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09-20 投稿


matchmaker 发音

英:[ 'mætʃ'mekɚ]  美:[ˈmætʃmeɪkər]

英:  美:

matchmaker 中文意思翻译



matchmaker 词性/词形变化,matchmaker变形

名词: match-making |

matchmaker 短语词组

1、super matchmaker ─── 超级媒人

2、matchmaker of the war ─── 战争媒人

3、matchmaker cafe ─── 媒人咖啡馆

4、matchmaker game ─── 媒人游戏

5、play matchmaker ─── 扮演媒人

6、matchmaker is finding other players ─── 媒人正在寻找其他玩家

7、the matchmaker ─── 媒人

8、matchmaker software matchmaker ─── 软件

matchmaker 相似词语短语

1、matchmakers ─── n.媒人;安排比赛的人;火柴制造者

2、matchmaking ─── n.做媒;火柴制造;安排比赛;adj.火柴制造的;火柴制造者的

3、matchmarked ─── n.装配标记;vt.为…装配标记

4、watchmaker ─── n.钟表匠;表的制造人

5、matchmade ─── 配对的

6、matchmakes ─── 火柴。

7、matchmake ─── 相亲。

8、mythmaker ─── n.神话创作者;杜撰者

9、watchmakers ─── n.钟表匠;表的制造人

matchmaker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The marriage has not had a liking for me the girl student, I also welcome, I am a matchmaker after all. ─── 一个人是一个人,二个人就成了从,三个人就是众,人多力量大,人多也热闹.

2、It was meant to be a joke for a couple for whom Valinskas acted as matchmaker, but the court fined him 15,000 Lithuanian litas, which he delivered in a huge pile of small coins in a trailer. ─── 担任两人(新婚夫妇)媒人的瓦林斯卡司原本只是想开新人玩笑,但法院却判他15,000立陶宛立特的罚金,他事后用拖车载了一大堆硬币缴交。

3、The notoriously fragmented American banking system is going througha decade's worth of consolidation in a matter of weeks, with theU.S.government often acting as matchmaker. ─── 在短短数周时间内,以高度分散闻名的美国银行体系正迅速经历着一场原本需要历时十年的行业整合,而美国政府通常扮演着牵线搭桥的角色。

4、Meanwhile, John and Coretta help Kimmie Bishop, who's back suing a matchmaker for saying she's "unmatchable". ─── 同时,约翰和克莱塔帮助吉米控告一个媒人不帮她安排适当的男伴。

5、matchmaker, can not let's retirement. Don't sweat. To hold you still hold, three ruined many families did not know? ─── 月老、不行了咱就退休。别硬撑。牵过的你还牵,三儿毁了多少家庭知道不?

6、We Don't Need A Matchmaker ─── 何必旁人来说媒

7、be a matchmaker ─── 做媒

8、The fate is waits for the matchmaker? ─── 宿命就是等待月老吗?

9、See woman matchmaker placed a pignut only, the scholar also placed, woman matchmaker just put pignut into the mouth, when saying late fast in those days, ah- - Jiu! ─── 只见媒婆夹了一粒花生米,秀才便也夹了一粒,媒婆刚把花生米放进嘴里,说时迟那时快,啊--啾!

10、" He described the cherished vision of the network, the marriage industry in China, "Matchmaker Web site" in this area, to obtain a leading position. ─── 他描述了珍爱网的远景,在中国的婚恋产业当中,在“红娘网站”这个领域当中,取得绝对主导的地位。

11、Yes, Matchmaker li urged, this was a marriage sure to benefit both families. ─── 的确,像李媒婆所敦促的,这是一桩有利于两家的好姻缘。

12、An online talent scout, Plentitube is trying to become a middleman of the new media, a matchmaker for the YouTube generation. ─── 作为在线人才星探,Plentitube力图成为新媒体的经纪人,YouTube一代的媒人。

13、Yi Dao fetches Yue Niang back to his house and orders the matchmaker to dress her up. ─── 一刀把月娘接回家,为了不让月娘感到委屈,嘱咐媒婆让她打扮一番。

14、You're a proper little matchmaker, aren't you? ─── 妳真是一个称职的媒人耶!

15、English Introduction: Beijing wind laughs because strong and pervasive fragrance culture summons the matchmaker guest of Ltd. looking at bar VLIKE.COM allying self with a product. ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"他的玫瑰"这个小游戏,北京风乐馨文化传媒有限公司来客看吧VLIKE.COM联合出品

16、A comedy about a matchmaker for people with hilarious dating problems. ─── 一部媒人与一群有着极可笑约会问题人们的一场喜剧。

17、"Her dad's a great friend of Pa's. I have enough money now to support a family, so I'll ask Pa to have a matchmaker arrange things." ─── “她的父亲是爹爹的好朋友,我现在的钱已经足够养家了,所以我要让爹爹找个媒人去提亲。”

18、The Central China Normal University Wuhan biography matchmaker academy is far away from Wuhan University of Technology for how far the China academy is. ─── 您的位置:我也知道>地区>湖北>武汉市>华中师范大学武汉传媒学院离武汉理工大学华夏学院多远。

19、When it was accompanied with the matchmaker’s appearance,all the things changed. ─── 但是,伴随着媒人的到来,所有情况就都改变了。

20、whereas a matchmaker fans her shoulders, symbolic of frivolousness and foxiness. ─── 媒婆扇肩,轻浮、油滑;

21、Matchmaker What holiday is it? Do you know? ─── 你们知道今天是什么日子吗?

22、Matchmaker No problem. I have an idea. ─── 媒婆没问题,我会有办法的.

23、It symbolizes good fortune and happy, such as the others contributed to a better marriage of people called "Matchmaker", happy days to link the Red Lantern, paste red couplets, the red-fu characters; ─── 它象征着吉祥、喜庆,如把促成他人美好婚姻的人叫"红娘",喜庆日子要挂大红灯笼、贴红对联、红福字;

24、Does China summon a matchmaker learning the broad south academy Hebei Province couplet enthusiastically getting mark need a number? ─── 您的位置:我的知道>教育/科学>升学入学>高考>中国传媒大学南广学院河北省联考分需要多少?

25、The man surnamed Chen, a 38-year-old teacher from Tainan County was introduced to a woman surnamed Lin, 29, also a teacher, by a matchmaker. ─── 提出申请的男子姓陈,38岁是台南县的一名教师,由媒人介绍给另一名29岁的女教师。

26、He seated himself at the matchmaker's side but facing him, attempting by an act of will to suppress the unpleasant tickle in his throat ─── 他自己坐在媒人身旁,面朝着他,使劲地抑制着痒得难受的嗓子。

27、Italian contestant uncle Lerry drops down two by 7-5 and 6-4 defeats Finnish matchmaker Niemining; ─── 克罗地亚小将西里奇以7-6(5)和6-2击败意大利人塞皮。

28、Someone offered to be a matchmaker, but Lau the Sage wouldn't hear of it. He had three reasons. First, their horoscopes didn't match. Young Blacky was "metal", while Qin was "fire", and fire could consume metal. ─── 后庄上也有人愿意给小二黑跟小芹做媒人,二诸葛不愿意,不愿意的理由有三:第一小二黑是金命,小芹是火命,恐怕火克金;

29、So could you find a matchmaker if you like me too, I really want to marry you, and make a perfect couple with you, do you agree?What do you think? ─── 先生如果也有意,就请找一个媒人,我和你结成百年姻缘,不枉费天生一对,先生说好不好?”

30、Why was Mulan nervous when she was going to meet the matchmaker? ─── 为什么木兰去见媒婆时感到紧张?

31、Go ask her yourself! I am not a matchmaker. ─── 你自己去约呀!我又不是媒婆。

32、Also, some person should serve as go-between or matchmaker to bring a natural acculmation to both parts. ─── 同时,一定要有中间人或媒人来见证双方的相互了解。

33、According to the press release, interested women can submit applications to the matchmaker's web site -'for a $25 fee' and women who are chosen to meet the multimillionaire will pay another $50. ─── 据新闻稿称,感兴趣的女性可以在这家婚介公司的网站上提交应征表,收费25美元,被选中同百万富翁见面的女性还将再付50美元。

34、Legal View on the System of Presiding over Wedding Ceremony and Matchmaker System in Tang Dynasty ─── 唐代主婚人制度和媒妁制度的法律观照

35、Aware that in Asia small, entrepreneurial companies often lack the access to debt and equity markets enjoyed by their Western counterparts, they resolved to play the part of matchmaker. ─── 了解到亚洲市场上小企业经常无缘贷款和股票市场这些西方企业所能享受到的融资途径,他们决定成为(资金来源的)媒介。

36、As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man. ─── 作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂·斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。

37、Miss Zhou told Wen confidentially that Miss Fan had been out to dinner with a pawnbroker, chaperoned by members of her family and a lady matchmaker. ─── 密斯周背地里告诉郭,说有人给密斯范做媒,对象是一个开当铺的,相亲那天,在番菜馆同吃过一顿饭。她再三叮嘱郭君守秘密,不许告诉罗。

38、When I first hear of the word, it triggers up scenes from old Hong Kong serials, with the matchmaker wearing all red, and sending gifts to the house of the potential bride. ─── 当我听到相亲这个词,我会想起香港的古代老片,媒人穿着一身红色带聘礼到求婚对象的家。

39、On's older brother, Sing (David Chiang), and his wife (Kiki Sheung), argues daily and therefore little miss matchmaker unties them. ─── 安长兄胜(姜大卫)与妻菁(商天娥)终日争吵,红娘遂偷偷地解开二人之红线。

40、Chorus: Scarier than the undertaker, we are meeting our matchmaker. ─── 合:心慌慌,我们就要去见媒婆。

41、Orly claimed Majerik became her client after she helped the widow prevail in a lawsuit against another matchmaker. ─── 奥莉称曾经帮助玛赫里克起诉另一个媒婆得获胜,之后她就成为了自己的客户。

42、Matchmaking is one of her favorite hobbies. She takes great pleasure in acting as a matchmaker. ─── 她特别喜欢给人介绍对象。

43、Herbert: What do you have in mind, Mr. 4 Matchmaker? ─── 赫伯特:你在打什么主意,媒人公?

44、4.She alleged Majerik is a "serial matchmaker suer" who enjoyed herself with the men she met before claiming she had been "psychologically damaged by the process" and demanding compensation. ─── 她反诉道,玛赫里克不过是一个“连环媒婆起诉狂”:她总是开始的时候和来相亲男人们玩个痛快,随后就宣称自己在“相亲过程受到了心理伤害”,要求赔偿。

45、a woman matchmaker ─── 媒婆

46、Women were getting up to 1,500 Cyprus pounds (1,800 pounds sterling) to tie the knot with a stranger and the matchmaker earning up to 5,000 pounds, police said. ─── 据路透社5月11日报道,警方透露说,卖婚的新娘将得到新郎的1800英镑作为报酬,而中介人则可从中获利5000英镑。

47、When the matchmaker know some after the event, blame him shouldn't so talk, return eloquent tunnel:"I say right ah! ─── 当媒人知道些事后,指责他不该那样说话时,还振振有词地道:“我说得没错呀!

48、Assembly ,inside of complete machine is it finish ,guarantee performance stability of aircrew further in factory to mix line ,release vacuum ,annotate cold matchmaker ,debug. ─── 整机的装配、内部配线、抽真空、加注冷媒、调试等均在工厂完成,进一步保证机组的性能稳定性。

49、The new truth lies in the Federal Reserve's role as matchmaker of last resort, smoothing the deal with a temporary loan of $30 billion. ─── 新的真理在于,联邦储备局在最近这场并购中发挥媒人的作用,它摆平了这场涉及300亿的临时贷款交易。

50、The matchmaker forgot that he pulled the red thread to me. ─── 月下老(红娘/媒人)忘了他/她曾经给我牵过红线。

51、My liberal arts culture for 9 years 315, that scenarist special field 194 Hunan masses summons a matchmaker may record or not? ─── 您的位置:我的知道>教育/科学>院校信息>我09年文科文化315,编导专业194湖南大众传媒会录不?

52、In the past, many couples met through a matchmaker or through a family friend. ─── 在过去,很多婚姻是经由媒人或亲友撮合而成.

53、FTF) Author and matchmaker Pari Livermore tells TODA's Hoda Kotb tips on dating, finding love, meeting the right partner and getting married. (6'01" ─── 俗话说的好,“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”。婚姻实属人生的一桩大事,找到属于自己的如意郎君也一直是众多女人的一大心愿。有了专家的金玉良言,就让心愿变成现实...

54、Central China Normal University Wuhan biography matchmaker academy professional training in 2008 art culture is fractional the line is a number? ─── 华中师范大学武汉传媒学院2008年专科艺术的文化分数线是多少?

55、I have been Hebei the fine arts examinee , special field has got 433 marks in culture levying to have got 263 having thought of the Zhejiang biography matchmaker academy, ─── 您的位置:我的知道>教育/科学>院校信息>我是河北美术考生,专业考了433分文化课考了263想上浙江传媒学院,

56、Entire case plan: Jiangsu Huai An Jin Qiao advertisement biography matchmaker Ltd. ─── 全案企划:江苏。淮安金桥广告传媒有限公司。

57、15.You would not know a woman who likes to be a matchmaker, not because they Bapo, but because her own life compared with the well-being. ─── 15.你不会知道女人喜欢做媒人,不是因为她们八婆,而是因为她自己过得比较幸福。

58、A wisecracking professional matchmaker breaks the ice as 40 people aged in their twenties and thirties gather at a hotel for a blind date. ─── 40名二三十岁的年轻男女聚在一个酒店参加一场相亲会,一位俏皮的专业媒人打破了现场的沉默。

59、If "History will remember today's date" as the "female matchmaker" Chen Ming - Kin's claim that Mao Yushi old also qualify as "a milestone in the taste," somewhat strange. ─── 如果“历史将记住今天这个日子”算是“媒婆”陈明健的自诩,茅于轼老先生也要称其为“具有里程碑的味道”,就令人有些匪夷所思了。

60、Does the Hunan masses biography matchmaker academy broadcast hosting the concrete conditions upgrading from junior college student to university student? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>职业教育>湖南大众传媒学院播音主持专升本的具体情况?

61、Siu Wong and Miss Mou are going to marry tomorrow. People say that Principal Bat is their matchmaker. ─── 小王跟毛小姐明天结婚了,听说是毕校长介绍他们认识的。

62、In this case, Condor matchmaking can be used, allowing the matchmaker to select the appropriate resource to execute the job and then use Globus to coordinate the remote resources. ─── 在这种情况中,我们可以使用Condor matchmaking,从而允许matchmaker选择适当的资源来执行这个作业,然后使用Globus与远程资源进行协调。

63、And since it was our mutual interest in China that brought us together, you might say that China was our matchmaker! ─── 是我们对中国共同的兴趣让我们走到一起的,所以你可以说,中国是我们的媒人!

64、On that day, people in love like to go to the temple of Matchmaker and pray for their love and the possible marriage. ─── 在情人节那天,恋爱中的人喜欢到月下老人庙,祈求保佑他们的爱情和可能的婚姻。

65、Must develop biography matchmaker estate energetically, be condition structure harmonious society providing fine spirit culture. ─── 必须大力发展传媒产业,为构建和谐社会提供良好的精神文化条件。

66、Some friends played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner. ─── 一些朋友牵线搭桥,邀请我们两人都去赴宴。

67、matchmaker image ─── “媒妁”形象

68、Her dad's a great friend of Pa's. I have enough money now to support a family, so I'll ask Pa to have a matchmaker arrange things. ─── 她的父亲是爹爹的好朋友,我现在的钱已经足够养家了,所以我要让爹爹找个媒人去提亲。

69、Is that China summons a matchmaker learning broad south academy radio and television scenarist special field enthusiastically several? ─── 中国传媒大学南广学院广播电视编导专业是几本?

70、General number of Zhejiang biography matchmaker academy radio and television scenarist special field art line? ? ! ! ─── 您的位置:我的知道>娱乐休闲>音乐>浙江传媒学院广播电视编导专业艺术线一般多少??!!

71、On Chinese Valentine's Day, people in love like to go to the temple of the Matchmaker and pray for their love and possible marriage. ─── 在中国情人节那天,恋人们会到姻缘庙祈求长久爱情和美满婚姻;

72、All purposes (e.g. cold matchmaker, vesicant for the packing materials, ─── 所有用途,如冷媒、包裝材料使用之發泡劑、清潔溶劑。

73、By the moderator and Hu Jing Zhu Zhaoxiang and at the same time pay good Ekin Cheng, Alan Tam as a "matchmaker" Derek Yee, who as witnesses. ─── 主持人是由与胡静和朱兆祥同时交好的郑伊健、谭咏麟担任,“红娘”尔冬升、为证婚人。

74、Nowadays people have a personal matchmaker in the same way they would have a personal trainer. ─── 如今人们需要私人媒人,就像需要私人教练一样。

75、A widow won $2.1 million from a high-priced matchmaker whom she claimed failed to deliver on promises of introductions to cultured, wealthy men. ─── 因媒婆没有按约定给自己介绍温文尔雅的富翁,一名寡妇将其告上法庭获胜,最后获得了210万美元的赔偿金。

76、I can be a matchmaker. ─── 我可能是一个火柴制造者。

77、Your friend apparently knows your type and will be a savvy matchmaker. ─── 你的朋友显然知道你喜欢的型,会是你的好媒人的。

78、I asked the matchmaker, he said, the red line was my two waste finished, I was terrified. ─── 我问月老,他说,红线被我两浪费完了,我吓得目瞪口呆。

79、Nowadays,when young people are trying to find out their boyfriends or girlfriends,they do not need a matchmaker because they believe in love at first sight! ─── 在现代,当年轻人在寻找男女朋友的时候,他们并不需要媒婆,因为他们相信一见钟情!

80、But at that time, the matchmaker arranged us to meet at a park. ─── 但那时媒人安排我们在公园见面。

81、In front of so much pressure from outside,my grandparents had no idea but persuaded aunty to accept the marriage arranged by the matchmaker. ─── 在外界如此沉重的压力面前,祖父母没有办法只能劝伯母接受这段由媒人撮合的婚姻。

82、Grace is quite the matchmaker. She has introduced at least three couples, including my husband and I. ─── 葛芮思真是个大媒人。她已经至少介绍了三对夫妻了,其中包括我和我先生。

83、The receptionist was a real matchmaker. ─── 接待员真的是一个媒人。

84、Woman matchmaker hit a big sneeze, see that pignut goes out from the nostril howl of woman matchmaker only, go straight towards the father-in-law's goblet continuously! ─── 媒婆打了一个大喷嚏,只见那粒花生米从媒婆的鼻孔呼啸而出,直奔老丈人的酒杯!

85、English Introduction: The electricity matchmaker music plain establishes the song megagame 2005 matches in spring champions song. ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"想谈恋爱的鱼"这个小游戏,电媒音乐原创歌曲大赛2005春季赛冠军歌曲

86、The basic principles of the marriage mainly involve: the monogamy(the usual practice of many concubines), the ban of the marriage for the couple with the same family name, the command of parents and the introduction from the matchmaker. ─── 婚姻的基本原则主要有:一夫一妻制(多妾制),同姓不婚和“父母之命”、“媒妁之言”。

87、Therefore, the action of meeting with each other without matchmaker was the very behaviour people at that time abhored, and chances that they went to church were quite few. ─── 因此,在那个年代媒人不在场而双方私下见面是被人唾弃的,而那时他们去做礼拜的机会少之又少。

88、I'd like to be your matchmaker. ─── 我给你们俩做大媒吧。

89、"Her dad's a great friend of Pa's. I have enough money now to support a family, so I'll ask Pa to have a matchmaker arrange things." ─── "她的父亲是爹爹的好朋友,我现在的钱已经足够养家了,所以我要让爹爹找个媒人去提亲。"

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