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09-21 投稿


olden 发音

英:[ˈoʊldən]  美:[ˈəʊldən]

英:  美:

olden 中文意思翻译



olden 常用词组

olden times ─── 古代

olden 相似词语短语

1、old men ─── 情人;丈夫;老头子;父亲

2、Bolden ─── 博尔登;博登

3、golden ─── adj.金色的,黄金般的;珍贵的;金制的;n.(Golden)人名;(英、法、罗、德、瑞典)戈尔登

4、Selden ─── n.塞尔登(姓氏)

5、holden ─── v.拿着;抱住;(使)保持(在某位置);支撑……的重量;容纳(hold的过去分词);n.(Holden)(美)奥尔登(人名)

6、olde ─── adj.使人觉得某事物古老而有趣的;老的(old的古老拼法);n.(Olde)(美)奥尔德(人名)

7、older ─── adj.年长的;较旧的;n.(Older)人名;(英)奥尔德

8、Malden ─── n.莫尔登(姓氏,岛屿名)

9、Alden ─── n.奥尔登(男子名)

olden 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、in olden days ─── 昔时从前过去

2、it waxes and wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days. ─── 人有悲欢离合,月由阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。

3、I purchased this product because I was told that back in the olden days,Elderberry syrup was given all the time to boost the immune system. ─── 我购买此产品是因为听说在很早以前就是用它来增强免疫力的。

4、He upholds the doctrine of the rishis of olden times. ─── 他赞成旧时圣人的教条。

5、In the olden time when it was a great distance to walk to the parents' place the married daughters might stay for a few days there. ─── 在古代的时分这是一场巨大的间隔步行到怙恃的中央,已婚的女儿可能会待几天的。

6、In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow. ─── 后来这种车型被认为有碍京城市容而被新车型取代。

7、We can still picture the magnificence of the town in olden times. ─── 也能想象得出当年铜山古城的气势了。

8、What was life like in the olden days, Gran? ─── 从前的生活是什么样的,奶奶?

9、In olden times, jiaozi were thought to scare away evil spirits, misfortune and disease. ─── 在旧社会,饺子被认为能驱赶魔鬼、厄运和疾病。

10、In the olden days=in olden times ─── 从前,昔日

11、in olden days; of yore ─── 曩时

12、Leave melodizing on this wintry day, Shut up thine olden pages, and be mute: Adieu! ─── 别在冬日啭啼你迷人的歌喉。合上你古老的卷帙,安静吧:再见了!

13、Yes.I talked to Greg Olden and I talked to Thomas Jones too. ─── 是的,我同格来格.顿谈过了,我也同托马斯.琼斯谈过了。

14、People have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. The moon dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days. ─── 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴阳缺,此事古难全。

15、In olden times,the chopping of firewood with the axe ()was done near the door or house ().Hence:(axe beside house)meaning place or location. ─── 在过去,人们总在门或房子()旁用斧子()劈柴,所以就形成了""字(门外的斧头)。

16、At last they came to a blue lake, and by the side of it, shaded by trees of the deepest green, stood a palace of dazzling white marble, built in the olden times. ─── 在一个碧蓝色的湖旁有一丛最可爱的绿树,它们里面有一幢白得放亮的、大理石砌成的、古代的宫殿。葡萄藤围着许多高大的圆柱丛生着。

17、In olden times the coasts of England were harassedby the Vikings. ─── 古时,英国海岸常受北欧海盗的侵扰。

18、olden days. ─── 往昔岁月

19、That same day those who yearn for the olden days, when children played tag in the summer sunlight and rolled down grassy slopes with friendly dogs called Rover, received two more blows. ─── 当孩子们在夏日的阳光下玩捉人游戏,在绿坡上同被称为“流浪者”的、友善的狗类一起滚爬嬉戏的时候,这些怀念过去的人们当天又受到两次打击。

20、After intense austerities the rishis of olden times realized God as their inner most consciousness and experienced the real nature of Brahman. ─── 昔日的圣人经过强烈的苦行以后,从最内在深处的意识上认识到神,体验到梵天的真正本性。

21、In the tag, we stated Biographies of Women in Ancient China had an important influence on Chinese olden novels at content and form. ─── 引用诗歌、民间歌谣和谚语入文,增强了文章的表现力。

22、”In olden times, if an aggrieved subject could make it to the capital, he was entitled to beat the imperial drum to attract the attention of the emperor or his staff. ─── 在古代,一位冤民如果能设法来到京城,就可以在朝堂外击鼓鸣冤,以引起皇帝或大臣的注意。

23、in (the) olden days (=in olden times ─── 古昔, 从前

24、Renown by : Cinnamon spicule feels appearance to let person couplet remember the name of Japanese olden money- - small sentence, reason gets this. ─── 小判草 名由 :黄褐色的小穗摸样让人联想起日本古时货币的名称--小判,故得此名。

25、The most limpid,which(omit) was always in the source.you can (could)make me (go)back to the childhood and some analogous olden days. ─── 最清澈的,总在源头。你能让我回到童年和与此比拟的旧时光。

26、in ancient times; in olden days ─── 古时候

27、I have been bound by my promises as rigidly as any knight of olden times ─── 我象一个古代的骑士那样信守着我的诺言。

28、A skilled carpenter reminds people of olden times in Taiwan because nowadays wooden objects are mostly machine-made. ─── 一个好木匠使人们想起旧时的台湾,因为现今的木制品大都由机器生产。

29、Olden days, all the animals wanted to have stories named after them, back in the days when the songs that sung the world were still being sung, back when they were still singing the sky and the rainbow and the ocean. ─── 往日,所有的动物都希望能有以自己为名的故事,在那唱颂世界的歌谣依旧被唱颂著,人们依然唱颂天空,彩虹,海洋的时日里。

30、In the olden days the girls were married young. ─── 在过去女孩子岁数不大就出嫁了。

31、Returning to the olden days, when we raised our own fruits and vegetables. ─── 不仅是因为他们付出过努力也为了那份成就感。

32、In the olden times (the early '80s), you interfaced with a computer via keyed-in command-line operations. ─── 在早些时候(八十年代),你通过键入命令行操作与计算机建立界面。

33、Distant ages and olden years ─── 世远年陈

34、The Confucian Ethics and the Change of Olden Matrimonial Ideas of China ─── 儒学伦理思想与中国古代婚姻观念流变之关系

35、Back in the goldenolden day of which the old-timers speak so fondly, hospitals were hotels for mildly sick people. ─── 回到过去的黄金时间,老前辈们如此喜欢那段时光,医院象旅馆,住的是轻病人。

36、Olden Town Black Coffee opened in April 2007 by Franco.Although it is a short period, but there always crowded with people. ─── 古街场咖啡店是在2007 年四月开始营业,虽然其日子不算长,但总是人潮涌涌。

37、Going with the social olden, hipbone fracture incidence caused by bone loosen increased, its syndrome is the major reason of elder disability and death. ─── 摘要随着社会老龄化,骨质疏松引起髋部骨折的发生率增高,髋部骨折制动所引起的并发症是老人致残和死亡的主要原因。

38、This was a long time ago, so long indeed that our grandfathers, and even GREat-grandfathers, would speak of those days as “olden times;”indeed, many centuries have passed since then. ─── 一只小蜘蛛,那他看不见的蜘蛛,满意地,忙碌地在他的身子上方织着网,就好像老人在阖上自己眼睛的时候,依然有一丝清新的悲纱在飘扬一样。

39、Fra Holbergs tid From Holberg's Time: Suite in the Olden Style), Op. 40, "Holberg Suite" ─── 从霍尔贝格时代:老风格组曲,作品40,“霍尔贝格组曲”

40、"We foot it all the night/weaving olden dances" (William Butler Yeats) ─── “跳了一整夜舞/踏着古老的舞步”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)

41、In olden days the coasts of England were harassed by the Vikings again and again ─── 古时候,英国沿海一带一再受到北欧海盗的窜扰。

42、classic cuisine of the olden days with roebuck, venison, wild boar, pheasant and fowl combined with wild mushrooms, berries and wine. ─── 新鲜野味,古代经典的烹饪方式,包括雄獐、鹿肉、野猪肉野鸡等野味配上野蘑菇、浆果以及葡萄酒。

43、In olden times, and Revolution era, held here is where many festive events.It is the symbol of Paris. ─── 古时候以及大革命时代,这里是举办许多节庆活动的地方.而且是巴黎的象征。

44、Long ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king. Some of his ideas were progressive. But others caused people to suffer. ─── 很久很久以前,有一位强权的国王。他的想法,有些有进步性,而有些却使他的人民遭受苦难。

45、Isn't it nice to have a wicked Baron just as in olden times? ─── 就象古时候那样,现在还有个缺德的男爵,多有意思?

46、I never really knew why she came back.. But I didn't care, it was like olden times. ─── 我从来没搞清楚她为什么回来,但我不在乎。

47、2. In olden times, in the case of fevers, the physician always let blood from the patient. ─── 古时,医生碰到病人患各种热病时,总是给病人放血。

48、She paused for a moment to look about her on hills and woods she had loved in olden days and still loved. ─── 她在那些曾经热爱而现在也依然喜爱着的山丘和树林间停下来等她。

49、Did you talk to Greg Olden or Thomas Jones? ─── 你同格来格.顿或托马斯.琼斯谈过了吗?

50、What was life like in the olden days , Gran? ─── 从前的生活是什么样的,奶奶?

51、Travel in olden times was far from smooth.There weremountains, steep slopes, and sharply winding roads to traverse. ─── 古时的旅途坎坷,有群山、陡峭的斜坡和急剧陡峭的山路。

52、In the houses of the olden days, these large trunks were found in every room and were used as substitutes for cupboards, to keep clothes and valuables. ─── 在过去的老房子里,总是能发现,每一个房间都有桑给巴尔木箱的身影,作为日常使用的柜子,用于存放衣服和家里的贵重物品。

53、Of the olden oak she died below ─── 她曾在古老橡树下长眠

54、The. rishis of olden times renounced everything and then contemplated Satchidananda, the Indivisible Brahman. ─── 往昔的圣人已经与一切断绝了关系,然后就凝视萨特旦安达,不可分割的梵天。”

55、18 Now she had on a long tunic, for that is how maiden princesses dressed in olden days. When his attendant put her out and barred the door after her, ─── 她那时穿著彩色长衣,因为君王的女儿,在未出嫁以前,昔日都是如此装束。他的仆人将她赶出去,随后锁上了门。

56、In olden days the coasts of England were harassed by the Vikings again and again. ─── 古时候, 英国沿海一带一再受到北欧海盗的窜扰。

57、avoid floor chaos uses the data with solid geometry design and colour differ depth, make the person produces rugged feeling so easily, trip of person of parallactic easy olden, child. ─── 二、忌地板乱用立体几何图案以及色彩深浅不一的材料,这样轻易使人产生高低不平的感觉,瞬间的视差易使老人、小孩摔倒。

58、its stately monuments of warriors and worthies of the olden time; ─── 昔日之豪杰贤士,皆有庄严肃穆之碑刻题咏以志纪念;

59、"Well, you can do to-day for me that which I did for you in the olden days. ─── “那么,我从前是怎样对待您的,您今天也可以怎样对待我。”

60、In the olden times, the diversity of groups was largely a geographical matter. ─── 在旧时代,群体的多样性大体上是地理上的关系。

61、Steven: Yes. I talked to Greg Olden and I talked to Thomas Jones too. They haven't worked at a television station either. ─── 史蒂文:是的,我同格来格&8226;顿谈过了,我也同托马斯&8226;琼斯谈过了。他们也都没有在电视台工作过。

62、Dorcas, in the simplicity of the olden time, watched by the bedside of her wounded lover, and administered all those comforts that are in the sole gift of woman's heart and hand. ─── 与印第安人的数次冲突当中,数1725年保卫边疆那一仗最富于传奇色彩。这一仗给人们留下“洛弗尔之战”的深刻记忆。

63、Olden times, most people did not wear socks while at work. ─── 在以前的时代,大部分人在工作时不穿袜子。

64、"What are bell and drum, rare dishes and treasure?Let me Br forever drunk and never come to reason!Sober men of olden days and sages are forgotten,And only the great drinkers are famous for all time." ─── "钟鼓馔玉不足贵, 但愿长醉不愿醒, 古来圣贤皆寂寞, 惟有饮者留其名"

65、Steven: He graduated from Columbia University last year... And Greg Olden went to Columbia, but he didn't graduate. ─── 史蒂文:他去年从哥伦比亚大学毕业&8943;&8943;格来格&8226;奥登也去了哥伦比亚,但他没有毕业。

66、Famous places of interest and relics of olden times ─── 名胜古迹

67、To think of olden times ─── 忆昔之时

68、In olden Nagaland, there used to be 16 different tribes of head-hunters.Prideful and aggressive, the Nagas were often at war with one another.To rid their enemies, they resorted to head-hunting. ─── 在印度东北的那加兰邦地区,长期以来实行封锁政策,加上山区的一些少数民族盛行猎人头,外人一直不敢接近。

69、Now he does like the rest; he must have a carriage and a posting-chaise, he must have luxuries, like the bishops of the olden days. ─── 现在却和其他人一样了,他非坐轿车和邮车不行了,他非享受从前那些主教所享受的奢侈品不可了。

70、We had a delightful time talking about the olden days on his farm. ─── 我们兴高采烈地聊起了在他农场度过的往昔时光。

71、Sometimes you see Kung-Fu thats not real. But it represents the truth from the olden times when people could still fly. ─── 有时候武侠片里面的功夫不是真的,不过也代表古时候真的有人会飞。

72、The parting usually saddens the ones in love since olden day, Yet in this bleak autumn, the grief is even more than I can say! ─── 自古以来多情的人最伤心的是离别,更何况又逢这冷落凄凉的秋天,这离愁哪能经受得了!

73、Jake: Greg Olden was a cameraman. ─── 杰克:格来格 •奥登是个摄影师。

74、Although branded goods make a strong statement in today's commercialised world, it was prevailing even in olden times . ─── 不论是在当今的商业社会,还在在古时候,品牌是一个产品强有力的证明。

75、Although branded goods make a strong statement in today's commercialised world, it was prevailing even in olden times. ─── 不论是在当今的商业社会,还在在古时候,品牌是一个产品强有力的证明。

76、it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days. ─── 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴阳缺,此事古难全。

77、In olden days in China, me nacing and unaccountable natural phenomena or disasters would often be blamed on demons or spirits. ─── 在中国,先民常将极具威胁性却又无法解释的自然现象或天灾,归于鬼神作祟。

78、in the olden days ─── 从前,过去

79、Jiangzhouxin jiang olden days, the Revolution was renamed after the abolition of state governancexin jiang. ─── 新绛旧称绛州,辛亥革命后废除州治改称新绛。

80、In olden times, influential families enjoyed special privileges. ─── 旧社会,门阀世家经常会享受到一些特权。

81、In the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king. ─── 在非常古老的年代里,曾有过一个半野蛮的国王.

82、In the olden days before the communists took over, the way for a man to show his prestige and wealth was to take a mistress. ─── 在解放前的旧社会,男人会通过娶姨太太来炫耀自己的地位和财富。

83、These industrial knights and princes might not be able to fence and ride like the knights and princes of the olden days, but they could do wonderful calculations on the abacus and drive motorcars. ─── 他们不像中古时代的那些骑士和王子会击剑,会骑马,他们却是打算盘,坐汽车。

84、3800 Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur. ─── 3800年,苏美尔的城市文明开始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,连同着伊利都和尼普一起开始。

85、he remembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling. ─── 他记着从前没有钱的生活。

86、Men have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. The moon dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days. ─── 人有悲伤与高兴,他们分分合合.月有阴晴圆缺,没有什么是完美的,即使不在以前的日子里

87、In olden times the coasts of England were frequently harassed by the Vikings. ─── 古代,英国海岸常受到北欧海盗的侵袭。

88、In olden times, people had no TV to watch. ─── 在以前,人们没有电视可看。

89、A literary writing which cherishes thoughts of the olden times and old friends ─── 怀旧之作

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