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09-22 投稿


reseda 发音

英:[[rɪ'si:də]]  美:[[rɪ'si:də]]

英:  美:

reseda 中文意思翻译



reseda 词性/词形变化,reseda变形

动词过去分词: resected |名词: resectability |形容词: resectable |动词现在分词: resecting |动词过去式: resected |动词第三人称单数: resects |

reseda 短语词组

1、Reseda luteola ─── [网络] 黄木犀草;淡黄木犀草

2、reseda oil ─── [化] 木犀油

3、genus Reseda ─── [网络] Reseda

4、Reseda odorata ─── [网络] 木犀草;木樨草;木犀属

5、sweet reseda ─── [网络] 甜美的reseda

reseda 相似词语短语

1、reseeds ─── vt.重新播种;vi.补播

2、-resed ─── 复位

3、reseau ─── n.[天]网格;网状物;栅网;滤屏

4、reseal ─── vt.再密封;重新封装

5、residua ─── n.残渣;残留物(residuum的复数)

6、reseat ─── vt.使再坐;换…的底座;使复位

7、resedas ─── n.浅绿色;木犀草属植物;adj.灰绿色的

8、resect ─── vt.切除;割除

9、resends ─── vt.再发,再送;再差遣

reseda 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、reseda absolute ─── 木犀草净油

2、Have commonly white, reseda, auroral etc. ─── 一般有白色、浅绿色、玫瑰色等。

3、Good, begin to train now, the team member of reseda stands here, does the team member of bottle green stand there?! ─── 好了,现在开始训练,浅绿色的队员站这边,深绿色的队员站那边?!

4、Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda, especially R. odorata, widely cultivated for its terminal, dense, spikelike clusters of very fragrant but inconspicuous greenish flowers. ─── 木犀草一种地中海沿岸的木犀草属植物,尤指香味木犀草因其顶生、密集、总状花序的极具香味但不显眼的绿色花而被广泛栽植

5、reseda root oil ─── 木犀草根油

6、Why can leucorrhoea be reseda? ─── 为什么白带会是浅绿色的?

7、The metope of toilet, the ground is used commonly white, reseda, auroral etc. ─── 卫生间的墙面,地面一般采用白色、浅绿色、玫瑰色等。

8、Children room is fundamental key with reseda, emphasized children abounding lively and illusion, pure, and do not fall convention. ─── 儿童房以浅绿色为基调,强调了儿童富于幻想、活泼纯真,而又不落俗套。

9、reseda green ─── 木犀草绿

10、4, bedroom: Reseda or the warmth that shallow peachblossom can make the person produces spring feel, apply to colder environment. ─── 4、卧室:浅绿色或浅桃红色会使人产生春天的暖和感觉,适用于较严寒的环境。

11、Shade is burned inside urticant, thicken of leucorrhoea grow in quantity and show reseda, excuse me inflammation of which kinds of department of gynaecology be? ─── 内阴烧痒,白带增多变浓且呈浅绿色,请问一下是哪种妇科炎症啊?

12、Distinguish to show at that time, the person that introduce plants this base material make it reseda, "Green base material " get a name accordingly. ─── 当时为示区别,引进者把这种基材做成了浅绿色,“绿色基材”因此得名。

13、1.The ground uses lively color, wait like white, reseda, in order to add harmonious feeling and capacious touch. ─── 1.地面采用明快的色彩,如白色、浅绿色等,以增加协调感和宽敞感。

14、Carbon is packed in cartons, with a layer of translucent bamboo-paper pack, the lid end face and packet carbon paper talk with reseda, wrote a few words. ─── 碳是装在纸盒里的,用一层半透明的竹纸包着,盒盖顶面和包碳纸上用浅绿色谈谈写着几个日文字。

15、We stroll along the park reseda clothing market, which floor, then go to the most worthy? ─── 大家逛木犀园一带的服装市场,哪几个楼最值得逛呢?

16、This wine has a pale-gold colour and typical Muscat bouquet and flavour that reminds of reseda. ─── 具有淡金色的色泽,和典型的麝香葡萄香味。

17、Generally speaking, the metope of the study, ceiling is tonal should choose elegance, bright and clean, subdued light color, be like baby blue, shallow cream-colored, reseda. ─── 一般来说,书房的墙面、天花板色调应选用典雅、明净、柔和的浅色,如淡蓝色、浅米色、浅绿色。

18、Reseda or the warmth that shallow peachblossom can make the person produces spring feel, apply to colder environment. ─── 浅绿色或浅桃红色会使人产生春天的暖和感觉,适用于较严寒的环境。

19、The study gives priority to tone with reseda, pure and fresh and natural, additional set coat ark, convenient store content. ─── 书房以浅绿色为主调,清新自然,另设有大衣柜,方便储物。

20、Kitchen, toilet is the most important is clean sanitation, tonal simple but elegant is best, white, reseda, shallow blue is right choice. ─── 厨房、卫生间最重要的是清洁卫生,色调素雅最好,白色、浅绿色、浅蓝色等都是不错的选择。

21、Choose to go up in kitchen colorific above all, general appropriate is given priority to with white, buff and reseda. ─── 首先在厨房色彩的选择上,一般宜以白色、浅黄色和浅绿色为主。

22、Means 3: The ground uses lively color, wait like white, reseda, be coordinated in order to increase and broad move. ─── 方式一: 洗涤槽柜、灶柜的门采用浅黄色漆料,能增加明快感和宽敞感。

23、reseda concrete ─── 木犀草浸膏

24、Reseda of floor appropriate laid, the ceramic tile of buff or white, such designs the first easy clean, the 2nd shipshape, the 3rd so harmonious colour, can make kitchen more show unified, harmony. ─── 地板宜铺设浅绿色,浅黄色或白色的瓷砖,这样设计第一易打扫、第二整洁干净,第三如此协调的色彩,会使厨房更显统一、和谐。

25、According to the report, when Laura enters diurnal activity, will wear reseda long sleeve skirt is installed and to it suitable coat, both with edge of ivory lubricious faille; ─── 据报道,劳拉参加白天的活动时,将身着浅绿色长袖裙装和与之相配的外套,两者都以象牙色罗缎镶边;

26、The study is dinkum static space, it is better to because this chooses green of gray, brown gray, brown, shallow blue, reseda,wait for grave colour; ─── 书房是纯粹的静态空间,因此选用灰色、褐灰色、褐绿色、浅蓝色、浅绿色等庄重的色彩较好;

27、The metope of toilet, the ground is used commonly white, reseda, auroral etc. ─── 卫生间的墙面,地面一般采用白色、浅绿色、玫瑰色等。

28、Reseda alba ─── 白木犀草

29、Attune of green spring scenery gives priority to color with reseda, buff. ─── 青春色调以浅绿色、浅黄色为主色。

30、RESEDA metalanguage ─── RESEDA元语言

31、And kitchen, toilet is the most important is clean sanitation, tonal simple but elegant is best, white, reseda, shallow blue is right choice. ─── 而厨房、卫生间最重要的是清洁卫生 , 色调素雅最好 , 白色、浅绿色、浅蓝色等都是不错的选择。

32、Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda,especially R. odorata,widely cultivated for its terminal,dense,spikelike clusters of very fragrant but inconspicuous greenish flowers. ─── 木犀草一种地中海沿岸的木犀草属植物,尤指香味木犀草因其顶生、密集、总状花序的极具香味但不显眼的绿色花而被广泛栽植。

33、reseda oil ─── 木犀油

34、Reseda lutea ─── n. 黄木犀草

35、Perhaps choose cream color or flaxen, dan La and reseda are pretty good also, naturally letting a person associates to water, and also belong to more relaxed tonal. ─── 或者是选择乳白或淡黄色,淡蓝及浅绿色也不错,让人自然地联想到水,而且也属于比较清爽的色调。

36、Reseda odorata ─── n. 木犀草

37、Also have paler-k natural Cream-colored, reseda, no matter which kind of colour, want to let you feel youthful vitality. ─── 也有淡逸自然的米色、浅绿色等,无论哪种色彩,都要让你感受到青春的活力。

38、This kind of reseda, resemble early spring just the small grass of appear and the color that just spit the Liu Xie of new bud, light, filled infinite lease of life however. ─── 这种浅绿色,就像初春刚刚露头的小草和刚刚吐出新芽的柳叶的颜色,淡淡的,却布满了无限的生气。

39、Can envisage: In sorching summer, the reseda vase that on one places to insert Man Zi lubricious orchid before the metope of peak green, it is what kind relaxed, the business with cozy what kind. ─── 可以想像一下:在炎炎夏日,嫩绿色的墙面前摆上一个插满紫色兰花的浅绿色花瓶,是何等清爽,何等舒服的事情。

40、bedroom: Reseda or the warmth that shallow peachblossom can make the person produces spring feel, apply to colder environment. ─── 卧室:浅绿色或浅桃红色会使人产生春天的暖和感觉,适用于较严寒的环境。

41、reseda mignone ─── 桂花

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