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09-21 投稿


opulence 发音

英:[ˈɑːpjələns]  美:[ˈɒpjələns]

英:  美:

opulence 中文意思翻译



opulence 词性/词形变化,opulence变形

异体字: opulency |

opulence 相似词语短语

1、corpulence ─── n.臃肿,肥胖

2、emulgence ─── 动情

3、corpulency ─── n.庞大;肥胖

4、opulency ─── 富裕

5、impudence ─── n.厚颜无耻;冒失

6、covalence ─── n.共价;共价键

7、crapulence ─── n.暴饮;泥醉

8、feculence ─── n.变浊;污物;渣滓

9、opulent ─── adj.丰富的;富裕的;大量的

opulence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur. ─── 那正是我们想要在这本书里所要营造的,那种繁荣且伟大的气氛。

2、1. The room was decorated with stagy opulence. ─── 那房间装饰得富丽堂皇,像戏台似的.

3、In the cellar we preserve the opulence from the old vineyards and the freshness and transparency of the new plantations. ─── 古老风土蕴含的丰腴盈美以及藤园翻新后的鲜嫩透亮活力在阿塔迪的酒窖中被完整的保存下来了。

4、concentrated, with a good grip and harmonically integrating acidity, impressive opulence yet well balanced showing typical minerals and peppery spice in the long after taste. ─── 酒体集中并具有良好而协调的酸度,具有令人惊讶丰富感,良好的平衡感适度的表现出矿物及胡椒的味道。回味悠长。

5、Poverty in the Midst of Opulence ─── 丰裕中的贫困

6、Think of abundance, of opulence, of plenty, of position, harmony and growth, and if you do not see them manifested today, they will be realized to-morrow. ─── 多想想富足、富裕、繁荣、地位、和谐和成长,而且如果你今天没看到这些实现,那么它们明天就可能成为现实。

7、Dickens contrasts the opulence of Frances nobility with the indigence of her peasants. ─── 狄更斯将法兰西贵族的富裕与农民的贫穷作了对比。

8、Dickens contrasts the opulence of France's nobility with indigence of her peasants. ─── 锹更斯比较法兰西贵族的富裕与其农民的贫穷。

9、This division of Labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not orinally the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occation. ─── 译文:引出上述许多利益的分工,原不是人类智慧的结果,尽管人类智慧预见到分工产生普遍富裕并想利用它来实现普遍富裕。

10、Two gigantic palm trees add a southeastern Asian opulence to the lobby lounge, in which you can have a full view of the spectacular Purple Mountain (Mt. Zijin). ─── 富丽堂皇的东南亚风情贯穿于整个大堂,一派雍容奢华,最惬意的莫过于坐在棕榈树旁,将紫金山麓尽收眼底。

11、In it, mixing minimalist principles with the extravagance of Neoclassical trappings creates a design theme that resonates with modern appeal, but alludes to colonial opulence. ─── 在住宅里面,极简原则与新古典主义诱惑的奢华创造了一个既能与摩登吸引力产生共鸣,却又暗示着富丽堂皇的殖民风格的设计主题。

12、8. These centuries embodied martial conflict, unbelievable wealth and opulence for a few, and horrible poverty for many. ─── 对少数人,这几世纪呈现军事的冲突、难以置信的富裕与豪华;对大数人,则是令人骇惧的贫困。收藏指正

13、2. and hence the inveterate impression, of which Europeans have only at a late period been disabused, concerning the great opulence of Oriental nations. ─── 因而在欧洲人的心目中,东方国家是极其繁荣昌盛的,这种根深蒂固的印象直到最近才被消除。

14、This celebration of opulence and wealth and power undercuts the character of the Statue of Liberty(Jesse Jackson)The partnership between the United States and Western Europe is undercut by diverging economic interests(Scott Sullivan) ─── 这种对丰裕、财富和权力的颂扬破坏了自由女神像的特质(杰西 杰克逊)美国和西欧之间的合作关系正被经济利益上的分歧所破坏(斯科特 沙利文)

15、To follow the persistent architectural style of massiness, grandeur and opulence of traditional manors ─── 沿袭了庄园一贯的厚重而富丽堂皇的建筑风格

16、The lower floor, lavishly appointed to echo the regal opulence of the Lobby, is a sitting room. ─── 电梯门在走廊尽头的拐角处,周围陈列的钻石展台让人不知不觉便错过了电梯。

17、The Americans and British represented the extremes between penury and opulence; ─── 美国人与英国人呈现著两个极端;

18、these centuries embodied martial conflict , unbelievable wealth and opulence for a few , and horrible poverty for many. ─── 对少数人,这几世纪呈现军事的冲突、难以置信的富裕与豪华;对大数人,则是令人骇惧的贫困。

19、2) Lord Krsna the possessor of all opulence said: the faith of the embodied manifests in three ways: goodness, passionate and nescience;conforming unto the impressions of past life experiences. ─── 万有万福的主奎师那说:与往世的经历印痕相符,体内灵魂的信仰以三种方式展现:善性,欲望情感和愚昧无知。

20、The opulence of Ashurbanipal's court at Nineveh became legendary. ─── 相传亚述巴尼拔在尼尼微的宫廷十分豪华。。

21、Between 1620 and 1800, art and music, architecture and theatre were infused with an unprecedented spirit of opulence, drama and sensuality. ─── 1620年到1800年间,艺术、音乐、建筑以及戏剧被注入了前所未有的华丽因素,富有激情,极具感官美。

22、A、This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived is not originally the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occation. ─── 译文:引出上述许多利益的分工,原不是人类智慧的结果,尽管人类智慧预见到分工会产生普遍富裕,并想利用它来实现普遍富裕。

23、The inhabitants of Corinth, who also founded the city of Syracuse in Sicily, were famous in ancient times for their opulence and for their loose habits. ─── 西西里的锡拉丘兹城也是科林斯人建立的。在古代,这些人以富足和放纵的生活习惯而闻名。

24、6.These centuries embodied martial conflict, unbelievable wealth and opulence for a few, and horrible poverty for many. ─── 对少数人,这几世纪呈现军事的冲突、难以置信的富裕与豪华;对大数人,则是令人骇惧的贫困。

25、The color scheme is brown, brown, brown, adding to the elegant opulence of the room, which is fitted up with several pieces of finely crafted furniture of high practicality. ─── 大片深色调映衬整体的庄重,配以极尽豪华典雅之余亦具体贴的实用性的陈设。

26、This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occasion. ─── 尽管人类智慧预见到分工会产生普遍富裕并想利用它来实现普遍富裕,可是劳动分工产生的诸多便利,本不是人类智慧的结果。

27、There are great differences in the condition of the poorest class in different countries; and in the proportional numbers and opulence of the classes which are above the poorest. ─── 在不同的国家,最贫困阶级的状况也大不一样,最贫困阶级之上的其余各阶级在人口比例和富裕程度上也有很大差别。

28、Tasteful opulence in form, decoration, or presentation. ─── 讲究,精美图样、装饰或陈设的丰富多彩

29、Lord Krishna, the possessor of all opulence said: the learned know that abandonmenting of activities inspired by fruitive desire is renunciation and the experienced say relinguishing the results of all actions is renunciation. ─── 万有万福的主奎师那说:有学问的人认为,放弃由利益欲望驱使的行为就是放下,有经验的人则说放弃所有行为的结果就是放下。

30、Arjuna there is no limit to my transcendental majestic opulence; but all these accounts of such majestic opulence are mentioned by me only in brief. ─── 阿诸那啊,“我”超然的,宏伟壮丽的,庄严的辉煌展现是无限的。“我”只是简要地举了一些例子而已。

31、The corn of Poland, in the same degree of goodness, is as cheap as that of France, notwithstanding the superior opulence and improvement of the latter country. ─── 就富裕和进步的程度说,法国远胜于波兰,但波兰小麦的价格,与品质同样优良的法国小麦同样低廉。

32、So it was said that the American people were living in a condition of ‘private opulence and public squalor,’ in a vivid and influential phrase of J.K.Galbraith's. ─── 因此加尔布雷鲜明生动并影响深远地一语道破:美国人的生活状况是“庙破和尚阔”。

33、Witness the telling signs of opulence that appear in New York every time the banks are hot: nicer parties, smarter attire, exorbitant rents for summer houses in the Hamptons. ─── 看看每次当银行业业绩良好时纽约发生的一切就知道了。更好的舞会,更时髦的服装,和夏季在汉普敦昂贵的别墅租金,这些都是大笔财富的标志。

34、It is said that all the opulence of Vaikuntha cannot compare to even one particle of dust from this holy realm。 ─── 据说外昆塔所有的富裕也无法和这块神圣王国里的一粒尘土相比。

35、It is misleading to presume that the primary goal of economic development is to maximize economic growth, and that the need to transform the opulence into better living conditions is secondary. ─── 认为经济发展的首要目标是追求最快的经济增长速度,把财富转化为更好的生活环境排在第二位是一种误解。

36、A society simply cannot claim to be harmonious if large portions of its population are deprived of basic needs while others live in opulence. ─── 抗击非典、战胜雪灾、走出大地震阴影等等,无处不显示出中国人民的团结、坚强、关爱、平等。

37、His opulence became so much that the flowers became diseased, becoming a parallel to the sickening of his mind. ─── 他财富越丰,花朵病害亦越厉害,就像他病态心灵的一个反照。

38、The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamentalsolvency of the firm. ─── 公司入口处装潢的豪华程度和它基本的财务状况好坏成反比。

39、His eyes had never beheld such opulence. ─── 他从未见过这样的财富。

40、Why should nature be so wasteful and indulge in such opulence as an infinity of different worlds? ─── 大自然何必如此浪费与纵容,出现这麽丰富、样的无穷世界呢?

41、It is probably still the world's best example of all the opulence and grand style that went with colonial life, despite needed a touch up in some of its furnishings. ─── 可能这也是世界上从殖民地时代发展而来的奢侈华丽建筑的最好典范,尽管一些室内装饰设备还需再润色一下。

42、The room was decorated with stagy opulence. ─── 那房间装饰得富丽堂皇,像戏台似的。

43、The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm. ─── 前台的装修豪华程度随着企业基本偿付能力逆向变化。

44、"This celebration of opulence and wealth and power undercuts the character of the Statue of Liberty" (Jesse Jackson)"The partnership between the United States and Western Europe is undercut by diverging economic interests" (Scott Sullivan) ─── “这种对丰裕、财富和权力的颂扬破坏了自由女神像的特质”(杰西·杰克逊)“美国和西欧之间的合作关系正被经济利益上的分歧所破坏”(斯科特·沙利文)

45、Foreigners with dollars, pounds, Swiss francs, or Czech crowns lived in opulence. ─── 拥有美元、英镑、瑞士法郎,或捷克克朗的外国人生活优裕。

46、The 14-storey apartment blocks seem oddly out of place, not only because of their opulence but because their many empty flats are a haven of calm in an otherwise busy area. ─── 这些14层高的公寓楼看上去与周遭环境格格不入,不仅因为它们看上去富丽堂皇,还因为里面许多空置的住房成为这个繁华地区宁静的一角。

47、Throughout the formerly gray and workaday streets, Moscow is renewing itself with a vigor and opulence seen in few other places on the planet. ─── 过去,莫斯科每条大街都是灰蒙蒙的乏味的。现在,莫斯科正在修复一新,展现了充满活力的富裕景象。在我们居住的这个星球上,有这种景象的地方不多。

48、The corn of France is, in the corn provinces, fully as good, and in most years nearly about the same price with the corn of England, though, in opulence and improvement, France is perhaps inferior to England. ─── 与英格兰比较,论富裕,论进步,法国可能要逊一筹,但法国产麦省出产的小麦,其品质之忧良完全和英格兰小麦相同,而且在大多数年头,两者的价格也大致相同。

49、My people are starving and you sit in opulence, with plenty. It is clear you are not ready for an alliance with me. ─── 我的人民饥饿,而你的生活富足。很明显你前来此处不是为了准备和我们结盟。

50、The opulence of complexity is all in the subjective perceptions of observers- the frog perspective. ─── 复杂度上的丰富性,完全来自观测者的主观认知,也就是蛙的眼光。

51、1.Verily, You alone are able to describe in detail Your self-same divine opulence by which theses opulence you abide pervading all the worlds. ─── 确确实实地,只有您才可以详尽地描述您如己的神性庄严辉煌,您使这种庄严辉煌遍透于所有的宇宙空间。

52、"These centuries embodied martial conflict, unbelievable wealth and opulence for a few, and horrible poverty for many. " ─── 对少数人,这几世纪呈现军事的冲突、难以置信的富裕与豪华;对大数人,则是令人骇惧的贫困。

53、In the main city, Stone Town, there are crumbling buildings and palaces, a reminder of the opulence of the past. ─── 主要城市石镇有很多破败的建筑物和宫殿,提醒人们记起她昔日的辉煌。

54、Lord Krsna said: O Arjuna, I shall explain to you only the divine personal majestic opulence which are prominent since there is no end to My extensive glories. ─── 主奎师那说:阿诸那啊,我只向你解释“我”神性的,外形的,宏伟庄严,壮丽辉煌展现的,卓越而无与伦比的那部分,因为“我”广博的辉煌是无有终止的。

55、Fleets of vessels are despatched, at great expense, to collect the dung of petrels and penguins at the South Pole, and the incalculable element of opulence which we have on hand, we send to the sea. ─── 我们花了大量开支,派船队到南极去收集海燕和企鹅的粪,而手边不可估量的致富因素却流入海洋。

56、Purple roses: enhancement, magnification, opulence, majesty and glory,"I will always love you!" ─── 紫玫瑰:感情增强和加深、富裕、高贵和崇拜,“我会永远爱你!”

57、8.Its ostentatious opulence will leave you reeling, as will the unbeatable views from the two storey suites of this Dubai icon. ─── 它富丽堂皇,极尽奢华之能事,从二层楼欣赏的景色无与伦比,令人眩目。

58、You will find its opulence reflected throughout the hotel;in our rooms and suites, our bar and restaurants, as well as our spa and resort. ─── 由酒店客房及套房、酒吧及餐厅,以至香薰美疗中心及渡假村,您都可以找到这种尊贵华丽的感觉。

59、You will appreciate opulence, while fearing jealousies that it causes. ─── 你喜爱富裕的生活,也可能会担心因此而导致的嫉妒。

60、a spent era of opulence. ─── 过去的富裕时代

61、Already congressional hearings in the US are shining an unforgiving light on both the extraordinary opulence of the financial super-class and the questionable means by which it was accrued. ─── 在美国,对金融超级阶层的异乎寻常的财富和他们积累这些财富的方式,国会的听证会已经开始表明不认可的态度。

62、Few hotels in the world can match this level of opulence and excitement.If you’re seeking luxury in Melbourne, Crown Towers is the hotel for you. ─── 酒店供应的佳肴种类繁多,从传统的日本料理到粤式美食,到现代澳大利亚佳肴,应有尽有。

63、But there is no escaping the evidence of its later decline, in art that prizes opulence over simple utility and graceful elegance. ─── 然而,无法掩饰的现实是,这个文明在其晚期衰落,艺术形式日益倾向炫富,偏离了简单实用及优美高雅的原则。

64、The estate had formerly belonged to a gentleman of opulence and taste, who had bestowed some considerable attention to the adornment of his grounds ─── 这庄园以前的主人是一位富裕、高雅的绅士,在环境的修饰上颇费过一番心血。

65、He says that Imelda "had a penchant for luxury and opulence ─── 他说马可斯夫人伊美黛"崇尚豪华阔绰的生活。

66、This investigation can not only opulence applied electromagnetic field theory but also has(important) significance for the deepen comprehension and improve attainments for the college student ... ─── 该研究工作对本科生和研究生在学习过程中深化理解比拟法,提高理论素养也具有重要的意义。

67、of the rubber barons could only be exceeded by their brutality. ─── 橡胶大佬们的暴富只有在同他们的残忍相比才显得相形见绌。

68、Unnecessary opulence is replaced by highly focused luxury, together with an exemplary standard of detail and elegance. ─── 不必要的富裕,取而代之的是高度集中的豪华,连同细节和优雅的典范标准。

69、Dickens contrasts the opulence of France's nobility with the indigence of her peasants. ─── 狄更斯把法国贵族的富有与本国农民的贫困进行对比。

70、Chapter Ten reveals Lord Krishna's exalted position as the cause of all causes.Also specifying His special manifestations and opulence. ─── 第十章揭示了主奎师那作为万源之源的尊贵地位以及“他”的特殊展现形态和壮丽辉煌的法相存在。

71、This division of labour,from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occasion. ─── 劳动的分工,这个给我们带来了很多好处的东西,并不是来源于人类智慧的作用。

72、and downy opulence. ─── 羽绒充得很足。

73、So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at least one instance relied on cheap materials. ─── 所以这艘名字等同富裕代名词的船,至少在一处是使用次等材料建成的。

74、A palette of olive greens, natural browns and antique golds interplay to combine functional quality with versatility and faded opulence. ─── 橄榄绿、自然棕和古董金相互影响体现一种怀旧的奢华。

75、Though most of the opulence can be found within, it is the beaten domes of metal that adorn the minarets that serve as a shining beacon drawing Islam's faithful to Salat. ─── 尽管寺内装饰华丽,但睿智圆顶映衬著巍峨塔楼,却在在显示著穆斯林们虔诚灵魂的光辉。

76、Behold my extraordinary and unparalleled majestic transcendental opulence; ─── 看看“我”吧,那是超凡的,无比的,宏伟的,超然的富有存在(实相)。

77、Opal opulence and tantalizing Tanzanite create a collage of color. ─── 富饶的欧泊与挑逗迷人的坦桑石头打造了这款耳环抽象诱惑的颜色。

78、Ulm, Germany:The showy splendor and unapologetic opulence of this Rococo building is in the “You have to see it to believe it“ category. ─── 乌尔姆,德国:这个辉煌和无比富裕的洛可可式建筑吸引你前来的理由竟然是“你需要来看一下才能相信它的存在”。

79、"In spite of all this opulence the overall weight of the car is still minimal so the car is responsive to driver inputs and economical to run. ─── “尽管这一切的总重量富裕的汽车仍然是最低限度,使汽车司机反应投入和经济运行.

80、He says that Imelda "had a penchant for luxury and opulence. ─── 他说马可斯夫人伊美黛“崇尚豪华阔绰的生活。

81、Edwina admitted to herself, the opulence seemed to have an edge. ─── 埃德温娜也不得不承认,富裕看来是有好处的。

82、This solution which is complete on one side only leads her fatally to two extremes: monstrous opulence, monstrous wretchedness. ─── 这种只完成一个方面的解决办法必然把它引向这样两个极端:丑恶不堪的豪华和丑恶不堪的穷苦。

83、9. Its ostentatious opulence will leave you reeling, as will the unbeatable views from the two storey suites of this Dubai icon. ─── 它富丽堂皇,极尽奢华之能事,从二层楼欣赏的景色无与伦比,令人眩目。收藏指正

84、So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at least one instance relied on cheap materials. ─── 因此,这艘名字寓意着豪华的轮船至少在一个方面用了廉价材料。

85、Legend Hotel, Saigon combines natural beauty and sheer opulence to provide the best for the discerning traveler. ─── 西贡俪景大饭店为旅客提供结合自然秀丽与享受的环境带给您豪华与宁静的感觉。

86、He owes his opulence to work hard. ─── 他的财富乃辛勤工作得来。

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