the lower esophagus, extending well onto the gastric wall. ─── 行动的关键细节包括对下段食道慷慨切开,扩大和胃壁上。

13、Keywords rectus marginal myotomy combined with wedge excision;concomitant strabismus;quantitative;clinical outcome; ─── 直肌边缘切开联合楔形切除;共同性斜视;定量;临床效果;

14、cricopharyngeus myotomy ─── 咽环肌切开术

15、Myotomy of colon ─── 结肠肌切开术

16、Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), stenting, surgical resection of the bridge (myotomy), and coronary bypass surgery are only reserved for the rare patient with severe symptoms. ─── 只有少数严重的病人才需要安排心导管、血管整形、支管置入、外科切除或冠状动脉绕导手术。

17、Myotomy of esophagus ─── 食管肌切开术

18、Selective peripheral denervation and myotomy for spasmodic torticollis, with results of 400 cases ─── 选择性周围神经切断和肌切断治疗痉挛性斜颈400例结果

19、I had a laparoscopic myotomy a few years ago. ─── 我还以为是几年前腹腔镜切开术。

20、Treatment of achalasia by transthoracic Heller myotomy with a small incision ─── 经胸小切口食管肌层切开术治疗贲门失弛缓症

21、Myotomy of hand with division ─── 手部肌切开伴分开术

22、Clinical observation of the rectus marginal myotomy with wedge excision on squint ─── 直肌边缘切开联合楔形切除术治疗斜视的临床观察

23、Pneumatic dilation for the treatment of achalasia in untreated patients and patients with failed Heller myotomy ─── 对未治疗或行Heller肌切除术失败的失弛缓症患者行气囊扩张术治疗贲门失弛缓症

24、Analysis of the Therapeutic Effect of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Treating Acute Biliogenic Pancreatitis after Papillary Myotomy ─── 急性胆源性胰腺炎乳头肌切开术后中西医结合治疗疗效分析

25、Hyoid bone myotomy and palatopharyngoplasty ─── 舌骨肌切开及腭咽成形术

26、extramucosal duodenal myotomy ─── 粘膜外十二指肠肌切开术

27、If a perforation occurs, emergency surgery is needed to close the perforation and to perform a myotomy. ─── 如果发生穿孔,紧急手术是需要关闭穿孔和执行切开术。

28、Anaesthesia for Hyoid Bone Myotomy and Palatopharyngoplasty of the Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ─── 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者舌骨肌切开术及腭咽成形术的麻醉处理

29、rectus marginal myotomy and wedge excision ─── 直肌边缘切开联合楔形切除

30、OSAHS Treatment of Severe OSAHS Combine Hyoid Myotomy and Suspension with Palatopharyngoplasty ─── 舌骨肌切开悬吊术结合腭咽成形术治疗重度

31、Hyoid myotomy and suspension ─── 舌骨肌切开悬吊术

32、Myotomy of hand ─── 手部肌切开术

33、Myotomy with division ─── 肌切开术伴分开术

34、Treatment of achalasia of cardia by transthoracic heller myotomy with tricavity biocapsule tube ─── 三腔二囊管辅助经胸食管肌层切开术治疗贲门失弛缓症

35、Keywords Rectus marginal myotomy with wedge excision;Squi nt; ─── 关键词直肌边缘切开;联合楔形切除;斜视;

36、Comparison of Thoracoscopic and Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy for Achalasia ─── 胸腔镜与腹腔镜下行Heller手术治疗贲门失弛缓症的比较

37、Diverticulectomy with cricopharyngeus myotomy was performed in 4 of the 6 cases, and the results were satisfied. ─── 结论咽食管憩室的手术方法以憩室切除+环咽肌切开术为佳。内镜下治疗是发展方向。

38、Paralytic esotropia surgery by means of medial rectus marginal myotomy combined with muscle union ─── 内直肌边缘切开合并肌联合术治疗麻痹性内斜视

39、The clinical experience of thoracoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia ─── 胸腔镜下食管肌层切开术治疗贲门失弛缓症

40、Up to 15% of patients may experience gastroesophageal reflux after myotomy, as measured by pH monitoring. ─── 高达15%的患者可能会遇到胃食管反流后切开术,如pH监测测量。

41、Heller myotomy ─── Heller肌切开

42、Diverticulectomy of esophagus with myotomy ─── 食管憩室切除术伴肌切开术

43、Improved Heller's myotomy ─── 改良Heller手术

44、Myotomy of intestine ─── 肠肌切开术

45、A laparoscopic Heller myotomy is considered by many to be the appropriate primary treatment of patients with achalasia (see Surgical Care ). ─── 腹腔镜Heller术是一个被许多人认为是适当的原发性肝癌患者治疗贲门失弛缓症(见手术护理)。

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