librarianship 发音
英:[laɪˈbreərɪənʃɪp] 美:[laɪˈbrɛriənʃɪp]
英: 美:
librarianship 中文意思翻译
librarianship 词性/词形变化,librarianship变形
名词: librarianship |
librarianship 短语词组
1、librarianship ma ─── 图书馆学硕士
librarianship 相似词语短语
1、guardianship ─── n.监护;监护人的责任
2、librarianships ─── n.图书馆事业;图书馆管理员职位;图书馆管理业务
3、librarian ─── n.图书馆员;图书管理员
4、airmanship ─── n.飞行术;导航技术
5、boatmanship ─── n.操船技术;操舟术
6、bipartisanship ─── n.两党合作;两党制
7、libertarians ─── n.自由意志主义者;行动自由论者;adj.自由的;自由论者的;持自由论的
8、cybrarians ─── 网络图书馆员;数字图书馆员
9、librarians ─── n.图书管理员(librarian的复数)
librarianship 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The library laws play a very important role in American librarianship. ─── 摘要美国图书馆法对图书馆事业的发展起了很大作用。
2、Bloodstain too small for the librarian to have died from this wound, unless he was killed elsewhere... ─── 如果图书馆员死于这个伤口,血迹就太少了,除非他在别处被杀。。。
3、Librarianship is Too Generalized to Claim Any expertise. ─── 图书馆职业过于一般化,缺乏任何专业技能要求。
4、Her father abandoned the family when Dorothea was 12, and her mother went to work, first as a librarian and then as a social worker. ─── 她的父亲于桃乐丝12岁时离家出走,因而她的妈妈必须外出工作,刚开始身任图书馆员,后来成为一位社工。
5、The hush of the library and the unwelcoming examination of his grease-stained clothes by the lady librarian made him ill at ease. ─── 图书馆里雅雀无声,女管理员打量着他一身油腻,样子不很欢迎,他觉得很不自在。
6、Could you get familiar enough for law librarianship from two and a half years of law school? ─── 你能通过两年半的法学院学习熟悉法律图书馆员的工作吗?
7、The librarian has called in all the books that are overdue. ─── 图书馆科理员把所有出借过期的书收回。
8、Could you get familiar enough for law librarianship from two and a half years of law school? ─── 你能通过两年半的法学院学习熟悉法律图书馆员的工作吗?
9、A few days later he popped in the door and joyfully announced, "The librarian over there doesn't let boys work in the library. ─── 几天之后,他突然出现在门口并喜冲冲地宣布:“那边的图书馆管理员不让孩子在图书馆工作。
10、The librarian has to account for each book in his charge. ─── 图书馆管理员必须为他管理的每本图书的情况作出说明。
11、From the very beginning of my career in librarianship, I have confronted a current of classism and elitism in libraries. ─── 在我图书馆工作生涯的初期,曾经遇到图书馆内部的等级主义思想以及精英主义思想。
12、The next librarian will have a lot of tidying up to do! ─── 下一任图书馆员有一大堆的整理工作要做!
13、Evidence-Based Librarianship (EBL) which is originated from the Evidence-Based Medicine is an effective method of obtaining useful information. ─── 摘要实证图书馆学(EBL)起源于循证医学,是一种获取有用信息的方法。
14、Even if countries are different, the current discussions in the Chinese "Library Journal" and in the Nippon Association for Librarianship have the same effect. ─── 日本图书馆研究会展开的专题研讨,和《图书馆杂志》展开的专题研讨有着异曲同工的效应。
15、One was even a librarian action figure with 'shushing action' so that was really funny. ─── 有一个是图书馆管理员伸出手指做“嘘,安静”的动作,非常的好玩。”
16、The librarian classified the books according to authors. ─── 图书馆管理员按照作者分类书籍。
17、Service to readers is the core of the librarianship. ─── 摘要读者服务工作是图书馆工作的重心。
18、The liBrarian wouldn't like his Books Being earmarked. ─── 有人把书折角,图书馆管理员是不会乐意的。
19、Shera was particularly interested in the affinity between social epistemology and librarianship. ─── 希瑞特别有兴趣于社会认识论和图书馆管理业务的亲密关系。
20、The development of librarian professionalization is very slow. ─── 当今图书馆的职业化进程一直比较缓慢。
21、The implementation of the public lending system and its confirmation in copyright law will be helpful to the development of librarianship. ─── 实施公共借阅权制度并在著作权法中得到确认,将对图书馆事业发展起到推动作用,会促进我国科学文化事业的发展。
22、Librarian: Give me a second to enter your information into the system and then I'll give you your card. ─── 图书馆员:给我几分钟将妳的资料输入系统,然后我就会把卡片给妳。
23、One Saturday, Mrs.Barnett, the head librarian, summoned me to the circulation desk, a formidable walnut fortress. ─── 有一个周六,图书馆馆长巴尼特女士把我叫到借书台,庄严的胡桃木制成的借书台像一座堡垒。
24、Windsor Series in Librarianship no. 8 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1964) p. 92. ─── 台北市:台北市政府教育局,民70年。
25、The librarian has called in all the books. ─── 图书馆管理员把书全部都收回去了。
26、"Subject librarian" system, which is newly emerging in the nearly ten years in our country, has exposed many questions. ─── 摘要“学科馆员”制度这一新生事物在我国出现的近十年中,暴露了不少问题。
27、She inquired of the librarian whether they had got the book. ─── 她询问图书馆管理员,他们有没有这本书。
28、Does it make more work for the user or the librarian? ─── 它是给用户还是给馆员带来了更大的工作量?
29、One day in 1965, when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle, a fourthgrade teacher approached me. ─── 1965年的一天,我在西雅图观景岭学校当一名图书馆管理员时,一位教四年级的老师来找我。
30、The librarian wasn't the type to get excited for no reason. ─── 图书馆员可不是那种没理由也会大惊小怪的人。
31、The librarian is asking the borrower for proof of local residence. ─── 图书馆员正在向借书者索取当地居住证明。
32、From knowledge the organization innovates to knowledge, CKO and " enterprise librarian " can produce main effect. ─── 从知识组织到知识创新,CKO与“企业图书馆员”能够发挥重要作用。
33、Conversely, every librarian who engages in tool creation to any degree improves the state of librarianship for all of us. ─── 相反,每一个不管以何种程度参与创造工具的图书馆员都为我们所有人提升了图书馆事业的状态。
34、Librarian: Well, the books you just returned are five days late. ─── 图书馆员:嗯,你刚刚还的书逾期了五天。
35、But the librarian, who believed in calling a spade a spade, rebutted that he stole the books. ─── 但是管理员却打开天窗说亮话,反驳他其实是想偷书。
36、Establishing library core value is an arduous task confronted by librarianship in China. ─── 建立图书馆核心价值是一项艰巨的任务,它对中国图书馆界是一个严峻的挑战。
37、A new conception of "the Institutional librarianship" is proposed in this pap... ─── 最后,提出“制度图书馆学”这一新概念。
38、Brooks? How long have you been librarian? ─── 布鲁克斯,你在图书室多久了?
39、For this question, would you please consult the reference librarian over there. ─── 对这个问题,您可以向参考馆员咨询。
40、In order to support his younger brothers and sister, Jacob takes a position as a librarian at Kassel. ─── 为了养活弟弟妹妹,雅各布在卡塞尔找了一份图书馆管理员的工作。
41、From being a librarian she is now an MP. ─── 她从一个图书馆管理员当上了如今的下议院议员。
42、When he returned from England, Dunbar took a job as an assistant librarian at the Library of Congress. ─── 当他从英格兰回到美国时,邓巴在国会图书管理查找一个助理馆员的工作。
43、The assets shall be divided equally among non-profit map librarianship organizations in the United States and Canada. ─── 的资产应平分非营利地图美国和加拿大的图书馆组织。
44、The librarian said that the book was still out and I couldn't get at it. ─── 图书馆管理员说这本书还借出在外,我拿不到手。
45、Disciplinary librarian system is a new working modern and service system. ─── 学科馆员制度是一种新兴的工作模式和服务制度。
46、The motive to call for and research on library spirit is to develop the humanistic ideal of forerunner in librarianship. ─── 研究与倡导图书馆精神,目的在于弘扬图书馆事业前辈们的人文理想。
47、This article discusses the connotation of librarian recessive quality and its influence in reader service. ─── 摘要阐述了馆员的隐性素质的内涵以及对读者服务的影响。
48、This article discusses about the public librarianship in China and the new building of Shenzhen Library. ─── 文章就深圳图书馆新馆及公共图书馆的一些问题谈了自己的看法。
49、But these changes are only in the procedures of librarianship, not in its mission. ─── 但这些变化仅仅是图书馆工作程序中的变化,而不是使命。
50、The librarian complained that the painter had used an off-colour green on the walls. ─── 图书馆管理员抱怨说,油漆工在墙上涂的绿色油漆,颜色不匀。
51、Slavic manuscripts present unique problems to the librarian, curator, and scholar. ─── 斯拉夫语手稿是图书馆员、馆长和学者面临的独特问题。
52、Courses leading to PhD degrees in librarianship were first introduced in the USA in the early 20th century. ─── 图书资讯学博士学位的课程开始于美国20世纪初。
53、Is he a librarian? No wonder he's so well-read. ─── 他是图书管理眼员?难怪这么博学。
54、I need the book and I want to return it next week, but the librarian will not hear of any delay. ─── 我需要这本书,我想下个星期还,但图书馆管理员不允许拖延。
55、Moreover it is not harmful to seeking the goal of public interests when the mechanism and principles of market economy are led into librarianship. ─── 图书馆的公益性与市场经济机制及原则并不矛盾,相反,当代图书馆的公益性是以市场经济为基础的。
56、They rate librarianship skills higher than subject knowledge in on-line searching. ─── 他们认为图书馆技术要比联机检索主题知识更难于掌握。
57、The librarian told her that she might return the book to the library in three days. ─── 图书馆理员告诉她说,她可以在三天后还那本书。
58、IATUL provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. ─── 技术大学图书馆为全世界技术大学与图书馆事业相关的思想交流提供一个论坛。
59、The Librarian reserves the right of refrain any user from accessing the Resource Centre or the Archive collections. ─── 本中心负责人有权拒绝任何人士进入或使用资源中心及藏品。
60、Kenneth Furuta, Librarianship in the Digital Library. ─── 数字图书馆中的图书馆员。
61、The Standard Librarian: What Are Allocators Good For? ─── 作者:未知来源:月光软件站加入时间:2005-2-28月光软件站
62、The librarian had these new books promptly accessioned. ─── 图书馆员迅速地把这些新书登记于图书目录。
63、Further development of librarianship, then, presupposes the dissolution of library castes. ─── 为了图书馆未来的发展,就要消除阶级制度。
64、Librarian: I like all of them, but especially The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles. ─── 图书馆员:我全都喜欢,尤其是《发条鸟年代纪》。
65、Modern information technology speeds up the internationalisation of librarianship. ─── 现代信息技术加速了图书馆事业国际化。
66、The new librarian put across a fine new library building. ─── 新图书馆长成功地募集了新图书馆的款项。
67、To fossick for knowledge in the library is an important productive manner for both its users and librarian. ─── 图书馆用户和馆员在图书馆里淘金是现代社会的重要生产方式。
68、"Net work" is a comparatively recent addition to the terminology of librarianship. ─── “网络”是图书馆学词汇中的一个较新的词。
69、Kneeling on the ground, he scooped it up, dusting its leatherette binding with his sleeve while murmuring an apology to the librarian. ─── 他跪在地上抱起那书来,一面用袖子擦着那书的人造革面,一面小声地朝那老者道歉。
70、They rate librarianship skills higher than subject knowledge in on-line searching. ─── 他们认为图书馆技术要比联机检索主题知识更难于掌握。
71、Librarian: OK. There is still one on the shelf.Here you are. ─── 好的。书架上还有一本。给你。
72、The librarian is coding the new books. ─── 图书馆员在为新书编号。
73、The librarian returned with the book I wanted. ─── 图书馆员拿着我要的那本书回来了。
74、Go All Out for Our Librarianship in the New Century! ─── 振奋精神迎接新世纪!
75、This paper discusses the quality of the profession and the course that the librarian should have. ─── 摘要文章论述了信息社会图书馆馆员应当具备的专业及学科素质。
76、Librarian: Yes, I know. We called the repairman and he will be here after lunch. ─── 图书馆员:对啊,我知道。我们已经请维修人员来修了,他中午过后会来。
77、Are you a librarian? No wonder you are so well read. ─── 你是图书管理眼员?难怪这么博学。
78、His father is the librarian of our school library. ─── 他父亲是我们学校的图书馆馆长。
79、Reference work is the most creative work in the library which embodies the librarian's value fully. ─── 参考咨询工作是图书馆工作中最具创造性、最能体现图书馆员增值劳动的工作。
80、The medical librarian's quality is the base of developing a medical library. ─── 医院图书馆人员的素质是医院图书馆事业发展的基础。
81、The Force Commander and Librarian now start with Power Swords which have the same stats as their previous weapons. ─── 军队司令和馆长的能量剑与他们之前的武器具有同样效果。
82、Librarian: Sir, wouldn't you be more comfortable in a study room? ─── 利巴拉里安:先生,你难道没有在这个书房变得更舒服了吗?
83、Clifford Porter, a reference librarian in Rockville, Md., took a basic computer-skills class, then got one-on-one help from her college son John. ─── 克利福德·波特过去是马里兰州洛克维尔的图书馆资料员,在上完电脑技能课后,又得到她上大学的儿子约翰手把手的辅导。
84、Due to the unique social surroundings back then, the librarianship in Shanghai underwent a faltering and diversified development. ─── 由于近代独特的社会文化环境,上海的图书馆事业呈现出迂回曲折、多元活跃的发展特点。
85、Librarian: Well, if you go up to the seventh floor, there is another copier. ─── 图书馆员:那麽,妳可以上七楼去,那里有另一台影印机。
86、Despite the obvious overlap with librarianship, our field has done comparatively poorly on capitalizing on that overlap. ─── 其二,它无疑地和图书馆管理业务有着极大的关联和重叠,相对来说,我们的领域在利用这些重叠方面做得还很少。
87、TH students put their books on the library desk and the librarian checked them in. ─── 学生把书放在图书馆桌面上,管理员将书登记入架。
88、Dr Colin Storey, Librarian of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will officiate at the ceremony. ─── 书院已邀得大学图书馆馆长施达理博士担任主礼嘉宾。
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