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09-22 投稿


mellifluous 发音

英:[me'lɪflʊəs]  美:[mɛ'lɪfluəs]

英:  美:

mellifluous 中文意思翻译



mellifluous 词性/词形变化,mellifluous变形

副词: mellifluously |名词: mellifluousness |

mellifluous 相似词语短语

1、umbelliferous ─── adj.伞状花科的;有伞状花的

2、mellifluousness ─── 美味

3、dulcifluous ─── 愉悦

4、mellifluent ─── adj.如蜜般的(等于mellifluous)

5、melliferous ─── adj.甜的,产蜜的

6、metalliferous ─── adj.金属的;产金属的

7、mellifluously ─── 如蜜般地;流畅地;甜美地

8、celliferous ─── adj.具细胞的;产生细胞的

9、mellivorous ─── 好色的

mellifluous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Zuckerberg speaks in a steady, mellifluous tenor; ─── 扎克博格的嗓音高亢,语气坚定而流畅。

2、polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well - educated voice(H.W. Crocker III) ─── 彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音(H.W.克罗克III)

3、Pick it as many times as you like. Try many different vibrato approaches (fast, slow, soulful, mellifluous, etc). ─── 象你平时那样拨动它,尝试许多不同的颤动效果(快,慢,深情,甜美,等等)。

4、If you listened to the mellifluous President-Elect Obama deliver his acceptance speech at Grant Park on November 4th, you wouldn't be alone in thinking that his oratorical gift was naturally endowed. ─── 如果你听了当选总统奥巴马在11月4日GrantPark发表他的接职演讲,你也许不会是唯一一个认为他的演说才华是天赋的人。

5、The more mellifluous the singer, the more dexterous the harpist, the more mates he attracts. ─── 歌手唱地越动听,竖琴手弹地越灵巧,他吸引到越多的配偶。

6、The more mellifluous the singer, the more dexterous the harpist, the more mates he attracts. ─── 歌手唱的越是甜蜜,弹琴师技艺越是高超,对异性的吸引力就越大。

7、1.nice and sweet; luscious; 2.pleasant; refreshing; (of a voice, music, etc) mellifluous ─── 甜美

8、Her voice was distinctive, soft and mellifluous. ─── 她的嗓音清脆,柔和而甜美。

9、speak in mellifluous tones ─── 用悦耳的声调说话.

10、mellifluous notes flowing from the violin ─── 悠扬的小提琴声

11、My voice used to be nothing special, dull, a bland Midwestern accent, but after I started living with the harpy, it grew mellifluous, polyhymnal. ─── 我原本有着平淡无奇,少滋无味的中西部口音。但是自从我跟鹰妖生活以来,我的声音渐渐轻盈流畅如诗般流淌。

12、polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well - educated voice(bH.W. Crocker III) ─── 彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音(bH.W.克罗克III)

13、polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well-educated voice ─── 彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音

14、He can whisper mellifluous nothings in my ear. ─── 他可以整日在我耳边甜言蜜语。

15、The sweet witty soul of Ovid lives in mellifluous and honey -tongued Shakespeare. ─── 奥维德的风雅机智的灵魂活在语言甜美流畅的莎士比亚身上。

16、In this overheated context, playing mellifluous, unthreatening versions of soul and jazz could surprise, maybe even shock. ─── 在这个过分火爆的大背景下,演奏恬静的、非侵略性的灵魂乐和爵士乐是可以令人诧异甚至震惊的。

17、they are mellifluous and marvelous and without doubt the best choir. They are the voices of angels from Paris. ─── 他们的歌声甜美流利、令人赞叹,是当之无愧的最好的童声合唱团。他们是来自巴黎的天使的声音。

18、the first sale call in mellifluous voice sounds out of the window, real life awakes me from my dream. ─── 窗外第一声水绿色的叫卖,真实的生活把我从梦幻中唤醒。

19、Nice to see u and ur self-introduce ,it's a mellifluous words.I think u r a good man who good at english study. ─── 非常高兴认识你及接触到你的自我介绍,非常流利一段表达,我想你应该是个很善于学习英语的男孩子。

20、Her voice,is so mellifluous . ─── 个人简介: Elva,my idol.

21、They have already demonstrated their mellifluous football, their depth of talent, their greed for goals. ─── 其技术之细腻,配合之流畅,水银泻地般的进攻,给瑞典队当头之棒喝。

22、It will astonish your aperitif papillae by its muscat fragrances and the with mellifluous by its mouth. ─── 她会以她浓郁的麝香味道和蜜汁的丰盈口感,给您的味觉一个美妙的惊喜。

23、Pick it as many times as you like. Try many different vibrato approaches (fast, slow, soulful, mellifluous, etc). ─── 象你平时那样拨动它,尝试许多不同的颤动效果(快,慢,深情,甜美,等等)。

24、A mellifluous dream makes a begin of a good day before I forget it. ─── #artwiculate 一个好梦是美好的一天的开始,在被忘记之前。

25、And the white powder used is from quality oyster shells or minerals extremely finely ground, thereby giving rise to even and mellifluous lines. ─── 沥粉贴金工艺所使用的白粉是品质优良的牡蛎粉或优质矿物粉,而且白粉研制极为精细,因此沥出的线条匀称流畅。

26、3.As the moledy of time starts to play,when the pink candle was lit up,all the mellifluous laughters,and dimly-recollected yesterdays are flittering in the candle light. ─── 当时钟的乐曲奏起时,当粉红的蜡烛点燃时,多少盈盈笑语,多少依稀往事,都闪动在摇曳的烛光里。

27、“polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well-educated voice”( H.W. Crocker III ─── “彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音”(H.W.克罗克III

28、"polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well-educated voice" (H.W. Crocker III) ─── “彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音”(H.W.克罗克III)

29、Also not among the new drugs approved was A5G27, or whatever more mellifluous name a drug company might give it. ─── 批准的新药中也没有A5G27,或是医药公司可能为它起得任何悦耳的名字。

30、I grew up around people who had wonderful, mellifluous voices. ─── 我是在一群有着悦耳动听嗓音的人周围长大的。

31、Soon the room is filled with Bates' mellifluous tones. ─── 很快,房间里便充满了贝茨动听的声音。

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