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09-20 投稿


victimized 发音

英:[ˈvɪktɪmaɪzd]  美:[ˈvɪktɪmaɪzd]

英:  美:

victimized 中文意思翻译



victimized 词性/词形变化,victimized变形

名词: victimization |动词现在分词: victimizing |动词过去式: victimized |动词过去分词: victimized |动词第三人称单数: victimizes |

victimized 相似词语短语

1、victimize ─── vt.使受害;使牺牲;欺骗

2、victimizer ─── 施害者

3、victimised ─── 受害(victimise的过去式和过去分词)

4、victimizes ─── vt.使受害;使牺牲;欺骗

5、activized ─── vt.使…行动起来;将…激起

6、victimises ─── 受害者

7、victimizing ─── vt.使受害;使牺牲;欺骗

8、victimiser ─── 加害者

9、victimise ─── 使受害;使牺牲;欺骗

victimized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was victimized six ways to Sunday. ─── 他完完全全上当受骗了。

2、Then, as now, the dollar was the chief victim. ─── 和现在一样,当时美元是主要的受害者。

3、The victim's face was battered to a pulp. ─── 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊。

4、Had he fallen victim to smallpox? ─── 他是否已成了天花的牺牲品?

5、He had fallen victim to the cholera epidemic then raging in St. Petersburg. ─── 他成了当时在圣彼得堡肆虐的霍乱传染病的牺牲品。

6、He was victimized by swindlers. ─── 他受到骗子们的欺骗。

7、The victim uttered anguished cries. ─── 受害人发出痛苦的呼喊。

8、The victim's wife has been convicted of murder. ─── 受害者的妻子被指控谋杀了自己的丈夫。

9、The victim appealed to the high court. ─── 受害者向高等法院上诉。

10、The victim has not yet been named. ─── 受害人的姓名仍未得知。

11、He was the victim of a false alarm. ─── 他受了一场虚惊。

12、He is the victim of a can trick. ─── 他是一骗局的受害人。

13、Don't allow yourself to be a victim! ─── 不要让自己成为受害者!

14、There is no typical suicide victim. ─── 不存在典型的自杀受害者。

15、The victim is the person who is hurt. ─── 受害者就是受到伤害的那个人。

16、The victim is too scared to go out after dark. ─── 受害人受到了惊吓,天黑以后不敢出门。

17、He was a victim of a smear campaign. ─── 他受到对方的毁谤攻击。

18、He was charged with robbery and choking his victim. ─── 他因抢劫和让受害人窒息而受到控告。

19、He was a victim of the second world war. ─── 他是第二次世界大战的受害者。

20、The victim lay prone without moving. ─── 受害人趴在地上一动不动。

21、He is the victim of a masked holdup. ─── 他是一次蒙面抢劫的受害者。

22、If everyone was something of a showman, nobody ultimately was victimized. ─── 假如人人都是主持演出的人,最终就不会有人上当了。

23、Are the assailant(s) known to the victim? ─── 受害人是否认识侵害人?

24、He fell a victim to his own avarice. ─── 他因贪婪而自食其果。

25、The victim was smothered to death. ─── 受害人被窒息致死。

26、The young candidate was victimized by the vicious mud- slinging tactics of his opponent and had to drop out of the running . ─── 这位年轻的候选人受其对手恶意诽谤的手段的伤害,不得不退出竞选。

27、He is the victim of his own foolishness. ─── 他为他自己的傻气吃了苦头。

28、For years the family had been victimized by racist neighbours. ─── 多年来这家人因邻居怀有种族偏见而饱受欺凌。

29、But the nargileh too has fallen victim to the ban. ─── 但是水烟袋在禁令中也禁止使用了。

30、Tell them if you are a victim or not. ─── 告诉他们,如果你是一个受害者或不是。

31、The doctors will perform a drain on the victim. ─── 医生往受害者身上插引流管。

32、A few years ago, he fell victim to cancer. ─── 几年前他患了癌症。

33、One victim was swindled out of her life savings. ─── 一位受骗者被骗去她一生的积蓄。

34、Another commenter said the victimized mother, Ms. Feng, was "the most pampered pregnant woman in the town's history. " ─── 另一则评论说这位受害者孕妇(冯建梅),是“这个镇历史上最饭桶的孕妇”

35、He set about his victim with a wooden plank. ─── 他用一块木板攻击受害者。

36、You played the victim for so long now in this game. ─── 你在这个游戏里扮演了太久的牺牲者。

37、Who is Likely to Become a Mind Control Victim? ─── 哪些人更容易成为精神控制的牺牲品?

38、He soon fell victim to her charms. ─── 他很快就让她的魅力给迷住了。

39、He fell a victim to the dagger of an assassin. ─── 他死于刺客的刀下。

40、The victim was knifed in the chest. ─── 受害者胸部被刺了一刀。

41、He was a victim of the corporate layoffs. ─── 他是公司裁员的受害者。

42、The victim was found lying dead on the river bank. ─── 发现被害人倒毙于河岸。

43、You are a victim of your own scheming. ─── 你是自己计划的牺牲品

44、The murderer was lying in wait for his victim. ─── 凶手埋伏著准备对受害者下手。

45、The rich man's son was the victim of a kidnapping. ─── 中文翻译:那有钱人的儿子是绑票案的受害者。

46、He was victimized by the delusion that he could never make a mistake. ─── 他受害于他从来不会出错的幻想。

47、The victim of the traffic accident was disoriented. ─── 出车祸的人已丧失判断力。

48、He fell victim to his own avarice. ─── 他由于贪婪而自食其果。

49、The victim was supine on the stretcher. ─── 受害者仰卧在担架上。

50、The victim, Justin Barker, was taken to hospital. ─── 但当晚便出了院。

51、He infer from the letter that the accused know the murder victim. ─── 他从信中推断被告认识谋杀的受害者。

52、I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident on Monday. ─── 周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。

53、Provision of shelter is their main concern for the disaster victim. ─── 为灾民提供避难处是他们最关切的事。

54、He was the victim of injustice. ─── 他是不公平的牺牲者。

55、Naturalism is pessimistic realism with a philosophy that sets man in a mechanic world and conceives of him as victimized by that world. ─── 自然主义是悲观的现实主义。自然主义者将人类置于一个机械化的世界并将其视为这个世界的受害者。

56、The victim had been knifed (in the chest). ─── 受害人(於胸部)中刀.

57、He was convinced that he was being victimized for his energetic pursuit of penetration. ─── 他确信自己由于劲头十足地追查渗透问题而正受到迫害。

58、He fell victim to her enticement. ─── 他被她的魅力征服了。

59、The victim's family is demanding compensation. ─── 受害者家庭要求赔偿。

60、If everyone was something of a showman , nobody ultimately was victimized. ─── 假如人人都是主持演出的人,最终就不会有人上当了。

61、Charlie become the victim of this persecution . ─── 卓别林成为这次迫害的牺牲品。

62、He strangled his victim with a nylon stocking. ─── 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了受害者。

63、They tied their victim to the chair. ─── 他们把受害者绑在椅子上。

64、Why was I to be the victim of murder? ─── 为什么我会成为谋害的对象?

65、The victim had been knifed (in the chest ). ─── 受害人(于胸部)中刀.

66、Villa in Mexico and Salvatore Giuliano in Italy began their careers harshly victimized. ─── 维拉和意大利的塞尔瓦托·朱利亚诺的职业生涯一开始就受到严重伤害。

67、And, like him, each of us can be crucified and victimized--and is to a certain degree. ─── 我们每一个人都可能会像他一样受苦受难——因而在某种程度上,我们就是他,人-神。

68、They're carrying out an autopsy on the victim. ─── 他们正在给受害者验尸。

69、He alleged that he was the victim of a crime. ─── 他声称他是罪行的受害者。

70、"I run a little store," the victim told him. ─── "我开了一家小店铺,"受害人对他说道。"

71、They, too, fell victim to its aggression. ─── 他们也成了它侵略的受害者。

72、He fell a victim to the dagger of the assassin. ─── 他死于刺客的匕首之下。

73、He took bribery and he framed that victim. ─── 原来他收了红包,冤枉那个犯妇。

74、What is your relationship to the victim? ─── 你是受害者的什么人?

75、A person can be a totally victimized narcissist about one side of a position or argument as well as the opposite. ─── 一个人可能对论点的一面完全产生受害型自恋,也可能对相反那面。

76、He fell victim to her charms. ─── 他为她的姿色所倾倒。

77、The gunman shot the victim point-blank. ─── 凶犯近距离开枪射杀了被害者。

78、He sterangled his victim with a nylon stocking. ─── 他以尼龙长筒袜勒毙他的受害者。

79、He became a victim of circumstances. ─── 他成了命运的牺牲品。

80、The victim beefed and went to the police. ─── 受害人去向警方告发了。

81、The victim had no originality, no wit. ─── 受害者不善应付,也没有风趣。

82、He fell victim to it himself the next time around. ─── 但是在轮到他自己的时候,也犯了这个毛

83、Once you were nearly the victim of a near relative. ─── 你曾险遭一近亲蒙骗。

84、He had been the victim of a grievous injustice. ─── 他曾遭受极不公正的待遇。

85、He felt the students had been victimized because they'd voiced opposition to the government. ─── 他认为学生们因发表反对政府的言论而受到了迫害。

86、He is a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game. ─── 他上当受骗了。

87、The victim was stabbed with a dagger. ─── 受害者为一把短剑所伤。

88、He was the victim of his own greed and selfishness. ─── 他成了他自己贪婪、自私的受害者。

89、Don't live as a doormat, a sheep, or a victim. ─── 别生活得像一个看门人,一头绵羊或一位牺牲者!

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