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09-21 投稿


laudative 发音

英:[['lɔ:dətɪv]]  美:[['lɔ:dətɪv]]

英:  美:

laudative 中文意思翻译



laudative 相似词语短语

1、exudative ─── adj.渗出性的;流出的

2、allative ─── n.向格;adj.向格的

3、causative ─── adj.成为原因的;惹起…的;n.使役动词

4、nauseative ─── 恶心

5、laudation ─── n.赞美;颂词;称赞

6、maturative ─── adj.使化脓的;有助于成熟的;n.化脓剂

7、ablative ─── adj.离格的;消融的;n.烧蚀材料;离格

8、lacerative ─── adj.有伤害或撕破力的

9、laxative ─── n.泻药;[药]缓泻药;adj.通便的

laudative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Undoubtedly, the 60-years achievements acquired by the Republic are laudable/ worthy to laud. ─── 共和国60年取得的成就自然值得赞颂。

2、11 And again: “Praise the LORD, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!”[e ─── 11又说:外邦啊,你们当赞美主!万民哪,你们都当颂赞他!

3、We laud him a warmhearted man. ─── 我们称赞他是个热心人。

4、You deserve laud and honor. ─── 理应受到公开表扬。

5、speak in superlatives; laud sth. to the skies; extravagantly lad ─── 天花乱坠

6、We won't bend before the catastrophe, never, for we will mirth all together, we will have fun on the same laud, spring is forever here. ─── 我们不会在大灾难前低头,永远不会,因为我们还要共同欢笑,还有一块地等待着我们一同玩耍,希望仍旧在这里。

7、The third, the compliment can draw near interpersonal distance, Chien in brief 1 of list laud, can make others mood delectation, make the communication become more easy. ─── 第三,恭维能拉近人与人之间的距离,简简单单的一句赞美,能使他人心情愉快,使沟通变得更加容易。

8、I also laud the lotus, its silt but don't dye, even show the noble and tranquil and enjoyable character; ─── 我也赞美莲花,它出淤泥而不染,更显高贵幽雅的品格;

9、I laud nurses: They can undertake the responsibility as a daughter, as a mother and as a wife by their tender shoulder. ─── 我赞美护士能用柔弱的肩膀帮挑起一份女儿、母亲、妻子的重担;

10、laud use database ─── 土地利用数据库

11、Laud an organization for its environmental consciousness. ─── 嘉奖某个组织注重环保。

12、I laud nurses: They have clean and pure mind, classic thoughts and feelings; they always remain smile to every patient; they devote themselves without any pay. ─── 我赞美护士有着纯洁的心灵和高尚的情操,走近每一位患者总是带着一份职业性的微笑。

14、and how will i speak? i will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; ─── 我该怎样说呢?我赞美敌人,敌人于是成为朋友;

15、The Laud To Napoleon Bonaparte In August the fifteenth ─── 在八月十五日

16、Behind me now the guards that were running after me from the station came up to the other guards that just had let me pass by and there was a laud yell. ─── 现在我身后的警卫被运行后,我从车站走到其他警卫说,刚刚让我经过和有赞扬吼叫。

17、1.to praise and admire; to speak in laudatory terms; to laud; to extol; to exalt; to glorify 2.compliments; praises ─── 赞美

18、laud to the skies ─── 把…捧上天

19、That is why we not only laud the country's progress, but also criticise its imperfections; ─── 这就是为什么我们不只赞美国家的进步,也批评它的不尽完美;

20、I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends ─── 我赞美敌人,敌人于是成为朋友

21、laud sb. to the skies ─── 对某人备加赞颂

22、It is a meakness of human nature.We know that if we laud our friend he will sing an eulogy on us the next minute,so it only natural we should do it,after all. ─── 众所周知:我们若赞美自己的朋友,他忙就会唱出赞美我们的颂歌,所以我们无论如何都应该赞美朋友,这再自然不过了!。

23、1.clear; evident; conspicuous; obvious; 2.to praise; to extol; to laud ─── 彰

24、This this is Christ the King Whom shepherds guard and angels sing: Haste haste to bring Him laud The Babe the Son of Mary. ─── 他是基督我王,天使歌唱牧人欢欣:快来向他颂扬,救主基督至圣婴。

25、laud v. ─── 褒奖;

26、In the mid Yuan Dynasty, it was to laud the recovery of examination, to adore the ancient time and Confucianism as well as to complain the society. ─── 元代中期辞赋作品的主要情感是赞美复科、崇古尚理、怨世自伤;

27、African governments, though, laud China for giving aid without the strings Westerners often attach, and are counting on China standing by them in tough economic times. ─── 然而,非洲政府却高度赞扬中国无条件慷慨解囊,并希望中国能够帮助非洲度过艰难的金融海啸时期。

28、We laud thy glorious name ─── 我们赞美您那光辉的名字。

29、In both public and private, they laud and edify others and praise them for their ideas, energy, loyalty, and achievements. ─── 所有这一切,适合于各行各业,包括家庭生活。成人应该谦卑地推崇他们的孩子,把谦卑心和自豪心灌注到孩子的心灵中去,帮助他们成长、发展。

30、I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; I will encourage my friends and they will become brothers. ─── 我赞美敌人。敌人于是成为朋友;我鼓励朋友,朋友于是成为手足。

31、laud sth. (or sb.) to the skies ─── 吹得神乎其神

32、Those who laud the Chinesecultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale inthe recent circumstances of Hong Kong's rich. ─── 那些赞美中国勤俭节约文化的人们可能还会发现,香港富人状况最近出现了一个值得注意的变化。

33、I laud nurses: They devote all their tenderness, their concern and love. They devote their precious youth, work for everyone's health and happiness. ─── 我赞美护士他们奉献的是一丝温情,一份关爱,一滴汗水,一份真情;他们奉献的士最最宝贵的青春,换来的是千家万户的幸福和健康拥有者的安详;南丁格尔精神永不灭。

34、With few exceptions, politicians and economists lined up to praise Mr Bernanke and to laud Mr Obama for keeping him. ─── 几乎所有的政治家和经济学家一致称赞伯南克先生,并称道奥巴马留下伯南克之举。

35、The Leaders of Six Religions laud all those who promptly donated funds/participated actively in front-line assistance to the victims. ─── 本港各宗教除迅即展开急赈筹募外,并分别举行悼念活动,祷愿亡者灵魂安息,伤者早日康复。

36、rural laud authority investigation ─── 农村土地权属调查

37、laud "n. ─── 赞美,称赞"

38、One generation will laud Your works to another, And they will declare Your mighty acts. ─── 4这一代要对另一代称颂你的作为,他们要传扬你的大能。

39、I had to walk as if I ran it made a lot of noise from stones that touched my feet and as the station was so quiet it felt as if this noise was laud. ─── 我不得不走,好像我跑它取得了很大的噪音石头触动我的脚和车站是如此安静好像这个噪音是赞扬。

40、to sing sb.'s praises; to chant the praises of; to laud; to extol; to eulogize; to salute; to glorify ─── 颂扬

41、I laud the people of Lijang. ─── 我可是赞美丽江的人民。

42、Flamini went on to laud his and Fabregas' partnership in the heart of Arsenal's midfield. ─── “我在1月就将成为自由球员,因此我们看看会发生什麽。”

43、To some business schools, which laud individual effort and achievement while inculcating a certain intellectual arrogance, all this talk of collegiality may sound flaky. ─── 对于那些一方面灌输要保持知识分子特有的傲慢,一方面又赞美个人努力及成就的那些商学院来说,这种有关共同合作的论调听起来可能有些离经叛道。

44、"The Swiss people would not laud other countries' achievements at the expense of their own despite their sincere admiration. Instead, they try to understand how others have succeeded." ─── 瑞士人纵使欣赏他国的一些作法,也绝不会"长他人志气,灭自己威风",而是很理性地尝试了解他人是怎么办得到的。

45、About my path there flits a Fair, Who throws me not a word or sign; I'll charm me with her ignoring air, And laud the lips not meant for mine. ─── 我身旁掠过一位丽人,她没有向我说话或示意;我赞美不属于我的樱唇,以她的冷漠陶醉自己。

46、I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; ─── 我赞美敌人, 敌人于是成为朋友;

47、And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people. ─── 11又说,外邦阿,你们当赞美主。万民哪,你们都当颂赞他。

48、Maternity is a lofty, great word.Domestic and foreign literature from old era to today has almost all described the maternity with praise and laud. ─── 母性,是一个崇高、神圣的词,古今中外的文学作品对母性的描写几乎都是赞扬与歌颂的。

49、laud poet ─── 赞美诗人

50、laud sb to the skies ─── 极力称赞某人, 大肆吹捧某人

51、I laud nurses: They moisten patient's heart as well as the rains in spring; ─── 我赞美护士如春天的雨露滋润患者久旱的心田;

52、the son of the laud ─── 公子

53、Kathy was very pleased to have graduated cum laud in her class. ─── 凯西在班上以优等成绩毕业,她为此而非常高兴。

54、Is it too laud for me? ─── 这个我穿太花俏吗?

55、The United States is happy to recognize, laud and ride this phenomenon when, say, Lebanese citizens rally against Syria; ─── 当黎巴嫩贫民集合起来反对叙利亚,美国乐于承认和赞美这种现象;

56、You think, use what kind of vocabulary to laud all not in order to lead, the human life fairyland or utopia also only so-so. ─── 您想啊,用什么样的词汇来赞美都不为过,人间仙境抑或世外桃源也不过如此吧。

57、To communicate,and laud belongs to men. ─── 沟通,赞美是人之本心。

58、Maowusu sandy laud ─── 毛乌素沙地

59、Have to laud you once! ─── 不得不赞美你一下!

60、Haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe the son of Mary. ─── 赶快来吧,给这个婴孩,圣母玛利亚的儿子,带来美丽的颂歌

61、Then let us praise him with our lips, and laud and magnify his name from whose bounty all this goodness flows.Let us glorify God by yielding our gifts to his cause. ─── 让我们以嘴唇赞美祂,显扬祂的名,从祂身上源源流出一切的美善来。

62、KU pulled out the title for the first time since 1988 when the team was last laud ed at the White House. ─── 这是堪萨斯大学在1988年在白宫被授誉以来再次夺得冠军。

63、LAUd instantly upon my doting tongue, ─── 赞美立刻涌上沉溺之舌,

64、Haste, haste to bring him laud,The babe, the son of Mary. ─── 快、快,让我们赞美祂,圣母玛丽之子。

65、I laud nurses: Their work is common but great, trivial but complicated, arduous and valuable. ─── 我赞美护士工作平凡而又伟大,琐碎而又不易,艰辛而又劳苦;

66、Experts from the UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization laud it as a "Top-notch Scenic Resort". ─── 今天的九寨沟已成为中国唯一的一个具有两项世界桂冠的风景区。

67、laud vt. ─── 称赞(赞美);

68、This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; Haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe the son of Mary. ─── 这就是耶稣,我们的国王,牧羊人看护着他,天使们为他歌唱。赶快来吧,给这个婴孩,圣母玛利亚的儿子,带来美丽的颂歌

69、Thou plantest scandal and displacest laud. ─── 你四处传播诽谤,却不容美誉流传;

70、[ laud ] a. ─── 响亮的,大声的;

71、Your laud made me feel Ashamed. So, del it! ─── 你们的赞美让我不好意思了!拿掉了!

72、I will greet this day with love in my heart.I will laud my enemies and they will become friends ;I will encourage my friends and they will become brothers .Always will I dig for reasons to applaud ; ─── 有这样一首歌,它虽不如摇滚那么令人震撼,却能用真诚打动人心,使人感动,它也教会了我们一个简单的道理:心中存有感恩的心,心中就会有爱的进驻;

73、Land macro-control is the synthesis of the policies and measures that the government regulates and controls macro-economy working with laud as the means. ─── 摘要土地宏观调控是政府以土地作为手段调控宏观经济运行的政策和措施的综合。

74、 双语使用场景

75、I try to laud the more unsung heroes, often because rather than given credit they can find themselves unfairly criticised. ─── 球队中的无名英雄还多的是,他们总是能够正确对待那些不公正的批评,并通过自己的表现去反驳它们。

76、farm laud ─── 农地

77、The teacher laud the student to the skies. ─── 老师极力称赞该学生。

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