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monotypic 中文意思翻译



monotypic 词性/词形变化,monotypic变形

形容词: monotypic |

monotypic 相似词语短语

1、genotypic ─── adj.基因型的

2、monogynic ─── 雌雄同体

3、monocytic ─── adj.单核细胞的

4、monotype ─── n.[生物]单型;自动铸字机;vt.用自动铸字机拼

5、monotonic ─── adj.单调的;无变化的;产生单音调的

6、holotypic ─── 全型

7、topotypic ─── 拓扑型

8、monotypes ─── n.[生物]单型;自动铸字机;vt.用自动铸字机拼

9、phonotypic ─── 音型

monotypic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nine genera and ca. 50 species: mainly in E Asia, two monotypic genera in S America; seven genera (two endemic) and 37 species (25 endemic) in China. ─── 9属和约50种:主要在东亚,两单种的属在南美洲;在中国的7属(两特有)和37种(25特有)。

2、The origin of the flora was very ancient, with many monotypic genera and oligotypic genera, and of typical calcicoles. ─── 区系起源古老,单型属、寡种属较多;具典型的钙生植物。

3、Monotypic Genera of Higher Basidiomycetes in China and Its Distribution ─── 中国单种属大型担子菌及其地理分布

4、Taxonomical status of the monotypic genus is distinct, and the distribution is specific too. ─── 单种属的分类学地位独特,区系分布上也表现出一定的特点。

5、Monotypic genera are those which contain only one species. ─── 单型属就是指那些只包括一个种的属。

6、monotypic culture ─── 单型培养

7、So it seems reasonable to separate Pseudolarix from Laricoideae and to establish a new monotypic subfamily Pseudolaricoideae Li. ─── 因此似乎有理由把金钱松从该亚科分出并建立一个单型的金钱松新亚科。

8、Monotypic: China, India, Malaysia, Myanmar. ─── 中国,印度,马来西亚,缅甸。

9、Keywords: basidiomycetes, monotypic genus, mycobiota, ─── 关键词:担子菌,单种属,真菌区系

10、A monotypic genus endemic to W China. ─── 对中国西部特有的单型的属。

11、Tetrathyrium is a monotypic genus endemic to China and is thus of great scientific importance.This species was first discovered in Hong Kong Island between 1857 and 1858. ─── 四药门花属为一单种属,特产中国,本种首次于1857至1858年间在香港岛发现。

12、monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets. ─── 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫。

13、monotypic species ─── 单型种

14、monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets ─── 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫

15、monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda ─── 热带或次热带水域大型活跃鱼类的单型科;梭鱼

16、Monotypic: China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand. ─── 中国,印度,缅甸,尼泊尔,泰国。

17、The monotypic family Nelumbonaceae with 1 species, 2 subspecies, is famous for their oldest vigorous seeds. ─── 摘要莲科含1属1种2亚种,以具有最古老的有活力的种子而著称。

18、Objective To investigate the clinicopathologic features and differential diagnosis of hepatic monotypic epithelioid angiomyolipoma( MEA). ─── 目的探讨肝单形性上皮样血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(ea)临床病理学特征及诊断、别诊断要点。

19、monotypic According to the Code, having only a single representative; e.g., used when referring to a genus having only one species. ─── 单型的根据命名法规,只有一个代表;例如当指只有一个种的一个属的时候。

20、monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity ─── 真菌的单型科,在成熟期或多或少产孢组织被强有力的喷射出来

21、Abstract : Wollemia nobilis is a monotypic genus in Araucariaceae and one of the oldest living fossil plants in the earth. ─── 摘要 : 瓦勒迈松是南洋杉科单型属植物,是目前地球上最古老的“活化石”植物之一。

22、The exine ornamentation of Ligulariopsis is distinctly different from that of Ligularia and Cremanthodium and the result supports the establishment of the monotypic genus Ligulariopsis. ─── 假橐吾属不同于橐吾属和垂头菊属的花粉外壁性状,研究结果支持本单种属的成立。

23、monotypic genus ─── 单模属

24、monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets. ─── 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫。

25、Monotypic: China, Myanmar, and Vietnam. ─── 中国,缅甸和越南。

26、Therefore, the study of the genetic relationship and the myeogeography of the monotypic genus have important theoretical values. ─── 因此,单种属的亲缘关系和菌物地理学研究具有重要的理论意义。

27、monotypic genus of tropical American trees: button tree. ─── 美国的热带的属;纽扣树。

28、Therefore, the study of the genetic relationship and the mycogeography of the monotypic genus have important theoretical values. ─── 因此,单种属的亲缘关系和菌物地理学研究具有重要的理论意义。

29、Monotypic: China, Myanmar, and Vietnam. ─── 中国,缅甸和越南。

30、The world is a monotypic circle in different modes. ─── 世界是个同心圆。

31、monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity. ─── 真菌的单型科,在成熟期或多或少产孢组织被强有力的喷射出来。

32、As for composition of genus, the monotypic, mono-specific and oligo-specific genera have the advantage of others, accounting for 83.8% in total genera. ─── 水分生态类型中,以中生植物为优势,所占比例为72.2%,水生或湿生禾草占7.2%,旱生禾草仅占10.7%;

33、The dominant families, genera and species are prominent. Monotypic and oligotypic species are also abundant. ─── 该区优势分类群明显,单种属和少种属异常丰富。

34、Pollen morphology of three Chinese monotypic endemic genera in Gesneriaceae was studied by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). ─── 摘要对中国苦苣苔科异片苣苔属、长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属等3个特有属中3种代表植物的花粉形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜的观察。

35、Monotypic: Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam. ─── 不丹,中国,印度,老挝,缅甸,尼泊尔,越南。

36、monotypic family of Mexican lizards. ─── 墨西哥蜥蜴的单型科。

37、monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and small flowers. ─── 水生单子叶植物的一科具有窄小的叶子和小花。

38、monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and small flowers. ─── 水生单子叶植物的一科具有窄小的叶子和小花。

39、monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda. ─── 热带或次热带水域大型活跃鱼类的单型科;梭鱼。

40、Monotypic: widely cultivated or naturalized, also in China. ─── 广泛栽培或归化,也在中国。

41、Chromosome Counts of Three Monotypic Genera in Sapindaceae ─── 无患子科三个单种属植物的染色体计数


43、monotypic family of Mexican lizards. ─── 墨西哥蜥蜴的单型科。

44、There were few large families, while the monotypic family, small family dominated. ─── 双峰山与鼎湖山国家自然保护区和鸡公山国家自然保护区进行相似性系数比较,与鸡公山相似性系数较大。

45、The Ladizabalaceae is a relatively primitive small family in the Dicotyledoneae.It is composed mainly of monotypic and oligotypic genera and is distributed mainly in eastern Asia. ─── 木通科为双子叶植物纲中较原始的一个小科,多为寡种属和单种属,主要分布于东亚地区。

46、A monotypic genus: China, India. ─── 单型的属:中国,印度。

47、monotypic genus of palms of Australasia. ─── 澳大拉西亚一个单子叶棕榈树属。

48、A monotypic genus: endemic to China. ─── 单型的属:中国特有。

49、A monotypic genus endemic to the E Himalayas. ─── 到E喜玛拉雅山特有的单型的属。

50、Monotypic: China, India, Malaysia, Myanmar. ─── 中国,印度,马来西亚,缅甸。

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