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musketeer 网络释义

n. 步兵;火枪手;持步枪的士兵

musketeer 短语词组

1、musketeer c ─── 火枪手c

2、musketeer mod by yurica ─── 尤里卡的火枪手mod

3、musketeer x ─── 火枪手x

4、musketeer replacement skin ─── 火枪手替代皮肤

musketeer 词性/词形变化,musketeer变形

名词复数: muskellunge |异体字: muskelunge |

musketeer 相似词语短语

1、musk deers ─── 麝香鹿,[脊椎]麝

2、marketeer ─── n.市场商人

3、musk deer ─── 麝香鹿,[脊椎]麝

4、junketeer ─── n.公费游玩者;用公费游山玩水的人

5、muleteer ─── n.赶骡的人

6、junketeers ─── n.公费游玩者;用公费游山玩水的人

7、musketeers ─── n.火枪手(musketeer的复数)

8、budgeteer ─── n.预算编制者;按预算办事的人

9、marketeers ─── n.市场商人

musketeer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sentry, who was relieved every two hours, marched up and down in front of his cage with loaded musket. ─── 老有一个值班的兵士掮着枪在他的铁笼前面走来走去,每两个钟点换一班。

2、Holes calledya-zamaare tall, thin rectangular openings for shooting arrows, whileteppo-zamaare round or square holes for shooting a musket. ─── 细长的四角竖形孔是用于射箭的,圆形或正四角形的洞孔是用于打枪的。

3、And get so excited by the roll of drums that I'll grab a musket and rush off to Virginia to shed my blood for Marse Robert? ─── 要我在隆隆的鼓声中变得那样激动,以致会抓起枪杆子冲到弗吉尼亚去为罗伯特老板流血吗?

4、Her musket shattered the moonlight, ─── 她的步枪撕碎了月光

5、Mighty Spanish cavalry armed with a musket and wearing a steel breastplate. ─── 西班牙龙骑兵装备滑膛枪和钢制胸甲。

6、You"ll walk unscathed through musket fire, ─── 你穿过枪林弹雨毫无损伤,

7、A musket having such a gunlock. ─── 火绳带有火绳的枪

8、In the Empire period troops had to be within telescope range of the commanding general and musket armed troops needed to be used en-masse and at close range. ─── 而在帝国时代,将军无法在望远镜视线外指挥军队,滑膛枪部队需要采用密集队列和近距离射击。

9、Musket shots could be heard below at the spot where the lines were closest. ─── 在山下,在军使走过的地方,可以听见砰砰的枪声。

10、Volley musket shots at the attackers ─── 向进攻者齐射

11、The guards will escort the convicts to see the musket firing, before they’ll regale all visitors with ghastly tales of real life murders, deaths, and escapes. ─── 护卫军会陪同“罪犯们”观看火枪射击,在此之前“罪犯们”有机会感受到丑陋的活生生的谋杀,死亡,和越狱。

12、On one occasion, he shouted to a crowd that "every workingman should have a musket. ─── 有一次他甚至向人群大喊:“每一个工人都应该有一杆火枪!”

13、I hunted with a musket two years ago ─── 两年前我用步枪打猎。

14、a solid ball shot by a musket. ─── 一种从步枪中发射出来的球状射弹。

15、Silver was in the stern-sheets in command; and every man of them was now provided with a musket from some secret magazine of their own. ─── 希尔弗在船尾指挥,他们每个人现在都配了一把火枪,大概是从他们自己的某个秘密军火库里取出来的。

16、He had what was called under the old regime, the double hand, that is to say, an equal aptitude for handling the sabre or the musket as a soldier, or a squadron or a battalion as an officer. ─── 他有旧时代所说的那种“双面手”,也就是说当兵,他有使刀枪的本领,当官,也一样有指挥步兵营或骑兵队的才干。

17、At the bottom of this abyss, they could see the musket of a sentinel gleaming through the gloom. ─── 在那鸿沟的底里,他们还望见一个站岗兵士的步枪在黑暗中闪光。

18、His guards, taking him by the arms and coat-collar, forced him to rise, and dragged him towards the steps that lead to the gate of the fortress, while the police officer carrying a musket with fixed bayonet followed behind. ─── 宪兵们抓住他的手臂,硬拉他起身,拖他踏上石级,向城堡走去,那个警长跟在后面,拿着一把上了刺刀的火枪。

19、take not a musket to kill a butterfly ─── 杀鸡焉用牛刀

20、The heart of Horse and Musket is the unique command and control system that realistically simulates the chaos of battle. ─── 心脏马匹和女朋友是独特的指挥和控制系统,模拟现实的混乱战役。

21、Not to the soldier who for the munificent compensation of $16 per month shoulders his musket and goes into the trench, there to shed his blood and to die if necessary; ─── 不是给士兵带来好运,他为每个月十六美元的慷慨补偿扛着步枪进入战壕,献出鲜血甚至生命;

22、an equal aptitude for handling the sabre or the musket as a soldier, ─── 当官,也一样有指挥步兵营或骑兵队的才干。

23、Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum? ─── 士兵士兵,你背着火枪,吹横笛敲大鼓,是要娶我吗?

24、Lron seemed set on bringing his pneumatic musket, too, and his huge, cleaverlike knife, but Kami was apparently more than happy to carry Human weapons with their greater firepower. ─── 勒荣看上去还是要带着他的气枪,还有他那把巨型切肉刀,不过卡米显然更喜欢携带火力更加强劲的人类武器。

25、New Musket Balance = Devastating close range fire. ─── 新步枪平衡=毁灭性的近距离射击。

26、″ As for you, Benjamin Gunn,″ says they,″ here's a musket,″ they says,″ and a spade, and a pick- axe. ─── 终于,他们有一天全都上了船,对我说:‘-刚恩,给你一支火枪,一把铲和一把镐。

27、They will feature a realistic sailing model, cannon and musket fire, boarding actions, fully destructible sails, rigging and hulls and a full range of weather effects to influence battles. ─── 他们将会描绘出真实的航行模式、大炮和步枪所射出时的火花、登舰打斗的动作、完全可破坏的船帆、索具装备和船壳,而变化多端的天气也会影响海上的战斗。

28、Mounted on a camel this unit fires a powerful musket called a "jezail'. ─── 火枪骆驼骑兵使用长管滑膛火枪,称为"杰扎尔",威力极为惊人。

29、military musket ─── 军用滑膛枪

30、Talking about the physics engine, Brigden said that “Essentially there is an actual model for every cannonball and every musket ball fired. ─── 谈到游戏的物理引擎,BRIGDEN说:基本上我们已经为每一颗射出的炮弹和子弹做了真实的物理模型。

31、a foot soldier armed with a musket. ─── 一个备有步枪的行军战士。

32、Sudden and loud as the sound of a soldier grounding his musket, ─── 突兀响亮,像士兵放下步枪枪托墩在地上,

33、In Alexander Dumas'book, "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer? ─── 在大仲马的书《三个火枪手》中,其中两个火枪手叫做阿托斯和波托斯,第三个火枪手的名字叫什么?。

34、Admiral Nelson's encounter as a plucky 14-year-old midshipman fighting only with the butt of his musket is surely a myth, but others are true. ─── 纳尔逊海军上将时为一名勇敢的14岁的少尉候补官,他仅用滑膛枪托与遭遇的北极熊搏斗的故事可以肯定是个神话,不过其他的故事倒是真的。

35、With musket and cannon against honour and courage. ─── 当滑膛枪与加农炮对上荣誉与勇气,

36、As we passed the two-pointed hill, we could see the black mouth of Ben Gunn's cave, and a fire standing by it, leaning on a musket. ─── 小船经过双峰山时,我们可以看到本 - 刚恩的洞穴张着黑糊糊的洞口,还看到有个人拄着火枪站在那里。

37、While underneath, in a corner, were fowling-piece, musket, and matchlock. ─── 下面,角落里,堆着鸟枪,步枪,和火绳枪。

38、Twelve days they looked for it, and every day they had the worse word for me, until one fine morning all hands went aboard. ″As for you, Benjamin Gunn,″ says they, ″here's a musket,″ they says, ″and a spade, and a pick-axe. ─── 我们找了整整十二天,他们每天都把我臭骂一顿,而且一天比一天骂得厉害。 终于,他们有一天全都上了船,对我说:‘本 - 刚恩,给你一支火枪,一把铲和一把镐。

39、Like musket balls and cannon balls dropped from the Tower, the Earth and Moon are made of a different mix of elements, and they have different masses. ─── 就象从塔上扔下的滑膛枪弹和加农炮弹一样,地球和月球是由不同元素混合而成的,它们有不同的质量。

40、a short musket of wide bore with a flared muzzle. ─── 一种短式的宽口径的具有散孔的步枪。

41、Take not a musket to kill a butterfly. ─── [谚]小题大做; 杀鸡焉用牛刀。

42、They also wear clothes from that time period and fire musket guns from colonial days.Visitors can see the kind of food the settlers ate, the games they played and the way they lived. ─── 游客能穿那个时代的服装,用那时的枪射击,还能看到定居者吃的食物,他们玩的游戏和他们的生活方式。

43、The musket is an improved form of firearm. Firing a heavy shot to a good range, it causes fear, and can pierce any armour. ─── 滑膛枪兵是先进的火枪部队,威力射程都极为惊人,可穿透任何盔甲,令敌军闻声胆裂,溃不成军。

44、Two examples of the fly's influence on our lives can be found in the etymologies of the words mosquito and musket, both of which can be traced back to musca, the Latin word for fly. ─── 苍蝇影响我们生活的两个例子可在两个单词mosquito 和 musket 词源中找到, 两者都可追溯到musca, 拉丁文中是“苍蝇”的意思。

45、He could see the puffs of musket smoke flying down the hillsides, as though racing one another, while the cannon smoke hung in clouds, that floated along and melted into one another. ─── 可以看见,火枪的硝烟仿佛沿着山坡互相追逐,来回地奔腾,火炮的浓烟滚滚,渐渐散开,连成一片了。

46、He was wrestling the huge Karbarran musket around,about to shake it at her if he could get it off the deck. ─── 他的手里抓着一支卡巴拉人的步枪。他很想挥动枪身向凯伦示威,前提是他能拿的动的话。

47、I hunted with a musket two years ago. ─── 两年前我用滑膛枪打猎。

48、A light flintlock musket. ─── 燧发枪,明火枪

49、what are you supposed to be ? - a three musketeer ─── 你扮的是什么?-三个火枪手

50、It was easy to train a soldier to use a musket, and hence they combined the power of gunpowder with the ability to raise an army cheaply. ─── 训练一名士兵成为一名持枪步兵是挺容易的,所以能够比较便宜地招募军队。

51、An early, crudely made musket ─── 火枪一种早期制作的粗糙火枪

52、growled a red-cap, striking at the coverlet with the butt-end of his musket. ─── 一个红帽子用毛瑟抢枪托敲打着被子吼道。

53、You'll walk unscathed through musket fire, No ploughman's blade will cut thee down, No cutler's horn will mark thy face, And you will be my ain true love, And you will be my ain true love. ─── 你穿过枪林弹雨毫无损伤, 什么武器都不能让你倒下, 什么武器都不能在你的脸上留痕, 你会成为我的挚爱, 你会成为我的挚爱。

54、I received a musket and a saber.Le Poittevin was handed an enormous gun with a bayonet attached. ─── 吾得滑膛火枪及骑兵军刀,伯君得一杆大枪,上有刺刀附之。

55、At the same moment, the fire was once more opened from the woods, and a rifle-ball sang through the doorway, and knocked the doctor's musket into bits. ─── 与此同时,树林里又一次传来了枪声,一颗子弹呼啸着从门外飞来,把大夫的火枪打成了碎片。

56、while you were catching z ' s , l , your loyal musketeer ─── 在你睡觉的时候,我这个身为你忠实士兵的

57、We think of 17th-century warfare as the period of the musket and pike, while the early 19th century was all about Napoleonic warfare. ─── 我们认为17世纪的战争是毛瑟步枪和长矛的时期,而19世纪早期则完全是关于拿破仑的战争。

58、The musket blasts and cannon fire seemed so real, making history spring to life before my eyes. ─── 子弹飞梭,炮火冲天。犹如真实再现。生动的把历史展现在我眼前。

59、Burr had removed the cartridges from each man's musket during the night. ─── 伯尔夜早已把各士兵步枪的子弹取去。

60、I came here with the intention of requesting the uniform of a Musketeer. ─── 我来此的目的是想请您赐予我一件火枪手军服。

61、you can't get me, because i am a musketeer! ─── 你不能把我打败,因为我是个火枪手!

62、The people who work at the settlement speak English the way people did in the seventeenth century.They also wear cloths from that time period and fire musket guns from colonial days. ─── 殖民地的工作人员讲着十七世纪的英语,身穿那个时期的服装,携带殖民地时期的火枪。

63、You were asked who the third musketeer was... ─── |你的问题是在大仲马的小说中...

64、The blade is offset, so that the musket can be loaded and fired easily, and it won't come loose when thrust into an enemy's guts. ─── 刀片是偏离的,使枪兵可轻易的装载并发射,并且它插入敌人后不会松脱。

65、musket shot ─── n. 步枪子弹

66、Sergeant just says, a soldier is carrying musket, eye of goggle at blood-red, strong sergeant asks aloud: "Sergeant, ask you to tell me, be which drank off our whisky? ─── 中士刚刚说完,一个士兵端著步枪,瞪著血红的眼睛,冲著中士大声问道:“中士,请你告诉我,是哪一个喝光了我们的威士忌?

67、"The term derived from his weapon, a short musket called the dragoon." ─── 因其所使用的一种名为龙骑枪的短滑膛枪而得名。

68、No more easy wins for Serpent vs Dragon. With Chemist getting the most increase in performance. A straight musket rush can be stopped quite easily by a Dragon Player. ─── 蛇族对龙族不再能够轻易获胜。化学家有很大的提升。火枪兵快攻现在可以被龙族轻易的挡下。

69、Finally the socket bayonet slides onto the musket and then locks on a barrel lug. ─── 最后插座刺刀装上了火枪,然后锁在一个桶吊耳里。

70、How long does it take to reload a musket? can muskets be imbued? is there a "hand musket" (apoligize dont recall real name of it. ─── 双手武器是一个技能还是自动对目标进行伤害的修正,技能等级影响修正值吗?

71、United's players huddled in the middle of the pitch in a show of Musketeer spirit. ─── 曼联的队员们都冲在球场中央表现步枪团精神。

72、And if war comes do such men as these shoulder the musket and go into the trenches? ─── 但一旦战争来临,这类人会肩扛步枪进入战壕吗?

73、Trained from a young age in the skills of war, these soldiers are superbly trained gunners wielding a powerful musket. ─── 他们自小训练作战技艺,是极为精锐的火枪部队,通常为精锐骑兵提供作战支持,或独立防守阵地。

74、The Musketeer: It's a story about musketeer and it's time musketeer can be a hero.All for one, one for all; ─── 联邦快递员版鲁滨逊荒岛余生,原来人在极度孤独的时候对一个假想出来的人物都会有极其深厚的感情。

75、What was the name of the third musketeer? ─── 第三个火枪手叫什么名字?。

76、”He then grabbed his musket and joined the attack, apparently cured of his cowardice. ─── 他抓起步枪,和同袍一起冲锋,怯懦之情似乎一扫而空。

77、The musket discharged loudly. ─── 旧式步枪发声很大

78、Two musket shots rang out from the gates, just as an officer with some men were running up to them. ─── 由一名军官率领着一小队士兵刚开始朝这座门跑去,从门里开了两枪。

79、“You'll walk unscathed through musket fire.No ploughman's blade will cut thee down.No cutler's horn will mark thy face. ─── 你不会再被战火灼伤,不会被利刃砍倒,亦不会被刺刀划破面庞。

80、So some seconds passed, till suddenly Joyce whipped up his musket and fired. ─── 又过了几秒钟,突然,乔伊斯端起枪来开了火。

81、Combined with the knightly spirit of old, the only thing they need fear is a well aimed musket bullet. ─── 这些充满旧式骑士情怀的战士,也许只有步枪齐射方可令他们略为动容。

82、Optimized Land battle system (Musket lethal in short range but not in long range, Extra balance for all units per faction, more difficult AI by indirect methods etc. ─── 优化土地战斗系统(步枪致命的短距离而不是在长期范围内,外平衡所有单位派,更难以人工智能以间接的方法等)

83、A short musket of wide bore and flaring muzzle, formerly used to scatter shot at close range. ─── 老式短枪有大口径和引人注目的枪口的短枪,以前用于近距离散射

84、“You'll walk unscathed through musket fire. ─── 你不会再被战火灼伤;

85、Muskets were not very accurate weapons, since the barrels were not rifled to make the musket ball spin. ─── 步枪并不是很精确的武器,因为枪管没有刻出来复线以使步枪球旋转。

86、It does give a musketeer a short "pike" for hand-to-hand fighting, and that's useful. ─── 出现刺刀前,火绳枪兵要扭转他们的火枪,并把它们作为棒子来击败了对手。

87、The partial beard category is divided into natural, Chinese, Imperial, Musketeer, sideburns, and freestyle categories. ─── 局部胡须的种类还可分为自然风、中国风、帝王式、步兵式、鬓角式和自由式。

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