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09-20 投稿


Maronite 发音


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Maronite 中文意思翻译



Maronite 词性/词形变化,Maronite变形


Maronite 短语词组

1、Maronite Church ─── [医]马龙教派

Maronite 相似词语短语

1、amazonite ─── n.[矿物]天河石

2、arsonite ─── 砷铁矿

3、Maronites ─── 马龙派教徒

4、Aaronite ─── 硅灰石

5、Maronite ─── n.马龙派教徒(流行于黎巴嫩的天主教教派)

6、mammonite ─── 拜金主义者

7、Masonite ─── n.梅森奈特纤维板(商标名)

8、arenite ─── n.[岩]砂碎屑岩;[岩]砂质岩

9、aconite ─── n.乌头毒草;从乌头草的根中所提炼的强心止痛剂

Maronite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a Maronite you can not only out of the fireball with a different mass destruction, and also can use a short-term protective effect of the protective mask. ─── 作为龙族你,不但可以喷出带有不同杀伤力的火球,同时还可以使用具有短时间防护作用的防护罩。

2、The Maronite and Armenian Rites, both developed in relative isolation because of geography. ─── 马龙礼仪和亚美尼亚礼仪,两者都因地理关系,相对的隔离发展。

3、Prince Edward Long War will battle days sector, a Maronite own innate dignity, in a dance choreographed to wonderful Shen Qiang, a folding fans also pay its elegant styles. ─── 身经百战的天界战将,自有一股龙族天生的威严,一支神枪舞得出神入化,一付折扇又令其飘逸潇洒。

4、Kong Dong sea for the death Maronite Shou Shen Qi, the plastic engraved on a five-party Jungmun morphology, and Yulong coiled. ─── 崆峒海上不死龙族的护守神器,其上刻塑有五方天帝形貌,并有玉龙盘绕。

5、The Maronite church, Lebanon's main Catholic one, forbids divorce. ─── 黎巴嫩天主教主要支派马龙派教会禁止离婚。

6、The result is that most authorities term the Maronite as a Rite unto itself;while a minority place it within the West Syrian Tradition of the Antiochene Rite, where it originated. ─── 很多权威专家也因此把 马龙 称为是一种自有的礼仪,但同时也有少数的人,因它的起源,把它归类为一种安提约基亚礼仪的西叙利亚传统。

7、Rai was elected to lead the Maronite church, the largest Catholic patriarchal church with 13 million members, in March. ─── 拉伊于今年被推选领导马龙礼教会,这是天主教最大的宗主教教会,共有教友1千3百多万。

8、Kong Dong sea for the death Maronite Shou Shen Qi, the plastic engraved on a five-party Jungmun morphology, and Yulong coiled. ─── 崆峒海上不死龙族的护守神器,其上刻塑有五方天帝形貌,并有玉龙盘绕。

9、The Maronite and Armenian Rites, both developed in relative isolation because of geography. ─── 马龙礼仪和亚美尼亚礼仪,两者都因地理关系,相对的隔离发展。

10、Maronite Church ─── 马龙教派

11、This programme features Maronite and Ambrosian Chants. ─── 本集介绍马龙派及安布罗斯圣咏。

12、The Maronite church, Lebanon's main Catholic one, forbids divorce. ─── 黎巴嫩天主教主要支派马龙派教会禁止离婚。

13、The Latin, Armenian, Chaldean, and Maronite Rites are each used by only a single Church sui iuris and, in each of these instances, the Church's name and that of the Rite are identical. ─── 拉丁、亚美尼亚、迦勒底、和马龙礼仪等,每一个都只用于单一的自律教会,在这些例子里,教会的名称和所使用的礼仪名称都是一致的。

14、Two of these are the Maronite Church and the Melkite Greek-Catholic Church, both common to Syria and Lebanon. ─── 这些教会现时都在叙利亚及黎巴嫩流传,与其他天主教会一样奉罗马教庭为正宗,但在礼仪方面与采用拉丁礼仪的其他天主教会有所不同。

15、With allies Maronite Crystal Garden since the collapse of World War I, everyone knows that human beings are the same time is running out. ─── 随着盟友龙族自水晶花园一战后的土崩瓦解,谁都知道,人类也同样时日无多。

16、a maronite own innate dignity in a dance choreographed to wonderful shen qiang a folding fans also pay its elegant styles. ─── 自有一股龙族天生的威严,一支神枪舞得出神入化,一付折扇又令其飘逸潇洒。

17、With allies Maronite Crystal Garden since the collapse of World War I, everyone knows that human beings are the same time is running out. ─── 随着盟友龙族自水晶花园一战后的土崩瓦解,谁都知道,人类也同样时日无多。

18、The candidate whom Washington appears to favour is Camille Chamoun, the old Maronite chieftain, who as president called for the American intervention of 1958. ─── 看来,华盛顿赞成的候选人是加米耶·夏蒙,正是这个马龙派基督教徒的者首领于1958年担任总统时曾要求美国进行干涉。

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