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09-21 投稿


Mynheer 中文意思翻译



Mynheer 相似词语短语

1、sheer ─── adj.绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;纯粹的;adv.完全;陡峭地;vi.偏航;vt.使偏航;使急转向;n.偏航;透明薄织物

2、sneer ─── vi.嘲笑,冷笑;vt.嘲笑,冷笑;n.嘲笑,冷笑

3、encheer ─── 主办

4、cheer ─── n.欢呼,喝彩声;愉快,欢乐的气氛;让人开心的理由;加油歌,加油诗;(喜庆场合供应的)酒菜;v.欢呼,加油;安慰,鼓舞;(使)高兴起来;n.(Cheer)(美、英、加、澳)舍尔(人名)

5、meneer ─── 先生。

6、paneer ─── n.印度奶酪

7、Mynheers ─── 迈恩厄斯

8、mahseer ─── n.马西亚鱼

9、Mynheer ─── n.荷兰语中相当于Mr或Sir的尊称;先生

Mynheer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、Indeed, for a time he had quarreled with Mynheer Van Rensburg for allowing Richard to board with him,afterwards he got used to the idea,was always polite to the Englishman, though he never liked him. ─── 他教伦斯堡的孩子们念书,他们都比我小,经常在一块玩。理查德是以教书为乐,并不是赚钱。

3、Indeed, for a time he had quarreled with Mynheer Van Rensburg for allowing Richard to board with him, but afterwards he got used to the idea, and was always polite to the Englishman, though he never liked him. ─── 有一次,他曾抱怨说伦斯堡先生不应该让理查德寄住在他的家里,为此还跟他吵过一场,他后来就习以为常了。虽谈不上喜欢,但对这个英国人以礼相待。

5、Indeed, quarreled with Mynheer Van Rensburg for allowing Richard to board with him, but afterwards he got used to the idea, and was always polite to the Englishman, though he never liked him. ─── 有一次,他曾抱怨说伦斯堡先生不应该让理查德寄住在他的家里,为此还跟他吵过一场,他后来就习以为常了。虽谈不上喜欢,但对这个英国人以礼相待。"

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