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09-21 投稿


mightiness 发音

英:[ˈmaɪtɪnɪs]  美:[ˈmaɪtinɪs]

英:  美:

mightiness 中文意思翻译



mightiness 词性/词形变化,mightiness变形

名词: mightiness |形容词比较级: mightier |形容词最高级: mightiest |

mightiness 同义词

almighty | monumental | gigantic | colossal | stout | influential |powerful | grand | manly | muscular | massive | vigorous | lusty | enormous | potent | violent | hearty | iron | hale | impressive | mightily | sturdy | robust | expansive | right | husky | strong | great | huge | forceful | immense | rugged | hardy | vast

mightiness 反义词


mightiness 相似词语短语

1、rightness ─── n.公正;正直;廉正;贴切

2、tightness ─── n.紧密,坚固

3、mightiest ─── 强大的;有力的(mighty的最高级)

4、weightiness ─── n.重;重要性

5、sightliness ─── 视力

6、flightiness ─── n.疯狂;轻浮

7、almightiness ─── n.全能

8、mistiness ─── n.模糊;雾浓;朦胧

9、lightness ─── n.轻盈;轻松;明亮;(颜色)浅淡

mightiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Though its scale extension, the modern feeling mightiness, but Ho Chi Minh City still keeps its ancient old tradition and cultures. ─── 尽管它的规模扩大,现代感强烈,但是胡志明市仍然保持着它的古老传统和文化。

2、The mightiness of science is not enough, only by returning to the nature of human can we find the true spring of the happiness of human beings. ─── 仅仅有科技理性的强大是不够的,只有回到人的本性,才能找回属于人的幸福。

3、mightiness strap ─── 强力带式输送机

4、The Legalist Management Which Putting Stress on the Interest and Mightiness and in Pursuit of the Efficiency ─── 重利求强与追求效率的法家管理

5、Have the art atmosphere of the mightiness. ─── 具有强烈的艺术感染力。

6、1.Diligent, begin ability strong, team consciousness mightiness, be good at with others communication, have a good human relations association ability. ─── 1.吃苦耐劳,动手能力强,团队意识强烈,善于和他人沟通,具备很好的人际交往能力。

7、Our factory specially manufactures a series of furniture articles, such as transparence cupula with hook、mightiness dauby hook、pothook、key buckle、opening bottle ware、soapbox, and so on. ─── 家居用品系列可提供各式透明吸盘钩,强力粘钩、挂钩、锁匙扣、开瓶器、肥皂盒等一系列成品。

8、In contrast, Chinese universities were set up in perils and developed as tools for country's mightiness and prosperity, so it has no chances to realize autonomy. ─── 中国大学的建立和发展是国家在面临巨大危机的情况下进行的,作为富国强兵的工具,大学不可能摆脱政府的影响而发展成为自治实体。

9、Advertised of the instant result mean the advertisement is after release immediately produce of society echo, echo mightiness, then explain immediately effective; ─── 广告的即时效果是指广告在发布后立即产生的社会反响,反响强烈,则说明即时效果好;

10、Mightiness and Blindness in Account Administration ─── 客户关系管理的强大与盲目

11、mightiness rubber belt machine ─── 强力胶带机

12、Competing with mightiness could become mightiness ─── 与强者竞争才能成为强者

13、The abundant experience enriched young I:The ambition of the bright personality, firm profession foundation, mightiness with beg to know to want, good begin the ability, higher art accomplishment; ─── 请大侠帮我翻译一下“丰富的阅历丰富了年轻的我:开朗的性格,扎实的专业基础,强烈的上进心和求知欲,良好的动手能力,较高的艺术修养;

14、Soil erosion that on the other hand the village life and agriculture produce to be short of water seriously, on the other hand the mightiness again make in large quantity watch flow run off. ─── 一方面农村生活及农业生产严重缺水,另一方面强烈的水土流失又使得大量地表径流流失。

15、Consider, my soul, the mightiness of the Lord who is thy glory and defence. ─── 请思想主的大能,祂是你的荣耀和你的保障。

16、mightiness anchored bolt ─── 强力锚杆

17、Domain models will mostly be shaped on a foundation of autonomy which has organically risen from culture, history and mightiness. ─── 领域模型成形的基础主要是自治团体,后者源于文化、历史和权力。

18、Nine line dragon history enter to say, now say this to have to use, be still viewpoint this reflection mightiness of the problem solve once just good. ─── 九纹龙史进说,如今说这有何用,还是想法把这反映强烈的问题解决一下才好。

19、Sale exceed fifty million in 2003,then it afford mightiness assure for company develop. ─── 2003年公司的销售额达到了3000千万,从而为公司业务规模的迅速发展提供了有力的保证。

20、Philippines president invite of poise mightiness attraction she of advocator , but she emphasize a can accept a husband of kiss. ─── 菲律宾总统阿罗约的风度强烈吸引着她的拥护者,但她强调只能接受丈夫的亲吻。

21、As long as we insist on the progressive policy, our country will be mightiness to a certainly. ─── 只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的国家。

22、Water loved a month feeling to arrive mightiness of murderous look! ─── 水恋月感受到了强烈的杀气!

23、mightiness belt ─── 强力胶带

24、no denying the mightiness of the sea. ─── 否认海的伟大呢?

25、Calculation and Selection of Mightiness Strap ─── 强力带式输送机的选型计算

26、It was inclined to believe that mightiness was criminous and the weaker was victim cause of naive everyone of us. ─── 我们所有的人总是倾向于认为,强力是罪犯,而软弱是纯真的受害者。

27、What great is lonely mightiness or strong loneliness? ─── 是孤独的强大,还是强大的孤独。

28、Liverpool has already shown its mightiness, and Arsenal's youngsters have also behaved bravely and skillfully. ─── 利物浦已经展示了他们的强大,年轻的枪手们也已经表现出了勇敢和精湛的技艺。

29、But this two reason have already let I to love creation mightiness of interest. ─── 但这两个理由已经让我对爱产生强烈的兴趣了。

30、Analysing the difference because of the vary mixing ratio material, explaining the influence about mightiness, handle, energy, cost and application. ─── 说明了在短纤热轧非织造布的生产过程中采用不同的原料及不同的配比对产品的强力、手感、能耗、成本以及应用都有影响。

31、If have no optimism to work hard upward the enterprising desire of spirit and mightiness in the competition of vehemence, can hardly achieve success. ─── 如果在激烈的竞争中,没有乐观向上的拼搏精神以及强烈的进取欲望,是很难获得成功的。

32、Will have a kind of mightiness of a depended it of pleasant sensation. ─── 都会有一种强烈的一靠了之的快感。

33、Inquiried into the land to make use of the development direction of the dynamic state monitor finally. ( Despise the on-line translation) mightiness of again strong!!! ─── 最后探讨了土地利用动态监测的发展方向. (鄙视在线翻译)强烈之再强烈!!!

34、A sort of unspeakable enthusiasm is stirred up in the deep of my heart after enjoying the mightiness of supremacy. ─── 今天我第三次登上帝陵封土,感受舍我其谁的王者霸气,一种说不出的开阔与豁达激荡于心底。

35、It has the advantages of low investment, mightiness function and high automation. ─── 它投资少,功能齐全,自动化程度高。

36、Her goneness was invasive,always forced him to surrender,until he lost his mightiness all and become a rabbit in her arms. ─── 她的软弱是侵略性的,一直迫使他投降,直到最后完全丧失强力,变成了一只她怀中的兔子。她无法摆脱那个梦。

37、The unguis and mouth look like a hook,make us feel funk or enjoy it; it's beauty from mightiness also is acuity and make more painter giving highly praise . ─── 它那如钩的爪和嘴,令人恐惧,也令人欣赏,是强力之美,也是尖锐之美,引无数画家竞折腰

38、Suddenly, a mightiness of the cold idea is from Liu2 Man3 Tang2 with the black dress person's formation. ─── 忽然间,一股强烈的寒意从刘满堂和黑衣人之间形成。

39、, having foundation factor to decide the business enterprise competition ability which having mightiness influence to business enterprise employee"s hobby and behavioral and important functions . ─── 企业经营机制,包括决策机制、分配机制、激励机制等,具有强烈影响企业员工偏好及行为的重要功能,是决定企业竞争力的基础性要素。

40、And the mountain town, almost split apart by the wrath of His Mightiness, awaited the storm that might come in no time. ─── 亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。一场暴雨随时等候着雷公的派遣。

41、Now has a kind of voice very mightiness, be want force-out you, to this you do what evaluation? ─── 现在有一种声音很强烈,就是要封杀您,对此你做何评价?

42、He thought in the condition of the enemy was mightiness and we were infirmness, We must constitute an available policy in order to stay in the international world. ─── 他认为在敌强我弱的情况下,要想在国际大家庭中争得一席平等地位,就得制定一种有效的方略。

43、Keywords mightiness strap;power conveyor;belt tension summary; ─── 强力带式输送机;驱动功率;输送带张力;

44、Blue sky and carpet, red post, red light cage and red flag etc. result in mightiness of contrast, and increment festival of pleased celebrate atmosphere. ─── 蓝天与地毯、红柱子、红灯笼及红旗等造成强烈的对比,并增加了节日的喜庆气氛。

45、I don't know is because of this world variety too quick still because of I thought of desire more and more mightiness. ─── 我不知道是因为这个世界变化太快还是因为我思想的欲望越来越强烈。

46、However, with the economic recession and the mightiness of Right opportunist tendencies in the late of 1960s and early 1970s, the student movement and hippy culture faded. ─── 他们的努力取得一定成果,成为牵制美国对越战争的主要力量,但是随着60年代末,70年代初美国经济的衰退和右倾势力的强大,学生运动和嬉皮士文化都走向衰落。

47、Currently, happiness education is continuously made use of school teaching and produced to the traditional inflexible teaching mode mightiness of pound at. ─── 目前,快乐教育不断被运用到学校教学中,对传统的死板的教学模式产生了强烈的冲击。

48、U.N. General Secretary Anna announce to talk, mightiness the rebuke be this time to assassinate affairs, and mean regret. ─── 联合国秘书长安南发表讲话,强烈谴责此次暗杀事件,并表示遗憾。

49、it was the wind that overthrew the pigeon-house, and broke the vane that had been imprudently set up to tell the movements of its mightiness; ─── 是风吹倒了鸽子棚,吹断了冒失地竖起来观测风力风向的风信标;

50、Brazil the president see compatriot get to humiliate, immediately quote from classics works, volunteer to help, mightiness protest Italy of absurdity. ─── 巴西总统见同胞挨欺侮,立即引经据典,挺身而出,强烈抗议意大利的无稽之谈。

51、.Coarsely and finely washing by ultrasonic, auto mightiness turn, back-rinsing, finely washing cillin bottle by high pressure water and air. ─── .超声波进行粗洗,高压水、气进行西林瓶自动翻转强力倒冲精洗。

52、Yes, dialectic is the basis for philosophy construction;it has firm mightiness, seems that no body can shake it and even has no concept of shaking it. ─── 是的,辩证法还是构造“哲学”的基础,具有坚如磐石般的强大,好象是谁也无法撼动的,甚至是摇动它的概念都不应该有。

53、Dust collector : build-in mightiness dust collector, clear machine and currency. ─── 吸尘器:内置强力吸尘器,清洁机器和货币。

54、Mightiness Power for Taking the Lead in Realizing Modernization of Guangdong Province Basically ─── 依靠科技进步,发展高科技,为广东率先基本实现现代化提供强大动力

55、He saw journalism as a calling, like later reporters who took him as a model in the mightiness of their efforts. ─── 如同以后其它尽自己最大努力以其为楷模的记者一样,他将新闻事业看作上帝使命的召唤。

56、Again faint.Combine mightiness suggestion department concerned's checking what that examinee's ancestry go into be what party. ─── 再次昏倒。并强烈建议有关部门查一查该考生的祖先入的是什么党。

57、From here not difficult see, the literature rises in the social activities count for much function, the mightiness that have the immortality of, the power that shock. ─── 由此不难看出,文学在社会生活中起着非常重要的作用,有着不朽的强烈的、震撼的力量。

58、The description way of artist:"With lover's secret rendezvous, very frightened the romance expose creation scandal, but also therefore bring mightiness of excitement and tremor." ─── 艺术家描述道:“和情人幽会时,非常害怕恋情暴露产生丑闻,但也因此带来了强烈的兴奋和震颤。”

59、It is in modern construction, the development of the mightiness request to cause the ecosystem balance of that region were break by severity, the ecosystem is harmonious to cause the people to value more and more. ─── 其在现代化建设中,强烈的发展要求导致该地区的生态平衡道到严重破坏,生态和谐越来越多地引起人们重视。

60、Our work needs to have the team spirit of the mightiness, needing and teaching the cooperation outside, communication. ─── 我们的工作需要有强烈的团队精神,需要和外教合作,沟通。

61、It is provided with low-power, high precision, mightiness calculative function, simple operation, portable and less infection versus product work, etc. ─── 与同类产品相比较,具有功耗低,精度高,计算功能强大,操作简单,携带方便和对生产工作影响小等特点。

62、Her goneness was invasive, always forced him to surrender, until he lost his mightiness all and become a rabbit in her arms. ─── 她的软弱是侵略性的,一直迫使他投降,直到最后完全丧失强力,变成了一只她怀中的兔子。她无法摆脱那个梦。

63、In early modem England, the overseas trade experienced a process from weakness to mightiness. ─── 摘要近代早期英国海外贸易由弱到强不断得到发展。

64、In fact, its prolific critical vigor just comes from the rival's maturity and mightiness. ─── 也正因为其批判对象的成熟和强大,它才更具有旺盛的批判活力。

65、"not, I still keep go home, people want to see the wishes of home town, ratio what all mightiness, this using truth be hard to say the pure." ─── “不,我还是回家,人们想看看故乡的愿望,比什么都强烈,这用道理是难以说清的。”

66、Red symbolizes the courage and mightiness, white symbolizes the chasteness and cleanly, blue symbolizes the guard, persistent, dauntless and justice. ─── 红色象征勇气和强大,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色象征警惕、坚忍不拔和正义。

67、This work developped my careful careful work attitude, helping the work principle for make mutually, also developping the responsibility of my mightiness. ─── 这份工作养成了我严谨仔细的工作态度,相互协作的工作理念,同时也培养了我强烈的责任心。

68、Music creation because had it of mightiness but clear character characteristic but be full of magic power. ─── 音乐创造因为有了它的强烈而清晰的个性特征而充满魅力。

69、I again mightiness request the owner clinch a deal with me by 198 pieces 7 prices, this is me at that time of all house be. ─── 我又强烈要求老板以198块7的价格与我成交,这是我当时的全部家当。

70、> The experience is one of total mesmerization.In the>mightiness of the snowy, regal yet rigorous mountains, there> emerged a touch of near holiness - belittling everything> else in me. ─── 完成这段旅程后,再到任何的地方去都难再寻到那种激动,那种折服,那种想叩伏的感觉。

71、3.Firm foundation knowledge and mightiness of spirit of enterprise, can be very quick to control a new information to know with new technique. ─── 3.扎实的基础知识和强烈的进取心,能够很快掌握新知识和新技术。

72、The dinosaurs living 6,500 years ago were not so balanced because they no longer exist today despite their mightiness at that time. ─── 6500年前的恐龙就不是这样,虽然它当时很强大,但今天毕竟不复存在,所以,恐龙是不平衡的。

73、we look to our baseness and see that there are manifestations of a mightiness on us. That is to say, ─── 当我们观察自己时,我们发现了自己本身就是一个强大的证明。就是说,

74、The silk's elegance and palace's mightiness amaze the guests. ─── 丝绸的华丽与典雅,宫廷的大气与尊贵,令与会的嘉宾心醉神迷。

75、How to gain our ends that country is richness and mightiness that people is happiness ─── 依靠什么走向国家富强、人民幸福

76、Don't complain enemy who is mightiness. ─── 不要沮丧敌人的力量是如何的强大。

77、But because of the city country residents' income increase exaltation etc. reason, this year consume the need also appeared mightiness rebound. ─── 但由于城乡居民收入增幅提高等原因,今年消费需求也出现了强烈反弹。

78、Accidentally and first is one Leng, then mightiness answer criticism:Wrong, is a five people! ─── 偶先是一愣,然后强烈反驳:错,是五口!

79、his high mightiness ─── 尊贵的殿下

80、It claws and mouth look like hooks, frightening yet admirable. It is the beauty of mightiness and keenness that arouse countless painters' interesting. ─── 它那如钩的爪和嘴,令人恐惧,也令人欣赏,是强力之美,也是尖锐之美,引无数画家竞折腰。

81、There is on denying the mightiness of the sea. ─── 谁能否认海的伟大呢?

82、Wu3 Song Rang4 knew what is a love, in her heart flow out to move most mightiness of, expectation most deep of that kind of felling. ─── 武松让她知道了什么是爱,她内心里涌动最强烈的,期待得最深的那种感觉。

83、The Application of Single-chip Microcomputer to Filament Mightiness Instrument ─── 单片机在单纤维电子强力仪中的应用

84、About this standard supply hull mightiness structure hole and reinforce when pipe system and cable through it. ─── 本标准适用于管系,电缆穿过船体强力构件时的开孔及补强。

85、2008 September, China declare to no longer participate any relevant the meeting which dissolve a peninsula crisis, the United States mean mightiness disaffection. ─── 2008年9月,中国宣布不再参与任何有关化解半岛危机的会议,美国表示强烈不满.

86、Since transport power is great,transport distance is long,the common adhesive tape can not settle for transportation.Select tight write core mightiness strap,increase natural life of use. ─── 由于运输能力大,运输距离长,普通输送带难以满足要求,因此选用钢绳芯强力输送带,增加了输送带使用寿命。

87、The mightiness information of video communication makes the design of the wireless video communication become inevitable trend. ─── 视频通信的强大信息量使得开发无线视频通信成为必然之势。

88、Philippines president invite of poise mightiness attraction she of advocator, but she emphasize a can accept a husband of kiss. ─── 菲律宾总统阿罗约的风度强烈吸引着她的拥护者,但她强调只能接受丈夫的亲吻。

89、The foundation of enterprise depends on quality and its mightiness depends on brand ─── 品质立企品牌强企

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