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Monseigneur 网络释义

n. 阁下;有此荣衔的人

Monseigneur 相似词语短语

1、messeigneurs ─── n.阁下;殿下(monseigneur的复数形式)

2、grand seigneur ─── n.显贵;贵族

3、nonsigner ─── 未签名

4、Monseigneur ─── n.阁下;有此荣衔的人

5、consignee ─── n.收件人;受托者;承销人

6、consigner ─── n.发货人;委托人;寄售人

7、monsieur ─── n.(法)先生;绅士

8、consigned ─── 委托

9、seigneur ─── n.庄园主;领主;诸侯

Monseigneur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Monseigneur was about to take his chocolate . ─── 大人要吃巧克力了。

2、'With your gracious permission, that was the wonder of it, Monseigneur. ─── “请恕我直言,怪就怪在这儿,大人。

3、"But, Monseigneur, there is a band of them,a flock of wolves!" ─── “主教,那是一伙土匪呀,是一群狼呀

4、No. The change consisted in the appearance of strange faces of low caste, rather than in the disappearance of the high-caste, chiseled, and otherwise beatified and beatifying features of Monseigneur. ─── 不,不,村子的变化不在于少了那身分高贵、雕像般漂亮、受福也赐福的面孔,而在于多了些身分低下的陌生面孔。

5、4. said the gendarme,"he is Monseigneur the Bishop." ─── 一个警察说,“这是主教先生。”

6、3. Monseigneur could swallow a great many things with ease, and was by some few sullen minds supposed to be rather rapidly swallowing France; ─── 他可以轻轻松松吞下许多东西,而有些心怀不满的人也认为他是在迅速地吞食着法兰西。

7、M.Gillenormand had his daughter near him, as we have seen that Monseigneur Bienvenu had his sister with him. ─── 吉诺曼先生身边有女儿,正如我们从前见过的那位卞福汝主教身边有妹子。

8、The Marquis turned round and answered dryly, "I have poor people of my own, Monseigneur. " "Give them to me, " replied the Bishop. ─── 侯爵转过脸去,干脆回答说:“我的主教,我有我自己的穷人呢。”

9、"But the brigands, monseigneur?" ─── “可是,主教,您对那些强盗怎么办,万一您遇见了强盗!”

10、"What would you have, Monseigneur?" said the director. "One must resign one's self." ─── “有什么办法呢,我的主教?”院长说,“我们总得将就些。”

11、Monseigneur, hear my petition! ─── 大人,我要请愿!

12、But, Monseigneur, there is a band of them! A flock of wolves! ─── 主教,那是一伙土匪呀,是一群狼呀!

13、Monseigneur Bienvenu made his Cassocks last too long. ─── 卞福汝主教的道袍穿得太久了。

14、Monseigneur Welcome was not a genius. ─── 卞福汝主教不是天才。

15、It was impossible Monseigneur to dispense with one of these attendants on the chocolate and hold his high place under the admiring Heavens. ─── 削减一个侍从便难免伤害大人那受到诸天赞誉的尊严。

16、So long as Monseigneur held his peace, she talked to him resolutely with a mixture of respect and freedom; ─── 只要主教不说话,她总用一种恭敬而又不拘形迹的态度和他谈个不休;

17、'Alas, no, Monseigneur! ─── “啊! 不,大人!

18、'Monseigneur, I am flattered to devote myself to your orders.' ─── “大人,能为您效劳我深感荣幸。”

19、It was the nephew of Monseigneur. ─── 是侯爵的侄子。

20、Monseigneur, a petition.' ─── 大人! 我要请愿。”

21、Monseigneur is what they call him. ─── 大家都称他做‘主教大人’。

22、'Pardon, Monseigneur; he swung by the chain of the shoe the drag.' ─── “对不起,大人,他吊在刹车箍的铁链上。”

23、We should incur a great risk of deceiving ourselves, were we to conclude from this that Monseigneur Welcome was "a philosophical bishop," or a "patriotic cure." ─── 如果我们就凭以上所述作出结论,认为卞福汝主教是个“有哲学头脑的主教”或是个“爱国的神甫”,我们就很可能发生错误。

24、In the meantime, Monseigneur Bienvenu had advanced as quickly as his great age permitted. ─── 但是卞福汝主教尽他的高年所允许的速度迎上去。

25、The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. ─── 次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步。

26、The Marquis turned round and answered dryly,"I have poor people of my own,Monseigneur." ─── 侯爵转过脸去,干脆回答说: “我的主教,我有我自己的穷人呢。”

27、but, his morning's chocolate could not so much as get into the throat of Monseigneur, without the aid of four strong men besides the Cook. ─── 但是,早餐的巧克力若是没有四个彪形大汉(厨师还除外)的帮助却连大人的喉咙也进不去。

28、The stately residence of Monseigneur was altogether blighted and deserted. ─── 当年宫廷显贵那庄严的宅第已破败不堪,很少有人居

29、Bienvenu Myriel? I have heard that name. Are you the man whom the people call Monseigneur Welcome? ─── 卞福汝·米里哀!我听人说过这名字。老乡们称为卞福汝主教的,难道就是您吗?

30、The text of his order (altered from the original by only a pronoun, which is not much) ran: 'The earth and the fulness thereof are mine, saith Monseigneur.' ─── 他的命令的措词是:“地和其中所充满的都属于我,大人说。” (只给原文换上了一个代词,小事一桩)

31、The Marquis turned round and answered dryly, "I have poor people of my own, Monseigneur." ─── 侯爵转过脸去,干脆回答说:“我的主教,我有我自己的穷人呢。”

32、'Your clemency, Monseigneur! ─── “请恕罪,大人!

33、"monseigneur, monseigneur!"she exclaimed, "does your Grace know where the basket of silver is?" ─── “我的主教,我的主教,”她喊着说,“大人可知道那只银器篮子在什么地方吗?”

34、It was from this paradise that Monseigneur Welcome had passed to the other. ─── 卞福汝主教便是从这个天堂渡到那个天堂去的。

35、"You do not really mean that, Monseigneur!" exclaimed the mayor. ─── “您怎么可以那样打算,主教?”那乡长说。

36、"I like that name," said he. "Bienvenu makes up for the Monseigneur." ─── “我喜欢这名称,”他说,“卞福汝赛过主教大人。”

37、With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out. ─── 大人发出一声不耐烦的惊叹,那张不动声色的脸往外望了望。

38、"Silence!" said the gendarme. "He is Monseigneur the Bishop." ─── “不准开口!”一个警察说,“这是主教先生。”


40、--"Well," replied Monseigneur Welcome, without contesting the point, "if it is nonsense, the soul should shut itself up in it, as the pearl in the oyster." ─── 卞福汝主教并不和他争论,只回答:“好吧,即使是胡说,人的心总还应当隐藏在那里,如同珍珠隐在蚌壳里一样。”

41、If,however,the Bishop had one of his cures to supper,Madame Magloire took advantage of the opportunity to serve Monseigneur with some excellent fish from the lake,or with some fine game from the mountains. ─── 但是,如果主教留他的一位神甫晚餐,马格洛大娘就借此机会为主教做些鲜美的湖鱼或名贵的野味。

42、"Monseigneur has not even claimed the allowance which the department owes him for the expense of his carriage in town, and for his journeys about the diocese. ─── “主教大人连省里应给的那笔城区车马费和教区巡视费都没有要来。

43、The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. Madame Magloire ran up to him in utter consternation. ─── 次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步。马格洛大娘慌慌张张地向他跑来。

44、"What would you have, Monseigneur?" ─── “有什么办法呢,我的主教?”

45、Strange that Creation, designed expressly for Monseigneur, should be so soon wrung dry and squeezed out! ─── 奇怪的是,专为爵爷大人们设计的大千世界竟然会那么快就被绞尽了、榨干了!

46、Monseigneur, there are so many little heaps of poor grass? ─── 大人,这种可怜的小片草皮很多呢。

47、Jean Valjean had sat on the previous evening . As he ate his breakfast , Monseigneur Welcome remarked gayly to his sister. ─── 过了一会,他坐在昨晚冉阿让坐过的那张桌子边用早餐。

48、“Monseigneur , it is true. I had the honour of being passed on the road.” ─── “爵爷,是的。我曾经有过被经过的荣幸。”

49、Do not go, Monseigneur . In the name of Heaven! You are risking your life! ─── 主教,以上天之名,不要到那儿去吧!您冒着生命危险呢。

50、Monseigneur has not even claimed the allowance which the department owes him for the expense of his carriage in town, and for his journeys about the diocese. ─── 主教大人连省里应给的那笔城区车马费和教区巡视费都没有要来。

51、What is Monseigneur to eat with now? ─── 我的主教现在用什么东西盛饭菜呢?”

52、"Silence! " said the gendarme. "He is Monseigneur the Bishop. " ─── “不准开口!”一个警察说,“这是主教先生。”

53、Had more than once assessed themselves to raise the money for a new altar for Monseigneur's oratory; ─── 多次凑了些钱,要为主教的经堂修一座美观的新祭坛

54、It is you, Monseigneur! Monseigneur, a petition. ─── 是你呀,大人!大人!我要请愿。

55、People not immediately connected with Monseigneur or the State, yet equally unconnected with anything that was real, or with lives passed in travelling by any straight road to any true earthly end, were no less abundant. ─── 他们跟大人或国家并无直接关系,跟任何实际事物也无关系,跟风尘仆仆远涉穷荒绝域的生活也没有关系。

56、You do not really mean that, Monseigneur! ─── 您怎么可以那样打算,主教?

57、Monseigneur Welcome had what the people term a "fine head," but so amiable was he that they forgot that it was fine. ─── 卞福汝主教的相貌正象老乡们所说的那种“美男子”,但他的和蔼性格已使人忘了他面貌的美。

58、Monseigneur, one of the great lords in power at the court, held his fortnightly reception in his grand hotel in Paris. ─── 爵爷,朝廷里有势力的大贵族之一,在巴黎城里他的大邸宅中举行半月一次的招待会。

59、was rather shocked at not being addressed as Monseigneur, ─── 可是现在没有人称他为“我的主教”,却又觉得有些唐突,

60、In the course of nine years Monseigneur Bienvenu had, ─── 九年以来,由于他行为圣洁,作风和蔼,

61、One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual, addressed this sally to him, "Monseigneur, people are inquiring when Your Greatness will receive the red cap!" ─── 一天,有个阔寡妇,也就是那些自作聪明的冒失鬼中的一个,问了他这样一句俏皮话:“我的主教,有人要打听,大人您在什么时候能得到一顶红帽子。”

62、Hence Monseigneur had taken his sister from a convent, while there was yet time to ward off the impending veil, the cheapest garment she could wear, and had bestowed her as a prize upon a very rich Farmer-General, poor in family. ─── 因此,大人便从一个修道院里把他的妹妹接了出来,趁她还来得及扔掉修女面纱和廉价的修女长袍的时候,把她作为奖品嫁给了一个出身寒微却富可敌国的赋税承包商。

63、He had diminished the distance rapidly, but not so rapidly as to come up with Monseigneur on the road. ─── 他曾经赶快减少这距离,但是在路上总赶不上爵爷。

64、Monseigneur, you will not do that! ─── 主教,您不能那样做。

65、If, however, the Bishop had one of his cures to supper, Madame Magloire took advantage of the opportunity to serve Monseigneur with some excellent fish from the lake, or with some fine game from the mountains. ─── 但是如果主教留他的一位神甫晚餐,马格洛大娘就借此机会为主教做些鲜美的湖鱼或名贵的野味。

66、"Monseigneur," said the brigadier of gendarmes, "so what this man said is true, then? ─── “我的主教,”警察队长说,“难道这人说的话是真的吗?

67、Madame Magloire had once remarked, with a sort of gentle malice: "Monseigneur, you who turn everything to account, have, nevertheless, one useless plot. ─── 几株果树散布在各处。一次,马格洛大娘和蔼地打趣他说:“您处处都盘算,这儿却有一块方地没有用上。

68、Monseigneur Welcome was not a genius. ─── 汝主教不是天才。

69、This willingness to interrogate encouraged Madame Magloire,it seemed to her to indicate that the Bishop was on the point of becoming alarmed,she pursued triumphantly:--"Yes, Monseigneur. ─── 他既肯向她探问,马格洛大娘自然更起劲了,在她看来,这好象表明主教已有意戒备了,她洋洋得意地追着说:“是呀,主教。

70、"Do not go, monseigneur,in the name of Heaven! ─── “主教,以上天之名,不要到那儿去吧!

71、Monseigneur (often a most worthy individual gentleman) was a national blessing, gave a chivalrous tone to things, was a polite example of luxurious and shining life, and a great deal more to equal purpose; ─── 曾是最高贵的君子的爵爷大人们也曾是国家的祥瑞。 他们是豪华灿烂的生活的彬彬有礼的典范,他们给一切都带来骑士的风采,在其它类似的问题上也起过巨大的作用。

72、I robbed Monseigneur the bishop, it is true ─── 我偷过那位主教先生的东西,这是真的

73、Yet, Monseigneur had slowly found that vulgar embarrassments crept into his affairs, both private and public; and he had, as to both classes of affairs, allied himself perforce with a Farmer-General. ─── 可是,大人却慢慢发现庸俗的窘涩已经渗入了他的公私事务,因此他只好在这两类事务中跟一个赋税承包商结了盟。

74、"monseigneur, the man is gone! ─── “我的主教,那个人已经走了!

75、So long as Monseigneur held his peace, she talked to him resolutely with a mixture of respect and freedom ─── 只要主教不说话,她总用一种恭敬而又不拘形迹的态度和他谈个不休

76、5. Madame Magloire had once remarked, with a sort of gentle malice: "Monseigneur, you who turn everything to account, have, nevertheless, one useless plot. ─── 几株果树散布在各处。一次,马格洛大娘和蔼地打趣他说:“您处处都盘算,这儿却有一块方地没有用上。收藏指正

77、Monseigneur, hear me!Monseigneur, hear my petition!My husband died of want; ─── 旅行马车来到了山顶,落日辉煌地照着,把车上的人浸入一滩猩红。

78、Spirits are supposed to haunt the places where their bodies most resorted, and Monseigneur without a guinea haunted the spot where his guineas used to be. ─── 据说鬼魂喜欢在生前常到的地方出没,因此没有了钱的老爷们也常在他们过去存钱的地方出没。

79、'Monseigneur, he was whiter than the miller. ─── “大人,他比磨坊老板还要白。

80、"Monseigneur," murmured the cure, throwing back his head with a smile,"God--or the devil." ─── “我的主教,”神甫点头含笑低声说,“不是上帝便是魔鬼。”

81、Monseigneur began with other people, but he has had to wind up with himself, after all. ─── 主教在开始时只顾别人,但结果也非顾自己不可了。

82、The comfort was, that all the company at the grand hotel of Monseigneur were perfectly dressed. ─── 使人安心的是伟大爵邸里的宾客们全都打扮得十分整齐。

83、Not many people had talked with him at the reception; he had stood in a little space apart, and Monseigneur might have been warmer in his manner. ─── 在招待会上跟他说诉的人不多,他站在略微离开人群的地方,而大人对他的态度却不太热情。

84、Monseigneur, the man is gone! The silver has been stolen! ─── 我的主教,那个人已经走了!

85、Monseigneur was in his inner room, his sanctuary of sanctuaries, the Holiest of Holiests to the crowd of worshippers in the suite of rooms without. ─── 大人在他的内室里,那是他圣殿里的圣殿,是他在外厢诸屋里的大群崇拜者心目中最神圣的地点中最神圣的。

86、Monseigneur Bienvenu had formerly been, if the stories anent his youth, and even in regard to his manhood, were to be believed, a passionate, and, possibly, a violent man. ─── 据传说,卞福汝主教从前在青年时期,甚至在壮年时期,都曾是一个热情的人,也许还是一个粗暴的人。

87、"monseigneur, you will not do that!" ─── “主教,您不能那样做。”

88、"They will rob you, Monseigneur." ─── “主教,他们会把您抢光的。”

89、leave the table as it is. I shall be ready in a quarter of an hour.' In a quarter of an hour Monseigneur was ready, and sat down alone to his sumptuous and choice supper. ─── 一刻钟后一切就绪,侯爵一人在华贵精美的晚宴桌前坐下。

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