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09-20 投稿


limbering 发音

英:[ˈlɪmbərɪŋ]  美:[ˈlɪmbərɪŋ]

英:  美:

limbering 中文意思翻译



limbering 同义词

limbering 词性/词形变化,limbering变形

动词第三人称单数: limbers |动词过去分词: limbered |动词现在分词: limbering |名词: limberness |动词过去式: limbered |副词: limberly |

limbering 常用词组

limber up ─── (使)变柔软;在剧烈运动前作准备活动

limbering 反义词


limbering 短语词组

1、limbering work ─── [医]放松活动

limbering 相似词语短语

1、slumbering ─── n.睡眠;麻木状态;静止状态;vi.睡眠;蛰伏;麻木;vt.睡眠;睡着度过

2、cumbering ─── vt.阻碍,妨害;使受苦;n.拖累,累赘;妨害;n.(Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯

3、cambering ─── n.辊型设计;中凹度磨削;弧线,弧形化;v.成弧形;起拱(camber的ing形式)

4、glimmering ─── n.微光;隐约的一瞥;adj.微弱地发光的;薄弱地发光的

5、clambering ─── v.(手脚并用,费劲地)爬(clamber的现在分词);n.向上爬的

6、lumbering ─── adj.笨拙的;动作迟缓的;n.伐木业;木材业;v.伐树;使陷入麻烦;笨重地移动(lumber的ing形式)

7、lumberings ─── adj.笨拙的;动作迟缓的;n.伐木业;木材业;v.伐树;使陷入麻烦;笨重地移动(lumber的ing形式)

8、unlimbering ─── vt.准备行动;vi.做准备工作;adj.不易弯曲的

9、timbering ─── n.木材;木结构;建筑用材;v.以木材支撑;用木材作骨架(timber的现在分词形式)

limbering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In sports where limber, prepubescent bodies can outmaneuver more mature athletes, kids can be designated as older than they are. ─── 在那些以灵活性取胜的项目中,年轻的选手比成熟的更轻巧,孩子们就会被虚报年龄。

2、Look upon this story as a means of limbering up one's senses, one's attitude and one's mind to make them pliable and receptive. ─── 这个故事可以让人的知觉、态度和心智变得柔韧、灵活和敏感,更容易接受新的事物。

3、players limbering up before the game. ─── 比赛之前选手的身体变得柔软灵活起来

4、limber strake ─── 内龙骨翼板

5、limber terms ─── 可变通的条件

6、However, after a few weeks she tried limbering up again and found that not only could she bend without any difficulty but that she could put her back 'out', so that her spine folded completely in two. ─── 但是, 在再次向上把炮挂在牵引车上的她试验的几周之后并且发现 她能不仅弯曲不费任何事的那她能把她放回'在外', 以便她的脊骨在两完全合拢。

7、We start by doing limbering up exercises and then go on to do the aerobics. ─── 我们先做些柔软运动灵活四肢,再做有氧运动。

8、limbering work ─── 放松活动

9、Study the lower limber somatosensory evoked potentials in patients with delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning ─── 急性一氧化碳中毒后迟发性脑病患者下肢体感诱发电位的研究

10、But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel, ─── 但他的弓仍旧坚硬;他的手健壮敏捷。这是因以色列的牧者,以色列的磐石,就是雅各的大能者。

11、She let me watch her limbering and I put my finger at the bend point of her spine and it crushed it like a pair of nut-crackers. ─── 她让我看她把炮挂在牵引车上,我把我的手指放在她的脊骨的弯曲处尖,它压坏它喜欢胡桃钳。

12、a limber imagination ─── 灵活的想象力

13、to limber the fingers ─── 使手指变得柔软

14、Limbering - up exercise ─── 热身运动

15、"A sunny spotlight provides a warm place for a young dance student to limber up in a studio at the Juilliard School in the Lincoln Center complex. ─── 在位于林肯中心综合体的美国茱莉亚音乐学院的一个舞蹈室里,阳光洒下的聚光灯为一个年轻的舞蹈学生做热身运动提供了一个温暖的场所。

16、Having the ability to move with ease;limber. ─── 敏捷的能活动自如的;灵活的

17、Alone he would sit, watching the groundsman prepare the surface, the rest of the crowd drift in, his heroes limbering up. ─── 他坐下看着球场工人清理场地,其余的观众不断入场,他的英雄们做赛前准备活动。

18、I'd relax more, I'd limber up, ─── 我会更加放松,我会抽时间活动活动身子,

19、to tender; to supple; to limber; to softe ─── 使柔软

20、Administrant Importance of limber Fixture in Use ─── 加强除污器使用管理的重要性

21、You should limber up your wits before the test. ─── 在测验之前你该动动脑筋。

22、Stretching at the Office Can Keep Muscles Limber and Fit. ─── 办公室内的屈伸运动使肌肉柔软健美。

23、3.The commander ordered the troops to limber up and move out. ─── 指挥官下令把炮装上牵引车开出去。

24、But just when Mr Buffett was limbering up to take advantage of the worsening climate, out come sovereign wealth funds to steal his thunder. ─── 无人知晓“奥马哈圣人”是否真的会收购这些主权财富基金所收购的股份。但是,20年前,当所罗门兄弟(SalomonBrothers)需要帮助的时候,它们是向巴菲特求助的。

25、Applied anatomy of the sciatic nerve bridging C7 root transfer to reconstruct the lower limber function of paraplegia ─── 坐骨神经桥接颈7神经根二期移位重建截瘫下肢功能的应用解剖

26、limber neck ─── [医] 鸟垂颈病

27、A novel approach is proposed for locating lower limber joints of human body from image sequences without markers. ─── 提出了一种下肢关节点自动定位方法,从无关节标记的人体运动图像序列中定位下肢关节点。

28、Conservatives are limbering up for a battle to lift the longstanding ban on religious education in public schools. ─── 保守主义者正摩拳擦掌,准备就取消在公立学校进行宗教教育的禁令展开斗争。

29、The candidates now limbering up to fight for Iran's presidency are a varied bunch. ─── 目前有意角逐伊朗总统的诸位候选人是差异很大的一群人。

30、small pine of western North America; having smooth gray-white bark and soft brittle wood; similar to limber pine ─── 北美西部一种小型松树;光滑的灰白色树皮,木质脆软;类似于狐尾松

31、You might envision passengers standing and waiting for others to vacate a seat so that they may limber up. ─── 你能想象到乘客们站立着等待其他人空出座位,那么他们就能放松下了。

32、Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up. ─── 棒球选手在球季开始时做练习,以使身体灵活。

33、But just when Mr Buffett was limbering up to take advantage of the worsening climate, out come sovereign wealth funds to steal his thunder. ─── 可就在巴菲特积极热身,准备好好利用一下不断恶化的大环境时,主权财富基金出现了,抢走了他的风头。

34、I always do a few easy exercises to limber up before a match. ─── 我在比赛前总要做些简单的准备活动。

35、front limber ─── 前软翻

36、She let me watch her limbering and I put my finger at the bend point of her spine and it crushed it like a pair of nut-crackers. ─── 她让我看她把炮挂在牵引车上,我把我的手指放在她的脊骨的弯曲处尖,它压坏它喜欢胡桃钳。

37、limber board ─── 柔软板

38、limber up the joints; limber oneself up ─── 活动一下筋骨

39、In the above photographs we have left the lid on the ammunition wagon but removed it from the limber to illustrate this. ─── 在上面的图片中我们取下了前车的盖子而保留了弹药车的盖子来说明套件的这一点设计。

40、limber hole ─── n. [船]排污水孔

41、He called America “land of the lovely bodies” and he started an athletic, limber style of dance that celebrated those bodies, explicitly rejecting the mannered, regal European tradition. ─── 他将美国称作拥有“可爱身材的国家”。他编排了一种有活力的、可塑性强的芭蕾舞风格来赞扬那些美丽身材,使其清楚地区别于欧洲传统的拘谨皇室风格。

42、Limber hip joints let you scrunch up close to the rock and get right under tiny edges and slopers that would be impossible to hold if your body weight were away from the rock. ─── 柔软臀部关节可以让你在小的岩角或较斜的地方更能缩进岩壁,如果你的重心离开太远便抓不住;

43、She’s very limber. ─── 她身材很柔软。

44、He ordered the troops to limber up and move out ─── 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。

45、I would relax.I would limber up.I wouldbe sillier than i have been this trip. ─── 她们喜欢穿深紫色连衣裙,大波斯菊帽,到酒吧里欣赏日落,还有好多好多人们认为只有年轻人才可以干得事。

46、any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely. ─── 一边附着在它物上的宽薄柔软的遮盖物;随意地垂着或自由地凸起。

47、limber up ─── (在剧烈运动前)做准备活动

48、You should limber up your muscles and joints. ─── 你应该舒展一下筋骨。

49、"We start by doing limbering up exercises and then go on to do the aerobics." ─── "我们先做些柔软运动灵活四肢,再做有氧运动。"

50、Lay the stack of blankets over your right leg at your knee or ankle (depending on how limber you are). ─── 将折好的毯子盖到你的右腿上盖住膝盖或脚踝(取决于你的柔软度)。

51、We always like to see a limber and team with an artillery set, so we were initially well pleased here. ─── 我们通常希望火炮模型中能提供前车和牵引组,这套兵人里同样也包含这些。

52、limber up; stretch out ─── 使自身柔软灵活

53、To detach(a gun or caisson) from its limber. ─── 将(炮或弹药箱)从牵引车上卸下来

54、I saw her go to the corner and select a long, green, limber switch ─── 我看到她走到墙角,挑了一根绿色的,有弹性的长树条。

55、“You can see the terminal bud scars,” the bespectacled Ripple says, bending the limber tree over to show lines that mark a year's growth of a foot or more on the broom-handle-size trunk. ─── 他把柔软的树枝扳过来,让我看看过去一年,这棵像扫把握杆般细的树干上,有著生长30多公分的痕迹。

56、The team spends half an hour limbering up. ─── 球队做了半个小时的准备活动。

57、We start by doing limbering up exercises. ─── 我们先做些柔软运动灵活四肢。

58、Lancer looked lean and limber in tight-fitting trousers and a sleeveless shirt, but Scott noted dark circles under the singer's dyes and a somberness beneath the cheeriness of the moment. ─── 兰瑟穿着宽松的裤子和无袖的衬衫,看上去清瘦而敏捷,但是斯科特看出了他的黑眼圈和片刻欢愉外表之下的忧伤。

59、Application of turbid balance engineering technique of top pipe in limber pipe project ─── 泥水平衡顶管施工技术在排污管道工程中的应用

60、I always do a few easy exercises to limber up before a match ─── 我在比赛前总要做些简单的准备活动

61、By now he was perspiring and felt warmer and more limber. ─── 他身上见了点汗,暖和,也轻松了一些。

62、However in this case it means there is no room for a team, limber or caisson. ─── 但是这样就没有足够空间加上炮组,前车以及弹药箱了。

63、America's labour unions are limbering up for a fight. ─── 大战在即,美国的各个工会都在摩拳擦掌。

64、He was told to extend and limber up before doing any exercises. ─── 他被告知在做任何工作之前应伸展四肢。

65、limber hook ─── 清污钩

66、any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely ─── 一边附着在它物上的宽薄柔软的遮盖物;随意地垂着或自由地凸起

67、The Developing Model of Lower Limber Strength of Elite Wushu Athletes ─── 优秀竞技武术套路运动员下肢力量发展模式

68、127. Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up. ─── 棒球手们在赛季之初进行旨在增加身体柔韧性的训练。

69、"Before running, he liked to limber up." ─── "在跑步前,他喜欢热身使身体柔软灵活。"

70、bilge limber board ─── 污水沟盖板

71、the sense of lower limber related to the position of epidural cannula; ─── 下肢感觉和运动障碍与硬膜外导管的位置有关;

72、See also: "limber", "lax", "supple". ─── 也见到: " 使柔软 "," 松的 "," 柔软的 ".

73、Having the ability to move with ease; limber. ─── 敏捷的能活动自如的; 灵活的

74、Love is the east side of a lake, a scenic, Ling Yao is the fate of a brick kiln, you Shennongjia is the most beautiful golden monkey, I Wuhan, the rare joy Lane limber lump! ─── 爱情是东湖边的一道风景, 命运是姚家岭的一块窑砖,你是神农架里最美的金丝猴, 我是武汉,稀里活络的欢喜坨!

75、Able to bend and move easily and nimbly; lithe; limber ─── 柔软的;可塑的;能轻易弯曲的

76、limber pintle ─── 前车牵引环

77、Do will definitely help you to become or to stay limber. ─── 我一定会帮你成为或留可塑的.

78、Next door, 200 girls are limbering up for their ballet exams. ─── 隔壁,200个女孩正在为芭蕾考试做热身准备。

79、"We start by doing limbering up exercises and then go on to do the aerobics. ─── 库恩说,“这些人为了生活做没人愿意做的事。”

80、The candidates are already limbering up for the election campaign. ─── 各候选人已经在为竞选运动热身了。

81、limber pine ─── 柔枝松

82、The colonel ordered the soldiers to limber up. ─── 上校命令士兵们把火炮系在前车上。

83、Gymnasts do everyday exercises to keep themselves limber. ─── 体操运动员每天都做运动保持身体柔软。

84、I would limber up. ─── 我会活络起来。

85、small pine of western North America; having smooth gray-white bark and soft brittle wood; similar to limber pine. ─── 北美西部一种小型松树;光滑的灰白色树皮,木质脆软;类似于狐尾松。

86、a supple mind; a limber imagination. ─── 灵活的头脑;灵活的想象力。

87、limber, ammunition, whether or not arrmoured ─── 前车,运弹药用,不论是否是装甲的

88、Limber yourself up before swimming. ─── 在游泳前活动一下身子吧。

89、Alone he would sit, watching the groundsman prepare the surface, the rest of the crowd drift in, his heroes limbering up. ─── 他坐下看着球场工人清理场地,其余的观众不断入场,他的英雄们做赛前准备活动。

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