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09-20 投稿


mobbish 发音


英:  美:

mobbish 中文意思翻译



mobbish 词性/词形变化,mobbish变形

动词过去分词: mobbed |形容词: mobbish |动词现在分词: mobbing |动词第三人称单数: mobs |副词: mobbishly |动词过去式: mobbed |

mobbish 相似词语短语

1、yobbish ─── adj.粗鲁的;暴力的

2、Hobbism ─── n.霍布斯哲学;君主专制必要论

3、slobbish ─── 懒散的

4、bobbish ─── adj.活泼的;快活的;高兴的

5、hobbish ─── 霍布斯的

6、Hobbist ─── n.霍布斯哲学家;君主专制必要论学家(Hobbism的变形)

7、mobbishly ─── 暴民

8、mobbism ─── n.暴乱行为

9、snobbish ─── adj.势利的

mobbish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It has the reputation of being a mob hangout. ─── 它很有点名气,是个坏人经常出没的地方。

2、A mob stoned and robbed the shops. ─── 一群暴民用石头砸了商店,并抢劫店里的货物。

3、So you're not just talkin'|about mob guys, right? ─── |你们并不只是针对那些黑社会,是吗?

4、The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily. ─── 暴民愤怒地喊叫着向我们逼近。

5、The mob hailed eggs on the policemen. ─── 暴民将鸡蛋像雹似地投在警察人员身上。

6、What I really want, Weiser is telling me, is an mob of tiny smart objects. ─── 我真正想要的,威瑟告诉我说,是一大群微型智能体。

7、The clone distracts the mob while the Psionicist's group fights other enemies. ─── 克隆可帮助团队在打一个怪的时候吸引住另外一个怪。

8、To execute without due process of law, especiallyto hang, as by a mob. ─── 以私刑处死不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死。

9、Worked the mob into a frenzy. ─── 使这些民众疯狂

10、The mob hailed stones down on them. ─── 暴民把石头击落在他们身上。

11、The mob acclaimed him emperor. ─── 乱民拥立他为皇帝。

12、To cadging make a living as a performer person clear the standard also had clear, pester repeatedly namely, beg forcibly the person that reach the means with other and mobbish other to cadge. ─── 对于乞讨卖艺者的清理标准也有了明确,即反复纠缠、强行讨要及以其他滋扰他人的方式乞讨者。

13、He takes his lamps, stands before the mob, and preaches Jesus. ─── 他甘愿受苦,站在众人面前勇敢的传讲耶稣。

14、Pet leveling is based off of the level difference between pets and the mob. ─── 宠物取得的经验现在取决于宠物的等级与怪的差距。

15、All the usual mob were there. ─── 所有帮派成员都在那里。

16、One of the police officers was hacked to death by the mob . ─── 一群暴民砸了商店,并抢劫店里货物。

17、It was as though the mob were on my back as a devil is on your back in a dream. ─── 我当时的感觉就象那伙暴民都压在我背上,就象在恶梦中魔鬼压在你背上一样。

18、Added "Glass Weapons" to the Hot Zone and Epic Mob creature loot. ─── 在热点有更高级的武器掉落,以及诗史级的怪打。

19、The mob strung up several of the men whom they suspected of murder. ─── 暴民们把他们怀疑的凶手吊死了几个。

20、The store be loot by a mob of hooligan . ─── 商店遭到一群流氓的抢劫。

21、The news was that the mob had broken down the barricades and were even then preparing to storm the palace. ─── 传来的消息说暴民已经冲破了路障,正准备直捣宫廷。

22、Which can be applied to your weapons or directly to the mob. ─── 毒药,直接使用或者涂抹在武器上。

23、When Paul reached the steps, the violence of the mob was so great he had to be carried by the soldiers. ─── 到了台阶上,众人挤得凶猛,兵丁只得将保罗抬起来。

24、They swarmed about her a shrieking mob. ─── 他们象尖声怪叫的人群似的在包围着他。

25、On a neon-twinkling crossroad, among the walking mob, I stepped fast into the ball-shaped building. ─── 在霓虹闪烁的十字街口,人来人往中,我快步的走进这个外表球型的大厦中。

26、We left John Canty dragging the rightful prince into Offal Court, with a noisy and delighted mob at his heels. ─── 我们上次说到约翰·康第拖着合法的王子往垃圾大院里去,后面跟一群嘈杂而高兴的闲人。

27、Flash mob: A group of people gathered through online social networking. ─── 快闪族:指一群人通过网络社交活动聚集在一起。

28、Go out there and face that mob! ─── 到外面去面对围攻的民众!

29、From there it was a "natural progression" to the Mongrel Mob. ─── 打那时起,他就“顺势发展”到“混合帮”了。

30、The mob smashed the hotel windows. ─── 暴民砸了那家旅馆的窗子。

31、The mob burnt down the embassy. ─── 暴民焚毁了大使馆。

32、People celebrating the armistice behaved like an orgiastic mob. ─── 庆祝停战的人们象一群狂欢的暴民。

33、The president was burned in effigy by the angry mob. ─── 愤怒的民众焚烧总统的画像以发泄心中的愤恨。

34、We drove through a lynch mob, pressed our faces against the floorboard. ─── 我们开车经过一群动私刑的暴民,我们把脸紧紧贴在车底板。

35、They are sired by a mob of individual actions. ─── 它们是大量个体活动的产物。

36、More sinister is the involvement of the heavy mob. ─── 更危险的是众多无知民众的卷入。

37、He is said to be a member of the mob. ─── 据说他是犯罪集团的成员。

38、The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. ─── 国王的模拟像被愤怒的民众烧掉以泄心中的愤恨。

39、They suppressed the rebellion by firing on the mob. ─── 他们向群众开枪镇压了叛乱。

40、The mob are throwing stones at the windows of the shop, the police have been called in to deal with them. ─── 一群歹徒用石头砸了店铺玻璃窗,召来警察对付他们。

41、He was once a member of the mob. ─── 他曾是犯罪集团的一员。

42、The angry mob howled the speaker off the platform. ─── 愤怒的群众将演说者吼下台。

43、Poisons Which can be applied to your weapons or directly to the mob. ─── 毒药,直接使用或者涂抹在武器上。

44、No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law--there is a curse on them. ─── 但这些不明白律法的百姓是被咒诅的!

45、We've only to advertize to get a mob of people after it. ─── 我们只要登一个广告出去,就会引来一大堆人要它。

46、On July 14,1789,a howling Parisian mob stormed the Bastille,killing the guards. ─── 1789年7月14日,一群怒嚎的巴黎人袭击了巴士底狱,并将其卫兵杀死。

47、The mob bravadoed a while but never got really violent. ─── 暴民们虚张声势了一番, 但始终没有真正地闹起来。

48、The mob are throwing stones at the shop windows; the police have been called in to deal with them. ─── 一伙歹徒用石块砸店铺玻璃窗,召来警察对付他们。

49、A whole mob of men were jabbing at the ivory button , one after the other. ─── 一群男人在一个紧接着一个地用力戳那个象牙(铃)钮。

50、Yet the mob somehow aborts the landing and pulls the plane up sensibly. ─── 但是,众人不知用什么办法终止了飞机着陆,理智地拉起飞机。

51、An angry mob gathered outside the palace. ─── 一群愤怒的暴民聚集在宫殿外面。

52、He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob. ─── 他紧抓着他兄弟的胳膊,怕他让暴民踩着。

53、There's a mob of hundreds on their way. ─── 成百上千的暴民正向皇宫进发。

54、I was about to ask someone about the angry mob outside, but apparently everyone had already disappeared and hidden. ─── 我想找个人问问有关外面暴民的事,然而四下无人,显然大家都已经躲起来了。

55、The politician geared his platform to the mob. ─── 政客使自己的政治纲领迎合平民大众的口味。

56、The rioting came to a climax when the mob overthrew a police car . ─── 一辆警车在通向村庄的高低不平的小路上颠簸地行进。

57、LL: What a mob scene! The concert is over and now there are people everywhere. ─── 你说那吉他手很棒啦那他肯定很有名,是么嘘--要开场了.别说话了--

58、Mobile Telepone; Mobile Phone;Cellula Phone; M.T.; Mob;M.P. ─── 手机

59、Rampage is a proc. Cripple helps reduce the number of rampages a mob does. ─── 横冲直撞是格斗触发的.降低怪物的触发能力将减少横冲直撞的次数.

60、"There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law" (Abraham Lincoln). ─── “在暴民法下没有一项冤屈是适合平反昭雪的” (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。

61、I appeased the mob by giving them a victim, and I punished a miscreant. ─── 为了保持安定,我让民众处置牺牲品,惩罚了坏人。”

62、Traditional healers often finger alleged witches, whom the mob may then kill. ─── 传统的郎中大夫经常指摘巫师作崇,之后巫师就会被暴民杀害。

63、A mob was pounding at the door. ─── 一个暴民正在重重地敲着门。

64、Where mob law prevails there is no security of life and property. ─── 只要有暴民统治的地方,就没有生命和财产的安全。

65、They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with their swords. ─── 他们也必带多人来攻击你,用石头打死你,用刀剑刺透你

66、Human beings, especially when viewed contemptuously or as a mob. ─── 人人,特别是指被蔑视或作为贱民看待时

67、I could not ask that this boy be freed and given a chance at life while that mob howls beyond that window. ─── 当那群暴民在那扇窗外大声号叫的时候,我不能要求把这孩子释放出去,自寻生路。

68、He pushed his way through the mob. ─── 他从人群中挤过去。

69、Unassisted pet kills will yield any reputation gains associated with the mob. ─── 宠物独立杀死怪物,你不会获得任何声望。

70、I attacked a mob and recorded the mana return from each WS orb. ─── 我打了一个怪然后记录下每一颗水盾的球所回复的蓝.

71、The littleness of one's fellows in the mob of life is a very strange experience. ─── 下里巴人在混沌生活中表现出的渺小真令人惊诧。

72、His speech provoked the mob and caused a riot. ─── 他的演说煽动了群众并且引起了一阵骚动。

73、The mob revolted against the governor. ─── 暴民起来反抗统治者。

74、To the motley mob on Golgotha it was a holiday,carnal and cursed. ─── 对于各各他各色暴民,十字架是一个假期,是肉体和咒诅。

75、It's simple: The Internet turns us into a mob. ─── 很简单:在网络上,每一个个体都成了群伙的一分子。

76、The angry mob pelted the police with eggs. ─── 愤怒的暴民用鸡蛋丢掷警方。

77、An angry mob gathered outside the municipal building. ─── 一群愤怒的暴民聚集在市政大楼的外面。

78、The mob battered the door to pieces. ─── 暴民用力打碎门。

79、To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob. ─── 以私刑处死不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死

80、Customer mob the store on its first day of opening. ─── 商店开张的第一天顾客纷纷涌入购物。

81、A mob of youths had been dogging me for some time. ─── 一段时间以来一伙年轻人一直在尾随着我。

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