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09-20 投稿


lamping 发音

英:[ˈlæmpɪŋ]  美:[ˈlæmpɪŋ]

英:  美:

lamping 中文意思翻译



lamping 相似词语短语

1、laming ─── n.(Laming)(英、美)拉明(人名)

2、damping ─── n.(物)衰减,减幅,阻尼;潮湿;v.使潮湿;抑制;阻止(钢琴等)的音;(物)减幅,阻尼(damp的现在分词)

3、amping ─── n.(吸服冰毒后引起的)狂喜;极度兴奋

4、clamping ─── n.钳位;v.夹住;紧压;固定住;保持(电信号)电压极限在规定水平(clamp的现在分词)

5、lambing ─── n.产羔羊,产羔期;n.(Lambing)(美、法)兰宾(人名)

6、lamming ─── n.在逃,逃匿(尤指逃避警方追缉);v.痛打某人,猛烈抨击某人;逃跑,逃走;n.(Lam)(美)兰(人名)

7、camping ─── n.露营;野营;v.露营;扎营;临时安顿(camp的ing形式)

8、lapping ─── n.研磨;抛光;搭接;v.舔;折叠(lap的ing形式);n.(Lapping)人名;(英)拉平

9、glamping ─── 豪华野营

lamping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guangzhou Lixing Light Electricity Lamp Co., Ltd. ─── 广州市丽星光电灯饰有限公司。

2、Shanghai Jia Bao Guang ming Lamp Cap Co; Ltd. ─── 上海嘉宝光明灯头有限公司。

3、A 16-candle-power lamp has a resistance when hot of 220 ohms . ─── 在炽热情况下,一个十六支烛光的电灯的电阻为220欧姆。

4、Filch's office is a small room with a single oil lamping hanging from the ceiling. It smells of fried fish. ─── 费尔奇的办公室是一间天花板上吊着一盏油灯、充斥着烤鱼气味的小屋。

5、The desk lamp was turned over by someone. ─── 台灯被人打翻了。

6、Nancy looked at her hand on the lamp chimney. ─── 南希看看自己摸着灯罩的手。

7、They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp. ─── 他们几乎像如意神灯那么迅速有效。

8、The lamp which is installed on the table lighted. ─── 安装在桌子上的灯亮了

9、Neath the halo of a street lamp. ─── 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩(我睡在街灯下)。

10、He also bought a cheap lamp to help him. ─── 他还买了一座便宜的台灯来帮忙。

11、The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun! ─── 太阳是天上华灯

12、She drew the curtain close and turned up the lamp. ─── 她把窗帘拉上,把灯拔亮了一些。

13、There was a feeble lamp at no great distance. ─── 在不远的去处有一个微弱的灯光。

14、When dawn came his bed lamp was still burning. ─── 天快亮了,他床头的灯还亮着。

15、The table lamp was disposed on a table nearby. ─── 台灯安放在附近桌上。

16、The hostess set a lamp on the table. ─── 女主人把一盏灯放在桌子上。

17、He clamped the reading lamp onto the edge of the table. ─── 他把台灯夹到桌子的边上。

18、Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. ─── 愤怒是吹灭心中之灯的风。

19、Position socket in lamp and rotate 1/4 turn. ─── 固定插座于灯并将其旋转90度。

20、Pull lens downwarRemove it from lamp housing. ─── 将灯罩向下拉。将其从灯的外壳上拆下。

21、He barged against the table and knocked the lamp over. ─── 他撞在桌子上,打翻了灯。

22、In the centre a table stands with a lighted lamp on it. ─── 中间有一张桌子,上面有一盏点着的灯。

23、They use ultraviolet lamp to kill pests. ─── 他们使用紫外线灯杀死害虫。

24、He ran against a lamp post in the dark. ─── 在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。

25、A lamp was hanging from the ceiling above her head. ─── 吊灯从天花板垂下。

26、He worked for a whole night with the lamp lighted. ─── 他点着灯,整整工作了一夜。

27、Swinging around, Keycase lunged for a bedside lamp. ─── 奇开转过身来,一个箭步冲向一只床边灯。

28、Install parking brake lamp switch. ─── 安装手刹车灯开关。

29、The lamp shed soft light on the desk. ─── 台灯柔和的光线照射在桌面上。

30、God tempers the wind to the shorn lamp. ─── 上天眷顾弱者。

31、The lorry hit the lamp post with a crash. ─── 卡车緋的一声撞到路灯柱上了.

32、B Goblin: Vault687. Lamp, please. Key, please. ─── 妖精B:哈利,六百八十七号地下金库。请把灯给我。钥匙。

33、A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a 1906 gas head lamp. ─── 一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。


35、Position bulb in lamp and snap into place. ─── 将灯泡固定于灯上并卡入定位。

36、The YIXING JILE LAMP STEEL POLE CO. Ltd. ─── 宜兴吉乐灯具钢杆有限公司。

37、The children are always excited to start off on a lamping trip. ─── 孩子们在出发野营时总是非常兴奋。

38、Secondly, it introduces universal lamp holder. ─── 介绍一种通用型光源灯座。

39、What he said is a lamp to my feet. ─── 他的话给我指明了前进的方向。

40、The great speed of light explained why when we turn on a lamp in a dark room, the lamp and everything else in the room seem to light up at once. ─── 巨大的光速解释了为什么当我们在黑暗的房间里打开电灯时,灯和房间里的一切都似乎立即亮起来。

41、Washer level low lamp illumination. ─── 低清洗器液位灯发光。

42、Remove sidemarker socket from lamp. ─── 从灯上拆卸侧面识别信号灯插座

43、She fitted a new lamp in her bedroom. ─── 她在卧室安装了一盏新灯。

44、They primed the lamp with oil. ─── 他们为灯加满了油。

45、Place the lamp on a table beside your bed. ─── 将这盏灯放置在你床边的桌子旁。

46、The base of a cliff; the base of a lamp. ─── 悬崖脚;灯的底座

47、The children are always excited to start off on a lamping trip. ─── 孩子们在出发野营时总是非常兴奋。

48、They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead. ─── 他们看到前面的灯光。

49、A lamp hang over the table. ─── 一盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。

50、Shanghai United Decoration Lamp Co., Ltd. ─── 上海联合灯饰有限公司。

51、Gait changes, such as lamping, or trouble standing up or lying down ─── 步态变化,比如瘸、站立困难或者卧姿异常

52、A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. ─── 一盏吊灯悬在天花板上。

53、The lamp sheds a soft light in the room. ─── 台灯柔和的光线。

54、The Princess did as he said. Aladdin took the lamp. ─── 公主照他的话做了,于是阿拉丁取回了神灯。

55、There is a fluorescent lamp hanging in the room. ─── 屋里吊着一只荧光灯。

56、Thank you very much.You are my a lamp whit far. ─── 在此我再次感谢您

57、Mother asked the boy to light the lamp. ─── 妈妈要男孩把灯点上。

58、They closed the door and turned up the lamp. ─── 他们关上门,把灯拨亮了一些。

59、Remove bulb element from fog lamp. ─── 从雾灯上拆卸灯泡元件。

60、Position trim panel/cargo lamp at liftgate opening. ─── 将装饰板/载货灯定位至升降闸门开口。



63、KEY OFREINSTALL THE BACK-UP LAMP RELAY. ─── 关闭开关。重新安装后上灯电路继电器。

64、"Financing is extremely hard to come by and many businesses can't get help through the banks, " she said. ─── Lamping说:“现在融资极其困难,许多企业无法从银行获得帮助。”

65、An oil-burning lamp, often of colored glass, for outdoor use. ─── 小油灯一种户外用的常带有彩色玻璃灯罩的油灯

66、That new lamp they've bought is pure kitsch. ─── 他们新买的那盏灯真俗气。


68、The sanctuary lamp and the metal furniture were bronze. ─── 圣灯和一切金属器物都是青铜制品。

69、Install bulbs and sockets in the lamp housing. ─── 安装灯泡和插座于灯外壳上。

70、She broke my bicycle lamp deliberately. ─── 她故意砸坏了我的自行车灯。

71、She's drove it into a lamp post. ─── 她把车子撞到路灯柱上去了。

72、She switched on the lamp because it was dark. ─── 她拧亮了灯,因为天黑了。

73、The room was softly lit by a lamp. ─── 屋里点着一盏灯,光线很柔和。

74、In the old woman's shaking hand she held a lamp: it swung from side to side and cast shadows which moved like giants on the dark grey wall. ─── 在老太婆颤抖的手中拿着一盏油灯,那油灯左右摇晃,在黑灰色墙上投下的阴影如同巨魔似的蠕动着。

75、You originally should stop when the red lamp shines. ─── 在红灯亮时,你本应该停下来。

76、Is there a lamp in your bedroom? ─── 在你的卧室里有台灯吗?

77、Will this lamp light up if I connect the battery? ─── 如果我把电池接上,这灯会亮吗?

78、G: Of course, I'm genie of the lamp! ─── 当然了,我可是神灯精灵呀!

79、Pry lamp lens from lamp housing. ─── 从灯泡外壳处探测灯的灯罩。

80、An undependable worker;an undependable lamp socket. ─── 一个靠不住的工人,性能不清的电灯插座

81、The lamp fell plonk on the table. ─── 台灯砰的一声倒在桌上了。

82、A large lamp overhangs the hall. ─── 大厅上吊着一盏大灯。

83、She tore it open and carried it to the lamp. ─── 她拆开来拿到灯旁去看。

84、She puffed out the kerosene lamp. ─── 她吹灭了煤油灯。

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