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09-21 投稿


outlast 发音

英:[ˌaʊtˈlæst]  美:[ˌaʊtˈlɑːst]

英:  美:

outlast 中文意思翻译



outlast 网络释义

vt. 比…长久;从…中逃生

outlast 词性/词形变化,outlast变形


outlast 短语词组

1、creeps plays outlast ─── 爬行动物玩得更久

outlast 相似词语短语

1、outcast ─── n.流浪的人;被驱逐的人;adj.被遗弃的;无家可归的;被逐出的

2、outlasts ─── vt.比…长久;从…中逃生

3、outlash ─── 输出

4、outlasted ─── vt.比…长久;从…中逃生

5、outcaste ─── n.由自己的阶级被逐出的人;adj.贱民的;无种姓的;vt.把…逐出阶级之外

6、outboast ─── 夸耀

7、outfast ─── 出类拔萃

8、bootlast ─── 鞋楦

9、outcasts ─── n.放逐者(outcast的复数形式);v.抛弃,逐出(outcast的第三人称单数)

outlast 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His grandmother will outlast his grandfather. ─── 他祖母会比他祖父长寿。

2、Many analysts believe that the flight to private labels will outlast the downturn. ─── 很多分析家相信,消费者转买自有品牌不只是经济衰退下的暂时行为。

3、She continued to field their problems to the end of her life, though her political career as such did not long outlast a spell in Delhi's Tihar prison in 1975, under Indira Gandhi. ─── 她终其一生都在为人民排忧解难,尽管英吉拉甘地[任总理]的1975年,她受到指控被关进德里的第哈尔监狱,政治生涯终结。

4、Great people are just ordinary people who don't give up.Successful people simply outlast their critics. ─── 伟大的人只是永不放弃的普通人,成功的人始终单纯忍受人的批评。

5、These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms. ─── 这些自然风干的花会比一束鲜花更为持久。

6、It takes two to outlast me ─── 它另双方比我永恒

7、Ah no, my hearers, the monument is made of hardy material, but the lie it tells will outlast it a million years. ─── 唉,错哉,听众们,纪念碑是用坚硬材料建造的,而它所晓示的谎言却将比它持久百万年。

8、Projects also may often have intended and unintended social, economic and environmental impacts that far outlast the projects themselves. ─── 项目还经常会产生比项目本身更久远的、事先想到或未曾预料到的社会、经济和环境后果。

9、Long-term differences in national attitudes to subjects such as property ownership, which outlast economic cycles, may also have played a part in today's findings. ─── 该研究利用面对面调查和网络调查两种方式,结果的误差可能受此和样本大小的影响,

10、This clock has outlast ed several owners. ─── 这座时钟的寿命比它的几个主人的寿命都长.

11、Outlast viscose fiber ─── Outlast粘胶纤维

12、The Cobalt SS coupe will outlast the sedan, but both will be gone by the end of the 2009 calendar year. ─── 钴不锈钢跑车将经久耐用的轿车,但双方都将不复存在年底的2009日历年。

13、Used in conjunction with Repair Drones and Corrupters, one Devourer can outlast multiple Scorpions. ─── 配合修理机械蜂和腐蚀者的话,一个吞食者可以干掉更多的蝎子。

14、In my ever-dwindling free time, I am into creating art with my true friends most of all.And I believe that beyond a shadow of a doubt that Art Will Outlast Hatred. ─── 所以说,东方文化的优点在某一时期恰是她的短处所在。

15、Do not engage in battle.Just sever their supply routes, surround and guard them, and you will certainly outlast them.Do not set fire to what the people have accumulated; ─── 然后用我第三支部队,以车骑直驱敌后,敌人必不敢继续突围,我军也不要急于 进攻,只要断绝其粮道,把他围困起来,日子一久,敌人就会投降。

16、"We never go out." "That's not true. We went outlast week." ─── 我们从来没出去过。不对,上个星期我们才出去过。

17、So not only will the police be able to pursue at very high speeds, but they will possibly outlast the baddies over long distance chases. ─── 因此,不仅警方能够继续以非常高的速度,但他们可能会经久耐用的baddies远距离追逐.

18、None of this may outlast the election. ─── 这些事情持续的时间都没有选举长。

19、The political system will outlast most of us. ─── 我们大多数人将看不到这一政治制度的消亡。

20、The tough composite of engineered thermoplastic and fiberglass that makes the tool extremely durable and able to outlast conventional plastics also made it uniquely difficult to reprocess. ─── 在艰难的综合工程热塑性塑料和玻璃纤维,使该工具非常耐用,能够经久耐用传统塑料还具有独特很难再。

21、Pericardial Aortic Valves Outlast Earlier Generation Porcine Valves ─── 心包动脉瓣比前一代的猪瓣膜更耐用

22、Each Cold Wrap Bottle has a full-wrap label, developed in collaboration with Smyth Companies, that is coated on the backside with Outlast technology. ─── 每个冷包装瓶有一个全面的包装标签,合作开发兰克史密斯公司,这是涂层的背面与经久耐用技术。

23、When I look into myself, I find my strongest desire is to create a monument, to build something which will outlast me. ─── 当我观察自己时,我发现我最强的欲望是创造一个铭记,建筑某些可以遗留身后的东西。

24、The search for meaning is similarly paradoxical: the more we rationally seek it, the less we find it, the questions that one can pose about meaning will always outlast the answers (Yalom). ─── 找到自己真正喜欢做的事,并且一心把自己喜欢的事做得尽善尽美,这一生也就应该不会后悔了。

25、Besides, a lack of progress in the talks (which could outlast Mr Blair's premiership) would make it harder for him to impose the policies he needs to defend his domestic targets. ─── 此外,谈判不见进展(甚至可能拖到布莱尔任期之后),他就更没办法实施所需政策,来捍卫在国内制定的目标。

26、One thing is clear: dyeing hair is a trans-culturally ingrained phenomenon that will long outlast my next dye job. ─── 有一点是清楚的:在我下次染发之后很长时间里,染发这一跨文化的根深蒂固的现象还会持续下去。

27、Can he build a bank that will outlast him? ─── 那么他一手缔造的银行是否能比他更长寿?

28、Outlast fiber ─── Outlast纤维

29、That has buoyed hopes that his administration, which faced down violent protests in April, can outlast its short-lived predecessors. ─── 在制止了4月份剧烈的示威抗议之后,这次胜利给了阿披实政府一个喘息的机会,它有可能比短命的前任政府活得久一点。

30、To outlast those dark clouds, ─── 乌云会侵入你的生活

31、Even those leafless beech trees would outlast him. ─── 甚至那些光秃秃的山毛榉树也会比他活得长久。

32、I will dance metaphorically over his grave, if the old buzzard doesn't outlast me. ─── 如果这个小人比我短命的话,我会在他坟上起舞。

33、The old man is still in excellent health; so it's possible that he will outlast his wife. ─── 那位老人身体还十分结实,看来他可能比他妻子在世的时间要长。

34、Most sealants are acrylic polymer formulas that outshine and outlast the most expensive waxes. ─── 多数密封胶是丙烯酸聚合体,比昂贵的蜡还要闪亮,耐久。

35、But will the senator's luck outlast the primary season? ─── 现在问题是麦凯恩参议员的好运气还将继续吗?

36、The tree you plant today will outlast you, and your grandchildren. ─── 今天你所种植的树将会比你和你的子孙存活得还久。

37、How can these players Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast is the question that the game revolves around. ─── ,获胜者将获得100万美元的奖金。

38、Singapore has strengths which will let us outlast this recession. ─── 我国有实力应对这场经济衰退。

39、It really only helps vs specific teams that are other outlast combo's. ─── 影遁只对打特定的队伍,耗队的时候有用,例如术德。

40、Replaceable self-sharpening plastic punches are able to significantly outlast conventional steel punches in most applications. ─── 可更换的自锐塑料拳能够显着持续时间超过普通钢拳打在大多数应用中。

41、You can outlast the Energizer bunny. ─── 你比劲量的兔子更持久。

42、He will outlast me ─── 他将比我长寿。

43、Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them. ─── 古罗马文化业已衰亡,而以其文明所建的圆柱现在依然存在。

44、you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you. ─── 你们无法拖垮我们,我们必将战胜你们。

45、Indeed, perversely but understandably, talk of engaging the Taliban encourages them to think they can outlast the West. ─── 事实上,不太恰当但可以理解的是,与塔利班交手的谈论促使他们认为会比西方国家存在的更长久。

46、The army's influence can outlast its direct control. ─── 因此军队的影响往往比他们的任期更久。

47、The old man is still in excellent health; so it's possible that he will outlast his wife. ─── 那位老人身体还十分结实,看来他可能比他妻子在世的时间要长。

48、Clarissa, who had aided the Baron in his crime, now urges Belinda to give up her anger in favor of good humor and good sense, moral qualities which will outlast her vanities. ─── 曾经帮助过伯爵偷发的克丽莎力劝博琳娜不要让愤怒蒙蔽了判断力及幽默感,并且也说好的德性远胜过于虚荣。

49、They might even outlast the total collapse of the high industrial system that had invented their technology. ─── 他们甚至可能在高度发达的工业体系全面崩溃后继续存活,而正是这一体系发明了他们所使用的科技。

50、This generally is the stage of a campaign when Democrats have to work hard to get excited about whichever candidate seems most likely to outlast an uninspiring pack. ─── 对民主党来说,这个时候一般是他们努力对竞选产生兴趣,看看哪位候选人能够从让人不痛不痒的一群中胜出。

51、Ride out To survive or outlast ─── 安然渡过,经受得住

52、Land's permanence also means that it will normally be expected to outlast uses and improvements, which have a finite life. ─── 土地的耐久性也意谓它通常将被期望较使用和改良经久,这有一个有限的生命。

53、My life should thus outlast the universe, With sun and moon supreme. ─── 与天地兮同寿,与日月兮齐光。(九章涉江)

54、After that, it may just be a matter of waiting: their best hope may be to outlast rather than outdo the West. ─── 然后,只是个等待的问题而已:他们最美好的愿望就是能够熬过西方而不是打过。

55、These marvelous10 little creatures have been on Earth for more than 140 million years. Ants easily outlasted the dinosaurs, and they will easily outlast humanity should we stumble11. ─── 这些非凡的小生物已经在地球上生存了长达1.4亿年了,它们轻松地超过了恐龙的存活期限,同样也将比人类的足迹更久远。

56、At times, myalgias, which occur 5 times more commonly after ambulatory surgery than in the inpatient population, may far outlast the discomforts associated with the surgical procedure itself. ─── 有时,门诊较住院手术病人发生率高5倍,它能较手术本身引起更长远地不适。

57、Our razor sharp plastic punches are self-sharpening and are able to significantly outlast conventional steel punches in most applications. ─── 我们的锋利塑料冲是自激化,并能显着持续时间超过普通钢在大多数应用中拳。

58、Folk songs outlast most popular songs, and they may also be much older than art songs; for the latter generally go back to the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries at most, while some folk songs survive from the Middle Ages or earlier. ─── 民歌的生命力比大部分的流行歌曲更长久,比美声歌曲更古老,因为美声歌曲至多起始于十八或十九世纪,而有些民歌则在中世纪或更早的年代就已产生。

59、He can outlast anyone on the dance floor. ─── 舞场上,他比谁都能跳。

60、The same used to apply to Colombia, where drug money allowed the communist FARC guerrillas to outlast the end of the cold war. ─── 以前哥伦比亚也有同样的问题。贩毒赚来的钱让共产主义FARC游击队撑到冷战结束后。

61、If you're going to outlast this process and prevail, you have to take care of yourself. ─── 这就是说要去放松,使大脑暂时不考虑那些挑战、沮丧和拒绝。

62、You who will outlast me. ─── 你谁将经久耐用箱。

63、You need high stamina to outlast them, bow them whenever they root you if possible go for a blind bandage stunlock when DOT wears off, chase them down with sprint at right times. ─── 你需要很高的耐力来打败他们,在他根你的时候就射他,如果可能的话,在DOT消失的时候,至盲然后绷带,在适当时候急跑然后追下去打。

64、He can outlast anyone on the dance floor. ─── 在舞场上,他比谁都能跳。

65、The gold standard failed to outlast the Depression. ─── 金本位制度在大萧条后难以为继。

66、Their obstructionism will outlast King Abdullah's reign. ─── 他们的蓄意阻挠会比阿卜杜拉国王的统治持续得更久。

67、Outlast air-conditioning fiber ─── Outlast空调纤维

68、The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. ─── 将生命花在比生命更长远的事上,就是尽用生命。

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