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methodological 发音

英:[ˌmeθədəˈlɑːdʒɪkl]  美:[ˌmeθədəˈlɒdʒɪkl]

英:  美:

methodological 中文意思翻译



methodological 网络释义

adj. 方法的,方法论的

methodological 词性/词形变化,methodological变形

动词过去式: methodized |名词: methodization |动词第三人称单数: methodizes |动词过去分词: methodized |动词现在分词: methodizing |

methodological 短语词组

1、methodological problem ─── 方法问题

2、methodological approach ─── 方法论 ─── 方法

3、methodological individualism ─── 方法论的个体论

4、methodological competence ─── 方法论能力

5、methodological narcissism ─── 方法论自恋

6、methodological analysis ─── [经] 方法论的分析

7、methodological rule ─── 方法规则

8、methodological framework ─── [经]方法论体系

9、methodological principle ─── 方法论原则

10、methodological approaches ─── 方法论 ─── 方法

methodological 相似词语短语

1、meteorologically ─── adv.从气象学角度看

2、methodologies ─── n.[经]方法论(methodology的复数形式)

3、ethological ─── adj.行为学的;行为性的

4、meteorological ─── adj.气象的;气象学的

5、ethnological ─── adj.人种学的,民族学的

6、metrological ─── adj.[计量]度量衡学的

7、methodologically ─── 方法学;在方法论上

8、mythological ─── adj.神话的;神话学的;虚构的

9、methodologist ─── n.方法论者;方法学家

methodological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective: In order to overally get the message of the effects of water defluoridation measures and provide a new approach to the methodological research of endemic fluorosis. ─── 目的:全面了解中国改水降氟措施防治饮水型地方性氟中毒的效果,探索控制饮水型氟中毒改水干预措施效果的综合评价方法。

2、No matter be short of caustic,development misshapes or become angry only the methodological ability of coronal rehabilitate has relatively ideal effect. ─── 发育畸形无论缺损或变色只有冠修复的方法才能有较为理想的效果。

3、However some authors have protested that there are methodological, definitional, or content-oriented problems with extant therapeutic factor research. ─── 然而有些作者抗议,有方法,定义,或内容为导向的问题,现存的治疗因子的研究。

4、Of the four consultancies studied, two emerged as successful in delivering change by virtue of their methodological and philosophical approaches, and the buy-in of their clients. ─── 上述四个顾问研究两成现在提供变动由于他们的方法学和哲学方法和他们的客户买下的成功。

5、Tailoring assumes both strong methodological and business model knowledge -- qualities that might not be easy to find. ─── 裁减采用强大的方法,及丰富的商业模型知识——不容易找到的质量。

6、In addition, we review methodological issues that influence the acquisition and application of evidence to the elderly patients treated in community practice. ─── 并且,我们审查了影响采集和运用于老年病人在社区医疗实践中治疗证据的方法问题。

7、The progress of theoretical chemistry of Chinese mainland in 2006 has been reviewed according to both the methodological developments and their applications. ─── 摘要从理论方法的建立及其应用两个方面综述了2006年中国大陆理论化学研究工作的进展。

8、The methodological quality of included trials was generally "poor." Few trials reported methods of randomization. Three trials were randomized, double blind, and placebo-controlled. ─── 很少有实验报道随机取样的方法。内含的试验方法的质量一般很弱。三种试验分别为随机取样、双盲法、安慰剂给样试验。

9、The Delegation of Mexico was thankful for the very transparent, systematic and methodological manner in which work was conducted so as to be able to reach the results sought. ─── 墨西哥代表团感谢有关人员为了取得这些成果而开展了非常透明、系统和有条理的工作。

10、Disguising one's methodological or ideological views, such as by omitting revealing activities or publications from one's vitae. ─── 删去个人简历上启发性的学术活动或著述等,借此掩盖研究方法和学术理论上的观点。

11、The Methodological Compendium of Analysing Competitors ─── 竞争对手分析论纲

12、Here we have a number of different methodological cuts into the question of values: Quant Analysis (Feldman), Quant Analysis of Codes (Feldman and Zaller), Open-ended questions (Chong). ─── 我们有多套检视价值的方法:数量分析(Feldman)、准则数量分析(Feldman与Zaller)和开放式问题(Chong)。

13、In the last two decades, commercial liberalism has made much progress not only in theoretical but also in methodological aspects. ─── 最近二十多年来,商业自由主义不论是在理论层面,还是在实证层面都取得了长足的发展。

14、When a single research method is inadequate, methodological triangulation lation is used to ensure that the most comprehensive approach is taken to solve a research problem. ─── 当单一的研究法不足以完全解答一个研究问题时,三角交叉检视法乃是最能确定的一种解决法。

15、Other researchers, however, have found serious methodological flaws in some of the studies that claim to demonstrate a relationship between a full moon and human behavior. ─── 然而其它研究人员发现,某些宣称能证明月圆与人类行为有关的研究存在方法上的严重错误。

16、China takes practicality seriously not quite, methodological stale, devoid originality, over homiletic. ─── 中国则不太重视实践性,方法陈旧,缺乏创意,多于说教。

17、Was basked in by sunshine recently panda hand, african face, what remedies methodological ` ! ? ─── 最近被阳光晒成了熊猫手,非洲脸了,有什么补救方法`!?

18、Of toothache be about to die, the methodological A with temporarily acetanilide what to have? ? ─── 牙疼的快要死掉了,有没有什么暂时止痛的方法阿??

19、The thesis attempts to diagnose the advantages and disadvantages of the three tropisms of the research of teaching model conceptions: structural model,procedural model and methodological model. ─── 基于对现实教学模式概念研究的三种基本取向:结构模式观、程序模式观与方法模式观的系统分析,诊断出三种模式观的优点与局限。

20、Methodological stages in implementing tasks ─── 实施任务的方法阶段

21、But the studies they found are a very mixed bag, and although the researchers have done a great job of summarising this material, their findings gloss over very serious methodological problems. ─── 但是他们的研究结果却各不相同,尽管研究人员在归纳总结这些材料方面做了大量的工作,但是他们的发现还是掩盖了很严重的方法问题。

22、The methodological dispel with effective what grows the Brown scar that chilblain leaves? ─── 有什么有效的方法祛除长冻疮留下的褐色的疤?

23、It can well accommodate the requirements of this course which is comprehensive, methodological and practical. ─── 是这一课程本身具有的综合性、方法性和实践性特点的要求。

24、There's methodological limitations. ─── 还有些研究方法上的局限。

25、Of course, social science research is almost never conclusive. There are always methodological difficulties and stones left unturned. ─── 当然,社会科学的研究几乎从来没有结论。总是有方法上的困难和人事未能尽到的情形。

26、Perhaps the most common of these is to challenge the methodological soundness of the research. ─── 这些应对方法中最为普遍的也许就是质疑研究在方法学上的正确性。

27、This paper presents a methodological strategy that begins with an analysis of EAD and the informational object to be marked up, allowing the semiautomatic creation of a digital version. ─── 为允许数字版本的半自动创建,本文提出一个以对EAD和将被标记的信息对象的分析为出发点的业务方法实施战略。

28、Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported. ─── 局限性:试验方法的特点和质量本质上发生了变化并且经常不能被完全地报道出来。

29、The Technics Methodological Study of Vacuum Hermetic Sculpt ─── 真空密封造型工艺方法的研究

30、If say, individual stationmaster can find his methodological gain money, what suggest or do not start a company is good. ─── 假如说,个人站长能找到自己的方法赚到钱,建议还是不要搞公司的好。

31、Objective:Methodological evaluation of serum FMN reagent kit made in China. ─── 目的:对国产血清果糖胺(FMN)试剂盒进行方法学评价。

32、Finalize the design curl rub silk does overhead, use from the place that send a root again go against the methodological gangmaster hair that comb to catch chaos. ─── 把定型卷发摩丝弄在头顶上,再从发根部位用逆梳的方法把头发抓乱。

33、With maths Baconian methodological summary gives relevant rule. ─── 用数学归纳的方法总结出相关规律。

34、classroom methodological conference ─── 各年级教学小组

35、Schultz KF ,Chalmers I , Hayes RJ ,Altman DG.Empirical evidence of bias : Dimensions of methodological quality associtated with estimates of treatment effects in controlled trials. ─── 王家良主编,临床流行病学-临床科研设计、衡量与评价,第一版,上海科技出版社,1990 7.

36、Have the hobo of head of arris of an arris head, often ambulate in the market, a lot of people like his fun very much, and use different methodological embarrass he. ─── 有一个楞头楞脑的流浪汉,常常在市场里走动,许多人很喜欢开他的玩笑,并且用不同的方法捉弄他。

37、In this article,its principle and some methodological aspects were described systematically,and a brief overview of its applications in neurosciences and some new advances was also given. ─── 本文系统地介绍了这一新技术的原理和方法,并扼要地介绍了这一技术在神经科学中的应用及其取得的新进展。

38、Previous studies of physiological responses to music showed inconsistent results, which might be attributable to methodological differences. ─── 以往的研究中的生理反应,对音乐的表现不一致的结果,这可能是由于方法上的分歧。

39、The Problem of Artifacts in Patient Monitor Data During Surgery: A Clinical and Methodological Review. ─── 外科手术时患者监护数据的干扰问题:一个临床的、方法学回顾。

40、How to alleviate does nerve sex have a headache? Have good methodological indolence? Painful when what should do to alleviate? ─── 怎么样缓解神经性头痛?有没有好的方法不痛?痛的时候该做些什么来缓解呢?

41、There are no definite, specific, methodological prescriptions. ─── 不存在确定的、专门的、规定的方法。

42、The environmental pollution caused by organo tin attracted much concern, at the same time, the methodological study on determination of organo tin in environment made a desirable development, the chromatograph technique was used widely. ─── 摘要有机锡引起的环境污染受到普遍关注,同时环境中有机锡的分析方法也取得了较快的发展,其中色谱技术得到了广泛应用。

43、Objective To evaluate the methodological characteristics of ECLIA and ELISA in detecting,FT3,FT4 and TSH. ─── 目的比较电化学发光免疫分析和酶联免疫分析测定血清FT3、FT4、和TSH的方法学特征。

44、The external environment propping up that car company recombines manages methodological change to wait for industry of the guiding of macroscopical policy, automobile. ─── 汽车企业重组的外部支撑环境为宏观政策的引导、汽车行业管理方法的转变等。

45、The article rectifies Li Jin Xie year quantity of freightage of) of Jian of town of city of area Jian (forecasts methodological De to grind Jiu. ─── 本文整理了近些年地区间(城市间)货物运输量猜测方法的研究。

46、There are always methodological difficulties and stones left unturned. ─── 总是有方法上的困难和人事未能尽到的情形。

47、Current, of urban land rate the practice that appraisal passes certain period, had formed the theory with relatively whole abecedarian and methodological system. ─── 目前,城市土地的定级估价经过一定时期的实践,已经形成了初步的较为完整的理论与方法体系。

48、The wall charts are original in design with a distinctive voicing function that is a successful breakthrough in Chinese teaching methodological aids. ─── 挂图形式新颖,具有独特的发声功能,是汉语教学辅助手段的一次成功突破。

49、As I began to introduce innovative and methodological approaches to problem solving, they grew eager to teach me what I needed to learn. ─── 在我开始介绍一些创新的解决问题的方法和措施时,他们很热情的来教我一些需要学习的东西。

50、Methodological research on numerical simulation and disaster risk assessment of debris flow deposition fan II. ─── 泥石流堆积数值模拟及泥石流灾害风险评估方法2。

51、Wendy Griswold. 1988. "A Methodological Approach for the Sociology of Culture." Sociological Methodology 14: 1-35. ─── 思考方向:如何研究文化?文化如何解释其他现象和如何被解释?

52、The past twenty years have witnessed great development in the study of volcanic sedimentation, both theoretical and methodological. ─── 火山沈积作用是介于火山学和沈积学之间的边缘研究领域。

53、Triangulation is an approach to research.There are five types of triangulation utilized in nursing research: data, methodological, theoretical, researcher and analysis triangulation. ─── 摘要三角交叉法的意义在于使用多于一种的资料、方法、研究者、理论、分析,以研究同一个现象。

54、The overview of current progress in cellular and molecular biomechanics was presented. Relevant scientific issues, methodological approaches, and potential applications were discussed. ─── 摘要作者介绍了细胞-分子生物力学的最新进展,并对介绍的有关研究内容、研究方法和应用背景进行了述评和讨论。

55、Fetal origins hypothesis is plausible, however, evidence should be critically appraised by methodological quality. ─── 支持胚胎起源说的证据,须接受方法学上严格地检测。

56、It argues that the majority of the textbooks concerned are theoretically weak and leave some to be desired in terms of methodological rigor, material authenticity, and thematic and discoursal diversity. ─── 本文认为,大量现有口译教材理论基础薄弱,违反了技能训练的原则,在科学性、真实性、多样性方面都有待提高。

57、Objective: Based on the longitudinal data, to probe how to model the generalized estimating equations, and to provide methodological references to the analysis of longitudinal data. ─── 摘要目的:探讨如何利用纵向资料拟合广义估计方程,为纵向资料分析提供方法学参考。

58、Methods To review the methodological literature and selected empiric studies. ─── 方法:回顾平行研究的方法学文献以及经选择的经验类研究文章。

59、The Methodological Study of Funny Production Design ─── 产品的趣味化设计方法研究

60、Methodological Analysis of Limit Evaluating ─── 极限求法分析

61、InH.L.Pick, Jr,P.van den Broek,D.C.Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (ppWashington, DC: American Psychological Association. ─── (九)书中的一篇文章或一个章节Massaro, DBroadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception.

62、The methodological study of biuret protein assay ─── 双缩脲反应快速测定蛋白质的方法学研究

63、A number of exemplars do exist that approach the ideal in terms of thoroughness of theoretical development and/or methodological rigor. ─── 有一些范例确实是接近理想化的存在,那些范例是按照纯粹的理论上的发展或者理论上方法的严密性。

64、Methodological design consists of sampling and sample preparation,LC/MS instrument selection and techniques,and data-processing analysis. ─── 方法设计涉及样品采集和处理;LC/MS仪器与技术及数据处理、分析等。

65、Friction coefficients corresponding to different direction combinations are measured,with a methodological suggestion on friction tests in fabric han- dle evaluation. ─── 测定了不同方向组合的摩擦数系,并对织物风格评定中的摩擦试验方法提出了建议。

66、There are roughly 1000 language and language related classes with a wide variety of methodological approaches offered to students of all the Faculties (Schools). ─── 研究中心向所有学院(研究生院)学生提供约1000节涉及各种教学法的语言及语言相关课堂教学。

67、Objective Methodological evaluation of nephelometry was performed in the detection of serum CRP. ─── 目的本文对比浊法测定血清CRP(C反应蛋白)进行方法学评价。

68、Methodological Discussion on Object Serialization in Programming ─── 程序设计中对象序列化方法的探讨

69、Lastly, the Delegation stressed the need for WIPO to have a results-based budget, increased transparency, clear goals, and a clear methodological and balanced approach. ─── 最后,该代表团强调WIPO需要制定注重成果的预算,增加透明度,明确目标,以及制定一个明确方法和平衡的措施。

70、To having innovatory government methodological research makes clear.Did not have below risk condition today innovate a process usefully adequately to divide manage method actually according to mixing. ─── 对现有革新治理方法的研究表明.今天在风险条件下没有有充分根据和实际上有用的革新过程分理方法。

71、NIE follows strict methodological individualism, always couching itsexplanations in terms of the goals, plans and actions of individuals. ─── 现实的市场产出比较低,这点并不令人吃惊。

72、The most crucial of these forms is, of course, that of a methodological commensurability that can guarantee the objective and verifiable analysis and interpretation of research objects. ─── 当然,这些共量形式在方法学上最关键的部分,即是可以保证对于研究对象之分析与解释是客观且可供验证的。

73、Compare areca of scientific methodological give up. ? ─── 有没有比较科学的方法戒槟榔啊.?

74、Methodological Disquisition of Spherical Fine Metrical Precision[J]. ─── 引用该论文 阚珊珊,黄煜,王淑荣.

75、Chang, Y. C. (2003). A Study of Senior High School EFL Teachers' Belief in Methodological Decision-Making. Master Thesis, National Changhua Univeristy of Education, Changhua. ─── 张新仁).(2000)。补救教学面面观。载于九年一贯课程改革下补救教学方案研讨会论文汇编。国立高雄师范大学。

76、How does methodological ability go pouch ah? ─── 怎么方法才能去眼袋啊?

77、It is possible and necessary to build Mao Zedong methodology, the scientifically methodological theory system into a separate discipline. ─── 把这一科学的方法理论系统作为一门独立的学科-毛泽东方法建立起来,很有必要和可能。

78、Abstract: Some fundamental issues of methodological integration (MI) are studied orienting the science and technology innovation. ─── 摘 要: 本文面向科技创新,研究了方法集成的一些基本问题。

79、The methodological approach of this study is qualitative oriented.Ethnographic interview is adopted to collect data to explore the worldview of physicians. ─── 研究方法采质性研究方法,在资料搜集阶段为民族志访谈研究法,以深入了解医师的世界观点;

80、It was suggested that the essential methodological principles of EBM should be applied in clinical trials of TCM, including randomization, control and blindness. ─── 将循证医学应用于中医药临床试验,有助于提高中医药临床诊疗与研究水平、促进国际间的合作与交流。

81、This paper takes GHP1000 water source heat pump as case study; the methodological of life cycle analysis has been put forward; and some questions occurred in actual work are also discussed. ─── 本文以水源中央空调GHP1000为研究对象,初步提出了生命周期分析的方法学模型,并对实际工作中所发现的若干问题进行了讨论。

82、The statutory principle of intellectual property is not only the principle of the system of intellectual property but also methodological principle of intellectual property legislation. ─── 摘要知识产权法定原则不仅是知识产权制度的基本原则,而且是知识产权立法的方法性原则。

83、Baker makes her first attempt to outline a methodological framework and to use corpus for investigating the style of literary translators. ─── 为了打破这种只重译文和原文“文体对应”的研究局面 ,贝克 (Baker)尝试利用语料库来调查文学翻译中译者的文体 ,并希望在此基础上探讨影响译者的文体与风格的社会文化因素

84、Results: The methodological evaluation showed that this method had a good repeatability . ─── 结果:考察表明,本研究建立的分析方法有比较好的重现性。

85、Consistent deliverable, quality assurance, methodological, and review standards must apply to all team members equally. ─── 交付的一致性,质量的保证,方法和复审标准必须对团队的所有成员一视同仁。

86、The model increases the technical feasibility and the methodological operability of Product Gene, and benefits the implementing of Product Genetic Engineering. ─── 基于功能表面的产品基因模型使产品基因具有了技术的可行性和方法上的可操作性,有利于产品基因工程的开展和实施。

87、Specialist professional training in the methodological, theoretical and historical aspects of industrial heritage should be taught at technical and university levels. ─── 应该在技术学院和综合大学开设关于工业遗产保护方法、理论和历史方面专业教育的课程。

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