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09-20 投稿


knobbing 发音

英:[ˈnɒbɪŋ]  美:[ˈnɑbɪŋ]

英:  美:

knobbing 中文意思翻译



knobbing 短语词组

1、knobbing tube wiring ─── 球管布线

2、knobbing chair definition ─── 旋钮椅定义

3、knobbing gif ─── 凸纹gif

4、knobbing chair ─── 凸面椅

5、knobbing definition ─── 凸出定义

6、knobbing slang ─── 节 ─── 节俚语

7、knobbing meaning ─── 旋钮意义

knobbing 词性/词形变化,knobbing变形


knobbing 相似词语短语

1、cobbing ─── n.人工敲碎;小块料

2、blobbing ─── v.给……蘸上液滴(或色斑)(blob的现在分词)

3、-jobbing ─── v.打零工;买卖股票;(非正式)欺骗;背叛;假公济私;戳;(用尖物)刺进(job的现在分词);adj.打零工的

4、-nobbing ─── n.熟铁锤炼;挤压;v.击打…的头(nob的ing形式)

5、knobbling ─── n.制铁坯;锤石

6、bobbing ─── v.(使在水中)上下快速移动;颠簸;突然出现(或消失);微微鞠躬(或屈膝)行礼;把(头发)剪成齐短发;乘大雪橇;轻敲(bob的现在分词)

7、fobbing ─── n.起泡沫

8、flobbing ─── 鞭打

9、dobbing ─── vt.向…捐钱;将责任强加给(dob的变形)

knobbing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The crested top was milled and knurled like the knob on a safe. ─── 冠毛茸茸的顶部早已磨平,酷似保险箱的隆起球形旋钮。

2、Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling, that protrudes. ─── 凸起物某些突出的东西,比如肿涨、圆节或肿块

3、He grabbed at the knob and pulled vigorously. ─── 他抓住锁钮使劲地拉。

4、Associated with the turn knob are two microswitches, which are closed when the knob is in the detent position. ─── 与旋钮连接的是两个微型开关,它们在旋钮处于制动位置时是闭合的。

5、Somchai: Pull string type and toggle. I want the knob at the end of the string to be tinted acrylic to match with the lampshade. ─── 双态拉绳的。我要绳尾的圆形按扭也是有亚克力与灯罩相配。

6、Inside, JaguarDrive, a rotary knob gear selector first introduced in the XF, migrates to the two-doors. ─── 在内部,JaguarDrive,旋转旋钮齿轮选择首先介绍了在芳,迁移的两个门。

7、A small metal knob on the muzzleof a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting. ─── 准星枪炮口上,瞄准用的小圆金属突起,如来福枪上的准星。

8、Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby. ─── 势利的球形门柄正在大堂里做他的嗜好。

9、He fumbled for the knob and entered a lighted room, where sat his sister and Bernard Higginbotham. ─── 他摸索到门把手,进了一间有灯光的屋子,他姐姐和伯纳德·希金波坦坐在屋里。

10、They looked at it as dumb brutes look, as dogs paw and whine and study the knob. ─── 他们像不会说话的野兽般望着门,像狗那样守在门口,发出哀鸣,紧盯着门上的把手。

11、You can adjust the colour on the TV by turning this knob. ─── 你可以转动这个旋钮来调整电视的色彩。

12、Because the handle knob design has already adopted for someone; And my this design look cooler. ─── 因为把手设计早就有人采用了;而且我的这个设计看起来比较酷。

13、The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam when you touched the knob. ─── 你一触旋钮,油灯便发出柔和的光。

14、Knob Coral, Red Sea, 1997"Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within. ─── " From "A New Light in the Sea," August 1997, National Geographic magazine “一株环菊珊瑚在紫外线的照射下,随着色彩而颤动好像被从里面照亮着。

15、The central knob has fewer positions and all you need to do is to switch it to the quantity you want to measure. ─── 中间的旋钮只有几个位置,您所需要做的,就是选择所需要的测量功能。

16、There is no switch knob on the surface. The sensor electrode (Electrode) is located inside of case. ─── 在面板表面上没有开关按钮(可设计为一平面)。感应传导体设置在外壳的内部。

17、She turned to the door and reached angrily for the knob but another officer was by her side quickly. ─── 她转身向门口走去恼怒地去抓住门把手,这时另一个军官很快来到她身旁。

18、Thus, delivery pressure remains constant even as cylinder pressure decays, eliminating the need for frequent control knob adjustment. ─── 因此,即使钢瓶压力下降,调整器的输出压力保持恒定,从而不需要经常调整控制钮。

19、You can adjust the color on the TV by turning this knob. ─── 你可以按这个钮调节电视的色彩。

20、The knob on the side of the engraver housing controls the stoke length and the depth of engraving. (Figure B). ─── 像握铅笔写字那样握住雕刻器,略带一点角度。雕刻时不要太用力,轻轻地引导雕刻店,比平常书写速度要慢一些。

21、Bump threshold is adjusted with the blue knob located on the bottom of the right fork leg. ─── "弹跳临界点"是可以经由前叉右腿下方的蓝色旋钮来调整的.

22、 双语使用场景

23、The PTO shifter might be as simple as a push-pull knob on the instrument panel, or it may be a lever on the floor. ─── 在动力输出轴器可能是一个简单的推拉旋钮的仪表板,也可能是一个杠杆在地板上。

24、Peeling length and depth settings cutter, a rotary tuning knob, simple and rapid transformation. ─── 剥皮长度及切刀深度设定,采用微调钮旋转方式,变换简单又快速。

25、Maximum operating torque that the operating shaft (operating knob) can endure in its full CW or CCW position. ─── 动触点调节到触及终端止档时,无变形和其他可见损伤时的最大力矩。

26、Close the regulator. After relieving all the gas pressure, turn the adjusting knob counter clockwise as far as it will go. ─── 关闭调整器。在释放了所有的气体压力之后,逆时针旋死控制钮。

27、Packing : 523 pcs in a skin-pack, 14 packs 7322 pcs knob in one carton. 15 KG, 1.5 cb.ft. ─── 包装方式:每523个旋钮一个真空包,14层真空包共7322个旋钮装一箱.15公斤,1.5立方呎

28、She twirled the knob of the door. ─── 她转动门把手。

29、He gave a wrench at the knob. ─── 他猛转了一下把手。

30、You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on. ─── 你可以拧电视上右边的旋钮把它打开。

31、A small knob or head-shaped part, such as a protuberance of a bone or the tip of an insect's antenna. ─── 一个仙人掌大属,主要特征为有乳头状突起或表面有小瘤。

32、By turning the knob, he turns the water on. ─── 他转动开关,打开水。

33、My cautious incursion was apparently way too timid for Diane; with an NHL-quality hip-check she moved me aside and grabbed the knob. ─── >> 她像名职业曲棍球手那样,用屁股将我强顶到一边,一把攥住了门把手。

34、It was in a paper. He unrolled it. A long, lingering, colossal sigh followed, and his heart broke. It was his brass andiron knob! ─── 东西包在纸里,他打开纸包,接着重重地长叹一声,原来纸包里包着他的那个铜把手!

35、He wrenched the knob off the door. ─── 他把门把手拧掉了,

36、Twist the knob to the left to open the door. ─── 向左转动手柄把门打开。

37、You can vary the loudness of the radio by turning this knob to right or left. ─── 你可以通过向左或向右旋转这个钮来调节收音机的音量。

39、Figure 11-11: A stovetop with poor physical mapping of controls. Does the knob on the far-left control the left-front or left-rear burner? ─── 图11-11 炉顶控件的物理映射很不自然,最左边的旋钮控制前端左边还是后端左边的火眼?

40、In connection, the volume knob of white around the circle will have a halo of orange, very beautiful. ─── 在接通以后,白色的音量旋钮周围会有一圈橙色的光环,非常漂亮。

41、He kneaded an end again once and the handle knob take out.Say:Lady, you be 47 years old. ─── 他又捏了最后一下,把手拿出来。说:女士,你47岁。

42、As he turned the knob, the sound diminished. ─── 他一转旋钮,声音就变小了。

43、Always depressurize a regulator before closing the adjusting knob and removing the regulator from the cylinder. ─── 在关闭调整钮和从钢瓶上断开调整器之前,总是使调整器减压。

44、Rounding out the Z700 upgrade package is a revised interior with lightweight carbon-fiber seats, Alcantara steering wheel and shift knob. ─── 分别是Z700的升级包是修订内部的轻量级碳纤维座椅,阿尔坎塔拉方向盘和换档把手.

45、While holding the release button depressed, pull the knob and shaft out of the headlamp switch. ─── 保持钮的按住状态,将按钮和轴拉出开关。

46、The rheostat is operated by rotating the control knob, separating it from the push-pull action of the main lighting switch. ─── 可变电阻器由旋转的控制手柄操纵,与灯光总开关的推一拉的操纵是分开的。

47、He twisted the knob of the door and went inside. ─── 他转动门把手,然后走了进去。

48、Generally, the seals of ancient Chinese emperors would have a knob with a dragon carved on it. ─── 中国古代皇帝用的印章一般都雕着龙形印钮。

49、"Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within. ─── “一株环菊珊瑚在紫外线的照射下,随着色彩而颤动好像被从里面照亮着。

50、Sound of a knob turning in the other room . ─── 从另一个房间里传来门把手转动的声音。

51、He twiddled with the radio knob until he found the right programme. ─── 他转动了一会收音机旋钮才找到了合意的节目。

52、It was his brass andiron knob! ─── 原来纸包里包着他的那个铜把手!

53、Make sure door knob menus are collected on time, so the order will also be delivered on time as well. ─── 及时的收取外挂送餐菜单,并保证按时送致客人房间。

54、Sound of a knob turning in the other room. ─── 从另一个房间里传来门把手转动的聲音。

55、He put his hand on the knob and opened it. ─── 他伸手拉住锁钮,打开了保险柜。

56、A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting. ─── 准星枪炮口上,瞄准用的小圆金属突起,如来福枪上的准星

57、Reoccupy white porcelain, or simple ligneous knob does shake handshandle. ─── 再用白瓷、或简单的木制旋钮做拉手。

58、He fumbled with the door knob. ─── 他摸弄着门拉手。

59、Octo - Creates a lush, ambient space with a harmonized decay whose harmonic denseness is controlled by the time knob. ─── 创建一个郁郁葱葱,环境空间与一个统一的衰变,其谐波稠密,是控制的时间旋钮。

60、Well, without noticing what I was doing, I took hold of the knob, and open comes the door! It warn't locked! ─── 后来,不知怎的我抓住门柄,结果门开了,门原来没上锁。

61、A knob on the hilt of a sword or similar weapon. ─── 圆头剑或类似武器柄部的圆头

62、Press down and hold the tuning knob and lamp button while turning on the radio. ─── 同时按下并保持调谐钮和灯开关,打开机器。

63、Available as an option is a gearshift knob dressed in suede-leather as well as aluminum door lock bolts. ─── 可作为一种选择是一个球形换档杆身穿麂皮,皮革以及铝门锁螺栓。

64、To be completed with a knob or a handle. ─── 可配用把手或圆把手。

65、The COMAND system knob located on the center console is also identical to the units used by other Mercedes models. ─── 前渲染给我们什么的线索新车可能看起来像,显示通风罩和一个新的头灯设计上没有看到以往任何梅赛德斯模式.

66、The first thing he caught sight of was the knob of the door. ─── 他看见的第一件东西便是门钮。

67、He wrench the knob off when he is trying to open the door. ─── 他开门时把门把手拧了下来。

68、Her umbrella is capped with a glass knob. ─── 她的伞的顶端装有一个玻璃圆头。

69、Then he pulled the plastic knob on it. ─── 于是他拉了拉那上边的一个塑料圆头。

70、He laughed so hard that he grabbed the door knob to keep from falling. ─── 他笑得那么厉害,以致他抓住门把以防跌倒。1

71、We supply many new designs of cabinet handles, door handles, pull and knob,and other rel... ─── 五金拉手,橱柜五金,橱柜配件,橱柜拉手,仿古拉手[12-23-2005

72、He turned the knob and the door burst open. ─── 他转动球形把手,门猛地开了。

73、The result of using the control is reasonably clear: A burner will heat up when you turn a knob. ─── 使用控件的结果应该显而易见,当你旋转一个旋钮时,会点燃一个火眼。

74、He pressed the knob and the lid flew open . ─── 他一按按钮,盖子就迅速打开了。

75、Apply a knob of shampoo to damp hair and gently massage the scalp. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse. ─── 在湿润的头发上涂抹适量的洗发乳并轻柔按摩头皮,让精华渗入每根发丝,几分钟后冲洗。

76、In fifteen seconds the vending machine will putout the changes by itself or by turning the knob. ─── 在15秒之内,自动售货机将自动找出零币或用户旋转退币旋钮,退出零币。

77、Remove indicator knob prior to soldering. Replace after soldering is completed. ─── 在焊接之前,拆卸指示器按钮。在焊接完成后,重新防止安装指示器按钮。

78、He shook at the knob, but the door was locked. ─── 他摇了摇门把手,但是门锁住了。

79、He has been predicting the weather in Gobbler's Knob, a wooded area outside of town, for many years. ─── 圣烛节是在二月二日,也就是冬天已过一半的时候。

80、He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. ─── 他揿了揿按钮,盖子就猛地弹开了。

81、In order to spruce up the Vette's dull cabin, the company adds lightweight carbon fiber seats, and an Alcantara steering wheel and shift knob. ─── 为了美化的克尔维特的暗舱,该公司增加了轻质碳纤维座椅,和阿尔坎塔拉方向盘和换档把手.

82、She turned a knob, and a nearby generator hummed louder. Tesla thrashed a bit. “I-I hear and will comply. ─── 她拧动旋钮,边上的机器嗡声大作。泰斯拉扭动一番,说:“我,我明白,我服从。”

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