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09-20 投稿


masculinity 发音

英:[,mæskjʊ'lɪnɪtɪ]  美:[,mæskju'lɪnəti]

英:  美:

masculinity 中文意思翻译



masculinity 短语词组

1、toxic masculinity ─── 毒性阳刚之气

2、Feminine Masculinity ─── 女性男性气质

3、masculinity-femininity ─── [医]男性-女性

4、masculinity and femininity ─── 男性主义和女性主义

5、masculinity of the sun ─── 太阳的阳刚之气

masculinity 词性/词形变化,masculinity变形

名词复数: masculinities |

masculinity 反义词


masculinity 同义词

virility | machismo |maleness | boyishness | boyhood | manhood | manliness

masculinity 相似词语短语

1、masculinise ─── 阳刚之气

2、masculinize ─── v.使男子化,使雄性化(尤指女人);使主要适合于男性(同masculinise)

3、masculinist ─── 大男子主义者

4、masculinized ─── v.(使)男性化,雄性化;(使)具有男性特征;(使)主要适合于男性(masculinize的过去式及过去分词)

5、masculinism ─── n.大男子主义;女子男征

6、masculinises ─── 雄性

7、masculinely ─── 阳性的

8、masculinised ─── 男性化

9、masculinists ─── 大男子主义者

masculinity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To me masculinity is all my perception, and I think masculinity and feminity is very old-fashioned. ─── 但我认为探讨男性化还是女性化已经过时了。

2、2.Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy. ─── 2. 女人喜欢粗犷,健美,有男人气,且坏得出了名的男孩。

3、Put another way, Hemingway's "writings allow the solace of surrender inherent in masochism while reinscribing traditional canons of masculinity" (36). ─── 换句话说,“当重新铭刻男性气概的传统准则的时候,海明威的作品给予受虐所固有的屈从以慰藉”。

4、For every woman who is called unfeminine when she competes, there is a man for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity. ─── 只要有一个女人在竞技的时候被认为缺乏女性特征,定有一个男人只能靠对抗来证明他的阳刚。

5、Embrace your masculinity, take women off the pedestal, and don’t make women the focus of your life. ─── 利用你的男性特征,把女人从雕像座上取下,别让女人成为你生活的焦点。

6、masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women). ─── 女人身上所具有的男子的气质(尤其指女孩子和年轻女性)。

7、He felt it was a threat to his masculinity. ─── 他觉得这对他的男子气概是一种威胁。

8、Notably, young men surveyed were more rigid and inflexible in their definition of masculinity, restricting themselves to far fewer options in behavior and career choices. ─── 受访的年青男性对于男性化的定义较为僵化及缺乏弹性,因而他们局限自己在行为及职业等方面的选择。

9、In the case of Japan, hegemonic corporate masculinity, as embodied in the figure of the white-collar salaryman has been premised on an ideology of the male as heterosexual husband and father. ─── 我将考察处于虚拟空间时代的男同性恋身份和它的复杂性。这种虚拟空间怎样影响生活在泰国和菲律宾的男同性恋的生活方式?

10、42. Additionally, I also collect theoretical information such as language, identity, pleasure and social constructionism, those issues closely connected with the concept of masculinity. ─── 同时我也注意搜集关于男性气质建构与语言、份、悦等议题的关系的理论性资料。

11、the puzzle, there has merely been a tinge of rumor or scandal casting doubts on the masculinity of these heroes of cuisine. ─── 疑团只有越来越复杂化,从来都有听过任何的谣言或丑闻,令人会怀疑这几位美味天王的男性身份。

12、Gender, Race, and Masculinity: Reviewing the Chinese American History before World War ─── 性别、种族、男性气概:再读二战之前美国本土华人历史

13、Indeed there had been a time when the Don had worried about his youngest son's masculinity. ─── 确实曾有一段时期,堂-科利昂担心他小儿子的男子气。

14、She would notice femininity and masculinity, no matter where on earth she landed ─── 不论这位外星人降落在地球上任何地点,都会察觉到人类中的男女性别。

15、Metrosexual :A highly style conscious urban male with an expanded sense of masculinity. ─── 有灵敏的时尚嗅觉、对雄性有更深认识的城市男性;

16、East steam cadres and workers to carry forward the spirit of bending Taishanyading not fully reflect the dauntless heroism of the working class masculinity, you are the kind of good! ─── 安体舒分子结构如此之小,大量的药物分子便能迅速地进入到癌细胞核内杀灭癌细胞。

17、One of them portrayed as devil and the other as a model minority man, both lack masculinity. ─── 他们一个被塑造成恶魔,一个被描绘成模范少数族裔,但都是缺乏男性气质的华裔男子,是“非性化”、从属性、边缘性的典型。

18、(2) individual differences in masculinity, femininity, and androgyny; ─── (2)考察男性化、女性化和双性化的个体差异;

19、Connell's study focuses on the study of masculinity from a feminist perspective. ─── 摘要康奈尔的社会性别研究由女性主义开始,集中在男性气概的研究领域。

20、A specific form of masculinity arises from a specific environment and brings about effects on gender politics. ─── 本文提出两个层次的解释,以说明为何台湾的工人需要依赖这种高度性别化的文化资源。

21、Football is a bastion of masculinity in this area. ─── 在该地区足球是男子汉的天地。

22、And men will not be free to be all they can be as long as they must live up to an image of masculinity that disallows all the tenderness and sensitivity in a man, all that might be considered feminine. ─── 只要男人仍然不得不维护所谓的阳刚形象,压制男人身上被视为女人气的所有温柔和敏感之心,那么他们就不能自由地成为他们能够成为的那种人。

23、A recurring theme in his writing, as in Hemingway's, was man testing his masculinity . ─── 正如海明威的作品,他的作品中一个不断出现的主题是男性特点的验证。

24、But her worship of masculinity, which is embodied in the novel's description of anti-Japanese war, can still be seen. ─── 然而萧红的这种意识在小说中依然隐含着男性崇拜的危机,并在小说关于抗日战争的人物塑造中表现了出来。

25、I take it as his way to set up a “tablet” for common folks, so as to awake the masculinity and noble spirit that have been neglected for a long time. ─── 我看他是在为普通人造碑,来唤起人们久违的阳刚之气,浩然之气。

26、The sex role theory of Masculinities is an absolutely different partition between Masculinity and Femineity bases on sex. ─── 摘要男性气概的性角色理论以生理性别为依据,将男性气概和女性气质进行径渭分明的二元划分。

27、A test isd a golden opportunity to set the tone and frame of the relationship and establish your alpha masculinity in the eyes of your woman. ─── 测试是一个黄金机会,以确定基调与框架的关系,并建立你的阿尔法男性在眼里,你的女人。

28、The essence of an adventurous lifestyle. The ultimate seductive scent that's confident and classic. Sporting the rich legacy of the sea - it's a true expression of masculinity. ─── "独木舟"的香味,代表一种冒险的生活方式,极富魅力,独立与高品味;海上运动的风格,充份传达阳刚的男子气

29、Springer says the survey found that men with these strong masculinity ideals were fifty percent less likely to get all of these preventive services. ─── 专家指出这项调查显示那些具有男子气概的男人们比正常人进行预防性治疗的几率少50%。

30、His exposed chest (an open heart) and relaxed belly show that he is at home with his masculinity as well, utterly self-contained. ─── 他裸露的胸部代表敞开的心,放松的肚子表示他对他的男性化也很自在、很自足。

31、It could be argued that no other film actor has ever come to symbolise so many things: rugged masculinity, the frontier, even America itself. ─── 可以说,像他那样具多重象征意义的电影演员没有几个:他代表粗犷的男子气概、边境地带,甚至美国本身。

32、Therefore, the final death of Ophelia implies the destruction of Hamlet's feminine side, which enables him to completely resume his masculinity, and take action against his enemies. ─── 因此,奥菲利亚之死即象征着哈姆雷特个性中女性气质的消亡,从而使其得以恢复男性的阳刚之气成功复仇。

33、This is the new masculinity, and it's as common today as the old masculinity of my father's day. ─── 如今亲善的脸孔已取代了父亲那个时代严厉的脸孔。

34、He is more compassionate to women but his lack of masculinity also leads to his cowardice to help Blanche. ─── 他缺乏男性气质,对女性表现出一定的理解和同情,但同时也由于他男性意识的缺乏而使他懦弱无能,不能成为布兰奇的救星。

35、I have found real models of masculinity -- and heroism -- in the pages of the Torah and Talmud, and in every Jewish community in which I've lived. ─── 我在圣经中,在生活的犹太社区里找到了男性的真榜样,英雄主义。

36、Additionally, I also collect theoretical information such as language, identity, pleasure and social constructionism, those issues closely connected with the concept of masculinity. ─── 同时我也注意搜集关于男性气质建构与语言、身份、愉悦等议题的关系的理论性资料。

37、In Korean culture, men cry and otherwise easily show their emotions, something that might be considered a betrayal of masculinity in Western culture. ─── 在韩国文化中,男人会哭,也会轻易地表现自己的情绪,但在西方文化中,这可能会被认为是对男性气质的背叛。

38、When asked to rate the men's masculinity, the women agreed on who was top and who was bottom, and their rankings correlated with the testosterone levels from the swabs. ─── 当被要求评判男人的男性程度时,她们对谁排第一谁排最后看法一致,而且她们的排名顺序同试纸测量的睾丸素含量顺序一致。

39、Conversely,blue is also associated with masculinity and is the preferred male clothing baby colour. ─── 反过来说,蓝亦是相关的男性和是首选的男性婴儿服装颜色。

40、But the exciting feeling persisted. When he came to call, his complete masculinity made Aunt Pitty's well-bred and ladylike house seem small, pale and a trifle fusty. ─── 可是那种兴奋的感觉依然存在,他每一次来看她们,他那全副的男性刚强之气总要使得皮蒂姑妈的这个富有教养的上等人家显得既狭小又暗淡,而且还有点迂腐味儿。

41、masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women) ─── 女人身上所具有的男子的气质(尤其指女孩子和年轻女性)

42、seems that men with traditional views of masculinity are more likely to suppress outward emotions and to fear emotions, supposedly because such feelings may lead to a loss of composure. ─── 具有传统男子气观念的男性似乎更有可能抑制外部情绪和恐惧情绪,大概是因为这种情绪可能会导致失去镇定。

43、In any case, over the years, each individual's biological femaleness or maleness is augmented by the psychosocial dimensions of femininity and masculinity. ─── 在任一案例中,随著年代的进展,每个个体的生物学的男性或女性,通过女性或男性社会心理特质会得到强化。

44、5 to 7:Children are beginning to realize their own femininity and masculinity, which is why it is common for them to say they hate children of the opposite gender. ─── 5岁到7岁:孩子们开始认识到自己的男女特征,这就是为什么他们常说不喜欢异性孩子的原因。

45、Conceived as a “loving critique” from a self-proclaimed “hip-hop head,” Hurt examines issues of masculinity, sexism, violence and homophobia in today's hip-hop culture. ─── 本片藉由访问”肥仔乔“及”人民公敌主唱查古皮尔斯“等美国著名嘻哈天团及饶舌歌手,一步步解构当代嘻哈文化,还原它的真实面目。

46、Therefore, boys concluded that women did not like men, so they strived to hide their masculinity. ─── 因此,男孩子们总结出女人不喜欢男人,于是他们便极力隐藏他们的男子气概。

47、In Lacanian psychoanalysis, masculinity and femininity are not biologically-anatomically determined; ─── 在拉康主义精神分析中,男性特质和女性特质并非生物学-解剖学性地被决定的;

48、The lowest Hofstede Dimension for the Netherlands is Masculinity (MAS) at 14. ─── 最低得分的一个维度是男性气质取向,14。

49、The author analyzes why the Taiwanese labor union movement presents highly militant masculinity on two levels. ─── 摘要台湾工会运动所展现出来的是一种战斗性男子气概。

50、every week, it seems as if there are new surveys and studies tripping over themselves to paint the grimmest possible picture of modern masculinity. ─── 每周似乎都有新的调查和研究交相为现代男性气质描绘最灰暗的图景。

51、sex, gender, Viagra, medicalization, urology, body, masculinity. ─── 性、性别、威而刚、医疗化、泌尿医学、身体、男性气慨。

52、Gender role and gender identity have then become two sides of the same coin: Femaleness and femininity, maleness and masculinity fit seamlessly together. ─── 然后,性别角色和性别认同成了同一枚硬币的两面:女人与女性,男人与男性,各自无痕迹地整合在了一起。

53、Nick: Motorcycle driving can train tree's tact, bravery and determines masculinity . ─── 尼克:骑摩托车可以培养机智、勇敢、顽强的男子气。

54、He felt it was a threat to his masculinity. ─── 他觉得这对他的男子气概是一种威胁。

55、A recurring theme in his writing, as in Hemingway's, was man testing his masculinity. ─── 他的著作和海明威有相似之处,就是重现的主题是男人挑战他的男子气概。

56、Nick: Motorcycle driving can train tree's tact,bravery and determines masculinity. ─── 尼克: 骑摩托车可以培养机智、勇敢、顽强的男子气。

57、Male Primary Teachers and Perceptions of Masculinity ─── 小学男教师与男性观念

58、There is an impression of femininity in bitches as compared to an impression of masculinity in dogs. ─── 它是一种忠诚的、没有异味、耐寒的犬,也是一种很好的宠物,对它要坚决而温和。

59、Connell has contributed to gender studies based on her assessment of crisis in masculinity as it occurs in the process of globalization despite regional differences. ─── 康奈尔还从全球化、地理差异、男性气概的危机趋势等方面对社会性别的研究做出了重要贡献。

60、Surely these negative opinions of their gender are down to boys growing up in a culture that routinely derides and ridicules masculinity. ─── 当然这些关于性别的负面的观点,是由于男孩生长在一个经常被嘲笑和阳刚之气被奚落的文化之中。

61、The final finding tell us the major sex types of man students are androgyny and masculinity while women students' sex types is mainly femininity. ─── 另外,研究发现中国大学生男性的性别类型分布主要是男性化和双性化,而女性的性别类型还以女性化为主。

62、The report said films and soap operas which highlight gangsters'loyalty and masculinity -- traits traditionally admired in Korea -- were a major obstacle in cracking down on them. ─── 报道中说,南韩一些电影和肥皂剧中常会对匪徒的忠心和男子气概加以突出,而这种精神正是南韩人歷来所敬佩的,所以这成為打击犯罪团伙的一个主要障碍。

63、Then,the relationships of polychronic time orientation with other four cultural values, namely,individualism, masculinity, long-term orientation and past time orientation are analyzed. ─── 其次,本文分析了个人主义、男性度、长期取向和过去取向分别与多元时间取向的关系。

64、Another uses a range of faces, independently rated for masculinity, as its starting point, and also allows a role for colour as well as shape. ─── 另一种是利用阳刚程度各不相同的多个脸型作为起始点,然后在颜色和形状方面做一些调整。

65、To beef up masculinity, I have discovered that dumping a tablespoon of brewer's yeast into one's underwear does wonders. ─── 为了补雄风,我发现倒一匙酵母粉到内裤里之妙法。行路有风,黄色(的粉末)的风。镜头:女朋友拒绝接近因怪味。

66、But what does it mean to embrace your masculinity? ─── 但展现你的男子气概究竟是什么意思?

67、A recurring theme in his writing, as in H.'s, was man testing his mascutility masculinity. ─── 如海明威一样,在他的写作中重现的一个主题是检验男人的男子气概。

68、Although I was not happy about this, I was curious to see what symbol of masculinity he had chosen. There, on his shoulder, was a two-inch image of Mickey Mouse. ─── 尽管我对此感到不高兴,但出于好奇,我想看看他选择了什么雄性象征物。原来是他在肩上文了一个两英寸长的米老鼠像。

69、masculinity like Likui ─── 李逵型身体

70、The result of mental health of androgyny is different from hypothesis, which show androgyny is healthy as masculinity ,while, compared with feminility and undifferentiation ,androgyny is ideal ; ─── 心理健康的研究结果与假设不同。

71、The students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy. ─── 学生们把科学与阳刚气质联系起来,而把艺术与阴柔气质联系起来。

72、But give it a try, because Hemingway can teach you more about masculinity than Wikipedia ever will. ─── 但最起码试一试吧。如何做一个真正的男子汉这个问题,海明威能教你的比Wiki百科全书多得多。

73、For the male line, we find that facial masculinity conforms to the rule like father - like son.Masculine dads have masculine sons. ─── 此外,我们发现男性脸部透出的阳刚气质的确符合“有其父必有其子”这一规则:有阳刚之气的父亲会生出具有相同气质的儿子。

74、Ecofeminism claim that the female care more about the nature, while the masculinity is not eco-friendly at all;masculinity induces the destruction of environment and ecocatastrophes. ─── 女性主义在二十一世纪已经浸透到各个学科领域,女性主义地思维方式不仅对社会科学各领域,而且对自然科学地研究也发生了重要地影响。

75、The right perfume or beer resolves doubts about femininity or masculinity. ─── 恰当的香水或啤酒使人对女性气质或男性气概不再生疑。

76、But the bias against poetry they had picked up, the view of it as a product of unsteady masculinity, was too much even for Yeats to overcome. ─── 然而他们受对诗歌的偏见的影响太深了,把诗看作是英雄气短的产物,这种观点太强烈了,连叶芝也克服不了。

77、Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy. ─── 不管她们承不承认,女人就是喜欢令人兴奋的东西!

78、Procreation health and masculinity health care ─── 生殖健康与男性保健

79、He refuses to take responsibility and drowns his destroyed masculinity in alcoholism. ─── 他推卸责任,把自己被毁掉的丈夫气概浸在酒瓶子里。

80、Feminism, men, and the study of masculinity: Which way now?In S.Schacht &D. ─── 力与无力的挣扎和转变:一个青年男性的自我叙说之建构。

81、Unfortunately this usually doesn't work. Today's culture requires males to expand the traditional notions of masculinity. ─── 很不幸,这个办法并不奏效。现在的文化要求男性扩大男人气概的观念。

82、In the aid of my co-supervisor, I have gradually developed and clarified some of important questions which help the construction of masculinity theorization and arranged the possible approaches of making argumentation. ─── 在合作教授的帮助下,我一步步厘清了建立理论化的男性气质需要阐述的几个重要问题,以及展开论述的可能步骤。

83、He was noted both for the intense masculinity of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life. ─── 他以作品充满阳刚气息,以及他的冒险犯难、广受瞩目的生活闻名于世。

84、Their outlook came, in part, from seeing their fathers' model of masculinity falter even as Japanese women gained more lifestyle options. ─── 可以部分预见到日本男权的衰落,甚至是日本女性获得更多生活方式的选择。

85、ecofeminism claim that the female care more about the nature, while the masculinity is not eco-friendly at all; ─── 女性主义在二十一世纪已经浸透到各个学科领域,女性主义的思维方式不仅对各领域,而且对自然科学的研究也发生了重要的。

86、The author suggests new fatherly masculinity, new motherly feminity, and new social identity of daughter as confluence. ─── 作者提出了对父亲的批判继承,对母亲的重新发现与认识,对女儿身份的重新商榷,这些前瞻性的构想具有超越时代的精神。

87、Women really do vary in the degree of masculinity they prefer. ─── 女性在欣赏的阳刚之气的程度上确实有差别。

88、He is 25-thirtysomething and appears to have re-found his masculinity. ─── 他们年龄大概在25到30来岁,似乎重新发现了自己的男子气概。

89、Indeed there had been a time whey the Don had worried about his youngest son's masculinity. ─── 老头子还真的一度担心他的么儿是否具有男性特征。

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