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logistic 发音

英:[ləˈdʒɪstɪk]  美:[lɒˈdʒɪstɪk]

英:  美:

logistic 中文意思翻译




logistic 词性/词形变化,logistic变形

副词: logistically |异体字: logistical |名词: logistician |

logistic 常用词组

logistic management ─── 物流管理;后勤管理;运筹管理

logistic regression ─── 逻辑回归;罗吉斯回归

logistic 短语词组

1、logistic function ─── [计] 逻辑函数

2、Eurogroup Study on Cooperation of Logistic Support ─── 欧洲集团后勤支援合作研究

3、Logistic Supply ─── 后勤供应

4、logistic spiral ─── [计] 对数螺线

5、integrated logistic support ─── 综合后勤保障

6、logistic growth ─── 逻辑斯谛增长

7、Pacific Ocean Logistic Control Agency ─── 太平洋后勤管制署

8、logistic assistance ─── [网络] 后勤援助

9、Oklahoma City Air Logistic Center ─── 俄克拉荷马市航空物流中心

10、Air Logistic Coordinator ─── 空中后勤协调员

11、Air Logistic System ─── 空中后勤系统

12、logistic curve ─── [计] 增加曲线 ─── [医] 天算曲线(在生物统计学上表示生物繁殖的曲线)

13、logistic support ─── [网络] 后勤支援;后勤保障;物流支援

14、logistic system ─── [计] 逻辑系统

15、Logistic Weapon Section ─── 后勤武器组

16、international logistic support ─── [网络] 国际物流支持

17、logistic assessment ─── [网络] 物流评估

18、Air Logistic Coordination Center ─── 空中后勤协调中心

19、Air Logistic Officer ─── 空中后勤干事

logistic 相似词语短语

1、eulogistic ─── adj.颂扬的;歌功颂德的

2、floristic ─── adj.植物的;花的

3、monistic ─── adj.一元论的

4、logistics ─── n.[军]后勤;后勤学;物流

5、phlogistic ─── adj.燃素的;发炎的

6、holistic ─── adj.整体的;全盘的

7、Elohistic ─── 遗传学家

8、logistical ─── adj.后勤方面的;运筹的,逻辑的

9、aoristic ─── adj.不定过去时的

logistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So, there is promising business future to develop logistic park for containers. ─── 因此,发展集装箱物流园区具有良好的商业前景。

2、You can use logistic regression to describe which input columns are important in determining the state of the predictable column. ─── 可以使用逻辑回归来说明在确定可预测列状态时输入列的重要程度。

3、Fourhtly,the management in economic terms should be strengthened and the socialization of logistic service promoted in medical institutions. ─── 四是,要加强医疗机构的经济管理,推进医院后勤服务的社会化。

4、Cooperate with logistic team to arrange goods delivery to customers. ─── 与物流团队合作,处理货物递送事务。

5、Interface managed to facilitate maintenance and logistic. ─── 努力为维护和后勤供应提供便利的对接。

6、International Trading business, Material and Parts for Semiconductor Manufacturing, Relevant Technical and Logistic Service. ─── 国际贸易、半导体生产用材料及零组件、相关之专业技术服务。

7、Develops the publishing activities and logistic management. ─── 主理出版业务及物流仓存管理。

8、We used Chi-square test, analysis of variance, and logistic regression to determine the factors that affect the choice of delivery mode. ─── 以卡方检定、异数分析及罗吉斯回归分析,探讨其背景资料之差异与不同族群妇女选用生产方式之影响因素。

9、Extended No. 5 Light Railway is to run through BDA to Beijng Logistic Center in the South. ─── 地铁5号线延长线将直达开发区,连接开发区和南端的北京市物流中心。

10、This Position requires a high knowledge of Warehouse Management principles, purchasing and logistic practices within the chemical industry. ─── 具有化工行业库管、采购或物流相关知识从优。

11、Meanwhile, it also evoked our deeper thoughts on deepening the reform of socialization of logistic guarantee in military hospitals. ─── 同时,也引发了我们对军队后勤保障社会化改革许多更深层次的思考。

12、Optimize other areas cost saving opportunity in SM such as the logistic cost from overseas forwarder. ─── 优化与采购相关的物流费用,如:从国外进口物流成本的持续优化。

13、Fourhtly, the management in economic terms should be strengthened and the socialization of logistic service promoted in medical institutions. ─── 四是要加强医疗机构的经济管理,推进医院后勤服务的社会化;

14、The functions of firm's logistic? ─── 企业物流的基本功能?

15、Logistic regression was used to investigate associations between risk factors and anti-HBc positivity and force of infection models were explored. ─── 使用逻辑回归分析探讨危险因素和乙肝病毒核心抗原阳性,以及传染力模型之间的联系。

16、WHO provided technical and logistic support. ─── 世卫组织提供了技术和后勤支助。

17、Communication with customer and logistic for production case and maintenance team. ─── 与客户、储运和维修队伍就生产情况进行沟通。

18、Internal:-KA managers, BD managers, RSO managers, Operations Dept.(IT, Logistic, CSD& etc), Product Marketing team &etc...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海睿菁企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-22

19、FM Logistic is planning to cut 489 jobs. ─── 这家物流公司先前计划要削减489个工作岗位。

20、Carry out logistic service performance review monthly. ─── 供应商操作表现月度考核。

21、At strong manufacturing industry with good logistic service foundation up, we can make our customers be satisfied with at any time. ─── 在强大的制造业和优良的后勤服务基础上,我们能在任何时间使我们的客户满意。

22、Improve the logistic benefits by performance analysis, setup, and modification based on logistic cost concept. ─── 了解物流成本的完整概念,以及通过相应的分析,设立、变更绩效考核的内容和方法,从而改善物流的效益。

23、Descriptive Statistics, Chi-Square, Independent T Test, ANOVA, and Logistic Regression were used to analyze the data. ─── 以描述性统计、卡方检定、独立t检定、单因子变异数分析及二元逻辑斯回归进行分析。

24、Provide logistic support to Legal/Development Dept., such as meeting, business trip, internal communication, etc. ─── 为法律部/发展部提供后勤支持,如会议、差旅和内部沟通等。

25、Knowledge on logistic, custom regulation, and international trade is at least, relevant work experience is preferred. ─── 必须具备物流,关务,国际贸易的相关知识,有相关工作经验优先。


27、Allows operation of logistic drones. 5% increased repair amount per level. ─── 允许后勤操作,每级技能增加5%的修理数量。

28、Once a hurricane or earthquake attacked,one the most pressing logistic needs is to supply victims with clean drinking water . ─── 一旦飓风或地震来袭,最迫切的后勤需求之一就是向受灾者提供干净的饮用水。

29、A Logistic Regression Analysis on Risk Factors of Cleft Lip and Palate. ─── 唇腭裂发病因素的logistic回归分析

30、Comparison of theory and case fitting between Logistic and Cui-Lawson population increment models. ─── Logistic、崔-Lawson种群增长模型理论及实例拟合比较

31、Transport company. Logistic company. International transportation by tarpaulin-covered trucks, semi... ─── 分类标题:国际迁移|公路运输...

32、The authors used multiple logistic regression analyses, in which neer-smokers were used as the reference category. ─── 作者们采用多元回归分析的统计学方法,其中从不吸烟的人被作为参照类。

33、By functional division, the project contains International Area, Processing Area, Block Distributing Area and Trading and Logistic Area. ─── 依据功能划分,项目分为国际区、工区、料集散区、贸物流区。

34、Over 20 logistic companies run business in the campus which include EMS and ZTO Express. ─── 在这所学校里,已经吸引了20多家物流公司进驻,其中包括中国邮政EMS和中通快递等。

35、In modern logistic business, the optimizing in the transportation routes has always been a focus problem. ─── 在现代物流中,配送中心的运输路径知何优化一直是热点问题。

36、CCRP Corporate Capacity Required Planning Visibility Logistic. ─── 公司的能力管理系统。

37、To build up channels to cultivate logistic management staff and improve the management officers'quality. ─── 企业有了培养物流管理人员、提高管理人员素质的渠道。

38、The logistic curve was first put forward by P. Frerulst, the Belgian scholar in 1838. LaterP. ─── Logistic(逻辑斯谛)曲线最早由比利时学者(P.Frerulst)在1838年提出。

39、Alternative logistic regression (ALR) was used to estimate parameters. ─── 卵巢癌和肝癌的病例对照家系资料分析显示该法在估计危险因素和疾病的关联方面,因充分利用信息而有较高效能;

40、The research of this article is providing support for the next step of the JinMu Group logistic integration on thoughts and methods. ─── 论文的研究,对下一步金钼集团物流整合提供了思想和策略上的支持。

41、Li Jianhua, Director of the Health Bureau of the PLA Logistic Department, inspected Beijing Health Essence. ─── 中国人民解放军总后卫生部部长李建华同志视察健之素。

42、Because China has joined the WTO, logistic industry will be confronted with the drastic competition. ─── 中国已经加入世界贸易组织,物流业面临着日趋激烈的竞争。

43、Variables with a significant univariate relationship were loaded into a series of binary logistic regression models. ─── 和单变量关系哒重要变量被装进一个二元逻辑回归模型系列。

44、Support SFE&SOD Director to organize all SFE &Sales Operation internal mgt meeting.2、 Manager Daily logistic...... ... ─── 公司名称:西安杨森制药有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-6-13

45、Also,the paper tries to analyse the main technological process and functional pattern which a B/S logistic system is constructed. ─── 分析了构建一个B/S结构的物流管理系统的主要流程及主要功能模块;

46、The National Sugar& Alcohol Group Corp is mainly engaged in domestic sugar buying and selling and owns the most up-to-date logistic network. ─── 中糖集团主要开展国内食糖购销业务,拥有现代化的物流网络,实力十分雄厚。

47、AP purchases the logistic, R&D service and QM + QS service from KW. ─── AP向KW购买后勤,研发以及质量管理服务。

48、Ontology cannot be used to describe Chuang-tzu since the logistic characteristic of ontology is inconsistent with Chuang-tzu's "circularity". ─── 以“本体论”言说庄子则忽视了本体论重视逻辑推演的特征与庄子之"圆"的乖离;

49、The total architectural floor area of the bonded logistic park is 506,607 m2. ─── 保税物流园建筑总面积为506670平方米。

50、Realize the logistic fare of the market ,and negotiation price cost down with forwarder, reduce logistic cost. ─── 了解物流费用的各市场行情与各物流商进行价格谈判降低物流成本。

51、Your task:To monitor the overall situation of the manufacture system;Supervising and motivating Dept. of Logistic, Manuf...... ... ─── 公司名称:蒂森克虏伯扶梯(中国)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-10

52、Warehouse and logistic support service. ─── 仓储物流后勤服务。

53、Analyzed by multivariate logistic regression, factors that mainly influence the ABI include sex, age, hypertension and smoking habit. ─── Logistic回归分析表明性别、高血压、吸烟为低ABI(ABI

54、Job Responsibility:a)In BB System, create and maintain Data and documents related logistic dep.b)Help logistic manager w...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海福伊特水电设备有限公司工作地点:上海市闵行区发布时间:2009-7-23

55、Degree in logistic or admin. ─── 后勤或行政专业。

56、The conventional logistic network is not suitable for Remanufacturing/Manufacturing(R/M) system. ─── 在再制造与制造集成系统中,传统的物流网络不再适用。

57、Shang Hai Fuost Logistic Equipment Co. ─── 上海福事特物流设备有限公司是生产、售仓储设备、间设备专业化企业。

58、On behalf of HQ organize and supervises all HR, Logistic &Warehouse related activities in Shenzhen office. ─── 代表总部组织和管理分公司人事、物流及仓储相关事宜。

59、Increased field coordination of technical, operational and logistic support is likewise needed. ─── 同样需要增加对技术、业务和后勤支持的现场协调。

60、WWL-GZL Logistic Co., Ltd is a joint venture between Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistic (China) and Guangzhou Zhongsheng Logistic Co. ─── 华轮-威尔森物流公司是世界上最大的专业滚装货物和车辆运输及物流公司之一。

61、Based on these, the paper sets up the asset management model of NPU"s Logistic Industrial Group. ─── 以此为出发点,论文中建立了西工大后勤集团国有资产管理模式。

62、FreetruePRYMAID model initiates from j development, marketing, operation, acc Auto unt receivable and risk management when engaging overseas logistic. ─── 为您,我们提供海外物流开拓的解决方案,内容覆盖海外开拓、海外市场营销、海外操作、应收帐款管理以及非常重要的风险管理。

63、Binary image watermarks that are scrambled by Logistic chaotic encryption are embedded into the U matrix by LU decomposition in DCT domain. ─── 在宿主图像DCT域构造严格对角占优阵并进行LU分解,之后在U阵中进行二值图像水印嵌入。

64、Set up reasonable logistic plan and coordinate the execution. ─── 制定合理的物流计划,并协调其执行。

65、The differentiation results of LPM model and Logistic model false to the financial fraud are unanimous basically. ─── LPM模型和Logistic模型对于财务虚假的判别结果基本一致,效果也基本相同。

66、AS we grow old ,many aspects of brain are unuseful,like lessen memory,slower logistic,and so on. ─── 呵呵,有什么分享的,发消息给我啊,让这里更新得更快。

67、Its ability to respond at short notice distinguishes it from the rest of logistic companies in the region. ─── 其接获短期通知即可迅速响应的能力使其完全不同于该地区其它物流公司。

68、This survival difference persisted after multiple logistic regression analysis. ─── 在多元分析后,二者之间的不同仍在持续。

69、It includes a man who direct logistic funding for the CIA. ─── 其中,包括了一个指挥中情局资金流动的人。

70、The expressions for firm's logistic? ─── 企业中的物流如何表现?

71、Support related department with logistic management. ─── 协助相关部门做好后勤保障工作。

72、Logistic regression analysis indicated that depression might be an important contributing factor for IBS (OR=365.17, P=0.010). ─── logistic回归分析显示,抑郁情绪为可能的IBS危险因素(OR=365.17,P=0.010)。

73、Our company is headquartered in Shenzhen, China and our logistic systems are nationwide and worldwide. ─── 公司主要进出口岸为深圳各口岸,物流网络可辐射全国各地至全球主要港口;

74、EF Group.We come from Italy,Logistic is our passion! ─── 唉,现在见到做货代的怎么都这么害怕了...

75、The data were analysed using conditional logistic regression. ─── 使用条件逻辑回归对数据进行分析。

76、The seizure frequency did influence MEG localization in logistic analysis (P

77、Visible symbol of this enormous growth is the Logistic Center Europe in Speyer, Germany in 2003. ─── 可见象征着这个巨大的增长是欧洲的物流中心在斯派尔,德国在2003年。

78、The Microsoft Logistic Regression algorithm supports several parameters that affect the performance and accuracy of the resulting mining model. ─── Microsoft逻辑回归算法支持对所生成挖掘模型的性能和精度有影响的若干参数。

79、With an outreach to many ship owners and ship brokers we are often able to provide a total logistic service coupled with our trading arm. ─── 我们与船主以及船运经纪人的广泛联系也让我们能提供全套的物流服务。

80、Job Responsibilities:? Formulating product plan by divisions? Update Production planning? Work with Sales &Logistic Dep...... ... ─── 公司名称:某外资企业工作地点:上海市奉贤区发布时间:2009-7-24

81、The results showed that the regeneration speed of severed tail of the male and female were all present logistic curve. ─── 结果显示,雌雄地蜥断尾再生速度都呈逻辑斯谛曲线状。

82、Urban land utilization taxes of modern logistic enterprises that cover relatively large areas can be deducted after approval. ─── 占地较大的现代物流企业经批准可减征城镇土地使用税。

83、The exposition center and large scale logistic center are under way. ─── 三星级以上宾馆有皇家大酒店、68大酒店、海大酒店等,会展中心、型物流中心正在筹建中。

84、Target of the position? To handle the daily logistic issues along the hole supply chain. ? To be local contac...... ... ─── 公司名称:大连瑞思管理咨询有限公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-5-19

85、Mann-Whitney U test was used in univariate analyses whereas logistic regression was used in multivariate analyses. ─── 单因素分析采用Mann-Whitney U检验,而多因素分析则应用Logistic回归的方法。


87、In logistic network logistic facility is a bridge, by which supplier connect with demander, is a signify node. ─── 在物流网络中物流设施连接着供应方和需求方,是两者之间的桥梁,在整个物流系统中有着举足轻重的作用。

88、To have an exchange platform for logistic management talents. ─── 企业有了物流管理人才的交流平台。

89、The costs in staff,vaccine,EPI operation,logistic and cold chain equipment occupy 54.97%,8.22%,23.01%,8.60% and 5.20%,respectively. ─── 合理成本中人员报酬占54.97%,疫苗和注射器具成本占8.22%,计划免疫实施成本占23.01%,后勤保障、设备成本分别占8.60%、5.20%;


chief 与head都过于抽象,具体要看什么处: 人事处处长:Director of Department of Personnel 销售处处长:Director of Sales Department; 或:Director of Marketing Department 后勤处处长:Director of Logistic Section 教务处长: Dean of Studies 或 Registrar

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