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09-20 投稿


rascal 发音

英:['rɑːsk(ə)l]  美:['ræskl]

英:  美:

rascal 中文意思翻译




rascal 网络释义

n. 流氓,无赖;淘气鬼,捣蛋鬼adj. 不诚实的;下贱的,卑鄙的

rascal 词性/词形变化,rascal变形

形容词: rascally |

rascal 短语词组

1、Rascal Flatts ─── 恶棍“队

2、rascally rascal ─── 流氓

3、Rascal the Raccoon ─── 流氓浣熊

4、old rascal ─── 老流氓

5、rosy the rascal ─── 罗西,流氓

6、The rascal ─── 流氓

7、little rascal ─── 小坏蛋 ─── 小淘气鬼

8、rascal rabbits ─── 流氓兔

9、rascal radio ─── 无赖收音机

10、shiftless scheming rascal ─── 诡计多端的流氓

11、a regular rascal ─── 一个普通的流氓

rascal 相似词语短语

1、discal ─── adj.盘状的;圆盘的

2、berascals ─── 贝拉斯卡尔

3、raschel ─── n.拉歇尔经编针织物

4、berascal ─── vt.骂某人

5、rascally ─── adj.无赖的;卑鄙的;不诚实的;adv.无赖地;卑鄙地;不诚实地

6、rascals ─── n.流氓,无赖;不诚实的人;adj.下贱的,卑鄙的;n.(Rascal)(美)瓦史撒乐(人名)

7、pascals ─── n.帕(斯卡)(标准压强单位);n.(Pascal)(法、罗)帕斯卡尔(人名)

8、Pascal ─── n.帕(斯卡)(标准压强单位);n.(Pascal)(法、罗)帕斯卡尔(人名)

9、rescale ─── v.重新调节;重新攀登

rascal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If they hadn't held him back,he would have beaten the rascal soundly. ─── 如果他们没拉住他,他就把那坏蛋好好打一顿了。

2、After comparing all these possibilites,a definite conclusion was presented to the question about “are those of Ferguson or those of Bratt more rascal? ─── 在综合比较了各种可能性之后,对“是弗格森们贱,还是布拉特们贱?”的议题,给出了肯定的答案。关键词:阿森纳;温格;弗格森;

3、PETRUCHIO. YOU peasant swain! you whoreson malt-horse drudge! Did I not bid thee meet me in the park And bring along these rascal knaves with thee? ─── 彼特鲁乔:这婊子生的下贱东西!我不是叫你召齐了这批狗头们,到大门口来接我的吗?

4、Williams, a rascal, was dressed up as some kind of scholar. ─── 威廉斯是个流氓,却装扮成某种学者。

5、He' s such a lovable rascal ! ─── 他真是个讨人喜欢的小坏蛋!

6、Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most ─── 伤我最深的是

7、We abominated the rascal. ─── 我们深恶痛绝那个无赖。

8、You mustn't pinch wine, you rascal!" ─── 你小子可不许偷酒喝

9、He threw an angry look at the rascal. ─── 他愤怒地望了那坏蛋一眼。

10、Besides, the little rascal liked to meddle in other people's business.Fortunately, every precaution had been taken, and none of the letters had fallen into Hsiao-ch'eng's hands. ─── 并且那小鬼爱管闲事,亏得防范周密,来往信札没落在他手里。

11、She learned that he was a rascal, she parted with him. ─── 她本来会嫁给他的,但知道他是个流氓后,她就离开。

12、Cassio. You rogue! you rascal! ─── 凯西奥混蛋!狗贼!

13、He was blazing the moment he came across the rascal on his way. ─── 他在路上遇到那个流氓,立即怒火中烧。

14、When a man makes up his mind to become a rascal,he should examine himself closely and see if he isn't better constructed for a fool. ─── 假使有人决心要当流氓,就应当好好的自我检讨一下,看看自己是否更适宜于当蠢才。

15、"Come here, you impudent rascal," was the lodger's answer as he re-entered his room. ─── “进来,你这个莽撞的流氓

16、Williams,a rascal,was dressed up as some kind of scholar. ─── 威廉斯是个流氓,却装扮成学者的样子。

17、What's that old rascal been telling you? ─── 那个老家伙对你都一直说些什么?

18、Flatter a rascal, the will cudgel you; cudgel a rascal he will lick your boots. ─── 奉承恶棍,会挨棍棒; 痛击恶棍,他会舔靴。

19、Flatter a rascal, he will cudgel you; cudgel a rascal he will lick your boots. ─── 奉承恶棍,会挨棍棒;痛击恶棍,他会舔靴。

20、"You rascal," he told Encho."You worked with me ten years and have not yet seen my whole body. ─── “孽障,”他对圆澄说,“你跟了我十年,还没看到过我全身呢。

21、We have a lil rascal!! ─── 我们有一个很调皮的孩子!!

22、And he hadn't eaten just one or two. The little rascal had taken just one bite out of every cookie on the table. ─── 这个小捣蛋不是只吃了一两块,而是在每一块饼干上都咬了一口,所有的饼干都无法用来招待客人了。

23、Flatter a rascal, the will cudgelyou; cudgela rascal he will lick your boots. ─── 奉承恶棍,会挨棍棒;痛击恶棍,他会舔靴。

24、Look at this lovely little rascal. ─── 你看这只小家伙多可爱啊。

25、He was denounced as a rascal . ─── 他被当众指责为无赖。

26、Make yourself an honest man and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the world. ─── 当一个诚实的人吧,那么,你就可以确信这世上的确少了一条恶棍。

27、I could hear, as well as see, that brandy-faced rascal, Israel Hands, plumping down a round-shot on the deck. ─── 我不仅看到,而且也听到那红脸恶棍伊斯利尔 - 汉兹将一颗炮弹冬的一声搁到了甲板上。

28、On the rare occasions when he did say something, it was bound to be offensive, as if everyone else were a rascal and he the only upright learned gentleman around. ─── 可是偶尔说一两句话,他会说得极不得人心,仿佛谁都是混账,只有他自己是知书明礼的君子人。

29、He blazed up the moment he came across the rascal on his way. ─── 他在路上遇到那个流氓,立即怒火中烧。

30、I will not pardon you, you rascal. ─── 我不会宽恕你,你这个无赖。

31、He's a regular rascal. ─── 他这个人很流气。

32、When a man makes up his mind to become a rascal, he should examine himself closely and see if he isn't better constructed for a fool. ─── 假使有人决心要当流氓,就应当好好的自我检讨一下,看看自己是否更适宜于当蠢才。

33、Come here, you little rascal! ─── 过来,你这个小坏蛋!

34、Don't let the rascal escape. ─── 别让坏蛋跑了。

35、"Here, sir! rascal, scoundrel, come here!-- Answer me, you scamp! ─── “来!先生!坏蛋,淘气鬼,走过来!回答我,奴怪!

36、He showed himself a dishonest rascal. ─── 他的表现证明他是个无赖.

37、King can not get along without rascal; on the contrary, they should fear to trust the honest and upright. ─── 君主身边不能缺少恶棍流氓。相反,他们倒不敢任用诚实与正直的人。

38、He's a precious rascal. ─── 他是个十足的大流氓。

39、They shouted to the rascal, " Get out!" ─── 他们向那坏蛋喝道:“滚

40、A militiaman happened to notice the rascal. ─── 一位民兵偶然注意到了这个坏家伙。

41、We will enjoy together of looking at the Korean unlucky bear and the rascal Rabbit, although N times, still knowing cachinnation. Then learn how they walk, again cachinnation. ─── 我们会在一起乐此不疲的看韩国的倒霉熊和流氓兔,虽然看了N遍,却还是会心的大笑。然后学他们走路,再大笑。

42、He laughs to resemble a rascal, not be actually, so I always call him " mix child " , never know hit understanding to be hit again unfamiliar, a metempsychosis, go very tiredly however. ─── 他笑起来像个坏蛋,其实不是,所以我总叫他“混子”,从不认识打到认识再打到陌生,一个轮回,却走得很累。

43、Matre Andry looked up,appeared to calculate for a moment the height of the pillar and the weight of the little rascal,mentally multiplied that weight by the square of the velocity -and held his peace. ─── 安德里老公抬起眼睛望了一会儿,好像在估量一下柱子有多高,促狭鬼有多重,再默算一下重力乘加速度之平方,然后不敢作声了。

44、Flatter a rascal,he will cudgel you; cudgel a rascal he will lick your boots. ─── 奉承恶棍,会挨棍棒;痛击恶棍,他会舔靴。

45、Though I have been always a blockhead, I have not been always a rascal. ─── 尽管我从来都是个傻瓜,但我并非一直是个恶棍。

46、He pointed out that the slander came from an anonymous quarter, and therefore must be the work of a rascal. ─── 他指出,诽谤既然来自匿名者,它一定是坏人干的。

47、If he had done otherwise I should have thought him a rascal . ─── 如果他不这样做我就认为他是个恶棍。

48、She would have married him, but when she learned that he was a rascal, she parted with him. ─── 她本来会嫁给他的,但知道他是个流氓后,她就离开他了。

49、It's a free country and a man may be a rascal if he chooses. ─── 在这个自由国家,只要自己高兴,人人都可以当流氓嘛。

50、This rascal had the sassiest bride of any ensign in the old division. ─── 在当时舰队里所有的海军少尉中,就数这家伙的新娘最漂亮了。

51、He told the Warden how things were in the village, and what a little rascal his piglet was. ─── 他告给水保许多乡下情形,说到小猪捣乱的脾气,叫小猪做“乖乖”。

52、"I don't think he really wants attention all that much, " said George DuBois. "He's just a rascal. " ─── 乔治说:“他肯定不愿受到这么多关注。他只不过是个淘气鬼。”

53、PONGO: Little rascal, let's go. ─── 小流氓,咱们走。

54、He turned the rascal out of doors. ─── 他把那恶棍赶出门外。

55、Rascal - Rascal, the Advanced Scientific CALculator, is a platform-independent modular calculator. ─── 一个高级科学计算器,是一个独立于平台的模块化的计算器。

56、and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door. ─── 我大为愤怒,便向着这老流氓走去,打算把他踢出门外。

57、He is a rascal with no merits at all, and he had to sell his wife and daughter for money. Finally, he entered the palace and became a ennuch. ─── 他是市井无赖,吃喝嫖赌,无所不通,以致家产耗尽,卖妻卖女;走投无路之际,只得挥刀自官,入宫当了太监。

58、I do not know how I can deal with this rascal. ─── 我不知道怎么能对付这个无赖。

59、He was blazing the moment he came across the rascal on his way. ─── 他在路上遇到那个流氓,立即怒火中烧。

60、"You little rascal,"he said,calling him by some strangesounding name. ─── "你这个小坏蛋,"他说道,用听上去怪怪的名字叫它。

61、He was nothing but a nuisance and a rascal. ─── 他是一个十足的讨厌鬼和恶棍。

62、We managed to trap three of them,but somehow one little rascal got away. ─── 我们成功地诱捉了三只,另一只小捣蛋鬼却跑了。

63、He turned the corner in time to see the rascal making off down the street. ─── 他拐过弯去正好看见那个流氓朝街那头逃去。

64、He was quoted as being a bloodthirsty rascal. ─── 人们说他是一个嗜血成性的恶棍。

65、The young rascal's hot loaf would be in her oven, Nazorine thought lewdly, if proper steps were not taken. ─── 如果没有采取适当措施,这个小流氓的热面包将会在她的炉子里了,纳佐林下流地想。

66、But in Christie the murderer is as likely to be the attractive rascal as the wily financier. It may be a child or even, as in the notorious case of Who Killed Roger Ackroyd? ─── 但在克里斯蒂的小说中,凶手既可能是诡计多端的会计,又可能是一个很有魅力的恶棍,也可能是个孩子,甚至会是著名的案子《谁杀了罗杰·克德》?

67、You are talking nonsense. What sort of rascal do you want? ─── 你这是胡闹!你还要找什么样的鬼东西呢?

68、You lucky rascal! ─── 你这个幸运的家伙!

69、He was so infuriated that without a word he let into the rascal. ─── 他勃然大怒,一句话未说就揍了那流氓一顿。

70、He was a rascal from his birth. ─── 他生来就是个流氓。

71、In very truth, I believe you are a rascal. ─── 实际上我认为你是个恶棍。

72、Analysis on the Illegality of "Rascal Software" ─── "流氓软件"的违法性分析

73、It is not comfortable to become a rascal. ─── 做一个坏蛋,并不那么方便嘛。

74、The rascal tried to nip away but was caught on the spot. ─── 坏蛋想赶紧溜掉,但被当场抓住。

75、You lucky rascal. ─── 你这幸运的家伙!

76、The wrathful crowd surged forward. The rascal backed away in fear. ─── 愤怒的人群涌向前去,那个无赖吓得后退了。

77、"You think what?""Miss you!"I hence answer.Teacher's silent half point at me and lambaste after ring:You are a smelly rascal! ─── “你们想什么呢?”“想你呢!”我于是回答。老师沉默半响后指着我又大骂:你就是一个臭流氓!

78、New cadres were elected. No one dared cast a vote for any rascal. ─── 不久,村干部又都经过大改选,村里人再也不敢乱投坏人的票了。

79、"You are a daring rascal, Sir, " said the magistrate; "and how dare you hope times are mended with you today? " ─── “你是个胆大包天的流氓,先生,”市政官说,“你胆敢认为今天会时来运转?”

80、His brother you know is a rascal, ─── 他的兄弟你知道是个大坏蛋

81、If he had done otherwise, I should have thought him a rascal. ─── 如果他不这样做,我就认为他是个恶棍。

82、He is either a bad man or a rascal. ─── 他不是坏人就是流氓。

83、On your knees, every rascal of you, and salute the king! ─── 你们这些无赖之徒,还不快一个个双膝跪倒,向国王行礼称臣!

84、We hated that rascal of a landlord. ─── 我们痛恨那个恶棍似的地主。

85、She was ruined by a rascal. ─── 她被一个流氓引诱而失去了贞操。

86、Rascal Flatts - Love You Out Loud ─── 大声说爱你

87、He hit the rascal on the head. ─── 他给了那坏蛋头上一拳。

88、Pongo: 14. Little rascal, let's go. ─── 庞哥:14,小坏蛋,咱们走。

89、The farmer realized that he had met a rascal, so he went to the court to make a lawsuit against the rich man. ─── 农民知道碰上了个无赖,就告到法官那里。



adidas Originals 另一双诞生于 1980 年代的经典之作 Continental 也将以 Rascal 之名重新回归。从轮廓上看来,Rascal 可说是 Kanye West 的 YEEZY Powerphase 前身,由皮革构成的鞋身以简约风格示人,但却不乏复古的气息,而两侧的深蓝/红双色调编织带更成为一大亮点。



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