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09-20 投稿


kinetic 发音

英:[kɪˈnetɪk]  美:[kɪˈnetɪk]

英:  美:

kinetic 中文意思翻译



kinetic 短语词组

1、kinetic control system ─── [计] 动态控制系统

2、kinetic artist ─── 活动艺术家

3、kinetic energy ─── [化] 动能 ─── [医] 动能

4、amyostatic-kinetic type ─── [医] 肌震颤运动型(流行性脑炎的一型)

5、kinetic center ─── [医] 受精卵中心球

6、hydro-kinetic force ─── [医] 流体动力

7、kinetic acidity ─── [化] 动力学酸度

8、kinetic ataxia ─── [医] 运动性共济失调

9、kinetic art n. ─── 动态艺术

10、kinetic current ─── [化] 动力电流

11、kinetic equation ─── [化] 动力学方程; 速率方程

12、kinetic filter ─── [计] 动态滤波器

13、kinetic friction ─── [化] 动摩擦 ─── [医] 动摩擦

14、kinetic chain length ─── [化] 动力学链长

15、kinetic control ─── [化] 动力学控制

16、ion kinetic energy spectroscopy ─── [化] 离子动能谱法

17、kinetic drive ─── [医] 动力传动, 动力推进

18、angle of kinetic friction ─── [机] 运动摩擦角

19、kinetic colorimetry ─── [化] 动力学比色法

kinetic 反义词


kinetic 常用词组

kinetic energy ─── [物]动能

kinetic theory ─── 动力论;分子运动论

kinetic characteristic ─── 动力学特性,动态特性

kinetic 同义词

motile | dynamic | kinematic | motive | energizing | energising | mobile | locomotive |moving

kinetic 词性/词形变化,kinetic变形

副词: kinetically |

kinetic 相似词语短语

1、akinetic ─── adj.运动不能的;无着丝粒的

2、kinesic ─── adj.运动的;(通过身体动作和手势表意的)[语]身势语的

3、kinetics ─── n.[力]动力学

4、Venetic ─── n.维尼提亚语;威尼托语

5、kinematic ─── adj.[力]运动学上的,[力]运动学的

6、kinetin ─── n.[生化]激动素;呋喃甲基腺嘌呤

7、ookinetic ─── 卵子动力学

8、kinesics ─── n.人体动作学;举止神态学

9、limnetic ─── adj.淡水的;湖泊的

kinetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Elastic collision: collision without lost of kinetic energy. ─── 弹性碰撞:没有机械能损失的碰撞。

2、Potential energy is convertible to kinetic energy. ─── 势能可转化为动能。

3、Missiles that are simple kinetic penetrators ram through earth by dint of their extreme impact momentum. ─── 单纯动力钻地飞弹纯粹利用强大的冲击动量冲入地下。

4、Erin burns calories mainly through kinetic energy. ─── 埃琳主要靠肌肉运动消耗卡路里。

5、Now the energy that we're trying to capture is kinetic energy of these fission products. ─── 现在,我们能够尝试获得的能量,就是这些裂变产物的动能。

6、The functional expression of the SDFE kinetic phenomena can enhance the expressional ability of the competitive sport. ─── SDFE运动现象功能的表现,可增强竞技运动的表现能力。

7、Energy considerations alone do not suffice to tell us how much kinetic energy is gained by each body separately. ─── 仅靠能量关系还不足以说明每一个物体分别增加多少功能。

8、In computing the kinetic energy of a body, consistent units must be used for m and v. ─── 在计算物体的动能时,对m和v必须使用适当的单位。

9、Some kinetic and physical parameters had been defined by available published data, SEM and TGA. ─── 利用已有文献数据、电子显微镜及TGA实验数据确定模型中化学反应动力学以及物性参数。

10、There exist many sources of energy both potential and kinetic. ─── 势能和动能都有许多来源。

11、Friction between two bodies is the kinetic one if slipping does occur. ─── 如果滑动确实存在话,两。

12、Using software ADAMS,kinematic analysis,kinetic analysis,and optimal design of this mechanism was fulfilled. ─── 利用ADAMS软件完成了该机构的运动学分析、动力学分析和优化设计,为该机构的深入研究和实际应用奠定了良好的基础。

13、Heating and Kinetic Energy Dissipation in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model. ─── NCAR社区大气模式中热量和动量扩散。

14、The kinetic theory was rediscovered and refined. ─── 分子运动论被重新发现并得到进一步的提炼。

15、I think kinetic scrolling is a nice addition. ─── 我觉得动力滑动是个很好的提升。

16、Alter in conduit the conduit that be gassed is not kinetic. ─── 在管道改动中煤气的管道是不能动的。

17、At first glance this bears no resemblance to the classical definition of kinetic energy. ─── 初看起来,它与动能的经典定义毫无相似之处。

18、As the penguin takes its next step, that kinetic energy is not wasted, but instead helps carry the bird forward. ─── 当它每跨出一步时动能不但没有被浪费掉,反而有助于企鹅继续向前移动。

19、It is important to remember that kinetic energy is not conserved in the collision. ─── 必须记住,在碰撞中动能不守恒。

20、Diffusivity, Kinetic Energy Dissipation, and Closure Theories for the Poleward Eddy Heat Flux. ─── 向极涡旋热通量的扩散率、动能耗散何闭合理论。

21、Kinetic parameters were obtained using the equation of Kissinger. ─── 利用Kissinger方程给出了其动力学参数。

22、The bubbling bed model can then be used for scale up and design of kinetic processes. ─── 可以用鼓泡床模型来进行动力学过程的放大和设计。

23、Kinetic pumps pass kinetic energy to the fluid by means of a rapidly rotating impeller (Blade). ─── 动力泵依靠高速旋转的叶轮(叶片)将动能传给流体。

24、The kinetic results point out it is a hybrid device which is based on peniotron’s operating mechanism. ─── 动力学的分析结果指出,混合型潘尼管是基于潘尼管工作机理的一种混合器件。

25、Photobleaching Reaction Kinetic Rules of HMME in Different Solutions[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王颖,顾瑛,刘凡光,程刚,黄乃艳.

26、Of or relating to the kinetic energy and motion of fluids. ─── 动能和液体流动的属于动能和液体流动的,或与之有关的

27、Networks 1: Systems Biology, Metabolic Kinetic &Flux Balance Optimization Methods. ─── 9网络1:系统生物学、新陈代谢动力及流体平衡最优化方法。

28、Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting (08. ─── 塑料薄膜和薄板的静摩擦和动摩擦系数的试验方法(08。

29、What percentage of the rotational kinetic energy was lost during the collision? ─── 在碰撞期间什麽旋转的动能的百分比遗失了?

30、Thank heaven that kinetic theory provides us physicists with a reliable definition. ─── 幸亏动理学理论给物理学家提供了一个可靠的定义。

31、Some of your kinetic energy has caused the page to accelerate from rest and to flip over. ─── 当你翻开每一页书时,你在进行动量传递。你的动能有一部分引起书页加速,从静止到翻转。

32、Penetration in matter depends on the kinetic energy of the electrons, E . ─── 在物质中的贯穿能力,都是和电子的动能e有关的。

33、The proposed sculptures should be kinetic in nature and preferably interactive. ─── 建议的雕塑应富有动感及互动性。

34、Two types of chemical kinetic models have proven especially fruitful. ─── 两类化学动力模型业已证明效果是特别好的。

35、Bodies traveling in a gravitational field are always undergoing an exchange of gravitational and kinetic energy. ─── 在重力场中运动的物体会不停地改变其动能与重力位能。

36、Integral Kinetic Energy Equation. Dissipation Methods. ─── 14积分动能方程式。消散方法。

37、axes are comprised of a generalized homologous temperature, the normalized kinetic energy flux, and the net film thickness. ─── 坐标轴包括广义同系温度,标量化动能以及净膜厚度。

38、The acidity of HPA is inversely related tothe kinetic energy of O KL_(23)L_(23) Auger transition. ─── 从OKL_1L_1与OKL_(23)L_(23)俄歇峰强度之比,求出氧成键时增加电荷,进一步表明了杂多酸中氧原子成键情况。

39、inhibitory effects of 4-hydroxycinnamic acid on the activity of monophenol oxidase in tyrosinase were studied using enzymological kinetic method. ─── 采用酶动力学方法研究了对羟基肉桂酸对酪氨酸酶单酚酶的抑制效应。

40、In physics, the temperature is a measure of the disordered kinetic energy of the molecules constituting a body. ─── 在物理学中,温度是组成一个物体的分子无序动能的一种量度。

41、So long as it doesn't bump into anything, the car keeps going until all that kinetic energy is expended. ─── 只要它不撞大什么东西,小车可以持续的前进直到动能耗尽。

42、Forces: The Arcanum that governs electricity, gravity, kinetic energy, light, physics, radiation, sound and weather. ─── 力场:主宰电流、重力、动能、光、物理、辐射、声音与气象的奥秘。

43、So now here you see in front of your eyes a case that the wall has momentum, but it has no kinetic energy. ─── 你在这里看到,亲眼看到这个例子,墙壁是有动量的,但它却没有动能。

44、The authentic report about extraordinary physical functions and transport kinetic energy. ─── 关于特异功能与转运动能的真实性的报告。

45、In many example of mechanical motion,there is an interchange between kinetic and potential energies. ─── 在很多机械运动的实例中,有一种是动能和势能之间的相互转化。

46、By applying the kinetic theory, we are also to explain satisfactorily what the evaporation of a liquid really is. ─── 应用动力学说,就能够圆满地解释液体的蒸发究竟是怎么一回事。

47、Sensitive assay system for inhibitor screening and kinetic assays of HDAC1 (histone deacetylase 1). ─── 一种用于抑制剂筛选和HDAC1动力学检测的敏感检测系统。

48、Gauge kinetic function is a holomorphic function of field strength superfield and other superfields. ─── 其中第一个和第三个都必须是复标量场的全纯函数,

49、An example is the kinetic theory of gases. ─── 一个例子是气体的运动理论。

50、"Seismic callosity, love immensity greatly, hope this vivid kinetic energy helps the people of disaster area. ─── “地震无情,大爱无边,希望这个活动能帮助到灾区的人们。”

51、The complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center. ─── 以罗马为动力中心的复杂文明。

52、Analysis of kinetic and dynamic characteristics of pumping unit with six-bar linkage. ─── 六连杆抽油机的运动和动力特性分析。

53、The degradation of six PAEs in the sludge conformed to a first-order reaction kinetic equation. ─── 其好氧降解过程可用一级动力学模型描述;

54、You need your reader to have completed the process before that kinetic energy has dissipated. ─── 你得让读者在动力消失前完成这个流程。

55、What potential energy and kinetic energy really mean will be the content to be discussed in the next article. ─── 势能与动能的含义究竟是什么将在下文中予以讨论。

56、Kinetic Processes: Crystal Growth, Diffusion and Phase Transitions in Materials. ─── 动力过程:材料的晶体生长,扩散与相变。

57、Optical Kinetic Absorption of the Proton (Charge) Transfer Pumped by Light in Bacteriorhodopsin[J]. ─── 引用该论文 黄玉华,赵有源,龚勤敢,陈凌冰,李富铭,刘坚,丁建东,李庆国.

58、The generation of kinetic energy by divergent wind is the primary fact or to the change of cyclone intensity. ─── 发现低层的散度风制造是气旋强度变化的主要原因。

59、In fact, we consider here two factors, a thermodynamic and a kinetic one. ─── 事实上,我们认为这里有两个因素,一个是热力学以及一个是动力学。

60、If only conservation forces act, the kinetic energy plus the potential energy remains constant. ─── 如果只受保守力的作用,则动能加势能是一个恒量。

61、Having Analysed and bandled the accident of embedded object bearing kinetic load in Suzhou Zi-Xing Paper company. 3. ─── 为苏州紫兴纸业公司分析与处理了联合厂房预埋件(承受动载)事故。

62、The commonly employed forms of energy are kinetic energy and heat energy. ─── 动能和热能是通常使用的能的形式。

63、Most of the turbulent kinetic energy is in the field of stirrer. ─── 对搅拌釜内湍动能的模拟表明,湍动能主要集中在搅拌桨区和桨尾流区。

64、In the circumstances the potential energy turns to kinetic energy. ─── 在这种情况下,势位能就转化成动能。

65、Only decreasing the areas of major tuyeres will increase the kinetic energy of every tuyere. ─── 只有减小多个风口的面积,才会增大所有风口的鼓风动能。

66、Their combined kinetic energy is much more than that of the original proton. ─── 它们的总动能比原来质子的功能大得多。

67、Since the quarks in a proton or neutron have plenty of available kinetic energy, how are they bound? ─── 因为在质子或中子中的夸克有许多的动能存在,夸克是怎样被限制住的呢?

68、Kinetic energy is a scalar property of motion. ─── 动能是运动的一种标量属性。

69、Kinetic analyses of vulcanization curves of epoxided natural rubber (ENR) were carried out. ─── 对环氧化天然橡胶硫化曲线进行了动力学分析。

70、If we let go, the elastic energy, as the spring passes through the equilibrium point, is converted to kinetic energy. ─── 如果我们释放弹簧,那么弹簧经过平衡点时,弹性能就转变为动能。

71、The momentum theorem and the conservative law of momentum, kinetic energy and law of kinetic energy. ─── 动量定理和动量守恒定律;动能和动能定理。

72、As the matter falls or is pulled towards the black hole, it gains kinetic energy, heats up and is squeezed by tidal forces. ─── 当物体落向或被吸向黑洞里面时,物体将会获得动能,被加热,并且被一种定时涨落的力量压挤。

73、Kinetic energy is the energy arising from motion. ─── 动能就是由于运动而产生的能量。

74、The kinetic study on the reaction of Ia-d with diphenyl sulfide in benzene was carried out. ─── 完成了关于Ia-d和二苯硫醚在苯中反应的动力学研究。

75、A proportion of that energy is now stored in the vehicle and is called kinetic energy. ─── 汽车从原地起步加速到某一速度需要能量。储存在汽车中的那部分能量称为动能。

76、Kinetic energy and theorem of kinetic energy; law of potential energy. ─── 动能和动能定理;势能定理。

77、The kinetic equations of Be'nard problem are solved in the presence of gravity disturbance. ─── 在重力发生扰动时对贝纳德问题的动力学方程进行求解。

78、It might seem surprising that any mathematical derivation based on the kinetic theory could be simple. ─── 令人惊奇的是,基于分子运动论的数学推导都是简单的。

79、And I want to know at this moment how much kinetic energy of rotation is stored in that disk. ─── 我想知道现在,这个磁盘内蕴含,多少旋转的动能。

80、If the electron is more localized, it must have a greater amount of momentum and kinetic energy. ─── 一个电子越定域化,它的动量和能量肯定也越大。

81、When a torque is applied to a body, potential energy is imparted to the body, which accepts it in the form of kinetic energy. ─── 当物体上作用一力矩时,把位能给予了这个物体,物体以动能的形式接受这位能。

82、The main methods are summarized, such as enantiomer-labelled, ion-molecule reaction and kinetic method. ─── 其研究方法主要分为对映体标记法、离子分子反应法以及动力学方法等3类。

83、All the kinetic energy of incident particles can go into production of new particles. ─── 入射粒子的全部功能可用于产生新的粒子。

84、If someone pushes you, that increases your kinetic energy. ─── 如果有人推你的话,你可以增加动能;

85、If two marbles collide, they rebound with a total kinetic energy that is less than what they had before the collision. ─── 两粒弹子相撞,它们弹回时的总动能比碰撞之前要

86、During kinetic resolution, the sulfoxide configuration was reversed with CHP, but kept with TBHP. ─── 在动力学拆分过程中,用CHP作氧化剂导致亚砜的构型发生逆转,但是用TBHP则保留不变。

87、I think typhoons seldomly form there. Most of them form on the Pacific Ocean where more kinetic energy is there. ─── 我硬系形住左下面果一堆云好似会形成台风咁呢.....

88、We apply the kinetic analysis to investigate the role of the intersystem crossing. ─── 我们应用动力学分析来研究系统间交叉的作用。

89、Maybe the sun is spinning down, is slowing down and maybe the energy that we get is nothing but rotational kinetic energy. ─── 也许太阳转速正减慢,也许我们得到的能量,不是别的,而是旋转动能。

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