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09-22 投稿


malnutrition 发音

英:[ˌmælnuˈtrɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌmælnjuˈtrɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

malnutrition 中文意思翻译



malnutrition 同义词

wasted | emaciated | underweight | starving | famished |hungry | thin | undernourished | underfed

malnutrition 词性/词形变化,malnutrition变形

名词复数: malmseys |

malnutrition 反义词


malnutrition 相似词语短语

1、maldistribution ─── n.分布不均;分配不当,分配不公

2、nutrition ─── n.营养,营养学;营养品

3、malposition ─── n.位置不正;胎位不正

4、elutriation ─── n.[化工]淘析,[土壤]淘洗;[矿业]淘选;洗提

5、malfunction ─── v.发生故障,不起作用;n.故障,失灵

6、contrition ─── n.痛悔;悔悟

7、overnutrition ─── n.营养过度;进食量过多

8、attrition ─── n.摩擦;磨损;消耗

9、innutrition ─── n.营养不良

malnutrition 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Girls not fully grown, or women stunted by malnutrition, often have small pelvises that make them prone to obstructed labor. ─── 女孩还没有成年,妇女因营养不良而生长受限,太小的骨盆使得她们分娩时极易难产。

2、Vaughan: They are, and it's another race against time to get food to them before they start to become weak and die of malnutrition or disease. ─── 佛恩:是啊。救援者还必须和时间竞赛,为灾民送上食物,否则他们身体会更虚弱,因营养不良或疾病而死亡。

3、Depression may result in malnutrition, noncompliance and dialysis inadequacy, etc. ─── 它可造成血透患者的顺应性下降、营养不良、透析不充分等。

4、The Blood profile resembles that of pernicious anemia. Taking folic acid causes rapid improvement; an adequate diet cures cases caused by malnutrition. ─── 临床表现为血像同恶性贫血。口服叶酸后所有症状迅速改善;由于单纯营养不良引起者,应用适当饮食即可治愈。

5、His belly is distended by malnutrition. ─── 他的肚子因营养不良而肿胀。

6、Children in the billion-plus country suffer "endemic malnutrition" which puts them at a disadvantage from the start of life, the study said. ─── 在这个十多亿人口的国家,儿童从刚生下来就遭受由地方性疾病引起的营养不良,使他们从小就落后于别的国家的儿童。

7、To 0-3 years old children in Guangxi country,the malnutrition rate was 67.8%,the rate of under wieght was 29%,the rate of stuntin g was 30.6%,and the anaemia rate was 38.5%. ─── 广西 6县农村儿童营养不良发生率达 67 8% ,低体重发生率达 2 9% ,发育迟缓发生率达 3 0 6% ,婴幼儿贫血发生率达 3 8 5%。

8、In 2000, child mortality dropped by one third as compared with 1990, and the rate of malnutrition among children dropped by 50 percent. ─── 2000年,儿童死亡率比1990年降低了1/3,儿童营养不良率下降了一半。

9、Infants, children, pregnant and lactating women, the sick, and the elderly are very vulnerable to malnutrition and have special needs. ─── 婴儿、儿童、孕妇和哺乳妇女、病人以及老人非常容易患上营养不良,他们都有特殊的需要。

10、Improper food can cause malnutrition. ─── 不适当的食物能引起营养不良。

11、The indexes of infantile malnutrition were determined in terms of morphology and laboratory findings and differ with the individual condition. ─── 从形态学指标和实验室指标两方面拟定小儿疳证的评估标准,并建议临床选用时可根据具体情况选用不同指标。

12、Goals for the future include all the simple technologies needed to make ready- to - use therapeutic foods to treat malnutrition. ─── 未来的目标是把这些简单的技术用于化学的食物中,来治疗营养不良。

13、The World Health Organization says malnutrition in children can cause life-long health problems. ─── 世界健康组织表示孩子如果营养不良将影响一辈子的健康问题。

14、Neuralgia of a nonspecific kind tends to occur during states of debility and malnutrition from any cause and in association with infections. ─── 在因任何原因所引起的虚弱、营养不良以及合并有感染等情况下,往往发生非特异性的神经痛。

15、In 1980 the government initiated a five-year project to combat and prevent malnutrition and to promote health. ─── 1980年,政府发起了一个预防营养不良并与之斗争,提高健康水平的五年项目。

16、One figure for that: 54 percent of the children under the age of five years suffer from malnutrition. ─── 有一个数字能够说明这种情况:五岁以下的儿童中有百分之五十四的人都饱受营养不良症的折磨。

17、"The EPFL is proud of joining FAO at the forefront of the fight against hunger and malnutrition worldwide. ─── “欧洲职业足球联盟对于能够站在全世界抗击饥饿和营养不良的最前线,与粮农组织共同战斗而感到自豪。

18、Progress in the battle against malnutrition and proverty can be sustained if satisfactory economic growth. ─── 如果实现令人满意的经济增长,而且只有实现令人满意的经济增长在减轻营养不良和贫困方面取得的进展才能持久。

19、They could damage crops and make them vulnerable to infection and infestations by pests and weeds, thereby reducing food supplies and potentially contributing to malnutrition. ─── 它们会损害庄稼,使庄稼易受害虫和杂草的影响和侵袭,因此引起食物供应不足和潜在的营养不良。

20、CHF works to provide food and other aid to children who are victims of hunger, malnutrition, poor medical care, abandonment or abuse. ─── CHF工作是给饥饿受害者,营养不良,不良的医疗护理,遗弃或者虐待的孩子提供食品和其他帮助。

21、Waitzberg DL,Calaffa WT,Correia ML Hospital malnutrition:the Brazilian national survey:a study of 4000 patients[J].Nutrition,2001 ;17(7-8):573-80. ─── 于康,刘燕萍,王秀荣,等.腹透患者蛋白质营养状况评价及人体组成测定[J].中国临床营养杂志.2003;11(3):206-8.

22、The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition. ─── 孩子们的胃因营养不良而肿胀了。

23、Micronutrient malnutrition is estimated to affect at least 2 billion people of all ages, but children are particularly vulnerable. ─── 微量营养素营养失调,估计影响至少2亿人,但儿童特别容易受到伤害。

24、Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient. ─── 营养不良明显使病人虚弱无力。

25、All parts are used medicinally for infantile malnutrition caused by intestinal parasites. ─── 全株药用来治疗婴儿由肠内寄生虫而引起的营养不良。

26、As far as we could see, malnutrition in 2000 was nonexistent, though Cubans without access to U.S. dollars still struggle. ─── 就象我们看到的那样,2000年时的营养不良已经不复存在。

27、of the population is suffering from malnutrition. ─── 的人口营养不良。

28、In the Third World, where two out of three people still live by farming, food shortages and malnutrition are common. ─── 在第三世界国家里,三分之二人口仍然依靠农业生存,食物短缺和营养不良十分普遍。

29、His illness ensued from malnutrition. ─── 他的病是营养不良引起的。

30、The prevalence of malnutrition of the hospitalized elderly patients is high and MNA is a rapid,simple,reliable tool to evaluate the nutritional status of the elderly. ─── 住院老年人营养不良的患病率高,MNA是一种可靠、快捷、简便的老年人营养状况评价方法。

31、The World Health Organization estimates that twenty million children at any given time suffer from severe malnutrition. ─── 世界卫生组织估计到目前为止大约有两千万的孩子饱受严重营养不良之苦。

32、Following quickly on this tragedy, the youngest child died of malnutrition. ─── 发生这一惨剧之后不久,最小的孩子又因营养不良死掉了。

33、Across China, cacotrophia (malnutrition) occurs mostly in the west, where teenagers do not get enough calories or protein. ─── 在全国范围内,营养不良问题相对集中的是西部,西部青少年的热量、蛋白质摄入不足,而致使营养不良。

34、The merchant looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny, almost as she suffered from malnutrition. ─── 商人抬起头,看到了自己的大老婆。她是那么消瘦,一副营养不良的样子。

35、But he says this kind of food aid lacks enough calories and nutrients to prevent malnutrition. ─── 但是他表示这种急救食品卡路里和营养成份不足,不能防止出现营养不良。

36、Patients having heart, kidney or liver diseases, diabetes or other malnutrition states should not receive the vaccine. ─── 患有心脏病、肾病、肝病、糖尿病或营养不良的病者也不应接受此疫苗。

37、It says acute rates of malnutrition in both Somalia and Djibouti are beyond the emergency threshold. ─── 儿童基金会说,索马里和吉布提两个国家儿童营养不良的严重程度都高于世界卫生组织规定的紧急行动标准。

38、Certain types of malnutrition during the early months of pregnancy may have similar effects. ─── 怀孕早期某些类型的营养不良可能产生类似影响。

39、His illness arose from malnutrition. ─── 他的病因营养不良而引起。

40、Guatemala's government declared a “state of public calamity” in response to malnutrition that it said threatens 400,000 families. ─── 危地马拉政府宣布国家处于“公共灾难状态”以应对营养危机,据说已经威胁到400,000个家庭。

41、In Africa, there are a lot of children suffering from severe malnutrition. ─── 在非洲有大批严重营养不良的孩子。

42、Over the last few months, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of children suffering from acute malnutrition. ─── 过去几个月,儿童严重营养不良的人数稳步上升。

43、The war ended finally, when the same day Setsuko died from malnutrition. ─── 可是快乐的日子不常,最后妹妹因身体衰弱而死。

44、Prospective study on the bioactivity of lactalbumin to improve protein malnutrition status of the patients carrying through hemodialysisZHANG Yi-yun, et al. ─── 乳清蛋白生物活性改善维持性血透患者蛋白质营养不良的前瞻性研究。

45、But there is now a consensus in the definitions: the diagnosis of infantile anorexia requires criteria of acute or chronic malnutrition. ─── 但是,现在有了一个统一的定义:婴幼儿厌食的诊断需要有急性期标准或慢性营养不良。

46、Depigmentation of the hair and spooned nails point to malnutrition. ─── 头发脱色和匙状甲表明营养不良。

47、According to each single index,the incidence of malnutrition was:39.13% by IBW%, 71.74% by TSF, 58.70% by AMC, 30.43% by Alb and 82.61% by TF respectively. ─── 不同指标评估营养不良的发生率分别为IBW %39.13% ,TSF 71.74% ,AMC 5 8.70% ,Alb 30 .4 3% ,TF 82 .6 1%。

48、But the fact that diseases such as malnutrition and other illnesses due to the low standard of living are now rarely seen cannot be denied. ─── 但诸如营养不良等由于生活水平低而引起的疾病已经很少见了也是不容否认的。

49、Malnutrition poses a challenge for all low-income developing countries, large or small. ─── 在所有低收入的发展中国家里,不论国家大小,营养不良是对它们的一个挑战。

50、The experts said these foods fruits are a resource that could help fight new malnutrition and support rural development in Africa. ─── 专家说这些水果是中资源,他们能解决非洲的营养不良和农村的发展。

51、Women were given support for iron, calcium and multination tablets to recover from ill health and malnutrition. ─── 医院向妇女提供补铁、补钙及多种营养元素的药片帮助他们抵御疾病和营养不良。

52、While this treatment usually works, remember also that the conditions that initially caused the infection may still prevail( stress, malnutrition, dampness etc. ─── 当这种治疗成功后,不要忘了什么引起的感染,因为它还可能再次引起感染。

53、For children who suffer from severe acute malnutrition, most can be treated successfully with ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF). ─── 对于患有严重急性营养不良的儿童,大多数可以通过治疗性即食食品得到有效治疗。

54、If accidental ingestion, will not cause a problem; if fed repeatedly, may result in malnutrition and diseases affecting the heart. ─── 偶尔喂食并无大碍,但经常喂食,可能导致营养不良及心脏疾病。

55、And 30 per cent of them already suffered before the war from malnutrition, according to international aid organizations. ─── 国际援助组织资料显示,在战前他们中已有30%饱受营养不良之苦。

56、She was so skinny, almost like she suf-fered form malnutrition. ─── 她是那么消瘦,一副营养不良的样子。

57、When news arrived of distant floods and famines, malfeasance and malnutrition, they told themselves that theirs was a world apart. ─── 当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。

58、The obesity and malnutrition rate by BFP were 15.67% and 2.94% for males,and 18.1% and 2.86% for females. ─── 以身体脂肪比率(BF%)判定肥胖与营养不良发生率,男生分别为15.67%和2.94%,女生为18.1%和2.86%。

59、A balanced diet is an insurance against malnutrition. ─── 均衡的食谱是防止营养不良的保证。

60、Micronutrient malnutrition now afflicts over 40% of the world’s population and is increasing especially in many developing nations. ─── 世界上超过40% 的人们在受到微量营养不良的折磨,特别是在许多发展中国家,这个百分比还在增加。

61、But he says this kind of food aid less (lacks) enough calories and nutrients to prevent malnutrition. ─── 但是,他说这类辅助食品缺少预防营养不良所需的卡路里和营养物质。

62、Later in the disease, chronic fatigue, anemia and malnutrition may constitute the chief symptoms. ─── 在本病的晚期,慢性乏力、贫血、营养不良可成为主要症状。

63、The bank president said hunger, * nutrition malnutrition and food policy were a centurial central issue. ─── 世界银行行长称饥饿,营养不良以及食品政策是核心问题。

64、WFP warned that victims of the food crisis are mainly children under five. In Guatemala, almost half of the children under five are malnutrition over a long period of time. ─── 世界粮食计画署警告,粮食危机影响的受害者主要是不满五岁的儿童,在瓜地马拉,几乎一大半五岁以下的儿童长期营养不良。

65、Goes(Goals) for the future include all the simple technologies needed to make ready to use (therapeutic) foods to treat melioration(malnutrition). ─── 将来的目标是应用简单技术制作应对营养不良的治疗食物。

66、At the Zhong Yang county maternity hospital, also in Shanxi, there's a view that malnutrition is as much to blame as pollution. ─── 在山西省的张阳县(音译)的一家妇产科医院,有一种观点认为营养不良和污染对婴儿缺陷有着同样的危害。

67、Due to different causes of malnutrition is divided into angular cheilitis, angular cheilitis bacteria, fungi and angular cheilitis. ─── 因病因不同而分为营养不良性口角炎、球菌性口角炎、真菌性口角炎。

68、Haider M, Haider SQ. Assessment of protein-calorie malnutrition[J]. Clin Chem,1984,30:1286. ─── 侯巍,杨述红,宣萍.视黄醇结合蛋白测定的临床意义[J].中国实验诊断学,2002,6(5):348.

69、We suggested that we should give scientific and adequate diet to child so as to prevent obesity while we prevent the child from malnutrition. ─── 建议人们在重点防范儿童营养不良的同时,还要给儿童以科学合理的膳食,防止出现肥胖症。

70、CHRISTOPHER HOWSON: "We should treat malnutrition in women both before and doing pregnancy. ─── “我们应当在妇女的孕前和孕期来治疗她们的营养不良。

71、Davalose A, Ricart W, Gonzalez-Huix F, et al. Effect of malnutrition after acute stroke on clinical outcome. Stroke, 1996, 27 (6): 1028. ─── 彭蓉.白细胞--内皮细胞粘附作用对缺血性卒中的影响.国外医学脑血管疾病分册,1997,31:9.

72、Across China, cacotrophia( malnutrition) occurs mostly in the west, where teenagers do not get enough calories or protein. ─── 在全国范围内,营养不良问题相对集中的是西部,西部青少年的热量、白质摄入不足,而致使营养不良。

73、Health officials say he is among nearly 30% of Peruvian children in his age group who suffer from chronic malnutrition. ─── 卫生官员说他是长期的营养不良,在他这个年龄段的秘鲁儿童中,有几乎30%的人都遭受着同样的问题。

74、A recently developed home-based treatment for severe acute malnutrition is improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of children a year. ─── 最近制定的以家庭为基础的对严重急性营养不良的治疗,每年改善了数十万儿童的生活。

75、Most dogs that contract the Parvo virus are in danger of dying from dehydration and malnutrition, not the parvovirus itself. ─── 大多数狗是因为脱水和电解质失衡而死亡,不是因为病毒本身。

76、Must we wait for incontrovertible data before we seriously seek to solve the problems of hunger and malnutrition in America? ─── 一定要等到有了确凿的数据我们才能认真地去寻找解决饥饿与营养不良等问题的方法吗?

77、In 2008, malnutrition and starvation in many parts of the world are not only increasing but are set to reach new peaks of suffering. ─── 在2008年,发生于许多世界地方的营养失调及饥饿不仅仅是增加中,而且是达到灾难的高峰。

78、In the developing countries, more than 10 million people die from hunger or malnutrition every year. ─── 在发展中国家,每年有1000万人以上的人口死于饥饿或营养不良。

79、"Food and fuel, sustenance and energy, malnutrition and health, it does not get more basic than that," he said. ─── 世界银行行长佐利克星期一说,工业化八国面临的主要挑战对于非洲来说也格外重要。

80、Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development. ─── 太多糖分将会中断蛋白质和营养素的吸收而导致营养不良,并且也许干扰头脑的发展。

81、In the Third World, where two out of three people still live by farming, food shortage and malnutrition are common. ─── 在第三世界,有三分之二的人仍然以务农为生,但粮食短缺和营养不良现象却司空见惯。

82、It is the time when many infants become malnourished, contributing significantly to the high prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years of age worldwide. ─── 在此时,许多婴儿发生营养不良,从而显著地造成世界范围内5岁以下儿童中很高的营养不良发生率。

83、In1968, a nation-wide survey of malnutrition was made for the first time. ─── 一九六八年,首次在全国范围进行关于营养不良的调查,发现有一千万人由于摄食不足而健康不佳。

84、The prevalence rates of moderate to severe malnutrition in SGA children were higher than that in AGA children at 1, 3 years old (P

85、Infections are more likely in those suffering from malnutrition. ─── 感染更有可能发生在那些营养不良的人身上。

86、She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. ─── 她骨瘦如柴,如同正在遭受营养不良的折磨。

87、It can also lead to more serious complications, including mineral and itamin deficiencies, malnutrition, weight loss, and stunted growth. ─── 它还可以引起更多严重的并发症,包括矿物质合维生素缺乏、营养不良、体重减轻和发育不良。

88、Fetuses carried by well-nourished mothers do not, as it were, anticipate the risk of malnutrition, and thus respond to it less well. ─── 而那些营养充足的母亲怀的胎儿,正如我们看到的那样,不能预知营养不良的风险,因此在作出反应方面就不及前者。

89、Their hardships were appalling and many died of disease and malnutrition. ─── 他们遇到的困难令人震惊,许多船员死于疾病和营养不良。

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