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09-21 投稿


titling 发音

英:[ˈtaɪtlɪŋ]  美:[ˈtaɪtlɪŋ]

英:  美:

titling 中文意思翻译




titling 短语词组

1、felix titling ─── 费利克斯倾斜

titling 词性/词形变化,titling变形

动词过去式: titled |动词过去分词: titled |动词现在分词: titling |动词第三人称单数: titles |

titling 常用词组

job title ─── n. 职称

title bar ─── 标题栏

professional title ─── 职称;专业头衔

titling 相似词语短语

1、retitling ─── 重新装填

2、uptitling ─── n.职衔提升

3、intitling ─── vt.给(某人)权利(或资格);给……题名;称呼(等于entitle)

4、tithing ─── n.什一的课税;十家区

5、tilling ─── v.耕种(till的现在分词);耕耘;n.(Tilling)人名;(英、德、瑞典)蒂林

6、tiling ─── n.瓷砖;盖瓦;铺瓷砖;瓦类;v.铺瓦于;铺以瓷砖(tile的ing形式);n.(Tiling)人名;(德、俄)蒂林

7、betitling ─── 付款

8、entitling ─── v.给(某人)权利(或资格);给……题名;称呼

9、witling ─── n.自视聪明的人

titling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The predictive control of titling passenger car is studied with the predictive lateral acceleration. ─── 利用预测横向加速度进行摆式客车的预测控制研究。

2、The correct titling not only reveals the title of libraries from different perspectives but also renders great convenience to the readers. ─── 正确的著录,不仅对图书的题名从不同的角度予以揭示,而且也为读者检索带来很大方便。

3、The deficiency of less tilting angle of pins in the conventional comb sylinder was pointed out, and the reasonable range of titling angle of pins on comb cylindet proposed. ─── 通过对精梳机梳理过程中圆抗钢针的受力分析,指出了传统圆梳钢针倾斜角偏小的不足,提出了圆梳钢针倾斜角的合理范围,为精梳机产质量的提高,提供了理论依据

4、Titling and Posthumous titling in the Qing dynasty ─── 论清代谥法

5、Any acceptance or unplanned construction of the unqualified acceptance of the plan, not for titling property registration procedures. ─── 凡建设工程未经规划验收或者经规划验收不合格的,产权登记机关不予办理产权登记手续。

6、The Modeling Study of Tilting Servo System of Titling Train Based on AIC Information Criterion ─── 基于AIC信息准则法的摆式列车倾摆伺服系统建模研究

7、Workers position support beams to steady titling homes in San Francisco's Marina District after a disastrous earthquake hit the city in 1989. ─── (在1989年一次灾难性地震严重的打击了这座城市后,工人们用梁来稳定在旧金山的滨海区家园。

8、"Up-titling" seems to have won converts. ─── 看起来,“拔高头衔”颇得人心。

9、The fourth occurred at the end of the Early Cretaceous, showing titling with weak faulting and folding. ─── 其四发生在早白垩世末期,表现为掀斜运动,褶皱和断裂作用相对较弱。

10、The core idea is based on a loading-on-demand technique which dynamically loads visible parts of the terrain model, then titling and rendering. ─── 其核心思想是基于地形动态载入技术,对地形可见部分实时载入、拼接和渲染。

11、2, the first instance organs receive information and receipts issued for the investigation and verification, the first instance for housing titling procedures. ─── 二、初审机关接受资料并开具收据,进行现场调查和核实后,办理房屋产权登记的初审手续。

12、And it is also similar of stability of overturning and derailing between titling train negotiating curve and traveling on level track under the effect of not so big crosswind. ─── 在侧向风速较小的情况下,列车过曲线时,空气对车辆倾覆稳定性和脱轨稳定性的影响与直线路上相似。


14、On the Cataloging and titling of some Manuscripts in Dunhuang Buddhist literature ─── 敦煌佛教文献部分写卷的著录及定名问题

15、6.recording、sound tracking、titling。 ─── 6.录音、配音、上字幕练习。

16、our client is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. job titl... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1-49人

17、for the same project or the same buildings housing titling only charge a project registration information; ─── 对同项目或同幢的房屋,产权登记时只收取一套项目建设登记资料;

18、Parallel titling , as a titling of libraries, enjoys the important consequence in the machine-readable catalogue. ─── 并列题名作为图书的一个题名,在机读目录中有着重要的检索意义。

19、Video: Vietnam — Land Titling). ─── 录像:越南—土地所有权)。

20、Parallel titling, as a titling of libraries, enjoys the important consequence in the machine-readable catalogue. ─── 并列题名作为图书的一个题名,在机读目录中有着重要的检索意义。

21、Area with water, function to randomly change the design, titling it, and so on. ─── 面积有水分、设计功能随意改变、产权登记难等方面。


23、enhance women’s access to productive resources (e.g., through joint land titling as in Ethiopia); ─── 增加妇女获得生产资源的机会(比如像在埃塞俄比亚通过实行土地权联名制);

24、Manager Quality Management AP DOMAIN OF APPLICATION Asia PacificDepartment:Supply Chain AP Occupation :100%Position titl...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市泰伦企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-7-20

25、unified - titling ─── 统一题名

26、Postproduction includes editing, special effects, dubbing, titling and many other video and audio techniques. ─── 它包括编辑、特技、复制、配音、加字幕和其它许多视频和音频技术。

27、Examining and analyzing malfunctions in Picker IQ CT Gantry Titling ─── Picker IQ CT机架倾斜故障的分析及检修

28、The titling requirement, established by the Act, applies to all written warranties on consumer products costing more than $10. ─── 法案规定的标记要求,适用于所有针对成本超过十美元的消费产品的书面保证条款。

29、The smaller "example image" is something we put there to demonstrate how the PIP might be further reduced in size to leave yet more room for titling. ─── 更小的"例子图像"是某事我们投入那里展示怎麽小核也雀i一步被减少在大小到事假更多室为题为。

30、8 is illegal indiscriminate development, titling difficult; ─── 八是违规滥开发,产权登记难;

31、Strengthen land titling and land management, regulate the transfer of land use rights, letting, management and allocation of land use rights mortgage market management. ─── 加强土地产权登记和地价管理,规范土地使用权转让、出租、抵押管理和划拨土地使用权入市管理。

32、In this peper the defects of conventional wave plate is analyzed, and the design consideration of a wave plate with titling optical axis are mainly discussed. ─── 本文分析了常规波片的缺点,重点讨论了倾斜光轴波片的设计方法。

33、In 1368, he was enthroned, calling his dynasty Da Ming (grand brightness) and titling his reign Hongwu.And a unified feudal regime was founded. ─── 1368年,朱元璋于庆天府称帝,国号大明,年号洪武,建立了全国统一的封建政权。

34、The titling requirement, established by the Act, applies to all written warranties on consumer products costing more than $10. ─── 法案规定的标记要求,适用于所有针对成本超过十美元的消费产品的书面保证条款。

35、This is especially true with slow response valves such as swing and titling disc check valves. ─── 有些反应缓慢的阀门,如旋启式止回阀和翻转式阀瓣止回阀,经常会因此而损坏。

36、The objectives of the programme include strengthening customary land secretariats, strengthening public and private sector land administration and management institutions, and pilot systematic land titling and registration. ─── 该计划的目标包括:加强习惯性土地登记处,强化公共和私营部门的土地管理及管理机构,以及开展系统的土地所有权与登记试验。

37、Float for blade cylinder, at same time to realize left tilting, right titling, hold of titling cylinder. ─── 可实现铲刀油缸的提升、封闭、下降、浮动,松土油缸可实现提升、封闭、下降。

38、The fourth occurred at the end of the Early Cretaceous, showing titling with weak faulting and folding. ─── 其四发生在早白垩世末期,表现为掀斜运动,褶皱和断裂作用相对较弱。

39、There exist three superposed manners of Jurassic and Cretaceous basins in space.They are titling superposition, superposed preservation and part superposition. ─── 两大世代的盆地在空间上存在翘倾叠合、叠合保存、部分叠合改造等三种方式。

40、electric titling machine ─── 电动烫金机

41、printing and titling machine ─── 印刷-烫金两用机

42、About a poll titling what is the most significant invention/sciencific achievement in post-war Japan, overwhelmingly, instant noddle and Shinkansen are the two answers. ─── 日本早前有个民调有关于何为日本战后复兴最伟大的发明或者科技成就,答案往往是泡面或者新干线。

43、The research of titling train testing &control system is the science and technology development item of . ─── 根据国外的情况,开发具有自主知识产权的摆式列车已成为铁路提速的当务之急。

44、Bandwidth Narrowing Output in KrF Laser by Intracavity Titling Etalons[J]. ─── 引用该论文 姚刚,王彦,俞明,王孝君.

45、In the thesis, on the basis of succeed experience about tilting train bogie abroad, a project of a bogie with flexible primary suspesion for titling EMU is put forward. ─── 本文在充分借鉴了国外摆式列车转向架成功经验的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了一系柔性定位的摆式电动车组客车转向架技术设计方案。

46、Any acceptance or unplanned construction of the unqualified acceptance of the plan, not for titling property registration procedures. ─── 凡建设工程未经规划验收或者经规划验收不合格的,产权登记机关不予办理产权登记手续。

47、Experiments have proved that for the regular Titl e Baidu may be heading down the right. ─── 因为宣传与推广问题,成了网站发展的挡路石。因为那是需要大量的财力、人力、物力的结晶!

48、Keywords Lide Gate Nozzle;Ladle;Ladle Titling Machine;Sand Filling.; ─── 钢包;翻包机;滑动水口;注砂;

49、On the Cataloguing of Parallel Titling ─── 关于并列题名的著录

50、Special attention must be paid to titling. ─── 这原是应该极注意的。

51、Keywords: X-spline, tensor product X-spline surface, complex target, titling, ─── 关键词:X-样条,张量积X-样条曲面,复杂目标,拟合

52、titling construction area of less than contractual construction area, both in the construction area of more than 3% error within (including 3%) of the return of the buyers Fangjiakuan by the seller; ─── 产权登记建筑面积小于合同约定建筑面积时,建筑面积误差比绝对值在3%以内(含3%)部分的房价款由出卖人返还买受人;

53、Wong again received a reply in written form from Obama, titling him “friend” and thanking him for sharing his opinions. ─── 黄再次收到奥巴马的复函,奥巴马称他为“朋友”,并对他的建议分享表示感谢。

54、Of course, titling my work SlowSOA didn't sound as good. ─── 当然,把我的工作命名为SlowSOA听起来不那么好。

55、titling fount ─── 标题字铅字

56、As the alert reader may have noticed, the titling scheme of these essays is a hat tip to Montaigne, the original blogger. ─── (聪明的读者可能都注意到了,没错,这一系列随笔的标题设计都是向这一博客的原作者蒙田的致敬。)。

57、Based on the error analysis, the max titling angle can be computed, two methods to keep adaptive alignment are also discussed. ─── 在倾斜误差分析的基础上,对动镜的最大倾斜角度和减少误差的方法进行讨论,并提出了两种动态准直校正的思路。

58、The study provided a theory gist for developing a bogie for titling EMU at 200km/h speed. ─── 本文的研究结果为我国研制200km/h摆式电动车组转向架提供了一定的理论依据。

59、Bandwidth Narrowing Output in KrF Laser by Intracavity Titling Etalons ─── 腔内倾斜标准具法压缩KrF激光线宽

60、Research on Fault Diagnosis Using Neural Network in Tilting Control System of Titling Train ─── 神经网络在摆式列车倾摆控制系统故障诊断中的应用研究

61、The first occurred after sedimentation of the Middle Permian Lower Wuerher Formation, showing the lower and Middle Permian titling toward the southeast to be eroded; ─── 其中对克-百地区构造形成具有重要影响的有四期,其一发生在中二叠统下乌尔禾组沉积后,主要表现为冲断掀斜运动,使其前的二叠纪沉积向南东方向掀斜抬升,遭受剥蚀;

62、please send your CV and cover letter to Princess_kako@126.com by Titling "name+university+major" before June 1st. ─── 实习报酬为150元/天+饭贴,车贴没有,公司在浦东新区陆家嘴环路1233号汇亚大厦20楼,交通自己解决。

63、stamping titling machine ─── 字幕打印机

64、Job DescriptionJob Title Senior HR Generalist Staffing Immediate Supervisor : Human Resources Manager Job Titl...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市泰伦企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-8-4

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