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09-20 投稿


panicum 发音


英:  美:

panicum 中文意思翻译



panicum 词性/词形变化,panicum变形

副词: paniculately |异体字: paniculated |

panicum 短语词组

1、panicum hallii ─── 恐慌性幻觉

2、Panicum miliaceum L. ─── [医] 黍, 稷

3、genus Panicum ─── [网络] 黍属

4、Panicum virgatum ─── [网络] 柳枝稷;黍属植物

5、Panicum capillare ─── [网络] 稷

6、Panicum frumentaceum Roxb. ─── [医] 

7、Panicum miliaceum ─── [网络] 黍;黍稷;糜子

8、panicum italicum ─── 意大利圆锥花序

9、Panicum italicum L. ─── [医] 粟

10、Panicum L. ─── [医] 黍属

11、Panicum crus-galli L ─── [医] 稗

12、Panicum maximum ─── 最大限度

13、Panicum Texanum ─── [网络] Pan um

panicum 相似词语短语

1、panics ─── n.恐慌;黍;可笑的人或事(panic的复数);v.使恐慌;使狂热;惊慌失措(panic的三单形式)

2、pantoum ─── 盘头诗(一种马来诗体)

3、panicle ─── n.圆锥花序

4、panicums ─── n.黍

5、anicut ─── 灌溉堰;(印度南方为灌溉而修的)水坝,水堤

6、canticum ─── 歌曲

7、panic ─── n.恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌;adj.恐慌的;没有理由的;vt.使恐慌;vi.十分惊慌;n.(Panic)人名;(罗)帕尼克

8、panim ─── 先生。

9、panicky ─── adj.恐慌的;惊慌失措的

panicum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Title: Apomixis in Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq. ─── 关键词:大黍;无融合生殖;胚胎学;遗传学

2、Panicum psilopodium ─── n. 细柄黍

3、Panicum trypheron ─── n. 旱黍草

4、Panicum L. ─── [医] 黍属

5、Panicum will swing behind you Rou Rou, and occasionally brush shoulders on the reclining. ─── 柳枝会在你身后柔柔的摆动,偶尔拂上斜倚的肩头。

6、annual grass (Panicum milaiceum) cultivated in Eurasia for its grains and in North America for hay. ─── 在欧亚广泛栽培以收获其谷物,在北美洲种植以获取桔杆的一年生植物(稷稷属)

7、Panicum crus-galli L ─── [医] 稗

8、Aboveground biomass and water use efficiency of an introduced grass, Panicum virgatum, in the semiarid loess hilly-gully region ─── 黄土丘陵半干旱区引种禾草柳枝稷的生物量与水分利用效率

9、Panicum repens ─── n. 铺地黍

10、Main hall of the posterior wall murals of Guanyin, Yitai dignified and beautiful, wearing white, Wanran such as yarn, Panicum Jingping, Cuise such as the new. ─── 正殿后壁观音壁画,仪态端庄优美,身披白衣,宛然如纱,净瓶柳枝,翠色如新。

11、This research aims to study Panicum miliaceum L. leaves activity and the aging characteristics of oxygen metabolism by using Yu-Mi 3 and the pot method. ─── 摘要以榆糜3号为试验材料,研究糜子叶片衰老与活性氧代谢特性。

12、Panicum brevifolium ─── n. 短叶黍

13、Panicum virgatum L ─── 柳枝稷

14、Study on the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Panicum virgatum in Loess Hilly-gully Region ─── 黄土丘陵区柳枝稷光合生理生态特性的初步研究

15、The ancients clean up the mouth and teeth with your fingers and Panicum. ─── 古人清理口腔和牙齿用手指和柳枝。

16、Root Growth of the Annual Tillering Grass Panicum miliaceum in Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments ─── 异质养分环境中一年生分蘖草本黍根系的生长特征

17、In the Tang Dynasty, people Panicum caused brush, dip syrup Kai teeth. ─── 在唐代,人们用柳枝做成刷,蘸药水揩齿。

18、Panicum will swing behind you Rou Rou, and occasionally brush shoulders on the reclining. ─── 柳枝会在你身后柔柔的摆动,偶尔拂上斜倚的肩头。

19、Panicum paludosum ─── n. 水生黍

20、Panicum cristatellum ─── n. 冠黍

21、Panicum amoenum ─── n. 可爱黍

22、Panicum frumentaceum Roxb. ─── [医] 

23、Panicum miliaceum ─── n. 稷, 黍稷

24、Hybridization of rice and Panicum crusgalli and its offspring identification by RAPD ─── 稻稗杂交及其后代植株的RAPD标记鉴定

25、Ramets and Genets in the Tillering Clonal Herb Panicum miliaceum in Hierarchical Response to Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments ─── 分蘖型克隆植物黍分株和基株对异质养分环境的等级反应

26、The grass belongs to Panicum genus with the aspect of、survival rate growth vigor 、plant height、 dry matter yield all show the good adaptability . ─── 坚尼草属牧草中植株存活率、长势、株高、干物质产量等表现出较好的适应性。

27、Preliminary Study on Growth Response of Panicum virgatum L. To Different Sites in the Loess Plateau ─── 不同立地柳枝稷生长响应的初步研究

28、Song, it was sooner or later that day with two teeth Panicum Kai, Yuan Dynasty official "toothbrush", Guo poem says: "Fellow South Island toothbrush head, Qugou Di trouble one gold values. ─── 宋代,有人主张每日早晚用柳枝揩牙两次,元代正式有 “牙刷”一词,郭玉诗中云: “南洲牙刷寄头日,去垢涤烦一金值。”

29、Root Growth of the Annual Tillering Grass Panicum miliaceum in Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments ─── 异质养分环境中一年生分蘖草本黍根系的生长特征


31、Panicum incomtum ─── n. 藤竹草

32、Broomcom millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) ─── 黍稷

33、Panicum walense ─── n. 南亚稷

34、Seed dormancy of Panicum mazimum CV. Reyan no. ─── 坚尼草种子休眠期的研究。

35、Panicum maximum ─── 大黍, n. 大黍

36、Keywords wine;Millet(Panicum miliaceum L.)Wine;technology; ─── 发酵酒;黍米黄酒;工艺;

37、Panicum mazimum CV. Reyan no. 8 ─── 坚尼草种子

38、Panicum dichotomiflorum ─── n. 洋野黍

39、Aboveground biomass and water use efficiency of an introduced grass, Panicum virgatum, in the semiarid loess hilly-gully region ─── 黄土丘陵半干旱区引种禾草柳枝稷的生物量与水分利用效率

40、Study on the leaf epidermis of Panicum L. from China. ─── 国产黍属叶片表皮细胞结构的研究.

41、Section Panicum ─── n. 黍组

42、Texas panicum ─── 得克萨斯羽扇豆

43、Panicum trichoides ─── n. 发枝稷

44、Panicum cambogiense ─── n. 大罗网草

45、Panicum italicum L. ─── [医] 粟

46、An annual grass(Panicum milaiceum) cultivated in Eurasia for its grains and in North America for hay. ─── 黍,稷,粟在欧亚广泛栽培以收获其谷物,在北美洲种植以获取桔杆的一年生植物(稷稷属)

47、millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) ─── 谷子

48、Panicum be a fluttering wind, Yunyan white under the light of the constantly changing background colors. ─── 一条条柳枝随风飘动,白色的云烟在灯光的 衬托下不断变换着颜色。

49、Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ), a perennial plant growing in American grassland, may be an ideal alternative option. ─── 柳枝稷也许是一个比较理想的替代选择,它是美国草原地区的一种多年生植物。

50、Panicum maximum Jacq ─── 坚尼草

51、Ramets and Genets in the Tillering Clonal Herb Panicum miliaceum in Hierarchical Response to Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments ─── 分蘖型克隆植物黍分株和基株对异质养分环境的等级反应

52、Panicum khasianum ─── n. 滇西黍

53、Panicum miliaceum L. ─── [医] 黍,稷

54、Panicum mosaic virus ─── 稷子花叶病毒

55、Panicum shook the Windows broken moon, the moon, such as waterfall quietly vent is in heaven. ─── 窗外的柳枝摇碎了月亮,月光如瀑布静静地泄在天上。

56、Study on the leaf epidermis of Panicum L. from China. ─── 国产黍属叶片表皮细胞结构的研究。

57、any of various small-grained annual cereal and forage grasses of the genera Panicum, Echinochloa, Setaria, Sorghum, and Eleusine. ─── 各种小果一年生谷物和黍属?狗尾草属高粱属和?的草料的任意一种。

58、Panicum distachyum mosaic virus ─── 菲律宾稷子花叶病毒

59、Panicum maximum cv. Reyan No.8 ─── 热研8号坚尼草

60、Panicum bisulcatum ─── n. 糠稷

61、Panicum notatum ─── n. 心叶稷

62、Panicum virgatum ─── n. 柳枝稷

63、Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ), a perennial plant growing in American grassland, may be an ideal alternative option. ─── 柳枝稷也许是一个比较理想的替代选择,它是美国草原地区的一种多年生植物。

64、Wei Jiashao,Cai Biyun,Bai Changjun.A study on adaptability of panicum in south China[J].Pratacultural Science,2000,17(5):1-5. ─── [1]韦家少,蔡碧云,白昌军.坚尼草适应性试验研究[J].草业科学,2000,17(5):1-5.

65、Potentiality of Panicum maximum Jacq. In application to the heterosis of hybrid rice ─── 大黍在水稻杂种优势利用上的潜力

66、Comparison of growth adaptability of Panicum virgatum L. And Bothriochloa ischaemum L. In Hilly region of Loess plateau ─── 黄土丘陵区白羊草和柳枝稷适应性生长的比较

67、Both polygonum type and panicum type embryo sac have embellum. ─── 有性生殖和无孢子生殖的胚囊中均有胚珠附器存在;

68、Broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L. ) ─── 糜子

69、Effect of Cellulase on the Quality of Panicum Maximum Silage ─── 纤维素酶对大黍青贮饲料品质的影响

70、As for the grains of millet, millet and Panicum italicum are considered as millet. ─── 至于小米,小米和秫的粮食被视为“小米。”

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