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09-20 投稿


syncopation 发音

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syncopation 中文意思翻译



syncopation 网络释义

n. 中略;切分法;省略中间的音节

syncopation 词性/词形变化,syncopation变形

动词过去式: syncopated |动词过去分词: syncopated |动词第三人称单数: syncopates |动词现在分词: syncopating |名词: syncopator |

syncopation 相似词语短语

1、nuncupation ─── n.[法]口述

2、syncopated ─── adj.切分音的;v.词中省略(syncopate的过去分词)

3、syncopate ─── vt.切分;词中省略,缩写

4、mancipation ─── n.交付手续;奴役

5、syncopating ─── vt.切分;词中省略,缩写

6、apocopation ─── 词尾脱落

7、syncopator ─── 切分音

8、syncopative ─── 切分音

9、syncopations ─── n.(音乐的)切分音,切分节奏;(切分或中间省略的)文章、舞步

syncopation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Okay. So that's what syncopation is and it isn't much more difficult than that. ─── 好了,这就是切分音,也并非很难理解。

2、Jazz music borrowed syncopated rhythms from ragtime,and syncopation is what makes jazz the lively, energetic music that it is today. ─── 爵士乐从散拍音乐借用了切分音的节奏,也正是切分音为今日爵士乐注入了生气与活力。

3、In music, syncopation includes a variety of rhythms which are in some way unexpected in that they deviate from the strict succession of regularly spaced strong and weak beats in a meter (pulse). ─── 切分音是一个相同音高的音符同时出现并结合在强拍或次强拍和弱拍上,因此会导致乐曲进行中强拍和弱拍易为位,强拍变成弱拍,或弱拍变成强拍,叫做切分音。

4、Notice syncopation in the second phrase where the accent falls after the first beat ─── 注意第二乐句中的切分音,重音在第一拍之后出现。

5、The staunch, stomping four-four rhythm, which is emphasized rather than confused by the frequent syncopation, continues through the next piano, restlessly beginning a new crescendo after four bars. ─── 钢琴弹出坚定踏实的四四拍,节奏被频繁的切分音所强调而却不被混淆,四个小节之后又不停歇地开始了新一轮的渐强。

6、This article discusses the techniques of Chinesization and syncopation which play key roles in Chinese search engine. ─── 论述了开发中文搜索引擎在语言方面的两项关键技术,即中文分词技术和汉化问题,介绍了几种解决方案。

7、Jazz music borrowed syncopated rhythms from ragtime, and syncopation is what makes jazz the lively, energetic music that it is today. ─── 爵士乐从散拍音乐借用了切分音的节奏,也正是切分音为今日爵士乐注入了生气与活力。

8、If one breathes without syncopation, then one will ascend more rapidly in the physical than the nonphysical. ─── 当你没有切分地呼吸时,你的物质体会比非物质体提升得更快。

9、I intend to rotate my light body and larger auric field to a high enough speed and syncopation to assure a balanced field that can continue to ascend. ─── 到36000股或说全意识,所有的辐射性机械装置也被移除,从此刻起,你将只拥有能量场的有意识运动。

10、My own impulses are toward asymmetry and syncopation: the off-balance, the slant, the microtonal, but still with a pulse. ─── 格律诗强调对称与统一,而我则倾向于不对称和切分法:即不平衡、倾斜、微音程,但仍然具有律动。

11、This form of vitamin B helps sustain the syncopation of movement between the heart and the veins and capillaries. ─── 这种维生素B帮助维持心脏和静脉及毛细血管之间的流程切分。

12、GOD GODDESS OF SOLAR CYCLES Related to the Syncopation of Solar Time ─── 太阳系周期之神与女神

13、We remind her to move into syncopation with earth in her rotation of field, as this is the purpose of our kingdoms, to retain a rhythm that holds the heartbeat of earth. ─── 我们提醒她进入与地球能量场旋转的同步,因为保持一个持有地球心跳的节奏正是我们王国的目的。

14、Attune to the nearest body of water or mountain range for this syncopation, and understand that as one matches the heartbeat of earth, one comes fully into present time. ─── 为这一切分感应到最近的水域或山脉,并明白当你匹配上地球的心跳节奏时,你会完全进入当下时间。

15、1995 1978 firm syncopation rises, have by the proportion that held 48.2 % to rise to 1995 to occupy tertiary industy of 49.1 % ; ─── 第二产业的比重稳中略升,由1978年占48.2%上升到1995年占49.1%;

16、Of course syncopation and blues are only part of the jazz picture. ─── 当然,切分音和蓝调只是爵士的一部分。

17、master of syncopation in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis at the turn of the twentieth century. ─── 音乐中切分音的大师是斯考特·乔普林,他是位非裔美国作曲家,二十世纪之际在圣路易斯地区附近谱写了很多曲子。

18、8:What is the tempo (how fast do the beats/pulses occur)? Are there any unusual rhythmic features in this composition (e.g. syncopation, hemiola, polyrhythms, etc.)? ─── 问题七:描述节奏,你听到的是三拍子,还是两拍子,每节有变化么?

19、What is the tempo (how fast do the beats/pulses occur)? Are there any unusual rhythmic features in this composition (e.g. syncopation, hemiola, polyrhythms, etc.)? ─── 音乐的速率怎样?(音乐的敲打和跳动是怎样的?)在音乐中有很不寻常的节奏特色么?例如切分音复节奏?

20、One may also listen to our hum and intend to rotate one's molecular structure in syncopation. ─── 你也可以倾听我们的鸣叫,并意愿将你的分子转动切分到这个节奏中。

21、The higher the evolution of the land, the more rapid will be the syncopation of our sound. ─── 大地的进化水平越高,那么我们声音的振动节奏就会越快。

22、Syncopation of Chinese Phonetic String in Input Method of Syllable ─── 汉语拼音输入法中拼音流的切分

23、This produces an effect called syncopation another characteristic of Jazz. ─── 这便产生了切分音的效果。这种切分音是爵士音乐的另一个特征。

24、GOD GODDESS OF TIME Related to the Syncopation of Time ─── 时间之神与女神与时间切分法相关

25、Oh, yes, it is the melody, the skill of the players, the use of plenty of syncopation, the impromptu performance and the uniqueness that make a jazz fan. ─── 哦,是的,就是因为它的旋律,演奏者的技巧,大量使用的切分音,大段的即兴的演奏,还有每次演奏效果的独一无二性使我成了爵士音乐迷。

26、however, the sensuous syncopation and Rastafarian proselytizing so typical of reggae music ─── 不过,属于雷鬼乐特色的迷人切分音和让人在潜移默化中接受拉斯特法里教义的曲风,

27、The defining characteristic of ragtime music is a specific type of syncopation in which melodic accents fall between metrical beats. ─── 说到这里被教授打断,说他答得已经很完整了(有题,问教授打断他的用意)。

28、Pulse, rhythm, double tempo, syncopation, melody, pauses, suspension . . . ─── 脉冲,节奏,双节奏,切分音,旋律,停止,暂停。

29、syncope, syncopation ─── 切分音

30、Thoth was a vast master in his time and sequenced many dreams into syncopation into rhythms of of other constellations. ─── 透特是那个年代一名厉害的大师,并将许多梦想排序到其它星座节奏的切分交替中。

31、What is syncopation? ─── 什么是切分音?

32、modify the rhythm by syncopation, in music. ─── 在音乐中,通过切分来改变节奏。

33、Consumable market rises smoothly, price total level makes the same score firm syncopation to rise; ─── 消费品市场平稳增长,物价总水平平稳中略升;

34、So from ragtime's syncopation and the blues scales to big bands and improvisation,jazz has some complicated roots. ─── 所以,从散拍音乐的切分音和蓝调音阶到大乐团和即兴演奏,爵士的起源还真是复杂。

35、Through repetition of the rhythmic syncopation, with alternation of scattered and concentrated notes, and contrasts of light and dark tones ─── 乐曲通过切分节奏音型的重复,以散音、按音交替运用产生的音色明暗对比

36、Here, very precisely is why Fraulein K. is chosen to constitute the beginning of the dream, but also no doubt to determine its syncopation. ─── 在此,确实是为什麽,佛罗连被选择来当这个梦的开始,而且毫无疑问的,被选择来决定梦的中断。

37、How I happened on this elegant syncopation, ─── 就是我对这个优雅的切分音

38、Driving syncopation and a unique combination of changing meter and dynamic contrasts make composition the ideal selection for contest, festival or concert. Very playable, yet dramatically “dynamic”. ─── 这首曲子充满节奏的变化,带有许多切分音,但难度不是太高,蛮适合一般学生乐团的。

39、Implementation of an Automatic Syncopation and Classification System ─── 一个自动分词分类系统的实现

40、In the syncopation to Earth's time, mountains of karma can be released, and it is through such that the human karma for warfare will be released this year. ─── 在与地球时间的同步中,业力之山可以被释放,而就是通过这样,人类的战争业力将在今年被释放。

41、Through repetition of the rhythmic syncopation, with alternation of scattered and concentrated notes, and contrasts of light and dark tones, ─── 乐曲通过切分节奏音型的重复,以散音、按音交替运用产生的音色明暗对比,

42、The metronomic rhythm of urban life is more pronounced in the Big Apple; syncopation is reflected in daily conversation. ─── 他们借用日常生活的语言来打破这种一成不变的步调。

43、Syncopation For The Modern Drummer ─── 现代鼓手切分技巧

44、With each inhale and exhale, nonphysical and physical align to bring about physical evolution in syncopation with nonphysical evolution. ─── 随着每一次的吸入和呼出,非物质与物质联合而带来物质与非物质在切分中的进化。

45、This form of vitamin B helps sustain the syncopation of movement between the heart and the veins and capillaries . ─── 这种维生素B帮助维持心脏和静脉及毛细血管之间的流程切分。

46、The syncopation is not in the actual hum, but in the surging of sound. ─── 切分的节奏并不在我们实际的鸣叫节奏中,而是在鸣叫的声浪中出现。

47、syncopation of Chinese phonetic string ─── 音节流自动切分

48、created a new kind of rhythm that bridged the gap between rock n roll's syncopation and dance music's four-to-the-floor beats. ─── 的伟大之处在于,它搭建了通向摇滚的桥梁,在摇滚4/4切分音节拍之间填充的创造了一种新的节奏。

49、Does this piece have rhythmic patterns that may be described as syncopation? ─── 这个乐曲有什么被描述为节奏切分的节拍模式吗?

50、LFSR Reseeding Based on Syncopation of Some Test Patterns ─── 基于部分测试向量切分的LFSR重新播种方法

51、Does this piece have rhythmic patterns that may be described as syncopation ? ─── 这个乐曲有什么被描述为节奏切分的节拍模式吗?。

52、Instead of describing a song's rhythm, as "funky" or "rock," for example, it can be broken down into 12 musical characteristics such as tempo and syncopation. ─── 例如,我们将抛弃用歌曲的节奏来进行分类,如"感人音乐"、"摇滚音乐",而用诸如音乐的拍子和切分法等12项标准来分类。

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