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09-22 投稿


quixotic 发音

英:[kwɪkˈsɑːtɪk]  美:[kwɪkˈsɒtɪk]

英:  美:

quixotic 中文意思翻译



quixotic 词性/词形变化,quixotic变形

异体字: quixotical |副词: quixotically |名词: quixotism |

quixotic 相似词语短语

1、abiotic ─── adj.非生物的,无生命的

2、-biotic ─── adj.生物的;有关生命的

3、quixotical ─── adj.唐吉诃德式的;狂想家的

4、Quixote ─── n.堂吉诃德(西班牙作家塞万提斯所著《堂吉诃德》中的主人公)

5、quintic ─── adj.(数学)五次方的;五次的;n.(数学)五次多项式(方程)

6、Nilotic ─── adj.尼罗河(流域)的

7、quixotism ─── n.不切实际的思想或性格;唐吉诃德式性格

8、quixotically ─── adv.唐吉诃德式地

9、Eliotic ─── 省略的

quixotic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Estranged from the quantum mainstream, Einstein spent his final decades in quixotic pursuit of a unified theory of physics. ─── 与量子的主流思想渐行渐远后,爱因斯坦将他的最后几十年投注在对于物理统一理论的狂想式追求上。

2、as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood ─── 象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际

3、Not long ago, selling American cars in Japan was downright quixotic . ─── 前不久,要在日本出售美国汽车还是一件绝对办不到的事情。

4、These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me. ─── 这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。

5、It may have been Quixotic, but it was magnificent. ─── 这也许有点堂吉诃德式,但却是崇高的。

6、as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood; ─── 象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际;

7、Imagine become in such a man as he, perhaps only a quixotic, no touch, much of the goal and uncommon and the lack of a real dream! ─── 想象成为他那样的人,或许只是一个遥不可及,无可触摸的,远不达目的的不凡而缺乏真实的梦想吧!

8、He is rehearsing an ancient dream and desire in plain and common words and almost even in the quixotic way: inquiry on survival. ─── 他排练一个古老梦想和欲望在简单和共同的词和几乎用堂基柯德式的方式: 询问在生存。

9、Quixotic, I grant you, after a year in which the lights went out all across the global financial system. ─── 我承认,在经历了全球金融体系堕入黑暗的一年后,这种做法有些不切实际。

10、No other form of writing is at once so quixotic and so intensely practical.Dictionary making does not require brilliance or originality of mind. ─── 您可以在一日之内,或乘车,或步行,或乘船在村寨里尽情游历。

11、One given to adventurous or quixotic conduct. ─── 侠义心肠的人,堂吉诃德式的人物喜欢冒险或作出堂吉诃德式行为的人

12、Two and a half years later, my beautiful, quixotic son had grown into a devilish handful. ─── 两年半后,我那漂亮又爱幻想的儿子长成了一个难缠的小恶魔。

13、In short, our interpretation of dreams may say a lot less about some quixotic search for hidden truth than it does about another enduring human quality: optimistic thinking. ─── 简而言之,我们对梦的解释会很少空想性地探寻隐匿的事实,而更多的是体现了人类的另一种永久性特质:凡事都往好处想。

14、a quixotic act of chivalry ─── 表现出空想的骑士精神的行动

15、Everyone thinks he is a quixotic dreamer, with hopes to one day live in a space station. ─── 每个人都认为他是个不切实际的幻想家,他梦想有一天能在太空站生活。

16、It is probable that, apart from the most immediate, pragmatic, technical revisions, the writer's effort to detach himself from his work is quixotic(Joyce Carol Oates) ─── 除了最当前的、实用的,技术性的修改外,作者使他自己远离作品的努力有可能是不切实际的(乔伊丝 卡罗尔 奥茨)

17、Double desire.Love-me-two-times lips.Introducing Cremesheen Lipglass, the perfect performance teammate for Cremesheen Lipstick.Creamy, quixotic colour, and super-sexy shine. ─── 饱满的唇色与柔滑质感的完美结合.霜状质地,更见轻柔,格外润滑,唇线与唇膏的完美结合为你缔造完美的双唇.

18、Quixotic Principle ─── 吉诃德原则

19、"At worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious" (Louis Auchincloss) ─── “从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动,而不含恶意”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

20、"It is probable that, apart from the most immediate, pragmatic, technical revisions, the writer's effort to detach himself from his work is quixotic" (Joyce Carol Oates) ─── “除了最当前的、实用的,技术性的修改外,作者使他自己远离作品的努力有可能是不切实际的”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨)

21、Quixotic though protest may seem in the face of Hong Kong's relentless development, heritage is a hot issue. ─── 香港的持续建设虽然让这些抗议活动看起来有些堂吉诃德,但历史确实是个炙手可热的议题。

22、Nearly two years time, due to the way, rugged, car repair, and not to go home for a period of road seem quixotic. ─── 近二年时间,由于路子失修,坑坑洼洼,车子难走,本来并不远的一段故乡路就似乎遥不可及了。

23、Nearly two years time, due to the way, rugged, car repair, and not to go home for a period of road seem quixotic . ─── 近二年时间,由于路子失修,坑坑洼洼,车子难走,本来并不远的一段故乡路就似乎遥不可及了。

24、This is a Quixotic quest that not only reflects a misunderstanding of the purpose of toolbars but also reflects the futile hope for magical powers in metaphors, which we discussed in Chapter 13. ─── 这是一种堂吉诃德式的探索,不仅反映了对工具栏目的误解,而且反映了对隐喻魔法徒劳的希望。 关于这一点我们在第13章已经谈过。

25、Your idea is quixotic. ─── 你太异想天开了。

26、Give me a Don Quixotic Spear so that I fight with the windwheel. ─── 请给我一柄堂吉诃德那样的长矛,我要与风车开战!

27、At worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious(Louis Auchincloss) ─── 从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动,而不含恶意(路易斯 奥金克洛斯)

28、He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour. ─── 他总是活在一种毫无希望、不切实际的荣誉法典里。

29、More thoughtful ones may stop to ponder the remarkable Quixotic drama of a single man who set out to overturn the mighty American Imperium. ─── 而更思维慎密的人们可能已经开始,从沉迷于有一个人要单枪匹马推翻强大的美国帝国的堂吉诃德式的戏剧中,清醒过来。

30、From there Shelley, always full of schemes, went on a quixotic expedition to redress the wrongs of the Irish; ─── 脑子里总是充满各种计划的雪莱,从那儿出发,进行了一次吉诃德式的远征,想去改变爱尔兰人受压迫的处境;

31、And the fellowship's members do not view global use of Esperanto as a quixotic goal. ─── 而该联谊会队员并不认为全球采用世界语是一个遥不可及的目标。

32、so far, quixotic attempt to steal cable. ─── 到目前为止,不切实际企图窃取电缆。

33、In four books written from 1921 to 1934, Soddy carried on a quixotic campaign for a radical restructuring of global monetary relationships. ─── 在其于1921至1934年间所撰写的4本书中,索迪为彻底重塑全球金融关系而进行了一场唐吉坷德式的战斗。

34、as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood; a romantic disregard for money; a wild-eyed dream of a world state. ─── 象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际;对金钱不切实际的漠视;对世界大同的不切实际的梦想。

35、He likes making the daydream, is a very quixotic person. ─── 他爱作白日梦,是一个很不切实际的人。

36、These might seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but please bear with me. ─── 这听起来好像不切实际、自相矛盾,但请容我说完。

37、At worst his scruples must have been quixotic,not malicious(Louis Auchincloss) ─── 从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动,而不含恶意(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

38、quixotic, gushing, effusive, enraptured, fanatical, enthusiastic, excited ─── 醉心的。狂热的。热情的。

39、That makes an effort by Google, to burrow deep into the leading US research libraries to make digital copies of all the works it can lay its hands on, seem both ambitious and quixotic. ─── 这让谷歌的一项努力看起来既雄心万丈又不切实际。谷歌对美国顶尖研究图书馆进行深度挖掘,为它能得到的所有著作制作数字副本。

40、From there Shelley, always full of schemes, went on a quixotic expedition to redress the wrongs of the Irish ─── 脑子里总是充满各种计划的雪莱,从那儿出发,进行了一次吉诃德式的远征,想去改变爱尔兰人受压迫的处境

41、Many economists reckon Latvia is simply a replay of Argentina's mess in 2001, when a quixotic effort to keep a pegged exchange rate ended in devaluation and default. ─── 许多经济学家都认为拉脱维亚就是2001年阿根廷经济危机的翻版,那时阿根廷不切实际的试图采取钉住汇率制,但最终导致货币贬值,并拖欠债务。

42、Located in Anhui Province, Huangshan has an area of about 154sq. km. and is known for its “four wonders”, namely, amazing pinetrees, quixotic rocks, cloud sea and hot spring. ─── 黄山位于安徽境内,风景区面积约154平方公里,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”闻名。

43、I knew it would be a quixotic bid to apply for the symposium and attempt to juggle it with drama rehearsals; ─── 让我意想不到的是,两位演员异口同声回答说”先把这一段完成吧!”

44、this a quixotic task? ─── 这是个堂吉诃德式的任务吗?

45、However, as the play ended with bows and applause there was a quixotic plea for the audience to continue pursuing what is good. ─── 不过,在话剧结束后的鞠躬与鼓掌时,演员向观众说希望他们继续追求美好的东西,确实是个不对劲的呼吁。

46、And despite corporate and government moves toward universal IDs, the quest for absolute proof that you are who you say you are appears quixotic. ─── 虽然美国企业和政府倾向核发统一的身分证件,但想要完全证明你就是你所宣称的那个人,看起来仍像是痴心妄想。

47、One is a quixotic blend of Moorish fantasy and Venetian gothic, another has a stepped roof covered in tiles, like a Dutch merchant's house intoxicated by fiesta. ─── 还有一些富商们为了炫耀他们的财富而建的豪华建筑。

48、It is tempting to call the project quixotic, but the owners got there first: the airport was opened under the name "Don Quijote" in 2008. ─── 本应看到此项目象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际,但当时业主为先:机场在2008年以“堂吉诃德”的命名下开始营业。

49、in a quixotic manner. ─── 以唐吉诃德式的方式。

50、I was dumbfounded to hear him say that I was on a quixotic enterprise ─── 听到他说我在从事一项不切实际的事业,我大吃一惊。

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