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09-22 投稿


unembarrassed 中文意思翻译



unembarrassed 短语词组

1、unembarrassed appreciation ─── 无负担的增值

2、unembarrassed action ─── 未经授权的行动

unembarrassed 相似词语短语

1、debarrassed ─── vt.解围;使脱离;使摆脱

2、disembarrassed ─── v.使摆脱困境,使免于受窘

3、embarrassedly ─── adv.尴尬地;难堪地

4、embarrasses ─── v.(尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬;使困惑;使为难;使复杂化;陷入经济困难;妨碍(人、移动、行动)

5、embarrassed ─── adj.尴尬的;窘迫的;v.使...困窘;使...局促不安(embarrass的过去分词形式)

6、embarrass ─── v.(尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬;使困惑;使为难;使复杂化;陷入经济困难;妨碍(人、移动、行动)

7、disembarrassment ─── 下船

8、disembarrasses ─── v.使摆脱困境,使免于受窘

9、debarrasses ─── vt.解围;使脱离;使摆脱

unembarrassed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It contributes to her oral speaking as well as being unembarrassed in front of audience. ─── 这有利于提高她的口头表达能力以及练就在众人面前的胆量。

2、He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him; ─── 不合时宜、会惹人恼怒的话题他避开不谈;交谈时他很少抢占风头,也不令人生厌。

3、almost nothing - a little paint, a stretch of cloth, a freed-up mind and an unembarrassed heart - he made this. ─── 几乎一无所有,仅用一点颜料,一块画布,一个摆脱束缚的精神,一颗不再矫饰的心,他创作了这些作品。

4、an unembarrassed greeting as if nothing untoward had happened. ─── 一种好像什么都没有发生似的不害羞的祝贺。

5、Elizabeth, who had expected to find in her as acute and unembarrassed an observer as ever Mr.Darcy had been, was much relieved by discerning such different feelings. ─── 伊丽莎白本以为她看起人来也象达西一样尖酸刻薄,不留情面,现在见她并不如此,倒放下了心。

6、The continuous and unembarrassed interchange of love and thought between God and the soul of the redeemed man is the throbbing heart of New Testament religion. ─── 神显然因他这样热心追求感到喜悦,于是第二天叫摩西到山上,在那里庄严地使他的荣耀从摩西面前经过。

7、fact that Milton is shockingly unembarrassed about making public all of his highest literary ambitions. ─── 事实上弥尔顿对于把他的文学野心,公之于众一点也不尴尬。

8、It contributes to her oral speaking as well as being unembarrassed in front of audience. ─── 这有利于提高她的口头表达能力以及练就在众人面前的胆量。

9、Carreen liked him because of his placid and unembarrassed silences. ─── 卡琳喜欢他那种平静而自在的默默无言的神态。

10、He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him,and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. ─── 他主要负责的只是消除阻碍了他行动自由和让他感觉到舒服的行为的障碍,他喜欢别人的行动而不是自己主动。

11、Their dress had every advantage, their faces were rather pretty, their spirits extremely good, their manner unembarrassed and pleasant;they were of consequence at home, and favourites abroad. ─── 然而她毕竟年轻,当然也很漂亮,再加上头脑机灵,举止一味讨人喜欢,使她更加富有魅力。

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